Official August Mummies Club!!

Yay, Shadow, that's great news about the normal GTT! And great news, too, that the renal threshold thing isn't a serious issue :happydance:

Bit of a pain with the having to explain to people all the time though, but I imagine it'll go in your maternity notes so they won't be concerned every time.

My pee was fine at my mw appointment yesterday, for glucose and protein anyway, except pH was "a bit off", she said, but they are not concerned with it. Haven't asked Dr Google what it means, I actually don't know in which direction it as off anyway, so there's not much point, other than for information. Pee was a bit darker than normal, she asked if I was drinking plenty water... have to say I forget while I'm not at work. Then, I have a bottle and fill it up regularly, but at home I often realise, eeep, haven't had a drink in a while...

But anyway, yesterday's appointment was fine except we had to wait an hour and a half :( I had a feeling it'd be a long wait because of last Monday being a bank holiday - my last appointment was 3 weeks ago and should have been 2 weeks ago but for Easter Monday, and they were actually fully booked for yesterday but my mw insisted I get squeezed in at the end... of course that meant a long wait because of the cumulative effects of the mw running a bit late. It wasn't the usual mw, she'd been called away, so the one we saw wasn't familiar with the system, though she was lovely.

I wouldn't have cared if I'd been on my own but OH came with me (for the first time) and as soon as we walked in and saw 4 ladies waiting I was like - uh oh, this is going to take ages, you can go home if you want. Which he didn't but then complained the whole time. And neither of us had brought anything to do/read and there was nothing apart from posters on the wall and my maternity notes. So he whined and I felt bad because it was his day off and his original plan for the day was to go and take photos (he's a photographer) but he'd agreed (I did not pressure him) to take me to the big Mothercare World in Croydon. THAT didn't go well either because the traffic in places was bad (roadworks) and he got stressed and nasty, like it was my fault, and apparently yes it was because it was me who wanted to go to this Mothercare World... despite the fact that it was for stuff for OUR CHILD - the reason I wanted to go THEN was because I have a voucher/code for 10% off nearly everything at MC and it expires midnight on Sunday, and I wanted to look at some things I hadn't taken notice of before and then I'd order online during the week. I mean, 10% isn't a lot on something that's £20 but when it comes to the cot and mattress, that's pushing £300, plus all the other stuff; and if I order it in one go it's all one delivery (free over £100).

So you'd think he'd be pleased at my organisation and that I'm being careful with £££... but all he could see was that he hated the journey and he never let me forget it for one second.

Then when we were home we only had 20 mins before we had to leav for the mw, and then there was that huge long wait... he was in a rotten mood. I'd have thought hearing the mw say baby sounded healthy, that my bp was good, urine fine, fundal height equal to dates would have made him happy... I mean, we have a doppler but all we can tell from that is that baby is still alive not anything that might be of concern, so to hear the mw say it was a fine HB... it made me happy and relieved but he started on with his grumping as soon as we were out the door (after being nice as ninepence the whole actual appointment).

So we got home and not long later this fight started, which culminated in me crying for 2 hours and having a long talk on the phone with my mum... basically, he doesn't understand pregnancy and the effect it has on the mother and he doesn't seem to want to do anything to educate himself. For example, he had a headache when we got back from the mw, we were both lying on the bed and he asked me to get his ibuprofen out of his bag. When I got off the bed my hips hurt, a sharp twinge, and I said ow ow ouch... and his response was not "are you ok?", a concerned response, but that he thought I was exaggerating or, worse, making it up! He sems to have this suspicious, negative response to stuff, like the heartburn thing I posted about before, that he thinks I don't really need to take Rennies, that's not as bad as all that, that I take them for fun, and it upsets me. Because it makes me wonder - what's he going to be like when I'm in labour? In pain but to his mind it's not bad so push me not to get pain relief???!!! I hope to god he's not like that or I'll find someone else to be there with me and he can wait outside!

Another thing he said, which is utterly crazy: "none of the pregnant women at work are like you"!!! Meaning, none of them lose their rag at him (which I rarely do anyway, I try my hardest to be the one who is cheery and keeps the mood nice at home when he isn't making any effort in the same way). I mean, though - I have worked throughout and NONE of my colleagues would suspect that I am pregnant, other than for the bump... I am exactly the same, upbeat, chatty, etc etc... he has a damned cheek to think that his colleagues are probably like that ALL THE TIME. I have to put a front on at work for the sake of my job and I suspect it's the same for his colleagues. Then when they get home they relax and maybe they don't mean to, I certainly don't, but the people we live with do tend to get the other side.

