October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Yoga - just realised I forgot to respond to you. Sorry! :) They said that because IUI has a low success rate, nowadays they go straight down the IVF route. I think a few years ago they use to try IUI on the nhs in between, but I'm guessing if it had a low success rate it wasn't worth the money so they stopped doing it.

How are you keeping up anyway? I hope the witch isn't being too nasty to you.

Thinking of you :hugs:

Can I join please?
AF is due around the 23rd October, but won't be testing till the 31st due to my cycles being all over the place!

I'm not 100% sure I ovulated because my cbfm broke :( and I had to use Internet cheapy tests. Picture attached!
I started temping mid cycle as well.

I won't get my hopes up because it took 38 months of ttc to get my rainbow baby.

I am 6 dpo, I have had achy boobs already and my skin has got bad so I think af will be here at some point

fingers crossed you all get your bfp ' s this month xx


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Jumpingo how long is your lp?

in the last 3 months of temping,

july 11days, aug 13days, sept 13days

why? are we cycle buddies??:winkwink::flower:

We might be close! I had what I think was an almost-positive opk yesterday (but it's a new brand to me so I'm not completely sure) and today is the last day of my expected ovulation window with the clomid, so we'll see. I have a 14 day lp though.
Jumpingo how long is your lp?

in the last 3 months of temping,

july 11days, aug 13days, sept 13days

why? are we cycle buddies??:winkwink::flower:

We might be close! I had what I think was an almost-positive opk yesterday (but it's a new brand to me so I'm not completely sure) and today is the last day of my expected ovulation window with the clomid, so we'll see. I have a 14 day lp though.

last month was my first months using OPKs and i think they sometimes just add to the confusion, especially when they aren't obviously negative or obviously positive:dohh: and then you hear people talking about missed surges and second surges and...yeah:wacko:

i don't know anything about how clomid works, but being the last day of your expected ovulation window sounds like "last chance to get busy" time, right?:winkwink:

my cycles are pretty consistent at 28 days, and last month i didn't get a temp spike until 3 days after my first positive OPK, so if it does a similar thing, i won't actually have confirmed ovulation until somewhere closer to thursday or friday (roughly CD15). so, those days might make it so we are lined up in terms of expecting AF:shrug::thumbup:

good luck to you!!:flower:
Good morning all!

I have a long and busy 12 hr day ahead of me, wish I could just blink and it would be over.
I still can't believe AF got me, I was so hopeful this time around especially since we practically did get to SMEP.
We still get one more chance this month around Halloween :thumbup:

Thinking of you Turtle :hugs:
Have a great day girls!
This is my first month temping. I got my cross hairs (dotted) this morning saying I O'd on Saturday and am now 3dpo. I never got a positive OPK. I actually got nothing even NEAR positive. Should I keep using them, or trust my app?
This is my first full month temping as well. FF says I o'd on Friday, so I am 4 DPO today. DH and I were CRAZY with the :sex: all last week. Only missed Thursday and Saturday! We had a MC in November, so we are praying for a healthy bean.
This is my first full month temping as well. FF says I o'd on Friday, so I am 4 DPO today. DH and I were CRAZY with the :sex: all last week. Only missed Thursday and Saturday! We had a MC in November, so we are praying for a healthy bean.

Fertility Friend says our chances are High. We were pretty well timed with the :sex: and used Preseed from Thursday through Sunday.

I'm just a little put off by the fact I never had a positive OPK. I know it's possible that I just missed it, but it still puzzles me.
Temps still up so I tested this morning. Bfn. Don't think I have the heart to test again tomorrow. Feeling out and sadder than expected.
woo! positive OPK this afternoon.:blush:

can only just pray that my husband didn't have a horrible day at work (it's been so bad lately and he comes home completely defeated and sex is the LAST thing he seems to feel like doing:nope:) all i'm asking for is even just a quickie at this point!:roll::haha:

Good luck jumpingo. I know what you mean, sometimes my husband comes late and tired from work, I just don't even bother, just let him sleep :sleep: and get to it when he wakes up.... :sex:
Welcome to the new ladies! Mumanddad, I will get you added for the 31st. Good luck, everyone! I'm rooting for you! :)

Eclaire, sorry about it being a bfn again this morning. :( Sorry to ask this again as I'm sure you've said already, but how many dpo are you now?

Congrats to all entering the tww, and good luck! :)
Good morning ladies.

I haven't really been on since last week and so much to catch up on!

