Official August Mummies Club!!

thanks jelr i hope so....looked at some wallpaper today its all so exciting isnt it!!?

where is ur arthritus i think i missed that bit.....sorry its casuing u pain? are u able to take anything for it while preg? must have gotten worse for u since preggers i guess with all the stretching of ligs and stuff....poor thing, hope it keeps itself at bay and dont u worry it wont affect ur caring of the baby u will be an amzing mother :hugs:
Thanks for all your messages today girls i do agree with you shadow i AM overly emotional today!! DH said sorry once he realised ge'd upset me but i said its okay he can make me feel sexy later *winks*!!!
Jelr sorry to hear about your arthritis must be awful poor you x x x
Pippin i know i posted on your other thread but WOOHOO A BOY!!
Oh man I am fried!!! Been a hell day at work.

Cleck, the one accented wall sounds like a wonderful ideal! We aren't going to use a "crib" per say (another of my bright ideals haha). My nephews used a "pack and go nursery" and it worked great! Seeing as this is a small room anyway, it would be more beneficial for that sort of type. Plus, I don't have to struggle with putting it together and don't have to worry about OH messing it up! I just didn't see a crib I liked tbh. This one does have a lot of blue in it but other assorted colors as well. As for the crafty thing, I am crocheting me a breastfeeding shawl (I am hoping I am able to) and then I will crochet James a "checkered flag" blanket using Blue and Green (or maybe I should do yellow to match his room? hehehe).

Pip-finding out the gender for me made it seem more real because you can now actually stop saying "the baby" and refer to him as "my son". It has a really nice ring to it.

Jelr-sorry about the arthiritis but take it from me, it will not effect your ability to be a wonderful mother. I am legally blind and will allow no one to question me on how I will do it!

As for OHs big comments, mine is EXTREMELY careful when addressing it. He always says things like "you look very good pregnant" or "you are a very sexy pregnant lady". He chooses words carefully.
Yay check out my signature it now has colour!! hehehe Thanks again Shadow :hugs:
*pokes head in*

Hey ladies, I didn't want to not post at all today, but I am soooooo tired tonight (fatigue really getting to me today for some reason...) so I am gonna go to bed for a much needed early night (which I had been promising myself for several days!)

I've been reading all your posts, though, and sending :hug: to all :)

Catch you guys tomorrow *rubs bleary eyes and staggers off to bed*

Shadow x x x x
Hi ladies, hope your all well. I see some of you are busy with nurseries or thinking about your nurseries, that's defiantly exciting, good luck with it all.

I didn't want to do a separate thread for this so just a mention, had my 20week scan today. Baby is fine, partner and I didn't want to know the sex and I think the baby agreed as s/he had his/her legs closed :) doctor said he had really long legs so looks like s/he takes after his/her father. Baby weighed 1pound 1ounce.
Ah thanks for all the lovely messages girls but I am a lot better today thank god. I have the arthritis for the last 10 years and in most of my joints as it is was on a major amount of meds for it but came off it all two years ago in June when we got married as I had to be off my injection for 5 months before trying to conceive, but thankfully I have done really well without it all and have only needed steriods and painkillers if I did have a flare up. I think I may even stay off the meds when babs is born as I have managed so well for so long without it and being honest even though I now have some pain most days it is managable and I dont have all the other problems that they meds were causing.

Even though it has played up a lot during the pregnancy it was still managable, so the weekend hit me like a ton of bricks as I was unable to move a lot and extremely stiff and I'm not allowed the steriods or painkillers while pregnant.

But thank god it seems to have all settled down a lot today and I think it just bothered me more as I was uber-hormonal as shadow would say and I just felt sorry for myself, but ye all helped a lot girls so thanks for that. :hug:

Pippin: that gut instinct definitely was right - I'm so delighted for you as you have waited weeks for this. - Love the new signature

Jai Jai: It definitely is so exciting, DH started to paint ours at the weekend. What type of wallpaper did you look at?

Samstar: I'm so glad you are feeling a better, men just dont think sometimes - I was thinking your DH didn't mean what it sounded like. Enjoy his apology tonight *wink*

Overcomer: I didn't realise you had such sight problem, fair play to you, you are a great woman and your right I can do it. Do you mind me asking what is a pack and go nursery? I think we are having the different names over the pond problems again he he. By the way James is a great name, it is my DH and brothers name.

Shadow: Enjoy your early night you must be wrecked as you are normally the life and soul of this thread he he. I really hope your feeling better tomorrow and have a good nights sleep.

