ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

hi everyone

time for a booby party for flying, its friday morning there now so she surely must be in 3rd tri!!

happy third tri flying!!!

what a lovely chair! I love that you were breastfed on there, thats just so special. We dont have anything really, I think my mum threw out most of my old things, but she did bring me my favourite teddy bear that she found in the attic recently so I want to have a shelf with mine and daddies teddies from our childhood.

I also purchased something about a year ago for the babies room...its a photo frame where you put little photos of your family in a tree, I thought it was so cute...it was from hallmark so you all have probably seen something similar.

mummy love the photo and that the dress has been passed down all those years! my hubbies family is quite traditional so they must have some things they will pass down too but they havent mentioned anything.

preethi, its early thursday here so I really have 4 days to go, 3 sounds better though!! Ive been busy but its still gone slow.

dew :hugs::hugs::hugs: I felt so sad reading your post, life seems so unfair and Im praying that you get your bfp very soon so you are not too sad about the upcoming date. Your chart looks good so far, are you planning on testing at all? :hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs: @ mummy

Dew, i completely understand how you feel, :hugs: im with mummy, i say do something special to make you feel better..

My termination date is on the 25th of July, it would have been two years, im not looking forward to it for all the grief and guilt i will feel too. but we have to move on and thats how think of the good times yet to come xx

Sarah, monday will be here sooner than you know xx
Thanks Huggles, Mummy, Sarah and Preethi for your hugs and kind words :hugs:

My EDD was September 3 so I think from now on until I get my BFP I will be relatively more sad :nope: Mummy, those are great ideas, I never thought of doing something special on that day. I don't think I'll plant a new tree or flower because I'll fear it will die too one day :nope: I am sure I'll come up with something nice to do and try not to feel gloomy. Biggest scare is facing my birthday next year because it will be first anniversary of my MC. I hope I am pregnant with a healthy baby at that time.

Today is 9 dpo and I feel this cycle will end in AF too. No Sarah, I am never testing again before 2-3 days after AF due date.

Hope everyone is doing well. Congrats Flying again!! :thumbup:

Sheryl: read this article today morning about netflix price hike...are you still continuing with it?

yup; I'm officially in the THIRD TRI now!!! omg! :wohoo: :happydance: :dance:

Thank you all. :)

Time is slipping away! I'm having vivid dreams about bub at times, and am really really looking forward to actually getting to meet him/her! I don't want it yet of course, but I'm very excited at how much closer it's getting... Excited and totally freaked out! lol
Hi all!

I am here. Camp was exhausting and so much more work than I expected. My everything hurts and i've got negative amounts of patience left. I am not sure why I thought I could do that 26 weeks pregnant, but i've survived. And didn't go into preterm labor! Now, have to go to work the next 2 days:( WOrk called and wanted me to work some overnights next week and while I really need the money, I couldn't fathom after this week, to mess up my sleep totally by working overnights. I am too pregnant for this crap!!!

Dew- sorry you are down about your loss:( I feel it still, the sadness about the fact that this could be our 3rd child and be done with it all had we not lost that one....and was that one a girl or a boy? Trying not to forget my little baby lost. .....I hope you feel better and just get another chance really soon here.

Sarah that basinette was so cute! You better start saving:) Can't wait for monday! You must be pretty excited. Is DH as excited, or more held back about it?

Preethi nice shower pictures and hope your little one starts kicking on a regular basis. Good that ou've got the random one though, bet you loved that:)

NDH, congrats on feeling movement too. So soon for you, must be so fun!

I have alien baby too, my tummy gets really weird shaped and jiggles and stuff. Its awesome to watch and feel!

Flying happy 3rd tri!

Huggles- your little guy is soo cute! Glad all looks well and seems as though everything is on your side this time.

Mummy hope you are feeling well and having fun with Lottie!
hi ny!!! omg I cant believe you did that, but good for you! hope work is not too bad these next few days, can you relax on the weekend?

hubby doesnt really say much about the apts, Im excited and hoping I responded well, who knows on my 2nd cycle what will happen. I had some ov pains yesterday and was worried I may have a cyst or something. Im little worried about the IUI as Im a wuss for pain and things down 'there', I hope its the wednesday as hubby could be off and be with me. otherwise if its tuesday he will have to go do his sample and then go to work (he works tues, thurs, fri). will be very interesting to see what his post wash numbers are though!

we were going to take next month off then hubby and a friend who knows Im TTCing said who cares about the wedding (in may) dont miss a month. but the time I would have to go to the hospital is right in the week my family was here and I was thinking of taking them to New York City for 3 days (dont think I can afford the cruise thing). So Im not sure if they will do clomid with no monitoring, guess I will have to figure that out on my CD1 (or will I be lucky to not get a CD1!!). Im ok with not being in medication for that month and if we are in NYC hopefully we will get some time to BD....mother might be in the room with us though :growlmad:
I can relax......saturday morning before work. Sunday maybe? Although OH will start to tile the bathroom floor so i'll need to find somewhere to be hanging out with a toilet that I can use. Sigh. So tired and just want to be lazy for a day!!!!

