October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Starting to think I may not get to test this month. :( I'm CD21 today and I don't think I ovulated with the clomid. The opk was almost as dark as the control line on day 14 and almost day 13. I only test once a day. Maybe I missed the surge? I have my progesterone drawn in 5 hours so I guess that'll tell me for sure.

You very well could have :( most people new to opks or havent used them much dont realise the line doesnt have to be exactly as dark or darker to count as a positive. It just has to be close enough. I missed the surge too when i used those ones. Now i just stick to digital just to be sure.
My temp didn't rise this morning, its still up but it's not risen from yesterdays, I've looked at some charts and saw plenty that went down at 2 dpo and then went back up, I usually have a temp drop at 3 dpo, so maybe it's happening at 2 dpo this time. I feel pretty confident that I did ovulate so hopefully my temp will keep rising.


your last 2 temps are as high as my highest post-O temps, so temp range wise, seems entirely possible that you did. comparing to your chart from last month, it would make sense that your coverline is at 36.47 again, too.

if you get one more temp around the same as the last 2, i'm guessing FF will give you crosshairs. definitely on the FAM setting, probably on Advanced too, since your CM lines up with ovulation being on CD17.

hopefully that's a good thing??:flower:
Jump, that's great! I'm really excited for you to be able to make that trip, I bet it will be nice for you to be back "home" for a little while, and to see everyone! :) I'm going as a pinata for Halloween (I need to get stuff this weekend to make the costume) and DH is going to wear and sombrero, poncho and blindfold while carrying a stick around. So basically, be the person hitting the pinata. :)

Orion, sorry! I misread that and thought your competition was this weekend. Good luck with the practicing!

Drjo, it's very possible that you did miss the surge with only testing once a day. Are you temping too? I would guess that you ovulated not long after one of those "nearly" positive opk's, and that you just missed the full surge. So I would guess you're probably good! :)

Bing, that's great on your lining seems to be thickening up! Yay! I really hope that brings you good news soon! :) And sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead of you!

Cookie, sounds like you have a nice weekend planned too! So sorry to hear about what your friend is going through. :( I'm sure that's really tough, and I'm sure it helps her a lot to have such a good friend in you to help her through it. :hugs:

Lanfear, welcome to the tww! FX for you! And yay for getting your little guy back this weekend! I bet you can't wait! :) I love bowling, I've been in a league off and on a few times over the years. I have such a fun time with it! :)
Has anyone here had any experience with Femara and Ovidrel with TI???? I posted on the LTTTC board but no one a responded... anyone??? Beuller? :p
Hi Everyone, I have been stalking this thread for a few days. I am 27 (almost 28) and my husband is 28 (almost 29) we have been married for just over 3 years. I was on BC for about 6/7 years and we decided to start trying so I came off in December of 2013. We started trying right away without realizing how irregular my cycles were going to be and we just haven't been able to hit the right time until recently. I wasn't temping or using OPK's or anything until recently when I realized that getting pregnant is NOT that "easy"!!!
My cycles were running every 40-50 days but then this summer I had an 88 day long cycle. Now it seems like they are starting to regulate again (I hope), last period was 40+days. (still not normal but MUCH better than 88!!). I used OPK's last month with NO luck even though we tried right when the OPK said to. I got over that and told myself I wasn't going to obsess about it and I wasn't even going to use the OPK's anymore (too much pressure). But I folded and this month I used them again and tried about 1 week prior (not knowing my O was coming a week later) and then we also tried the day it said I had a high (not peak unfortunately) day.
Unfortunately since I'm so irregular I don't know when I should really be testing? I never got a peak fertility this month only a few days of high. I don't know if I really trust these OPK's anymore?!? I don't know much about temping though! Maybe I should just stop focusing on it and it will happen (MUCH easier said that done but I wish I could)!!
Last month they found on a CT scan for my abdomen that I had 2 cysts in each ovary. I followed up with an U/S and my OB said they were probably found "by accident" and that everyone at some point in their cycle has a cyst. She said she was not worried at all and it was SO small and completely normal. She told me to keep trying to get pregnant and not worry about them since they already looked so small and had shrunk already from the CT scan size.

