Hey ladies!!!! I'm here, and have just read all of your wonderful chatter from today, and want to reply to EVERYONE! But I won't write it all out in one huge post, I'll do it little by little hehehe that way we get to boost our thread count too...
Hi ladies, hope you are all well todayI went to the hairdressers this morning as my friend had a gap and said she'd cut my hair to cheer me up, bless her. Also popped to next as my friends had a baby girl yesterday so brought them THE cutest dress
Shadow, enjoy your scan
Welcome to mum2-3boys
O, and how to I get an august mummies blinkie thingy?![]()
LOL shadow, you might as well do the entire club one!!!! I actually really like the name "august mummies club". Although here in the states, mummies are freaky so I will just call myself an august mommy. Mummy makes me think of the dead guys wrapped in bandages LOL. I can't stand the "mummy" movies lol. Am I the only one that knows what I am talking about??? Cleck??? Help me out dear!
Hey ladies and hope you are all doing well.
Shadow, hope your scan goes well. Thank you once again for the blinkie as it's so cute!
Overcomer, is that the movie with Brandon Fraiser or whatever his name is? I remember seeing it and thought it was cute. That was, until one of the other tv stations starting to air the film A LOT then it got sickning.
Off from work today (hooray) and grateful for the break. Things are going crazy over there and was/is incredibly stressful. Tried not to stress myself out over it but people dump lots of stuff on me there anyways.
Two doctor appointments today (regular and OB). The former just wanted to do a follow up after the blackout incident a little while ago. Wonder what'll happen?
August Mummies sounds fine and rather gotten used to it by now.![]()
am back from dentist with a faceful of local anaesthetic. lovely. baby kicked throughout, which was nice for me - I do hope he wasn't stressed and it was just because I was lying down (he usually kicks when I'm flat out).
Okay girls. My stretchmarks have officially went haywire! When going to the bathroom I noticed that the tops of my thighs are starting to grow them!!I don't even think I'm gaining weight there!! So I did a bit of investigating and realize that I am also getting them on my lower back!! AHH!! This baby is stretching me to my limit and I still have a little over 16 weeks to go!!
I am officially never wearing a swimsuit again. LoL!
Girls I have a question, oh and hi buy the way
Are all your movements proper little kicks or do you feel other weird movement too. I have really obvious kicks and rolling and nudges but then I get this weird fluttering/kick/vibration (difficult to describe) as well often in the same place low down by my pubic bone. Anyone else feel this?
heya girlshope u all had a good day.
sorry to hear u had to go to the dentist MJ, i hate thm bloody places
N cleck im sure ur still sexy with ur stretchmarksso wear them swimsuits with pride lol
I went for my ante natal today, and come out enroled onto a course which will qualify me to teach people sex education
Wat a productive day i had lol
Hope to speak to u guys later
I would love to be in your sex-ed class Georgie.
You do realise i now have an exscuse to carry condoms and cucumbers in my bag at all times.
U never know wen u need to whip it out n instruct