Ooooooooooh need pictured of that!!! Sounds really cool!
Although it'd be no good for me. Our changing mat is never usedI'm too lazy to get it out all the time!
Sophie had another 1 hour screaming fit last night.. Again. It happens around midnight and I reaaaaaaaaaaally don't know what's wrong with her. I'm going to now try to not give her eggs anymore, see if that's what gives her tummy pain or something. She did a massive burp after an hour or screaming, so I'm not sure if wind was what woke her up in the first place, or if she gave herself wind by screaming like a mental person! I wish she could talk sometimes
Glad all the drama is over, couldn't be doing without this thread!
Eva did this when she was only 3 months old and it started at 4pm on the dot every day and ended at around 9pm. Nothing we did would stop the screaming. I think it lasted an entire 4-5 weeks and then suddenly stopped. Nothing would fix it, not booby, not naps, not food.