October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Can anyone help me with deciphering cm?. I know what it is like during ovulation it is exactly like egg whites for me. But I don't know what any other cm means. I should know by now but I don't lol. Any way right now it is really watery but creamy if that makes sense. Sorry tmi

I can't speak for anyone else but I normally get a few days of creamy, yellow cm after AF and then before AF. Sometimes it looks snotty..sometimes like pure white lotion...sometimes its a little sticky.. Either way for me its completely normal and I know impending AF is coming every month.
HTH! :)
Yoga - so glad that your hubby is on the mend. I hope you get some good rest during your break and hopefully your BFP will come soon after you're back at it.

Thank you Crys! How are you doing? I have not seen you post in awhile. I hope you are doing well and getting some bding in. :winkwink:
Emilie - generally speaking, watery, clear CM is seen as quite fertile like EWCM. Creamy CM is less fertile and, for me, usually starts after I ovulate, and then it becomes sticky, and dries up. (if you're trying to tell how fertile your CM is, think of it this way... How easily could those little swimmers get through it?? Watery and EWCM allow them to travel much easier than sticky or even creamy.) One early sign many women see in pregnancy is an abundance of creamy CM when otherwise they should be dry...also, like MnG said, it's common to get increased CM before and after AF. Hope any of that helps :flower:

Sooo apparently I am 4dpo?? According to FF anyways... I'm not sure if I can trust it though, although it does line up with the physical symptoms I was getting. So, I guess I'll test the 25th (11dpo, doubt I can wait longer than that!) who else was testing on the 25th??
Welcome Disney and Carly!!

Congrats to the 2 bfps! Wishing you happy and healthy 9!

Orion and mum- symptoms sound great! I hope they lead to good news!!

Bing- you know I'm rooting for you girl!!

MnG~I ventured over to the LTTC/secondary infertility side of the site and found J_Girl who just got pregnant after 8 or 9 rounds of Femara. She started the post “No ovulation with Femara??” and her last post was today.
Thanks Yoga for doing all that research! Hopefully it doesn't take more then a cycle or 2. I know I definitely O so if it didn't happen by 2 or 3 we MIGHT move to IUI, depending on insurance. It's a lot to think about.

MnG~I wish I would have found a better success story for you. I have everything crossed that it happens for you this cycle. :hugs:
Hey ladies! Glad to see some more BFPs!

Not as good as a bfp but my period finally came after 7 weeks! Yay! Hoping my cycle is now perfectly normal. It knowing me it may take a few. Anyhow, glad never thought is be so glad to see af!
I'm not yoda, I just post from my phone and it's hard to type and catch the crazy auto correct lol. This one was so funny I just decided to leave it, hope it will help someone crack a smile!! :) :) :)
Yoga - so glad that your hubby is on the mend. I hope you get some good rest during your break and hopefully your BFP will come soon after you're back at it.

Thank you Crys! How are you doing? I have not seen you post in awhile. I hope you are doing well and getting some bding in. :winkwink:

Well, I think I O'd yesterday but my temp didn't go up much this morning. Unfortunately hubby was not up to BD last night but I'm going to try and get him in the mood this morning. We had quite a marathon this week so I think we are ok even with no BD yesterday. So now I'm just waiting to see if my temps will keep going up to confirm O. I've been very impatient lately!
Sitting here crying, my friend who didn't want another baby and whose son is a similar age to my son came round and told me she is pregnant. They weren't trying and it obviously just happened. So upset, my husband says we should be happy for them and I'm sure I will be eventually but right now I just feel sad. 17 months we've been trying, 17 months of nothing happening and she waltzes in with the one thing I want and the one thing she told me she didn't want. Just hurts right now, out of my postnatal group and friends with kids I'm the only one with one baby. I read online an article about how infertility in those trying for a second is ignored because people think we shouldn't feel pain etc because we have a child but I still feel bad and I still hurt. Just makes it harder for me to accept that we aren't going to have another when I'm surrounded by people who have so easily had their second.

Sorry just need to rant my husband is getting defensive and thinks I'm blaming him but I'm not, I'm just upset and want to be allowed to be upset. I'm sorry if my reaction makes me a bad person but I can't help that.