We have sorted it all now, I have aired each of my grievances and concerns and he has apologised and said it's not me who is at fault. (I wish he'd acquire some empathy pdq though.) He thinks sometimes that I don't want him or need him around, which is so far from the truth it's laughable, I'd be devastated and extremely sad if he were to leave me and the baby, though I'd be strong and I know I would cope - I've dealt with so much shit in my life that I AM strong now (he thinks it's what I secretly want!!!). He says he thinks we don't get on very well, but from my point of view we get along fine 90% of the time. The rest of the time we squabble and bicker but nothing major, and I thnk that is an OK proportion of good vs bad. To him, it feels like it's more serious. But he isn't seeing that a lot of the time he does nothing to defuse a situation and his response (to start flinging all this shit about "we don't get on, we don't like each other" and speak in a tone of voice I will not stand for and makes me see red every single time) pours petrol on a small spark that would go out so easily if he walked away or didn't engage in it. Then things blow up from nothing like what started last night's off (after a day, admittedly, that he was showing a lot of stress) - all that happened was that I noticed some potatoes that had been left out were going a bit green and I said they need to be in a dark place and tried to put them in a drawer, which he said not to, so I said in a slightly raised tone "THEY NEED TO BE IN THE DARK". I wasn't shouting but he took it that I was and accused me of going mad, "going crazy again". I have never been one to play on being pregnant and put any difference of opinion down to pregnancy hormones or stress but he won't take ANYTHING as even possibly being down that that, or to cut me some slack, or to let some things go... and I got sick of it and decided to get very upset and - etc.

Thankfully my mum is brilliant and we had a long talk. Came to the conclusion, which OH himself admitted when we talked later, that he is depressed. It's not me, it's his job. And he needs to develop a better attitude to it, even if it is just "it's good money". He hates his new boss, he doesn't enjoy being there... but he does like most of his colleagues, so he needs to focus on enjoying that aspect. I mean, that's what get me through the working day, enjoying the people I work with. Also he needs to start seeing his friends again (he doesn't, not often at all), especially (from my point of view) those friends who have recently become parents. He needs to talk to some of them and maybe then he'll get more of an understanding that the stuff I am going through isn't just me and I'm not just whining, but it's universal and NORMAL among pregnant women.


Sorry that was so long, but I had to vent... :) I feel a lot better now, and actually think the fight/upset will have been worth it if he understands things need to change and especially his attitude needs to.
Oh my, MJ. You have officially won the prize for longest EVER post. :awww: I am sorry you had such an awful day yesterday. Sounds to me like you guys worked it out. I hope the same fights don't keep occuring! I know how great it feels to just type out all the frustration though. Or write in some cases. It is definately a theraputic kind of thing! :hugs:

Also wanted to say congrats on the viability!
Hey girls,

I just can't seem to keep up with this thread!

Jelr and Samstar - Glad you are both feeling better.
Rain - congrats on your scan.
Avabear- yaaayy for normal BP.
Cleckner - i hear you, i just want to be huuuuugggeee now!
Everyone else - hello, hope you're all doing ok today!

I'm just wondering today if any of you suddenly just feel overwhelmed?! I was waiting 18 months for this BFP and i don't think i realised until now how unhappy i was in those 18 months. This morning, driving to work, sun was shining, i had the music turned up loud, singing along with the breeze in my hair and little princess was kicking along to the music and i just suddenly burst into tears! I realised how happy i was and just felt overwhelmed with it! I've never really cried much in my life so it shocked me really. Does anyone else ever feel like this?! We all seem to have plenty to moan about, but do you ever just suddenly stop in the moment and realise how incredibly lucky we all are?!

Coffee... this exact thing happened to me yesterday while I was driving... and this is baby #4.... they are such miracles and when you get to thinking about how completely awesome the whole thing is... is washes over you... It will be here so soon... and from day one .. you won't be able to imagine life without their precious little face...

For me... it is just amazing thinking that I have the room in my heart to love #4 as much as #1, #2, & #3... but you do incredibly... :) :cry: there I go again...

MJ.. congrats on viability... such a great feeling... :wohoo:
Shadow.. so glad that all the test came back good... it is such a relief... I go to the Dr tomorrow... I am going to ask about my odds of preterm labor... not sure if I wanna hear the answer... but I have to ask...

I never had braxton hick with my three boys and yesterday when I was walking around the mall... I got 3 contractions... pretty close together but pretty short... kinda had to do a bit a of breathing... but they stopped so I don't think it was anything but braxton hicks... kinda made me nervous for a second :blush:

MJ ... sorry about the fight.. but glad it is all worked out... husbands really don't know what it is like... even on baby #4 oh is not all that sympathetic... but he does know what NOT to say :rofl:....

sorry guys... but I finally caught up to you :wohoo:
Shadow glad your tests results came back ok and the the whole glucose thing too. Are they going to keep testing you to be sure.

