ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

haha, yeah see over here with the gender thing, the sonographer doesn't record ANYTHING about the gender on the paperwork, so you CAN'T find out accidentally! They'll tell you at the scan verbally if you want, but *even then* it's not recorded in paperwork, so if you decide to not find out then and there, you CAN'T find out later without having another scan... Made it easy for me really, I said right at the start that we didn't want to know, so there was never any tempting "do you want to know" questions!! lol.

But I do love the card idea... I think that when it comes to #2 we will probably find out the gender as by then we'll have a 'preference' one way or the other, but right now we really don't care if it's a boy or a girl! So maybe for #2 we'll do the card thing... hehe!

Wow Preethi, so cool you have everything you need (pretty much)!! We have all the big things we need, and most of the little stuff now too, but I'm having another baby shower in September that'll top up the little stuff as well (clothes and stuff) and my in-laws want to buy the rest of the cloth nappies I need (need probably another 15 yet...) so really I guess we're about done on shopping too! Most of our stuff was second hand or gifted though so we haven't spent that much! We don't make a lot of money, so there's no way we COULD spend that much!!! lol!
what kind of cloth nappies are you planning to use flying?
We're also planning to use cloth. My cousin said she'll give us a set of econobums (12 prefolds + 3 covers), and i really want at least 2 bumbeetles with cute prints (all in ones). Although i'm starting to really want to add about 6 cherub trees to my list as well cos they fit newborns better! (my cousin runs an online cloth diaper store).
I have my cloth list mostly planned out but can't buy any yet :( Will definitely be putting some on the registry (not that we're doing an official one).
So far for the baby I only have a crib (just brought it home from DH's former boss's), a change table with bath and some wall decals and picture frames. But I have heaps more time than the rest of you.

Preethi, I was referring to the furniture you already bought (dresser and cot etc), rather than just yesterday's shopping spree alone.

Had a talk with DH this morning and we've definitely decided to stay :yellow:. Hoping it's the same way here as in NZ and they don't record the sex anywhere so we can't accidently find out either. I told DH he has to be firm with me though, but now that it's agreed upon and we're on the same page I think I'll waver less. And of course it will be easier after the scan and I can't do any backsies lol.
wow flying, thats nice of them , no confusion then because no temptation !! glad youve got everything and surely youre looking forward to your baby shower, so i am but more than anything, i cant wait to start antenatals on monday. it feels more like a coupley thing to do and its nice that dh wants to come along too and we get to meet other couples in the area.

NDH, i know you were referring to the cot, dresser etc, the only two major furniture we did buy were the cot and dresser , so yeah that price was including everything, but we are not done shopping yet.

im glad you have decided to stay team yellow., youve made a decision and so now in the forum, we have you,mummycat and flying in team :yellow:,

Nypage and huggles in team :blue:

and sheryl and me in team :pink:

nice !!
hi everyone!!! :wave:
going for lunch with hubby then to see horrible bosses at the movie theatre!
arrgggh trying not to think too much about how long it is till monday :dohh:
dew keeping everything crossed for you :friends:

Dew, how are you feeling about your temps? Keeping busy, im sure! Let us know how its goin.

Sarah- monda will be exciting and come really slowly, then you will be nervous for wed and that will come super fast. Lol. Soon enough, you will have done the job, and going to vegas! Is that the first week of the 2ww? You still going to have drinks during that time now that you're going for the IUI?

Preethi- i wanna see pics of all your stuff you bought. You said you are making up a list of what you have, if you get bored you should PM me the list, I have no idea where to start with baby stuff! You'd think i'd have never had a baby before...hmmm. Guess back then more people bought things for me!

NDh- team yellow! Yay!

For those thinkin of cloth diapers- I wanted to do this too, but am kind of lost to the process of this. What do you do with poop? And how do these diapers work? I am thinking convenience will just force me to use disposables, but I like to leave a carbon footprint so had considered it......