Sorry will catch up on posts when I'm in a better frame of mind.

Cookie you have every reason to be hurt and upset by this. Most of us have experienced similar feelings. Feel free to rant anytime, we are all here to help.

I am sorry if you already posted this but I can't recall, do you temp or use opk? The reason I ask is that many women experience unreliable cycles after childbirth. If I hadn't been temping and using opks I would have assumed my cycles were fairly regular, when in fact my lp has been too short to sustain implantation. Thanks to advice from the women here I got some vitamins which have finally put my lp to a point where I could possibly become pregnant. Don't give up hope, baby two could be right around the corner.
Thank you Eclaire - I think my husband just made me feel like I shouldn't feel bad and should be happy for them, but I don't think he meant it like that. He's hurt too, and its made worse by the fact that I'm so upset.

Yes I chart my temp, I no longer use opks as I don't need them...know my body well now. I've also had blood tests and I'm ovulating and hormones etc are normal. My cycles are getting better and better, this one and the one before I ovulated CD 17 which is earlier than even when I conceived my son (I have PCOS so cycles have been long in the past).

I hope it happens, I really do. Just left us both feeling bad, my husband says he feels useless. I just need his support and to feel like we are in this together and I don't want to be made to feel like I shouldn't be upset. Xx
Hi ladies,

Need advice, I'm either 1DPO or 2DPO, I dont temp as it's never been right but when I go by symptoms I'm normally always right by a day or two. So my breath just started to hurt yesterday and so Im either 1 or 2 DPO any thoughts and to which you think I could be? Anywho testing 16 days from O so 14 more days to go!
I'm out - AF got me. No surprise though as we didn't dtd on ov day since we were camping with the kids in the same tent!! Just glad we're onto the next cycle and can look forward to having a go this month. Who is going to be the organised person to start the NOVEMBER TESTING THREAD?!
Sheylee I think it is a little darker. Not a lot but it is xx
Hi ladies,

Need advice, I'm either 1DPO or 2DPO, I dont temp as it's never been right but when I go by symptoms I'm normally always right by a day or two. So my breath just started to hurt yesterday and so Im either 1 or 2 DPO any thoughts and to which you think I could be? Anywho testing 16 days from O so 14 more days to go!

Unfortunately your guess is the same as ours. We cant help tell what another persons body is. Unless you temp there is no for sure way to tell exactly the day you ovulated. Every person is different as to when symptoms start showing. However that symptom is probably related to you just ovulating as most symptoms dont start until implantation around 5 dpo as possible earliest. But i wouldnt focus on the symptoms too much right now, as you can actually cause your brain to create false symptoms that feel real to you. I had that happen twice. Im now trying to refocus my mind and not worry about the symptoms so much unless i have too. Good luck and hopefully you caught that eggie :)
Cookie I totally get you. It is normal to feel that way doesn't matter if you have 0 or 5 babies. Your heart wants what your heart wants.
I also get upset when I see mothers in the street yelling or mistreating their kids. Or when I see bad parents on the news.
But have to keep positive and hopefully eventually will happen for us.

1Atalanta glad to hear you got your period. Hope you catch that eggie this cycle.
12 DPO. Well, ladies. I appear to be out for this month . My temp went down .3 degrees today, but I stupidly took one of the HPT strips that came with my OPK strips, and it was a clear not-even-a-trace BFN. To add insult to injury, when I wiped there was some light brown discharge like I often get days before AF (which is due in 5 days). It wasn't implantation bleeding because I felt what I thought were implantation cramps on Tuesday. So, crap. DH and I are really bummed... but I am looking forward to a BIG glass of in a few days!! Oh, and the rawest sushi I can find!!

PS - I think I need to hide my thermometer because I keep temping!! I know the 97.7 result I got immediately upon waking at 6am per usual is the right bbt, but I was sad and went back to bed until 12:15 (I know, wow), and when I took it then (I figured, hey I got about 6 hours solid sleep again) it was up to 98.3... my mind is grasping at straws that my spotting could not be pre-AF... boy am I making myself crazy.
Yoga - I've got my fingers crossed your iui in December works. And I'm glad your hubby is out if hospital and recovering. December is only a few weeks away and it's better to wait until your both healthy and up for it. I'm sure the time will fly by.

