Hey guys!!! Jeez, I've been neglecting this forum for just a couple of days, and it seems that so much has happened!!! This August club is almost TOO big, so hard to keep up with everyone!!
Leo and Loo, congrats on finding out the sex, one of each for team August!!
Welcome Coffee and Amy and Marley and others... Marley, good on you for joining both clubs!! How does the September team compare?? Hehe
I've been REALLY moody lately, and very emotional, which I hadn't experienced until just now in the pregnancy. Me and OH had a stupid fight (we NEVER fight, and I mean NEVER) but he got angry cos I'd left mess around the house (as usual LOL) and I got really upset and cried like a baby. He went off for a drive, then phoned me to say "Wow, what was that about, eh?! I'm really sorry" Even when I felt better I couldn't stop crying for ages! So silly...
Talking about how many kids we all want ... It's really interesting to see all of your answers, and I noticed that I don't think anyone said they just wanted this one child. I'm the same: We want at least 2, but I think we'll probably end up with 3, as long as everything goes ok in this pregnancy and with this baby!
I've been having the weirdest kicks lately: The little guy is very active lately, not like some of you guys with just some lovely little pops and nudges still, my little boy is really kicking me hard now!! He's also taken to kicking in a weird way, kinda downwards I think, which is very uncomfortable and feels like air is trapped somewhere!
I'm getting pretty big now too, bump is most definitely a big old BUMP now!!
Hope you're all doing well
*Little one kicking hard as I type! Little monkey!!*
A slightly-battered Shadow xx