I am being lazy today! YAY me!:happydance: But I feel so guilty.....like im wasting precious time! But we are so busy lately, and even more so in the future......sigh.
OH is at a tile class to begin laying tile in our bathroom now. Thats the biggest part, since it means I have to be gone...so we will see how this goes. I can't wait for Wed, we are going up north until friday. Just a quick little trip, but much needed. I work right up until that day so need some time off! Then saturday is OH bday, and we are going to a U2 concert. My little guy gets to go jam! We will see if he likes loud music!
I went garage sale shopping with MIL this morning with the express purpose of finding play and sleeps and pajamas. I was so excited this morning that I went to the 2 places I knew had kids clothes at 8:30 am before I even had breakfast. The first place I went to was in my neighborhood but the clothes were overpriced ($2/sleeper, $1.50/onesie). The second place had gowns for $1 but that wasn't really what I wanted. Then I shopped for several hours with MIL before going back to the first place. We went to one place where all the clothes were $.25 and I spent $2.10 and got a bag full of clothes that are about 12 months. Then we went back to the first place and MIL talked her into $.50/sleeper and $.25 or $.50/onesie. So I spent $9 there and got 2 bags full of assorted sizes up to 12 months. Yay!! What a productive trip!
Oh yeah! And when I got home we found out the guy that Mark's boss laid him off to hire quit on him and went back to his old job! I guess he saw the light!
Sarah , enjoy the movie !!xxx

Nyp, i will PM you the list of things we bought, tomorrow in the morning. im sure you have it all figured out anyway, will get my list and send it to you xxx

sheryl, glad you had a nice and productive day !xx

this morning when i pressed my doppler probe on my bump i felt a wave like kick, it was so real :cloud9: for the first time, it was awesome.. xxxx dont want to jinx it.. xx

we went to see harry potter part 2 the finale, it was brilliant, we loved it... xxx
Preethi, I actually googled a list of the layette and have a pretty good idea. I will learn as I go. I remember a few items that I loved with Ella...I need a Halo sleeper sack. That is what I used as a blanket as I was much too scared to have blakets in the crib. I also loved a bouncy/vibrating chair. Its an amazing necessity to take a shower, cuz the baby is in the bathroom with you and loves the chair!

Guess i'll just get a few receiving blankets, crib sheets, pacifiers, bibs, and I need the skin care/ bath stuff. ALso diapers, wipes, diaper warmer, breast pump and sterilizer and storage bags, baby sling, and all the big furniture! HUGE list. thats probably only half. Sigh. Theres so much! Glad I have my clothing done. Lol.

Maybe I should try a garage sale....I've never gone to garage sales before, they confuse me! Lol.
If you had my MIL you would have the hang of it by now. She's great at getting people to knock down the prices to what she thinks they should be and if they don't she leaves. She once looked at a purse they had marked at $1 and left when they wouldn't go down to $.50. She got a lot of clothes today for $.50 a piece for herself too.
Lots of goodies today Sheryl - your MIL sounds like the ideal person to go with!

NY, regarding cloth, if you will be breasfeeding you don't have to do anything wih pooey diapers - throw then in a dry pail (wet pailing is only necessary for terry flats) til laundry day (don't leave longer than 3 days) and just throw them straight in the wash but do a rinse first.
If you're not breastfeeding or as poos start to get more solid, or if you just think the idea of putting poo in the wash is icky, you can use either flushable or fleece liners to catch the poos. Flushable ones can usually be reused if they've just done a wee. There are a few ways to deal with them - you can buy a sprayer you attach to the toilet so you rinse them over the toilet, some people use the shower sprayer if it reaches, and if it doesn't then they rinse over a bucket in the tub/shower. It's only the weaning poos that are supposedly more finicky to deal with though - at that stage I may just use flushable liners but we'll see. Once weaned, poos are solid and easy to tip into the toilet with no fuss.
I've just got most of my info from spending a few weeks in the natural parenting forum Reading all the threads I can find on cloth lol. Seems overwhelming at first, but now I can't wait to start lol.
Thanks NDH. I am still on the fence. I know my family would not be for it, and poo poo me if I did use reusables. Plus, my mother will be the watcher of my baby, so feel like I should do something that she will be comfortable with....AND not sure yet if im comfortable with the extra work and stress of dealing with cleaning the diapers, since I know that having a baby is time consuming already. Washing bottles, dishes, and keeping up with laundry is already pretty tough with a baby.....
oh wow Nyp, i feel like your list is bigger than mine !! that sounds like a plan and you have sorted yourself out pretty well.. xx i will not be using cloth diapers, im going for the regular ones xxx i will send a list anyway just incase to check that i have everything i need and havent missed out on anything, you can tell me if ive missed on something or vice versa x
Huggles; I don't know what brand cloth nappies I'm going to use, as they all fit differently and suit different people! I basically intend to get a few of a few different brands and see how we go and what we prefer before getting more. Also the brans we have here vary to what you can get over there, so your brands mean very little to me at all...!
For the first couple of weeks though we'll be using disposables!!! There's no way I'm gonna be able to cope with a new born and trying to figure out everything you need to figure out as WELL as figuring out cloth nappies!!! After a few weeks when things have started to settle a bit and we're working it all out THEN I'll start on the cloths too.