MnG - sorry I can't help with your TI question. I hope you find a useful answer. I'm rooting for you too!

I can't remember the name of the new lady with 40 day ish cycles asking about OPK's. (On my phone and too lazy to stroll back!). Anyway what time of day are you testing? As the best time to use them is around 2pm, regardless of what the box says! Trust me I've tested this theory out and it's true! So if you test with FMU and only got high reading it could be you missed your LH surge, as you get your surge mid morning. Also if you have around 40 day cycles I'd start testing around CD20.

Sheylee - I think the 2nd test is definitely a bit darker so try not to worry.

Cookie - sorry your feeling so down. You know we are all here to listen and completely understand! I'm sure most of us would have felt the same as you in your shoes. :hug:

Afm - I have spent the day with family for my nephews 2nd birthday. It was a busy day (and very loud) with my 3 nieces and 2 nephews running around screaming!

Last night, my BFF who I am bridesmaid for next June, asked me to buy a bridesmaid dress to try on. So I ordered it in a uk size 12/14/16 & 18 just in case I have a big bump by the time of her wedding, as if November is our month I'd be 7.5 months preggers on her wedding day! :haha: so who knows what I'm going to do with all the spare dresses. The things you have to think about when TTC! :rofl:

AF has gone now. She hung around for around 2.5days! So much better than my usual 1.5 to 2days! :)

I realised the fertility expedition I was on about is over my fertile week. As it's in London which is 1 hour from where we live hubby & me decided we are going to get a hotel in London and go to the theatre, as we haven't been to the theatre in ages. Hopefully a change of scenery will do us good! I can't wait! :sex: :spermy: :sex: :spermy:

I hope everyone else is having a fab weekend!

I could do the November thread but may not be able to update the front page every day due to work getting in the way some days, but I can try my best! Let me know if you want me to set it up? Or if there is anyone else who thinks they can keep on top of it better than me?

Just curious bing, why would it be better for you for af to last 2.5 days than 1.5-2 days? Is is bad for it to be very short? Im curious because mine always lasts 1.5-2 days and often light-medium flow.
Just curious bing, why would it be better for you for af to last 2.5 days than 1.5-2 days? Is is bad for it to be very short? Im curious because mine always lasts 1.5-2 days and often light-medium flow.

I always worried my short AF meant my lining was too thin so nothing could implant.

So last cycle I took some vitamins which had been proven to thicken your lining. My AF was heavier & longer this month so I believe the vitamins worked.

I've never had a formal diagnosis that my lining was too thin. It was just a gut feeling. I did have a pelvic scan around 10 days after starting the vitamins and was told my lining was normal at 7mm. For the time in my cycle when I had the scan, normal thickness is classed as 6mm to 9mm. So who knows what thickness it would have been if I hadn't been taking the vitamins, but I'm guessing not as thick and possibly not in the normal range.

Just curious bing, why would it be better for you for af to last 2.5 days than 1.5-2 days? Is is bad for it to be very short? Im curious because mine always lasts 1.5-2 days and often light-medium flow.

I always worried my short AF meant my lining was too thin so nothing could implant.

So last cycle I took some vitamins which had been proven to thicken your lining. My AF was heavier & longer this month so I believe the vitamins worked.

I've never had a formal diagnosis that my lining was too thin. It was just a gut feeling. I did have a pelvic scan around 10 days after starting the vitamins and was told my lining was normal at 7mm. For the time in my cycle when I had the scan, normal thickness is classed as 6mm to 9mm. So who knows what thickness it would have been if I hadn't been taking the vitamins, but I'm guessing not as thick and possibly not in the normal range.

Hmm interesting...that makes me wonder if that might be what could be going on for me. I used to have af for a week, but then eventually it really shortened. What vitamins are you taking? Right now all im taking is a multivitamin. But im up for taking anything that could help improve our chances.

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