ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

Still trying to get in touch with the education person at my hospital. Stupid voicemail.

Thinking about Sarah and hoping for results!
Perfect timing!

The lady at my hospital just called me back. My class will be FREE, 4 Wednesday evenings starting September 21. They cover vaginal births, c sections, pain relief, breast feeding and newborn care during those 4 weeks. I also get a hospital tour the first time we meet. :-D

And 10 couples are expected.
Ny... !!! Flippin heck, youre in third tri today !!!

HAPPY THIRD TRI !!!!!!!!! :holly: :holly: :headspin !!!! yay for you..
hi everyone!

Im bacccckkkk! it went great, not painful at all more like a pap smear then a weird uncomfortable cramp thing. I now have 29 million of my hubbies washed sperm in my uterus!!! they said it a great number as they are highly motile. I noticed people on here having between 10-20 mil so I think its good. So fingers crossed, Im going to lie down for a while now.

ny wow you are in 3rd tri, I cant have a booby party right now as I dont want the sperm to drop out :rofl: but heres a little shaking :holly::holly::holly:
dew how are you doing? havent seen you for a while
sheryl thats amazing they are free, how exciting, it will all seem so real when you start the classes.
woohoo NY; third tri!!!!!!!!! :D Congrats hun! It's alllll downhill from here... haha!

Yay preethi for feeling more movement! And WELL DONE on managing to last the three weeks between scans!!! It sounds like you're relaxing a bit more about it if you can wait for 3 weeks! hehe. With feeling some movement now, even if it's only minimal, it'll help you feel better I think? Bub is strong and healthy in there!!! :) :hugs:

Sheryl, that's great the classes are free! Ours are too, but all the maternity care stuff here is pretty much... Can't wait to hear how they are!! :)

Sarah; woohoo for 29million! That's great! And they're all washed and ready to do their thing, HOPEFULLY one of those follicles had a great egg, and HOPEFULLY one of those sperm will find it's way in... Oh I really hope so for you!! FX FX FX FX!! I'm sending piles of baby dust your way!!!

AFM, hubby is heading off tonight to help his parents move house tomorrow and saturday, so I have 2-3 nights without him. I love him to bits, but I gotta say I'm gonna enjoy having the whole bed to myself at nights too!! lmao! 28 weeks tomorrow (wtf!?) and midwife on saturday, but otherwise nothing much happening with me (except a nutty child in my belly, I swear it's doing tap dances some times...! lol)
Yay Sarah! Glad it went well - 29million is a great number! Plus that's just from the IUI - if you have BDd at all in the last 5 days you've got those swimmers too! And with 4 good follies that are suspected to all have eggs I think you have a really good chance. FXd that all goes well.

Sheryl, great news that yours are free. Mine arent :( $50 for the 6 weeks which isn't bad but not free :(. But I haven't seen the midwife yet - that info was just on the welcome sheet I got at my first antenatal appointment so I'll find out on Monday.

NY, happy 27 weeks! 3rd tri already - crazy!

And I'm 17 weeks this morning too - very near halfway!

Preethi well done on holding out 3 weeks between scans!
Sarah, so bloody excited for you !!! 29 million is brilliant !!!!!! xxxx i so totally hope that those strong spermies get into your eggs and make a baby !!!!! FX'D

Flying.. we seem to have started our antenatal classes on the same day and now both of us have our midwife/doctors appointment on the same day too lol.. mines on saturday as well.. thats when she will give me a date for the 3 hour fasting sugar test.. yuck !!
haha Preethi, that's funny our doc/midwife appointments are the same day too!! Mine is in the afternoon; after work. I didn't find the glucose test to be too bad, but then mine was only an hour and it wasn't a fasting one (I did a fasting one, minus the drink, when I was 6 weeks to just check my general blood sugars as I have a family history of diabetes!) the drink just tasted like flat lemonade and cos I knew I was going to have to drink it, I hadn't had a drink for a while so was thirsty and it went down easily! lol! I will get my results when I see the midwife on saturday (I think they're all good, as she has always said she'd contact me if it was anything other than ok!) so hopefully my blood sugars were all ok and I don't need to do the 3-hour one!!!