NDH; I'm so glad you're staying team yellow too! It'll be a lot easier now you've made a set decision about it. I can highly recommend though, that when you go for your scan to say to the sonographer straight away that you don't want to find out the gender!! Then you can enjoy the scan and not worry about being tempted; get it out of the way before then! lol.

Preethi; I'm really looking forward to the antenatal classes too! They're only 24 hours away now, and I got a phone call from the lady taking them earlier this afternoon as a reminder too. hehe. I am mainly looking forward to it for the social aspect; meeting a group of other mums-to-be in my area and getting together about our bubs!!! Also getting hubby much more involved too, I am keeping him as in-touch with it all as much as I can, but he still feels a bit 'left out' somewhat too cos there's not much he can really do at this stage still!!! I know he'll enjoy coming along and being a DAD. heh.

and omg! YAAAAY for that strong kick!!! It feels just like the first proper ones I felt; I was pressing my tummy trying to feel something and there was a wee 'boom' of a kick; it had me in tears cos it was unmistakable and awesome and everything... I'm sooo glad you got it too!! It might have taken a while, but the kicks will only start getting mroe obvious now! I think it was about a week or two after that first 'real' kick (not just possible flutters I'd felt before) that I was feeling regular kicking most days. :hugs:

And yup ny, NDH covered it before with the poo thing; it really is simple when you have it set up to deal with! For newborn lil squidgy poop just wash the whole lot; dump the nappy into the nappy bucket rather the rubbish bag. Then just empty the bucket into the washing machine every day or two; depending on how many nappies you have/use. Solid poop get flipped off into the toilet, and you can rinse any larger squishy ones down the toilet or use flushable liners to just toss the whole liner; poo and all (then just the same as before; dump the nappy into the bucket, and the bucket load into the washing machine) But like I said earlier, I'm still going to go with disposables at first while we get sorted with a routine and everything!! Though the disposables I'm using (have already got a piles of them) are biodegradable ones so at least they're not making as big an impact on the environment.... I'd not at all consider going straight into cloth from day one, unless it was #2, having already had the first one in cloth so I was used to it!!

I think if you set it up for your mum then she should be able to cope with it, cos she's probably thinking that cloth nappies are like the old terry-cloth squares thing that needed folding and scraping poo and pins and leaked and all that! Cloth nappies now-days are amazing compared to those old ones, and not at all as labour intensive. If it's set up so all she has to do is change the nappy and put the dirty one into a sealed bucket, put on a fresh one and is good to go, then she can't really complain about it being any harder than disposables!!! Even if she refuses the flip a poo into the toilet first, if she leaves the poo there and folds the nappy back on itself before putting it into the bucket, you can do a quick flip of them before emptying the bucket into the washing machine, and while that'll mean a few more precious minutes on your end, it'll mean a mum that doesn't complain about cloth being horrible if you DO want to do the cloth thing!!!

Also, you can of course do cloth part-time to *reduce* the number of disposables you use, mum can use disposables during the days she's looking after bub, and you can use cloth at other times to just cut down on the number used and the amount of washing needing done.... :)

Sheryl; sounds like you got some great bargins!!! And does that mean hubby has a job again!??! I hope so!!

AFM I'm having a good day! I sold my wee pony trailer this morning for a decent price, and then we went into town to have lunch with family. I think that finally my dad is showing his excitement in me being pregnant! When we first told that side of the family dad was pretty 'meh' in his reaction; my SIL and brother were far more excited than my dad was, he pretty much just carried on talking about other things! But since then he's popped in to see me a few times at work and asked how I was going and stuff, and today he was asking all sorts of questions and talking about my bump and having to pat it when we first met up and stuff (and encouraged my step mum to come pat it too. heh) so I think he *is* quietly excited about it now! It'll be the first grandchild on all sides of the family so perhaps it just took him a wee while to come to grips with being a grandad? I don't care, he's obviously happy about it all now so it's all good! And while I don't want strangers touching my bump, I was soooo happy when my dad obviously couldn't help himself from touching it, just because it showed his happiness and excitement! :D

Baby has been kicking soooo much lately too, it's been really nice! I know I'm going to love having baby in my arms, but at the same time I just *know* I'm going to miss these silent private lil kicking sessions it has inside me too! It can be having a real wee wriggle in there and noooooooo one would know unless I pointed out my moving tummy or told them, it's our special wee thing that only *I* can have, ya know? I can't wait to meet him/her in a few months time, but I am enjoying being pregnant too....