So sorry for the LONGGGG intro! Thank you for reading! I have been having some cramping and mild low back pain for the past few days. Last Tuesday was the last day we tried so I don't know what that puts me at for testing day? I unfortunately broke down and tested today due to being excited about the cramping thinking maybe it was implantation but it was a BFN :(

This seems like a great group though, I'd love to join for support!
Has anyone here had any experience with Femara and Ovidrel with TI???? I posted on the LTTTC board but no one a responded... anyone??? Beuller? :p

I did an IUI cycle with Femara and ovidrel. It wasn't successful but I got preggers the following cycle. Unfortunately that ended in mc. But the cycle after that got pregnant with DS. I like to think the meds kick started my body into getting pregnant. Hope that was helpful.
Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! We made it through the week! :happydance:

Welcome Back Cookie!

Welcome Carly & Disney! GL this cycle.

Congrats to Momofprince & Sheylee! It looks like we have the Kool Aid flowing again!

Caringo~I so hope you ovulated. I know it’s always stressful leading up to O for you. GL this cycle.

Orion & Mum~I hope your symptoms turn into a BFP! GL ladies! I am really pulling for you!

Turtle~I am sorry that you are not up to the big guns this cycle. You have been through a lot in a short amount of time. Give yourself some time to heal and process what just happened. Sending you a big hug.

Jump~Have a great trip! Vacations are always so fun.

Bing! Yeah the vitamins are working! I hope your friend is right and we can celebrate together in December, which is when my next IUI is tentatively scheduled.

MnG~GL on femara and the trigger shot! My friend got preggers with her first 2 boys on femara. If you google “Femara and Ovidrel with TI” the fifth link down will take you to a thread with a few ladies talking about it in 2013. Hope this helps give you some good vibes. GL seducing your guy 2 days in a row for TI. I am confident that you will channel your inner Beyoncé and go surf boarding. LOL! :haha:
AFM, it’s been a whirlwind of a week. We went to see the RE this week and I decided to take a cycle off to let my body rest. My immune system had taken a hit and my body was just screaming no.:brat: I am sooo happy that I listened to my body, because hubby spent 2 days in the hospital this week due to an infection and needed surgery. He is so sore from surgery that he will not be able to produce his swimmers even if he wanted to. So if we would have moved forward with another round of meds, it would have been a waste of time and energy. The good news is he was discharged this morning and is on the mend. I am a little disappointed that we can’t try this month, but I am more thankful that he is healthy and it wasn’t serious.

Baby dust to all! OXOX
MnG~I ventured over to the LTTC/secondary infertility side of the site and found J_Girl who just got pregnant after 8 or 9 rounds of Femara. She started the post “No ovulation with Femara??” and her last post was today.
Yoga - so glad that your hubby is on the mend. I hope you get some good rest during your break and hopefully your BFP will come soon after you're back at it.
Welcome Disney and Carly!!

Congrats to the 2 bfps! Wishing you happy and healthy 9!

Orion and mum- symptoms sound great! I hope they lead to good news!!

Bing- you know I'm rooting for you girl!!

MnG~I ventured over to the LTTC/secondary infertility side of the site and found J_Girl who just got pregnant after 8 or 9 rounds of Femara. She started the post “No ovulation with Femara??” and her last post was today.
Thanks Yoga for doing all that research! Hopefully it doesn't take more then a cycle or 2. I know I definitely O so if it didn't happen by 2 or 3 we MIGHT move to IUI, depending on insurance. It's a lot to think about.
Starting to think I may not get to test this month. :( I'm CD21 today and I don't think I ovulated with the clomid. The opk was almost as dark as the control line on day 14 and almost day 13. I only test once a day. Maybe I missed the surge? I have my progesterone drawn in 5 hours so I guess that'll tell me for sure.

You very well could have :( most people new to opks or havent used them much dont realise the line doesnt have to be exactly as dark or darker to count as a positive. It just has to be close enough. I missed the surge too when i used those ones. Now i just stick to digital just to be sure.

