October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Ugh I am so frustrated right now. I had a positive opk this morning and DH says he isn't in the mood. No chance he will change his mind either as now he made up his mind and he is too stubborn.
When my man isnt in the mood, i try and do something that turns him on such as wear coconut lotion. Do something sexual for him that you havent done in a while. Find a way to please him. It always works with guys when you turn them on.
yeah, just push the right buttons and he might come around:winkwink:
they can only think with one head at a time:rofl:
so just get the "right" one thinking and you'll be golden!
we should get academy awards for some of this crap!:roll::haha:
You ladies crack me up. Well just started spotting. Expect I will see :witch: tomorrow.
Good morning ladies.

I haven't really been on since last week and so much to catch up on!

:hugs: Lots of AFs arriving and bfns...hugs to all that the witch got and to the bfns...as for the bfn, its not over though until AF shows...so fx for those waiting for her.

Mommas ~ so sorry about the ovary...but like the other girls said, lots of women conceive with one ovary. :hugs:

Emilie ~ my first and second af after my mc was like that. I bled for a few days, then nothing, then bright red blood again. Sucks...:cry:

Yoga ~ sorry you are going thru this, but so glad that you have a hubbie so supportive and loving. :hugs: I can't help with your question about supplements though...:nope:

MnG ~ sorry for AF...:cry:

Bing ~ that is a long time to wait. I was going to respond about here in the States, but its already been answered. Hopefully you get your BFP while trying to save then you can use the money saved toward little baby! Glad they have a fertility expo and hope you get some good info at it. Hugs to you :hugs:

Eclaire ~ sorry about the bfn...but is it still too early??

The rest of you in the tww...fx for you!

Those waiting for O, fx for you!

And those who are now ready, get busy!! :haha:

afm, AF did artive this weekend. Expected Saturday, but arrived Sunday. So last cycle was 29 days...fresh start next month. Even though dh and I talked about waiting...I will keep you all posted with what we decide.

My doctor said it is normal. He gave me a new medicine to help with the cramping and said as soon as the bleeding stops again and I am up for it I can try again.
Interesting article and it involves pcos. https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dai...-after-learning-shes-201646881.html...however it makes me seriously wonder how the heck do people not know they are pregnant? I hear sooo many of these cases and all of them are where people didnt think of anything. Honestly i think it all has to do with denial. They deny that any of the symptoms or missed/super light periods have anything to do with being preggers. Although this lady truely believed she couldnt concieve naturally because sge was told she couldnt due to the pcos, if it were me i would have thought something is going on and look into it. She truely believed she couldnt concieve, therefore she was in denial not that she didnt know. How can you not know when you are obviously going to be having some kind of symptoms. I can understand not noticing the weight gain due to her also being so heavy, however its very dangerous to mom and baby to not notice those changes.

Lesson here: dont be afraid to look into why you may be having symptoms. And dont always believe what doctors etc say, as god is the one who knows if you will have a baby or not. Those with pcos dont count yourselves out as it IS possible.
Morning ladies.

I hope you managed to convince your hubby to :sex: jus!

Afm - more brown spotting this morning so AF will probably show up later today right on time! Boooo....!!!

Anyway had a little bit if good news at work today as everyone in our department got a 4% pay rise so that will help with our saving plans!

MnG - I hope your re appointment goes well today.
Have a great day everyone!

Good luck to all the testers and BD-ers this week!

I have my change of clothes ready to go after my shift. My appt isnt until 1:45 (local time) but I will make sure to keep you all posted as to what the next step is. I really just want her to be a nice person. If she's anything like my uncaring, indifferent OB I might just cry on the office.
Thank you Bing for the will wishes!:flower: I could certainly use them!!

I'm having a very, very abnormal AF. I'm only CD 3 and it's very light.. Borderline spotting really. :shrug: Not sure if I should attribute it to the Vitex or just call it a wacky month and move on...
Well the bleeding stopped again thankfully decided to BD this morning because we felt like it and there was a mishap lol and I am out of commission for a while hopefully I can BD during my fertile window but only time will tell. But I am upset that I may miss my chance for a bfp in November because of this.
As suspected the witch arrived bang on time so that's CD1 for me today ladies! Lets see what this bit*h has offer this month!

Aw, Bing. I was so hopeful for you! Here's to a new month :hugs:

Emilie, my imagination is going wild over here wondering about your mishap.....:blush: I hope you're okay and things can return to their regularly scheduled program asap.

MnG, please let us know as soon as you can about your appointment. I am praying for a kind and considerate provider and that you are highly encouraged!

Jump - you crack me up!!!

I'm still in my crazy denial. I can't seem to get over last month. I only bled for two days and it stopped before AF was technically even due for me. I have had extreme back pain and low pelvic pain (like the spreading pain you get when pregnant) and bouts of light nausea. However, no bfp (no faint p for that matter) and I wonder if I'm looking into things too much because I wanted this month so badly. We dtd last night and I'm trying to move on with this month and acknowledge the craziness of holding out hope for a late result. Thank God for you ladies that I can feel comfortable sharing with.
Mng I am with you on the strange cycle. Started spotting last night at 11dpo. Had really bad cramping too. This morning my temp is still high so I tested again, still bfn. I am sure it is the vitex, I have read a lot of people have the same problems with it. Either way I plan to continue it since my lp is significantly longer than it was before. Can't wait to hear how your re appointment goes mng, Good luck
Bing sorry the witch got you :(
I hate the 2 ww, I am convinced this month isn't the month for me but we will see.