:hugs: Lots of AFs arriving and bfns...hugs to all that the witch got and to the bfns...as for the bfn, its not over though until AF shows...so fx for those waiting for her.

Mommas ~ so sorry about the ovary...but like the other girls said, lots of women conceive with one ovary. :hugs:

Emilie ~ my first and second af after my mc was like that. I bled for a few days, then nothing, then bright red blood again. Sucks...:cry:

Yoga ~ sorry you are going thru this, but so glad that you have a hubbie so supportive and loving. :hugs: I can't help with your question about supplements though...:nope:

MnG ~ sorry for AF...:cry:

Bing ~ that is a long time to wait. I was going to respond about here in the States, but its already been answered. Hopefully you get your BFP while trying to save then you can use the money saved toward little baby! Glad they have a fertility expo and hope you get some good info at it. Hugs to you :hugs:

Eclaire ~ sorry about the bfn...but is it still too early??

The rest of you in the tww...fx for you!

Those waiting for O, fx for you!

And those who are now ready, get busy!! :haha:

afm, AF did artive this weekend. Expected Saturday, but arrived Sunday. So last cycle was 29 days...fresh start next month. Even though dh and I talked about waiting...I will keep you all posted with what we decide.
Welcome to the new ladies! Mumanddad, I will get you added for the 31st. Good luck, everyone! I'm rooting for you! :)

Eclaire, sorry about it being a bfn again this morning. :( Sorry to ask this again as I'm sure you've said already, but how many dpo are you now?

Congrats to all entering the tww, and good luck! :)

Thank you hun, really hope this is our month, and everyone else's x
11 dpo. I know it's early but I really thought I might see something.
Hey ladies, need some help. This is my first month using opk's. According to my app I was due to ovulate the 9th, which is my darkest line but not quite as dark as the control line. According to the package that means still negative. Had lines every day since then and todsy was darker again. All of them are woth 2.5+ hours urine hold. What do you think? Could the 9th 6pm opk be positive or should I keep testing? Currently cd21 out of 30 day cycles. Or could I have started testing too late?

Sorry I know a million questions. But these things are confusing! :wacko: Lol

Thanks :flower:


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And sorry for all the typos....using my tablet and forgot to spell check before I posted :dohh:
Hey ladies, need some help. This is my first month using opk's. According to my app I was due to ovulate the 9th, which is my darkest line but not quite as dark as the control line. According to the package that means still negative. Had lines every day since then and todsy was darker again. All of them are woth 2.5+ hours urine hold. What do you think? Could the 9th 6pm opk be positive or should I keep testing? Currently cd21 out of 30 day cycles. Or could I have started testing too late?

Sorry I know a million questions. But these things are confusing! :wacko: Lol

Thanks :flower:

I would have personally taken the 9th as positive or almost positive and BD that night. You might have reach peak overnight and missed it.

So to me you probably O'd the 10th.
Turtle, so sorry about your grandma :( must be so hard for you.

Could you add me for testing on the 24th, finally managed to ovulate last Friday!! Planned to use preseed each day but only managed it once. The second time I had it all ready but didn't get a chance to use it....put it in afterwards as I didn't want to waste it!!! :S
Hi Ladies! I hope everyone is having a good day. :flower:

Welcome to mum and all of the new ladies to the thread!

Eclaire~Fx you will get some good news any day now.

Turtle~Welcome back! You are in my thoughts. :hugs:

Bing~Wow...the UK's healthcare system is so very different than the States. IUI is so common here. When is the expo with all of the great information? Thank you for checking in on me. You are too sweet. I am holding it together right now. My body is relishing in the fact that it gets a break from the meds, but my mind is still processing everything. I have small victories of holding it together to get through work and etc. I had lunch with my work BFF today and she really cheered me up. She has been through 4 IVFs which resulted in 3 sons, so I am lucky to have her perspective along with the amazing support system I have. :D

Looking forward to the next BPF on the front page. Baby dust to all! :dust:
Hey ladies. I just spent 30 minutes catching up on everyone's posts! I have kept everyone in my prayers. I care about your lives so much though we've never met!

AFM, I had AF Oct 3. and my Dr. said I could try 50 mg Clomid again this month but I must come in on CD 21 for testing. Does anyone know what all I will be tested for? I finished the clomid on the 10th so now I am just waiting for a postive OPK. I took some advice I read on here and we have been BD EOD instead of every day like last month. I think I will ovulate the 16th-18th. What is the earliest I could test? FX for our October BFPs!

I forgot to ad that I have my stockpile of softcups and preseed by my bed now! Thank you for all the tips!

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