October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Last cycle I took

• vitamin E tablets
• b vitamin complex tablets
• pre natal tablet
• drank red raspberry leaf tea 2-3 times a day from CD1 to Ovulation.
• drank 100% pomegranate juice once a day from CD1 to ovulation

AF use to be 3 days for me before I went on the pill but has reduced to 1.5 to 2 days since coming off BC.

Thanks...i will look into trying some of that if af shows again this cycle. Trying my best to not count myself out yet, but starting to look into options. We are also going to buy one of those sperm testers from walmart to help rule out hubby if we have to move onto the next cycle.
Sorry I dropped off the forum after AF came. I was pretty bummed about not getting a BFP, but now I'm back ready to roll! LOL.

When my AF came early this month, she was 4 days early, and she lasted way longer than normal (an entire week this time, it has never been that long before, normal is 4-5 days). Anyone have a similar experience? I'm guessing it was just AF acting up and not something worse (early MC)?

This cycle we have DTD 6 out of 7 days so far... WHEW! We are both tired, but determined!
I'm ready for the Nov thread also. If it's a bfp it'll be Hubby's bday gift!! FX'd crossed!

Im not sure if Turtle wanted to start it, she's been doing such a great job these last 2 months! :thumbup:
Either way I'm ready to get this cycle on its way!!:happydance:
Emilie - generally speaking, watery, clear CM is seen as quite fertile like EWCM. Creamy CM is less fertile and, for me, usually starts after I ovulate, and then it becomes sticky, and dries up. (if you're trying to tell how fertile your CM is, think of it this way... How easily could those little swimmers get through it?? Watery and EWCM allow them to travel much easier than sticky or even creamy.) One early sign many women see in pregnancy is an abundance of creamy CM when otherwise they should be dry...also, like MnG said, it's common to get increased CM before and after AF. Hope any of that helps :flower:

Sooo apparently I am 4dpo?? According to FF anyways... I'm not sure if I can trust it though, although it does line up with the physical symptoms I was getting. So, I guess I'll test the 25th (11dpo, doubt I can wait longer than that!) who else was testing on the 25th??

Well I am CD 9 and it is watery and creamy but not sticky it is slippery.
I have a hormone headache so I know ovulation is coming. But no egg whites yet
Hi Ladies

Right now that I'm not wallowing in self pity I will try and catch up on all the posts, I still feel rubbish but not going to lie around feeling sorry for myself.

Drjo718 - I know what its like to have irregular/long cycles, mine used to be terrible due to my pcos, so I really understand how hard it can be when people have 2 or even 3 cycles in the time you have 1.

Sheylee - the line is definitely getting darker. Congrats xxx

Caringo - I'm 4dpo today so a day behind you, will be testing somewhere round the same time as you, ordered some cheapies as I'm a peeonastickholic.

Starryjune - have you been temping long? I used to take my temp at all times of the day but I did calm down after a while and now only take it once a day.

Bing - Oh I love the theatre, very jealous!!! My hubby wont go but me and my friend were talking about going to London and seeing a show.

Bighouse - my af always lasts 6 or 7 days but that's normal for me...I'm sure its nothing to worry about. Good luck with this cycle.

AFM - temp shot up today and I discarded yesterdays because I don't think its accurate due to several different factors. I'm 4 dpo today.

Still feel rubbish to be honest, I don't want to see or talk to her again for a while, and yes perhaps I'm being unreasonable but she knows my struggle, knows how tough I'm finding not conceiving and just would have been nice if she had waited til it was just the two of us and acknowledged my feelings . But nope she did her big announcement with not even a glimmer that she even realised I'd be upset. All she has ever said is that they don't want another. Got to stop torturing myself!!!! Could cry still!!! That's what gets me, the fact that she didn't acknowledge my feelings. Just struggling right now, I'm surrounded by people having or have already had number 2 and its just not happening for me. :( I no longer meet up with the girls from my postnatal group because Im the only one with just 1 and it hurts too much.

Turns out Im still wallowing.