Does anyone else convince them self they won't be to avoid disappointment? X
Hey ladies, need some help. This is my first month using opk's. According to my app I was due to ovulate the 9th, which is my darkest line but not quite as dark as the control line. According to the package that means still negative. Had lines every day since then and todsy was darker again. All of them are woth 2.5+ hours urine hold. What do you think? Could the 9th 6pm opk be positive or should I keep testing? Currently cd21 out of 30 day cycles. Or could I have started testing too late?

Sorry I know a million questions. But these things are confusing! :wacko: Lol

Thanks :flower:

I don't know, I'm not too much of an expert on these or anything. I think on the 9th it's really close but I don't know if I would quite call that positive. So you didn't start testing until cd16, is that right? I'm almost wondering if you didn't start testing too late and miss the surge, especially since it should happen PRIOR to O (usually 12-36 hours) so if you actually did O on cd16, you probably would have gotten a pos opk on cd14 or 15. Does that make sense? Sorry I'm couldn't be more help, I really hope you caught that eggie regardless of when it happened! I take it you don't temp, right?
Ugh I am so frustrated right now. I had a positive opk this morning and DH says he isn't in the mood. No chance he will change his mind either as now he made up his mind and he is too stubborn.

Catch him in the morning right we you wake up, he might be in a better mood after a good night sleep and it might not be too late....
Lou, that's great that you finally O'd! I know your cycle has been all over the place, so glad to hear the good news! Good luck, I really hope you caught that eggie! :) And thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. :hugs:

Yoga, I am so sorry that this wasn't your month after all. I can't imagine what it must be like having to go through that procedure, big :hugs: headed your way. I'm glad that you were able to go to lunch with your work BFF and that she cheered you up. There's nothing quite like bff's. :) I'm glad that your body can get a rest at least, and I hope you get that bfp as soon as you're back at it! Oh, and thank you for the kind words as well. :) :)

Peach, good luck! I really hope the Clomid does the trick for you this month! I know what you mean, I really care for all of you as well, it's funny to care that much for people you've never even met! :hugs:

Jus, sorry that DH isn't in the mood! :( I agree with the others though, try to entice him some other way. I've found that I can usually change DH's mind if I try hard enough...hell, sometimes without even really trying too much. Even the super stubborn ones can cave pretty easily when it comes to sex. ;)

Bing, congrats on your raise, that's great news!!! So sorry that the :witch: got you though. :( I really thought this would be your month! :(

MnG, good luck today at your appointment!!! I have everything crossed for you, I really hope you get some good news out of it, and most of all, a PLAN! And I hope she's super nice and that you love her. Can't wait to hear how it goes! :hugs:

Emilie, I'm so sorry this has been such a rough month for you. :hugs: I must say, my mind is also going crazy over here trying to figure out what kind of mishap you could have had! :haha: Either way, I hope you're ok! :)

Mama and Eclaire, I'm sorry that you guys have also had such weird cycles this month! It really doesn't help, for me anyways it tends to make my mind run wild on the "what if..." just like you're doing Mama. I hope you get some answers soon though!

Mumand, I try to convince myself that I'm not each month to avoid disappointment, and all I succeed in doing is somehow convincing myself still that I am...only to be disappointed again. :dohh: I'm just too hopeful and positive of a person, it bites me in the ass each month once the :witch: arrives! Ha!

:dust: and :hug: to you all! :)
Hey ladies, need some help. This is my first month using opk's. According to my app I was due to ovulate the 9th, which is my darkest line but not quite as dark as the control line. According to the package that means still negative. Had lines every day since then and todsy was darker again. All of them are woth 2.5+ hours urine hold. What do you think? Could the 9th 6pm opk be positive or should I keep testing? Currently cd21 out of 30 day cycles. Or could I have started testing too late?

Sorry I know a million questions. But these things are confusing! :wacko: Lol

Thanks :flower:

I never get a true reading on opks, never have. You would be better off charting your temperature as well to be sure.

My picture is added (not very clear sorry), also added a screen shot of my chart.

I would think you did ovulate on the 9th xx


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Ok kids..here's the scoop. RE was nicer than expected. As feared we fall into the unexplained infertility category. :growlmad:
My plan is this... I am starting femera today (as its cd3) and will take through cd7.. Next Friday I come in for an US to confirm follicles. If I'm ovulating I'll give myself the trigger shot and then we have to DTD for 3 days... 2 problems with that.... 1- well be in SALEM with friends sharing the same room. We can't afford to get them another room and I don't want to cancel the trip. 2- I'm lucky if I can get hubby 2 days in a row let alone 3... Ugh..I don't know whether to be happy or sad right now

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