Thanks orion and turtle. I've been using opks since april, and I've caught the surge the two times I've ovulated, with the test line being as dark as the control. I just switched brands though, so I'm not sure what to expect. I took pics of them each day this time, so I can reference the darkness if the blood work shows I did indeed ovulate. I'm trying to stick with ic tests instead of digital bc I have to test many days due to very irirregular cycles. Last cycle I had to test 57 days before I ovulated, so you can imagine how expensive digital would be.
Hi Everyone, I have been stalking this thread for a few days. I am 27 (almost 28) and my husband is 28 (almost 29) we have been married for just over 3 years. I was on BC for about 6/7 years and we decided to start trying so I came off in December of 2013. We started trying right away without realizing how irregular my cycles were going to be and we just haven't been able to hit the right time until recently. I wasn't temping or using OPK's or anything until recently when I realized that getting pregnant is NOT that "easy"!!!
My cycles were running every 40-50 days but then this summer I had an 88 day long cycle. Now it seems like they are starting to regulate again (I hope), last period was 40+days. (still not normal but MUCH better than 88!!). I used OPK's last month with NO luck even though we tried right when the OPK said to. I got over that and told myself I wasn't going to obsess about it and I wasn't even going to use the OPK's anymore (too much pressure). But I folded and this month I used them again and tried about 1 week prior (not knowing my O was coming a week later) and then we also tried the day it said I had a high (not peak unfortunately) day.
Unfortunately since I'm so irregular I don't know when I should really be testing? I never got a peak fertility this month only a few days of high. I don't know if I really trust these OPK's anymore?!? I don't know much about temping though! Maybe I should just stop focusing on it and it will happen (MUCH easier said that done but I wish I could)!!
Last month they found on a CT scan for my abdomen that I had 2 cysts in each ovary. I followed up with an U/S and my OB said they were probably found "by accident" and that everyone at some point in their cycle has a cyst. She said she was not worried at all and it was SO small and completely normal. She told me to keep trying to get pregnant and not worry about them since they already looked so small and had shrunk already from the CT scan size.

So sorry for the LONGGGG intro! Thank you for reading! I have been having some cramping and mild low back pain for the past few days. Last Tuesday was the last day we tried so I don't know what that puts me at for testing day? I unfortunately broke down and tested today due to being excited about the cramping thinking maybe it was implantation but it was a BFN :(

This seems like a great group though, I'd love to join for support!

Welcome!!! :hi: good luck, I really hope you catch the eggie this month! The thing with Oing and testing is that even with super long and/irregular cycles, you should still only have on average a 12-16 day lp (time between O and AF arriving). So if you have an 88 day cycle, chances are good that you didn't O until cd72-76, roughly. Of course that can vary, but that's an average lp. So once you know that you O, you can kind of gauge your testing day around that. Temping can definitely help you tell if you've O'd or not. Hope that helps, at least a little! Good luck!!! I have my FX for you! :)
Can anyone help me with deciphering cm?. I know what it is like during ovulation it is exactly like egg whites for me. But I don't know what any other cm means. I should know by now but I don't lol. Any way right now it is really watery but creamy if that makes sense. Sorry tmi

I can't tell if this is a positive or not! I see a line under the fold but that doesn't seem like it's in the right place. Help!

I can't tell if this is a positive or not! I see a line under the fold but that doesn't seem like it's in the right place. Help!

No the line would be a lot closer to the control line. Google images of positive pregnancy tests and you will get the idea of where the test line would show up. Then you know what to look for :)
Congrats to BFPs!!

Good luck to those just ovulating.

7DPO Today and no symptoms yet. :(

I can't tell if this is a positive or not! I see a line under the fold but that doesn't seem like it's in the right place. Help!

No the line would be a lot closer to the control line. Google images of positive pregnancy tests and you will get the idea of where the test line would show up. Then you know what to look for :)

Thank you orionfox! I feel like such a noob with these strips. :D
I tested again this morning. Line is still there two days later, but not any darker, looks about the same to me


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