Rain22: Congras on the scan. I am also on Team Yellow.
Congrats Rain glad everything went well today.

Night night Shadow I'll be getting an early one too after a late one last night and an early rise. :hugs:
Rain - congrats on your scan ... another team yellow member yay :)

jelr - sorry you've had a rough weekend, but glad to hear you're feeling better now. It's horrible when you're sore and you can't take anything for it. And if one more person mentions paracetomol LOL

Good news for me today, I returned the BP monitor and got my results - over the 24 hours there were a few high readings but the rest were perfectly normal and the 24hr average was normal. Yay!!

Anyway we have a subway and I'm starving. Back to work tomorrow, bummer!

Have a good night everyone :)
Rain glad scan went good.

avabear glad bp is ok

nothing new going on with me thank god. 2nd tri seems to be really flying by i hit 3rd tri in 2wks bet 3rd tri will go so slow thow. but i dnt mind atm as loving being preg.
read ur posts but gotta run to work so will reply later when I get home, but i hope u all have a lovely day - its sunny here :wohoo:

spk later mummies :D :hugs:
Hey girls. I haven't been too chatty lately. I feel like I'm just as tired as I was first trimester! :hissy: And yet I can't sleep and have been up since 4:30 this morning with DH. :dohh:

I've been looking at the bump section. I feel like my bump is nothing compared to some of those girls!! Good lord I can't wait till my bump gets bigger!! :happydance: And most of them have not a stretchmark in sight! You girls will be happy to know that I have been lotioning and oiling since last week when I realized how bad my stretchmarks were really getting. They are almost completely faded now as long as I keep my belly oiled up! :happydance::rofl:
Hey girls,

I just can't seem to keep up with this thread!

Jelr and Samstar - Glad you are both feeling better.
Rain - congrats on your scan.
Avabear- yaaayy for normal BP.
Cleckner - i hear you, i just want to be huuuuugggeee now!
Everyone else - hello, hope you're all doing ok today!

I'm just wondering today if any of you suddenly just feel overwhelmed?! I was waiting 18 months for this BFP and i don't think i realised until now how unhappy i was in those 18 months. This morning, driving to work, sun was shining, i had the music turned up loud, singing along with the breeze in my hair and little princess was kicking along to the music and i just suddenly burst into tears! I realised how happy i was and just felt overwhelmed with it! I've never really cried much in my life so it shocked me really. Does anyone else ever feel like this?! We all seem to have plenty to moan about, but do you ever just suddenly stop in the moment and realise how incredibly lucky we all are?!
Coffee-Last night DH and I went on a date night to two movies and in one of the movies, the guy was describing what it was like to hold his baby girl for the first time. DH and I just looked at eachother with tears filling our eyes with huge grins on our faces holding hands.

We seem to go through day to day life without really thinking of the impact this baby is going to have on us. But every once in a while it will just hit me that it won't be just DH and I anymore and I get SO happy about it. So yup! I get hit with these happy tears too sometimes! :happydance::happydance: :hugs::hugs:
Ah thanks for all the lovely messages girls but I am a lot better today thank god. I have the arthritis for the last 10 years and in most of my joints as it is was on a major amount of meds for it but came off it all two years ago in June when we got married as I had to be off my injection for 5 months before trying to conceive, but thankfully I have done really well without it all and have only needed steriods and painkillers if I did have a flare up. I think I may even stay off the meds when babs is born as I have managed so well for so long without it and being honest even though I now have some pain most days it is managable and I dont have all the other problems that they meds were causing.

Even though it has played up a lot during the pregnancy it was still managable, so the weekend hit me like a ton of bricks as I was unable to move a lot and extremely stiff and I'm not allowed the steriods or painkillers while pregnant.

But thank god it seems to have all settled down a lot today and I think it just bothered me more as I was uber-hormonal as shadow would say and I just felt sorry for myself, but ye all helped a lot girls so thanks for that. :hug:

Jelr honey, I am in pretty much EXACTLY the same situation with my EDS... I'm so proud of how well I'm doing with very much reduced meds, and only take the stronger pain killers (codeine... not great for baby so I avoid it like the plague!) when it REALLY gets bad. But I, like you, would love to try to stay off the meds as much as possible after baby is born. We could do it together and support each other hehe :D

Ava, so glad to hear your BP checks came back normal :wohoo: that's got to be a relief :D