So, They wash the spermies ,eh? I heard that the washing was to pic a gender! Lol. Must have been false information....someone said , "im not paying to have them wash the sperm to choose boy or girl though."
I think the OV pains could be good actually, I sometimes had them quite badly, but with the cycle I was pregnant it was really uncomfortable. Then, once I knew was preg already, around 9-10 months felt the same ovary pains, and think it had something to do with a cyst that develops on the ovary for prviding progesterone in pregnancy. So, maybe you are building a good one:)

Would be so nice if you could BD in NY, get bfp, and then we'd both have gone to NY during our fertile times and gotten knocked up:) Actually, would be way better if you didn't need to go that far, but you know what i mean! And our mom in your room with you? Why on earth! Get her a different room, for sure! NY brought out some good baby making sex for us:) haha.

SO, then if she is in the room, I hope you can do the IUI without monitoring then, tell them you'll be on a trip. Because that way, you are still in it for that cycle even if she is in your room and you can't BD.

This is so exciting, I cant wait to hear more about it all! You are so brave to do this all and really go for it these cycles. Good joB!
I hope you get lucky with the IUI on the first try. My doctor has told my friend her second is likely to be a girl with IUI and her first was a girl with IUI. Most people don't talk about things like IUI so I don't know anyone else who has used it.
I can relax......saturday morning before work. Sunday maybe? Although OH will start to tile the bathroom floor so i'll need to find somewhere to be hanging out with a toilet that I can use. Sigh. So tired and just want to be lazy for a day!!!!

So, They wash the spermies ,eh? I heard that the washing was to pic a gender! Lol. Must have been false information....someone said , "im not paying to have them wash the sperm to choose boy or girl though."
I think the OV pains could be good actually, I sometimes had them quite badly, but with the cycle I was pregnant it was really uncomfortable. Then, once I knew was preg already, around 9-10 months felt the same ovary pains, and think it had something to do with a cyst that develops on the ovary for prviding progesterone in pregnancy. So, maybe you are building a good one:)

Would be so nice if you could BD in NY, get bfp, and then we'd both have gone to NY during our fertile times and gotten knocked up:) Actually, would be way better if you didn't need to go that far, but you know what i mean! And our mom in your room with you? Why on earth! Get her a different room, for sure! NY brought out some good baby making sex for us:) haha.

SO, then if she is in the room, I hope you can do the IUI without monitoring then, tell them you'll be on a trip. Because that way, you are still in it for that cycle even if she is in your room and you can't BD.

This is so exciting, I cant wait to hear more about it all! You are so brave to do this all and really go for it these cycles. Good joB!

yes she would be in our room as theres 7 of us and I was trying to just get 2 rooms with 2 double beds in each....2 adults and 2 children in one room and then me, hubby and mum in another!! for 3 nights its bloody expensive....at least $200 per room per night, so 2 rooms for 3 nights is already $1200, if I have to get my mum her own room it would be another $400 :growlmad: plus another $1400 for flights, we were going to drive but its 6 hours each way so add gas, parking etc I think I prefer to pay the $1400 and be there in an hour. Im paying for the whole thing as its a surprise, they paid to get themselves from UK - Canada.

The time I want to take them away is right at my ovulation time if I get my period on Aug 4 so IUI wouldnt be possible. I only have a small window to take them as MIL looks after the dogs and she is going away the middle when my family is here. I guess I could look at it this way: Im not paying for IUI so could spend that money on my mum having her own room!! :haha:

where did you stay in NY?

yes they wash the sperm so that its pure sperm without any semen or other crap! I dont think sperm washing for gender is available so not sure what she meant!

thanks sheryl, I dont know anyone who has done IUI either. I doubt I will be so lucky to get pregnant first try, but theres a few people who did it 2nd try in the over 35 folder.
Sarah we stayed at Empire hotel I think it was called? Right across from the Ballet school and very near central park in Manhatten. It was ok. Kinda trying to be "trendy" but seemed a bit tacky. Lol. The restaurant attached to it was fine. The rooftop bar was a tad annoying though because it had a lot of roudy party people coming in and out of the foyer. Although, there was a lot of security and hotel staff to keep it mostly classy. So, all in all, was fine. I am not sure how much it costed....think we were there 2 nights then went to long island for 2 nights. NY is expensive. Then to eat, see things, taxi, it all really adds up so yea, guess your mom should be in your room probably.

What things do you plan to see/do? And where will you stay? I liked being where we were because we walked to central park and through to the other side of that. We could walk to the Natural Museum of History easily, I liked seeing the ballet across from us each morning. We walked to Time Square, Rockefellar plaza, and even upper side(far walk tho!). We found great food within walking, everything was in walking distance so never ever took a taxi. Only thing we didnt do was get to the statue of liberty area.. No time!
Mummy, what a lovely picture, and what a neat family tradition with the wedding dress now a Christening gown. I love family traditions and heirlooms like that.

NY, welcome home. I'm glad you survived! I hope work goes easy on you for a bit while you recover.