MJ wow what a post hon glad you feel better and I hope in time he comes around.

Blimey Smith don't you go doing that regularly you'll have us all worried not just you hehehe. xxx

Just saying hello - cos there are too many posts to answer individually!

All well here. Baby went quiet again and I didn't feel much for a few days. But she seems to have moved/woken up now and I get a few per day. I have an anterior placenta and think i've just got to accept i might not feel too much until she is bigger.

I have woken up a few times the night with leg cramp. Anyone else had the same? I don't normally have it when non preg. And its defo not a DVT or anything bad. Just bloody painful.

Getting very excited about being a few days away from viability and us all moving across to 3rd tri soon.... Isn't it going quite quickly???

Glad you are all well xx
mary jo congrats on being viable

shadow rat could it not be that u still have a bit of the drink left in u and that is what is being picked up?

loo i get leg cramps alot when preg try when sreching ur legs dnt pont ur toes u wnt get cramps.

lucas seemed to of ben sleepy for the last few days but has nt stoped moving and kicking for the last hr so think he is awake to day.

where are u ladys feeling kicks as i keep feeling them in my ribs and high up like that didnt think he would be that high yet!?!?
Hey ladies, i've been busy the last few days and haven't had time to post. There has been so much activity on this thread I can't catch up!

Hope everyone is doing well and i'll try to read back to get an idea of what going on.

Got my anomoly re-scan today at 3pm so fingers crossed they can see everything and all is ok. Still planning on staying on team yellow but curious to see if we can see anything.

Loo I get leg cramps at night too and they are bloody painful, water, walks and bananas are supposed to be good.
Hi girls...

wondered if i can join in with ur chattin??? my name is nic, i am pregnant with baby no3 a lil boy! im gonna call him mayson! (i know different spelling i liek to be different), he is due 1st august 2009 i already have 2 boys Jake 3 and Charlie 2... im 21 years old from london, got married last august... well thats jus a little bit about me... cant wait to get to know u all! hope all u lot and bumps are good!
I woke up at around 6AM today, hearing my cat do this thing that he does when he flips out because the litter box isn't clean and he doesn't want to get in it, but he has to go poo. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I just had to get up and 1. See if he had gone potty on the carpet or anywhere other than the litter box, 2. Clean the litter box.

I say screw it! Why can't I clean the darn thing? I always did before! If my cats have toxoplasmosis, then they did before I moved in with my husband and before I got pregnant, because they're supposed to get it from eating other animals, and they haven't done so since they've been here (inside-only cats). If they have it, I probably already got it. So why can't I clean the litter box? I used latex gloves and took them off properly, and I washed my hands immediately. I cleaned the litter box for a while without using gloves after I found out that I was pregnant, but before I knew about toxoplasmosis.

I feel like I "slipped" on one of the no-nos, but at the same time, I feel like that no-no is ridiculous and I just want things to be done properly. And MY way is the proper way.

Sorry, I love my husband to death (especially after he gave me such a wonderful birthday yesterday), I wouldn't change a thing about him... but he's not all that great at staying on top of it even when I remind him. I'd rather not nag at him and just be able to do it myself without any complaints! And that goes for everything involved with housekeeping.

I've been so stressed about such a stupid thing... the litter box! :hissy: I'm sick of worrying and stressing about it. I just want to go back to my pre-pregnancy litter box ways... including having the old kind of litter again (my husband chose a different one once it became his responsibility and I hate it) :cry:
Hello nic and welcome :hi:.... this post has been super quiet the last few days ... hope everyone is okay... :)

W4B... I clean the litter box... I think the same thing.. if you have been doing it .... odds are you already have it if you were going to get it... and don't quote me on this.. but I think that we are far enough along that it wouldn't be that big of a deal anyway... :shrug:
W4B - I kind of feel the same about the litter box (though I always hated doing it so any excuse, as far as I am concerned!) BUT - my cat is an indoor cat, she hasn't always been but she has not been outside in 6 years. I was tested for toxo when they took my 1st tri bloods and I'm not exactly sure what the result was but I think it was that I was immune. So it should be ok, but I'm not a risk-taker! Can't see why you wouldn't be able to change it/whatever if you took precautions anyway. What if you lived alone?!