Cleck: Woohooo for fading stretchies!!! I had a sudden premonition this week that I was about to break out in stretchies all ovewr my belly, and so I got some bio-oil and started using that twice a day and slapping on my E45 cream once a day too!!! We'll see if it works... If I do get them, meh, not the end of the world! But it's nice to feel like I'm doing something to try to prevent them, or at least make my skin better able to handle them, then hopefully if I do get them they might be lighter/fade faster... ? Never know! Hehe

Cofee honey... "I just want to be huge now" :rofl: Take mine!!! I have WAY too much, I'm sure!!! LOL You're all welcome to a little bit of Vince-bump... He is ENORMOUS already I think!!! I feel proper huge :blush:
And awwwww Coffee, I think I have had several of your "stop and think of how lucky we are" moments lately! I think the emotions of third tri are creeping in, I'm always crying (mostly happy tears!) I cry at stupid adverts on the telly if there's a cute baby or something in them and all sorts!!! LOL

As you may be able to tell, I've regained some of my "vavavoom" today! :happydance: I slept really well last night, perhaps because Vinnie was actually QUIET and STILL for once!!! I actually got momentarily worried this morning, cos he was late to wake up and give me his morning booting too! But he did, and I felt much better to feel him in there hehe :D

We went swimming this morning too!! It was lovely... I had been bugging OH to take me for ages, and we just had a gentle one to start us off (haven't swum in over a year!!) My maternity swimsuit / tankini is really great and so comfy, it was lovely :D I wonder how it felt for little Vince? Whether he could feel something different going on? Hmmmm

Well, I'm off to grab some lunch and sit in the garden painting the new handles for Vincent's little cot-side cabinet now!! His nursery is coming together nicely now that we have most of the bits and pieces! I think I'll make some mobiles next to dot around the place :dance:

Sunshine and hugs and happy tears and love to all!!!

Shadow xxxxx
Hey ladies :)

Sorry I wasn't really around yesterday, I'll read back in a bit. I would have come on last night only OH and I had a massive fight. Joy. It's ok now, and it was nothing new (we didn't fight about anything new), just I got to the end of my rope with him not being (as I see it) emotionally supportive and cutting me ANY slack for being pregnant.

But we sorted it all out, he's sorry... he's fed up with his job and really wants to leave but can't because of baby... he sort of even wishes his company would go under because he is confident we'd be ok. The prospect scares me but - whatever.

So. I didn't have a great day yesterday!

But today is another day and it's a special one because baby is now viable!!! I'm so happy and relieved to have got here... I know there are no guarantees till baby is here (and none really after that either) but I'm happy that the wee boy would have a chance if my body let him down!

Hey MJ!!!
:happydance::happydance::dance:HORRAY!!!!! :dance::happydance::happydance:
...for viability!!!

But booooo for fights :( I hope the outcome was good and that it helped you guys to reach a good place again. It's bound to put extra little strains, you being pregggers; on him because he is expected to be more emotionally supportive, which isn't always easy for men (!!!) and on you because obviously, your body is going through such a major thing here, and emotions and hormones, as we all seem to be finding lately, are running ever higher! But enjoy the good with the bad, and I hope you guys have some loveliness together now too :D

Oh yes, and I was told at the hospital that I'd be called yesterday if the gtt came back with any problems, but I didn't get a call so I'm hoping that means it was all ok!
However, I had a nurse's appointment today to move over to a new doctor's surgery, and she did some tests with my urine sample from today and said that it had VERY high glucose and some protein too... She's sending it off for further tests, I have to call back on Friday for results, but I'm thinking now that I should probably phone the hospital about my GTT to get a firm result either way: They might've forgotten to call or anything...
Does anyone know of any other reasons that urine would have very high glucose content, if the blood work shows up normal (i.e. NOT Gestational Diabetes) ????

S xxx

Just called the hospital, apparently my GTT results are perfectly normal :happydance:

So that's a relief, but I'm still confused as to why I always seem tohave such high glucose content in my pee!!!
Off to do some googling on it now...

*still babbling on to myself in here...*

Hmmm, looks like I might have low renal threshold. In which case, the high glucose level in my urine would not be an indicator of high blood sugar, only that my kidneys leak a little glucose into the urine, which they normally shouldn't do. Apparently there are no health risks involved in low renal threshold, though, and it does not necessarily mean that I'd be likely to develop diabetes. But it does mean that I'll probably always have to explain to people that my urine WILL show high glucose, but it's likely not indicative of my BLOOD glucose levels!



*whistles to self...*

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