So tomorrow night is antenatal classes, which go for 8 weeks. And on saturday is my midwife appointment; I then go on to fortnightly visits with her as the time starts getting closer!! So yay for getting to hear the heartbeat more often! lol. This coming weekend my in laws are moving house too, so hubby is going up there to help them shift, but because I'm working on saturday and have the midwife (and can't really help with moving stuff now) I'll stay home. And in 4 weeks I'll be driving the 4-5 hours up to the NZ grooming competition! I'm sooooooo looking forward to going there, even though I won't be competing this year (totally gutted about that... but bub comes first!) it'll be great to spend the whole weekend amongst one of my passions! :D
flying..... that is sooo awesome.. so lovely for you to be feeling big kicks from bubs etc.. and you say you cant wait to have bubs, well me too.. im kind of done being pregnant already lol..

tomorrow night 7-9 is our antenatals as well and its the same as you really, we want to meet other other couples too who are pregnant etc but we only have four classes of two hours each.. not as long as yours xx

i cant wait for my doc appointment.. this saturday.. for the first time ive been able to control myself for 3 whole weeks without seeing bubs.. lol..
NY - here is a nice article my cousin has one her site all about cloth diapering. The other ladies have pretty much covered it here, but it might be a nice article to read anyway.

Flying - we'll also probably use disposables for the first couple of weeks for a few reasons - there are very few cloth diapers that fit newborns well, and i am going for the one size fits all brands so those are also very often too bulky on a newborn. Of those brands cherub tree fits tiny babies best. But even then it's usually only from about 6 weeks. Also, i don't want meconium poos in cloth - yuck!

Babyhopes - yay for feeling a very definite kick! That's so exciting!

Flying and babyhopes - enjoy your antenatal classes! We're probably going to rather go to a one day course which i'll only book for 3 sept (think i'm 28 weeks then). We started doing weekly classes last time but only got to 2 before everything went wrong. This time i prefer the thought of learning everythign in one day. But we will also be going to hypnobirthing classes weekly during sept - so those will also cover the birth, just from a different aspect. So that's also why i don't want weekly antenatal classes - gonna be too exhausting having so many evenings out.

Sheryl - sounds like you're all set up with all those baby clothes! Great that you go them all at such a bargain! :thumbup:

Sarah - good luck for tomorrow!
Hope you enjoyed the movie. Let me know what you thought of it - it's being released here next fri so i'm contemplating going to see it the following tues/wed.

NDH - congrats on deciding to stay team yellow - there's no ways i have enough self control for that! LoL
It's a big relief having the decision made. Will be upfront with the sonographer at the beginning too, and of course if DH is not able to be there it will be easier to stand my ground. But I feel much better for having the decision made.

However, I was having a chat with my SIL this afternoon, (she only JUST found out! I've been after DH for weeks if he talked to his sisters yet, and assumed he'd done so ages ago! I feel so horrible). Anyway, she was going to have her second be a surprise, but he had an erection during the scan :haha: so didn't really have a choice in the matter. Save that happening to us too we'll definitely be waiting.

NY, I don't want you to feel like you're being pressured into cloth, but seeing as you mentioned an interest in being eco friendly, every cloth diaper makes an impact, you don't have to cloth full time. I know some people who use even just one diaper a day, and over time that can make a big difference. Just give it a rinse and throw it in with regular laundry load as long as you aren't using fabric softener and it's no extra work but still making a difference :)

Unlike Huggles and Amy though I plan to start from day 1. I'll just use paper liners for the mec stage. Newborn fluff is expensive though, but I'll be buying lots second hand, and as I hope to have several kiddos it'll be a worthwhile expense as they'll get their use. I may as well get used to it right from the start. I plan to get 15 or so MCNs (and will put some on registry as well so may end up with more) and a dozen or so prefolds to stretch washing days which I can use to boost as baby gets bigger. If I get given disposables I have nothing against using them as backup or for travelling though.

Preethi, I totally missed your post about the kicking - that's so awesome! Glad you're finally experiencing good, strong kicks.
Aha, found the post with the kick - that's too cool. I've read of lots of people who get the most response from bubs while using the doppler and have played with baby using it, like a cat and a laser pointer kinda. I hope they continue.

Preethi and Amy, have fun with the prenatal classes too. It'll be such a fun way to get to meet other expectant parents and maybe meet the mom's you'll be doing play dates with eventually. :thumbup:

Sarah, your scan is coming up - here's hoping for good follies :thumbup:

And Dew - I haven't been keeping track of your temps. Must find a post from you and see how they're doing.

As always, FXd and loads of :dust: for the two of you :dust::dust::dust:
No, he didn't get a new job. Garage sales are a little different for spending money. I only spent $11.10 yesterday for 3 bags of clothes.

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