TMR - I haven't felt anything as high up as my ribs yet, though my uterus is almost there. I think baby was breech when I saw the mw on Monday, and I usually feel movement either really low down or in the middle to one side - I figure that's his hands/elbows and feet!

tillymum - good luck at the scan! hope it goes well and you get a good view of baby!

Hi nic :D welcome to our happy August thread! :D

Thanks to you all for the support re my massive epic post of yesterday - I am pleased to say things seem to be ok again, long may they continue. I somehow don't think there'll be another 2-hour crying session in my near future, not after the last one...

So... now I'm past 24 weeks I've ordered the cot! I chose it a few weeks ago and was all set to buy it from - it was £230 but with the 10% discount I have till Sunday it'd be £207. But then right before I ordered, I decided to google some reviews, came across a price comparison site and found that the very same cot was available from Littlewoods Direct for £159, including delivery! So I've saved myself £50, which will be going towards a mattress. :D I also ordered the pushchair - a Bugaboo Bee "newborn package" - the pushchair, the baby nest (thing baby sleeps in) , a Maxi Cosi Cabriofix car seat and the adaptors that fit the car seat to the pushchair. Against the RRP for all those items separately, it works out that the baby nest and adaptors come free. :happydance:

It won't be delivered for a couple of months, so I do hope baby stays put till August... :)
Nic-Welcome to our group! I hope you like it here. Feel free to jump in anytime with posting!

W4B- I was told that if you have lived with cats for a long period of time or grown up with cats, than you are already immune to toxoplasmosis. I'm not sure but I wouldn't worry too much.

Smith- It has been pretty quiet in here lately! I haven't been getting on as much myself just because I've been trying to work as much as possible on getting projects done. I do wonder where everyone has been off to lately though!

MJ- I did the same thing. Soon as I hit 24 weeks, I ordered the crib. It should be here Friday. I'm excited!

So I had my glucose screening this morning. I'm glad I took DH with me because if not I would have been bored out of my mind! :rofl: I did the whole not eating thing. Not a good idea for me. When I don't get food, I get really dizzy and start getting these cough/gagging reflexes going. Emma is very persistant about getting food when she wants it. :rofl: I pray that I won't have to do anything like that again this pregnancy. I'm not sure when results will be in. Probably not for a while because they seem to be very slow about getting results back. :hissy:

That is about all that is going on with me. How has everyone else been doing?
Hey Ladies,

Well i'm just back in from my re-scan and good news all looks perfect with my baby :cloud9: amazing how much bigger it has grown in 3 wks!

I have gotten into the habit of calling it HE cos I feel its a boy and well it's better than IT. So as she scanned me I was saying 'oh look at him', 'oh there's his foot' etc...... and well the midwife also referred to 'Him' and 'his' on a few occasions which DH picked up on, DH thinks he might have seen a little dinkie too!! However as it's not officially confirmed I'll stay on team yellow but I'm totally convinced now that i've got a little man in there :happydance:

I've attached a pic of the scan for you to see. The thing by his head is his foot! Very flexible baby - doesn't get that from me!


  • scan21+3.jpg
    95.7 KB · Views: 5
I feel much better about cleaning the litter box out now. Thank you. Hopefully it won't take too much convincing for my husband to say it's okay... but he probably hates cleaning it anyway!

Tillymum -- What a cute little *ahem* boy! I always called my boy "he" and "him" and when we were at our ultrasound (the one where we found out the gender), we called him "he" and "him" and the tech did too, before she showed us his winky and said he was a boy. Hehe.
Wow Tillymum thats a lovely pic its so clear!!! I was refering tomy baby as she/her from day one and i was right....
Hope you are too x x x x x
Thanks for the advice on cramps. I've read about bananas too! And the pointing toes thing is soooo right - I sort of stopped a cramp just before it happened last night by moving my ankle in the opposite direction.

Thanks ladies

PS Glad the scan was ok tillymum
Dont get me wrong i love bananas but...
Why the hell cant they reccomend oh i dont know chocolate or cake to stop you getting cramps!!!!
Hi fellowo mummies to be - it has been quiet in here for the last couple of days!!

A bit new with me - got my exams results and passed 3 and failed 1 :cry: which means Ihave to resit in June!! Not looking forward to it!!

I had a MW appointment today and had a different midwife to usual, she was GREAT!! Measured me and I am easuring 21 cm (I'm 22 weeks so that is ok) and everything else was fine.

SO I see some of you haev ordered or are ordering cots etc. DO you think it is too early at 22 weeks? There is a great offer on the Mamas and Papas website for 30% furniture I like, but it ends this week!! To buy or not to buy!!

Anyway - I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the gorgeous weather!!

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