Official August Mummies Club!!

Ok here goes... My bump pics taken today, at 22+3 weeks!!

It's so funny to see yourself so objectively on the screen hehe... I must say, my boobs look reasonably normal-sized in these pics, but it must be the contrast against the hugeness of my bump, because I can assure you that they have grown stupidly enormous during pregnancy!!
And I used to have a figure... *sigh* ...


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And here's one for comparison: The one on the left is my little bump at 13+4 weeks, the one on the right is a mirrored image of one I took today (22+3). Quite a difference, no?!

Shadow xx


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Ooo I love your bump Shadow! Definately a difference from 13 weeks! :happydance:

You know, all you girls talk about your boobs growing..I actually wanted mine to grow. But nothing! :hissy: :rofl: Still itty bitty titties for me! :rofl::rofl:
Wow shadow I love you bump!!! I'll post mine too which is so not as impressive as yours. Yours is so cute. I am also impressed you are doing exercise , I'm rubbish, always have been! x

First is from 12 weeks and 2nd is from today 20 weeks.


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heyy Pippin your bump is so cute :dance:
Pippin and Cleckner good luck for your scan tomorrow............enjoyyyyy :happydance:
Cleckner you have got a nice round bump :muaha:

Thx have such a nice bump :D and I can see a big difference b/w 13w and 24w...........I am surprised...why you were afraid to post your nice bump....i liked it :happydance:

my boobs has grown a bit..........but they are too itchyyyyyy ](*,)
Is anyone is doing any exercise :o I am not doing anything as I never feel to have energy left for exercise :-k
hey guys i had my scan today and everything went fine wich was a relief im due on the 21st august n im having a little.............girl :happydance: please could you add me to pink. xx

congrats Zowie.......:happydance::happydance:

What beautiful bumps ladies!!!

Pippin and clecker .......GOOD luck tomorrow with your scans!!!:) Hope all is well!

Mines in two days can't wait!..and honestly will be happy boy or girl...:)

I will post a pic of my bump tonight b/c hubby took the camera with him today..:( but i honestly don't think it's grown in the last 5weeks!
Thanks guys, now I look a fresh I can see it's different but smaller ladies have much better progression I feel and being nearly 6 foot there is plenty enough room to move around and grow :rofl:

Gabrielle like you I really don't mind what I have I love it so much already. I'm thinking boy but would be happy with a girl just as much. In fact I wold find it very hard if someone forced me to choose!!! Good luck for yours. x

Zowie_86 congrats on your little girl.

I feel we are all getting to and past our next major milestone. 20 week scan and gender. Which milestone comes next? Viability I suppose.
I've been awake all night with low back pain and stupid pelvic pains/cramps.............
I'm with you girls. I don't mind whether it's a boy or a girl. It's my first and as long as it is healthy, that is all that matters. Yeah I guess viability would be the next milestone Pippin! It'll be nice knowing that our little ones can survive outside the womb but I hope we all carry full term so it isn't an issue!
I've been awake all night with low back pain and stupid pelvic pains/cramps.............

Aww sorry to hear this hon. Do you sleep with a pillow between your knees, it helps me lots. Have plenty of rest today and get pampered. x
I'm with you girls. I don't mind whether it's a boy or a girl. It's my first and as long as it is healthy, that is all that matters. Yeah I guess viability would be the next milestone Pippin! It'll be nice knowing that our little ones can survive outside the womb but I hope we all carry full term so it isn't an issue!

Goodness yes I hear you. It terrifies me to think we could give birth before term but comforting knowing the have a slight chance.
Hey guys :D

Gabrielle, I'm sorry to hear you're suffering again :( I've had pelvic/sacro-iliac problems on and off for a few weeks now, and Pippin gives you good advice about sleeping with a pillow between your legs: My physio told me to do that too, and at first it didn't feel right so I didn't bother, but lately I can't sleep without it! You can just have it on your side of the bed, and if you want to be on your back for a bit then just leave it beside you, but if you want to go over on your side then bring up your knees and tuck it between them: I find this works really well for my pelvic pains in the night!

Pip, you look lovely in those pictures honey, you're still keeping such a nice figure! I hear ya about being taller though: There must be a fair bit of space for your little one to "spread out" and yet not show so much as a full-on bump! I can definitely see a difference, though, a little rounder in the tum!
I'm just bursting with bumpage I think :rofl: I had a totally flat stomach before this, I wonder whether I will ever see it again (?!!)

I think as far as milestones go, viability is definitely the next one for most of us after the 20-week scan! I know I'll feel pretty great to cross that point, as I have a very slightly higher risk of premature labour/early baby apparently. But I have a feeling that this little boy will be sticking around right till the end, and that I will be HUGE and really hot and uncomfortable all summer with the little devil, longing for him to come out already!!
OOh, but I DID reach Cleckner's mini-milestone yesterday!!! I'M PRODUCING COLLOSTRUM!!! LOL not the normal thing to shout and be proud about, but I was so CHUFFED! :rofl: Now I can make it come if I give my nips a bit of a squeeze every now and then hahahaha!!

Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my pics, you're all looking wonderful too :D Wouldn't it be cool to all get together in person, all those bumps, it'd be crazy hehehe

I'm thinking that I'll tell you guys my little boy's name now, and see how you all react! OH would like to hear some feedback too, but even if everyone hates it we will probably not be changing it, as we're really loving it now! ...

Wow, I always end up posting such huge posts! You must all be bored to tears... I'll leave it at that for now :winkwink:

Shadow xxx
Ooooh, OH wants me to mention that he felt little one kick for the first time yesterday :D :D He was so chuffed!!! We've tried so many times to catch those clear kicks with his hand, but had no luck until last night!

Also, regarding exercise, I know just what you guys mean about not having the energy!! But I don't get much choice in the matter really :hissy: because my physio and my OH tell me off so badly if I don't keep it up!! I have daily stuff to do, but I make it fun by using my gym ball and doing lots of bouncy stuff to music!! If you girlies don't have a gym ball, I'd really recommend getting one if you'd like to do a little bit of exercise at home: Especially great for pelvic/lower back stuff I find, and my knees have certainly got stronger since I had my new physio regime for pregnancy :D I'm also trying to walk with OH and the dog a few times a week: We'd usually take my wheelchair, but I've been making an effort to do a bit of walking, and it's going pretty well really :happydance: I think using my trusty old crutches is getting my arms nice and strong, so hopefully I'll be able to actually lift our little guy when he's born (and bigger too!)

Ok, once again, I'm babbling on and on!! :blush:

S xx
EEEK Shadow great to have such a long post to read but ou missed out then name.....!!!!! Talk about suspense tell tell......... :hissy:
Oh and guys they think Gabby has gone into very early labour :cry: but I'm hoping it's braxton hicks. There is a post on the main bit.
OHMYGOSH... Gabby = Gabrielle?! :shock:
There's me, going on and on about rubbish :blush: I really hope she's ok!! The poor thing :( I hope they can take care of her in hospital and keep that baby cooking in there for at least a good 10 weeks more...

OHMYGOSH... Gabby = Gabrielle?! :shock:
There's me, going on and on about rubbish :blush: I really hope she's ok!! The poor thing :( I hope they can take care of her in hospital and keep that baby cooking in there for at least a good 10 weeks more...


I'm sure that's who she meant in the thread and said she'd been up all night with pelvic cramps just like Gabrielle. I can't think who else she'd mean and she's the right gestation. I have everything firmly crossed for her!!! She hasn't had it easy has she.

And you are not going on about rubbish I'm still desperate to know your name. Ours is either Rosa Charlotte or Samuel Jack (or the other way round not sure depends on what he looks like) x
OHMYGOSH... Gabby = Gabrielle?! :shock:
There's me, going on and on about rubbish :blush: I really hope she's ok!! The poor thing :( I hope they can take care of her in hospital and keep that baby cooking in there for at least a good 10 weeks more...


I'm sure that's who she meant in the thread and said she'd been up all night with pelvic cramps just like Gabrielle. I can't think who else she'd mean and she's the right gestation. I have everything firmly crossed for her!!! She hasn't had it easy has she.

And you are not going on about rubbish I'm still desperate to know your name. Ours is either Rosa Charlotte or Samuel Jack (or the other way round not sure depends on what he looks like) x

Yes, I think you must be right, I was also concerned that her post in here about the pains was so short and abrupt: I think she was very worried and in some real pain perhaps... The poor thing :hug: She's had premature babies in the past hasn't she? And you're right, she's not had it easy at all, but she is so lovely and always has such an amazing positive outlook... I wish her the very best, can't wait to have her back here safe and well [-o<

Oooooh, Pips, your name choices are just LOVELY! Really really sweet names :D Will the surname be Mills did I read somewhere? I LOVE Rosa, that's a beautiful girl's name! It's a good job we're having a boy, because we had hardly any girls' names that we even remotely liked, and I would have been sorely tempted to steal that one from you :rofl: :winkwink:

Ok, our little boy is going to be...

Vincent Lee Regan :D

Lee is my OH's name, he has his dad's name as his middle name too, and it has been going for a few generations so we are keeping that up! We've already been calling him "Vinnie" or "Vince" for short :)
OH's family really aren't keen on it, but my family all love it, so mixed reviews!! My best friend said "That's hideous, he's gonna get picked on at school with that name!" Which was just lovely of her... *rolls eyes* I told her she'd get used to it. I think once people know him and match the name to him, they will grow to love it, and he will have an interesting, strong name that not many people use these days. I don't want a "Ben" or a "John" lol we want to be a bit different!

So what do you guys think? :blush:
Shadow xx
(Vince is kicking me hard in the cervix again as I type!!)
Hey girls. Yes Shadow give us the name! Ours will be Emma Sophia for a girl and Ethan Anderson for a boy. Pippin I love Samuel. I'm a bit biased though because my name is Samantha. :muaha:

Oh my goodness about Gabrielle. I haven't gotten to that thread yet I'll go read it now.

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