The time I want to take them away is right at my ovulation time if I get my period on Aug 4 so IUI wouldnt be possible. I only have a small window to take them as MIL looks after the dogs and she is going away the middle when my family is here. I guess I could look at it this way: Im not paying for IUI so could spend that money on my mum having her own room!! :haha:

Ahaha love it - it would almost work out the same too, if you didn't take clomid (which since you mostly take it to be monitored, and of course the extra follies, there's not much point anyway that cycle).

I hope the IUI is successful this month and it doesn't come to trying to BD in NY, but that would be cool. And even if you do share a room I'm sure you can manage to find a time to get some sneaky BD lol. DH and I once went to a conference in NJ where we shared a room with another couple and we managed a couple times (the other couple was always out much later than we were but we did get interrupted once :blush: lol.) It would probably be more embarrassing if it's your mom than a stranger though.

Flying, Happy 27 weeks! 3rd tri already wow!

I can't remember exactly what everyone else is up to now but I think that also means happy 22 weeks to Sheryl and happy 21 weeks to Huggles? Or am I a week off?

AFM, megapixel is being quite the wiggle worm lately. S/He is most active when I'm laying on my back so I've been staying in bed far too late haha. But did feel some kicks last night while sitting in my chair too.

I have my anomaly scan booked for August 8th at 11:30. Silly time as DH won't be able to go I'm sure, and I forgot to ask if it's possible to get a recording, either by DVD if they do them or if I'm allowed to bring a video camera. I can't let DH miss out on it entirely.

As the time is getting closer it's getting harder to keep my resolve to stay team :yellow: though :nope:. But if DH isn't able to come that will make it easier as there's no way I'm finding out without him. One thing I've been considering though is making a card that says "Congratulations we're having a..." and ask the sonographer to write it down then seal it in the envelope. That way if the suspense gets to be too much we can find out together at the time of our choosing. But that might be too much temptation to have around. I don't know.
Good memory NDH! Bummer that DH can't make that time. I waited several extra weeks for DH to come but we were also finding out the gender.
Well with DH still not working I just couldn't keep waiting until we know what his hours will be (if he gets a job that has regular hours even) on the off chance we can book a scan that will be at a reasonable time for him to come.
Ny, welcome home, so sorry you had a tough time, i cant imagine camping whilst pregnant in this heat and then having to work over night shifts !! BOO to work !! cant wait till you have to go on mat leave then its just relaxation to look forward to xx

Sarah, i hope IUI works, i thought with IUI they took individual sperm and egg and left them to fuse and then get it back into you or something or is that IVF? i am defo goin to read up on it but sounds great and im feeling very positive about it.. so hopefully you wont have to wait until NY trip !!! :hugs: what are you doing at the monday appointment exactly ?

NDH, yay for feeling movement xxx that must be awesome.

i think im going to ask my doc about why im not feeling movement and i will probably tell her that i think its because although my LMP says im 25 or 26 weeks , bubs is still small on the scan by 6 or 5 days and that including my placenta could have an effect !
Preethi, ICSI is when they put the egg and sperm together. It's like one step beyond IVF (IVF they put sperm and eggs in a dish or whatever, then however many embryos form they either discard or freeze the rest that they don't put back in you. (They usually only put 2 or 3 back). ICSI they actually inject the sperm into the egg rather than letting it meet on its own. That's a bad explanation sorry.
IUI is when the sperm are washed so only good, motile sperm are left, and then the good sperm are injected into the uterus. They still have to do the work from there, and conception (if it happens) takes place as normal rather than in a lab.
how exciting that you've booked your anomaly scan NDH - it'll be here before you know it! I love the idea of writing the gender in a card and finding out together if hubby can't be there!
woohoo for the upcoming scan NDH, and for feeling movement! I've not been tempted at all to stray from team yellow so far, but I think if there was an envelope in the house with the gender in it, I'd probably have opened it by now in some weak moment!!! I doubt that if you're already wavering that you'll be able to NOT look at the envelope if you did that...!

NY, sheesh I'm glad your'e home, even if you have to go back in to work! Now don't take on any more than you can deal with!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah; hopefully you'll just get a BFP this month and not have to worry about TTC next month at all!!! FX hun...

And sorry if I've forgotten anyone else!

I decided seeing I hit third tri today that I should get an updated pic. My avatar is still my 24 week pic, so this one is 27 weeks; same top & in the same (sorta) place

it's growing! :D
Yeah you're right Amy - but what a keepsake that would make for the baby book. We'll totally have to decide in the next 3 weeks if we are going to stay :yellow: for the long haul or find out, because if we go the card route we can pretty much guarantee we'll know early. (Unless maybe I give it to my mom - she really doesn't want to know and would keep it safe :haha:)

Argh I'm just so torn lol. Reading it on a card alone together would be much better than hearing it from the sonographer or worse, someone slipping up and finding out by accident. I know so many people who have found out accidentally (ie doctor who read the report and wasn't aware that we didn't know. That would be an awful way to find out. I had a bad dream recently about finding out that way without DH there either. I actually woke up crying lol.

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