I'm not out this month but I don't know what to do about next month...if I were to try it would be mid august. As a teacher I have two worries about august babies, youngest in the class and also it would make summer holidays pay more complicated. I don't know what to do!! The idea of ignoring the release of an egg fills with fear but at the same time I wonder if I'm being selfish just because I can't wait. I don't want me child to struggle academically, I want it to have the best chance in life :(
:hug: Cookie! I hope you get your bfp soon. Try not to let others bother you. Try to do something nice for yourself if you can :). I know its not super great advice but the smallest thing really can help :friends:
After this Wondfo showed what I thought was a VFP, I used a couple more wonfdfos and a FRER (all neg). What are you all's thoughts?


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TTC, I'm horrible at line eye but I hope it gets darker for you soon!!!
Emilie - Definitely sounds like O is approaching! Good luck catching that egg!!

Cookie - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: You must feel awful. And you have every right to. If it was a friend who had been trying for a long time as well, and approached you in a way that was kind and understanding, then that's one thing, but you have every right to be upset if she knew your struggles and didn't acknowledge them when telling you. I just hope you two can remain friends - cuz I'm sure it was just an oversight on her part. I would encourage you, when you feel you can, to talk to her about it and let her know how that made you feel. If she's a good friend she will understand, and you don't want that unspoken anger to always be in the background! But for now, it's ok to be frustrated. And, don't let anyone ever make you feel bad for wanting more than one child. I would be devastated if I could only have one child-it has nothing to do with how much you love your first child, but it's natural to want more than one!! Anyways...I hope you feel better today Cookie. :flower:
Well, I have no idea what's going on now. Expecting my temp to go up to confirm my O on Friday and it took a nosedive this morning to the lowest it's been all cycle. I was so sure I O'd Friday and had high hopes for this cycle. Now I'm confused, frustrated and heart broken.
I am not much help with bbt. But mine dropped like that during implantation I had some spotting and cramping with the drop. It came right back up the next morning and stayed up but I had a chemical pregnancy which they think was do to a medicine I was on because I got really sick. I didn't realize the medicine was still in my system or I would have skipped that cycle and saved me the heart ache. Anyway I would wait to see what it does tomorrow. Keep us updated. Sorry about the rambling...
So I am upset. One of my friends found out about the chemical pregnancy from my mom (which I am upset with her for even talking to anyone about it) and decided to inform me that maybe I should stop trying because she feels that it is not meant to be for me to have kids. So it is for the best that I stop trying and except I won't be a mom. Her words exactly.
MnGmakes3 - thank you xxx

LouIsa01 - when doesn't bother me, if I have a child and he/she is youngest in the class then so be it just as long as I have one. X

TXT74 - not sure I see anything sorry x

Caringo - thank you, right now I just don't know how I can cope seeing her, I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship but I'm struggling

Chrysrlmcd - I know how frustrating it is to wait for ovulation and not have it happen. Unfortunately doesn't look like ovulation has happened yet but fingers crossed it does soon.

Emilie - wow what an awful thing for your friend to say, that's really nasty. I had an early mc before I fell pregnant with my son...doesn't mean I wasn't meant to have a child...I conceived him 6 months later and he's almost 4 now. I would seriously question her value as a friend, because with friends like that who needs enemies. Horrid thing to say. Ignore her, it is meant to be and it will happen for you xxx
Well one thing about ttc you find who you real friends are. I went off on her she said that she would support what ever decision I made but I should just get over it because it isn't going to happen. I told her not to talk to me again. That may be harsh it I don't need friends like that.
So I am upset. One of my friends found out about the chemical pregnancy from my mom (which I am upset with her for even talking to anyone about it) and decided to inform me that maybe I should stop trying because she feels that it is not meant to be for me to have kids. So it is for the best that I stop trying and except I won't be a mom. Her words exactly.


Sorry, hugs! Keep trucking along girl, do NOT give up. Wishing the best and sending hugs for having to hear a friend say this to you:hugs:
So I am upset. One of my friends found out about the chemical pregnancy from my mom (which I am upset with her for even talking to anyone about it) and decided to inform me that maybe I should stop trying because she feels that it is not meant to be for me to have kids. So it is for the best that I stop trying and except I won't be a mom. Her words exactly.


Sorry, hugs! Keep trucking along girl, do NOT give up. Wishing the best and sending hugs for having to hear a friend say this to you:hugs:

Aww thanks. I just want to know where do people get off saying stuff like this. They have no right to say if anything is meant to be or not.

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