NDH, omg, you're getting close to half way! sheesh! :D
Happy 17 weeks NDH!
And almost happy 28 weeks flying!

And yay for all those millions of sperm sarah! :dust:
flying, mines in the morning.. lol ive already done this 3 hour test before at 18 weeks.. its generally done that way plus a repeat at 27/28 weeks. xx

Happy 17 weeks NDH !!
hi everyone!

feeling great this morning, I dont know why but that procedure yesterday made me really happy. I think its because it was no problem at all and I really feel like it could make me pregnant one of these months. I love that I get to know about follicles and lining. It seems everything is lined up for it to work, I just hope it does....I think it just needs time. I will feel differently if I get to December with no bfp though! With 4 follicles and 29 million sperm you would think I would get pregnant, but when the rates for even IVF are only 30% chance the odds are reallty against us each month. But I will keep plodding along, Clomid/IUI has been a breeze, the worst part is having my blood taken when it hurts. Im quite sensitive to medical things so I hope IUI works for me [-o<[-o<[-o< IVF sounds much harder on the body.

NDH wow almost half way, thats amazing :happydance:. Doesnt seem that long ago you got your bfp. We didnt end up BD yesterday as hubby said lets not interfere with the 29 million CLEAN washed sperm which I thought was a good point. The last time we BD'd was Saturday night as we had to abstain for the sample, so there could be a few of those waiting in the tubes, it was a large deposit as we hadnt BD'd all week.

preethi wow you have been so good holding out and not getting a scan! can wait to hear how the next one goes.

flying enjoy the time alone! sometimes hubby and I sleep in separate beds...we have a spare room that feels like a hotel room as its nice and clean and the dogs/cats dont go in there. we have a king bed but with the 3 dogs on there it can feel crouded. I personally like sleeping alone but I know people would think thats weird and there was a problem in the relationship but there really is not! my dream is to have a custom bed where I can fit 2 queen mattresses side by side, our master room is big enough so I may do that one day!!

dew I hope you are ok and just having some time off :hugs: I looked back to find one of your posts and looked at your chart, I see you are spotting :hugs: I hope you are doing ok as I know these next few months are going to be extra hard for you :hugs:

NY hope the renevations are coming along! hubby has been restaining our deck and its taken ages. we also ordered some wood to do a lower deck and backsplash for our kitchen and floor tile for another room. I dont know when he will get it all done, have to wait till after vegas now.

hi everyone else :wave:

oh just wanted to share a photo of hubby and I in australia last year....we didnt get many photos together as we have a big camera and didnt want to ask anyone. here we put it on a tripod and hubby kepts running back and forth putting the timer on so his face wasnt ready!!!


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Well Saturday still counts Sarah - if you do get pg this cycle there will still be a chance it was from that and there were already swimmers waiting at ov :)

I also think sometimes people sleep better in separate beds lol -especially if one or both are restless sleepers. We don't sleep separately if the couch is the only option, but when we had a spare bed I would often go sleep there if I was having trouble sleeping. The sheets are always crisp and cool and it's quiet and helps my insomnia not to be sleeping next to a giant snoring heater who destroys the sheets and throws all the blankets on me and then accuses me of being a blanket hog :haha:. I've been awake many times and seen him shove the blankets on my side and then when he wakes up cold he blames it on me. Come to think of it - separate beds are sounding wonderful about now :rofl:

also, nice picture of you guys. I love Sydney at night :)

Is IVF really only a 30% success rate? Wow I never knew it was quite that low. It may be only slightly higher than normal BD chances, but people who have IVF have generally exhausted all other methods, or at least have tried longer than normal naturally and don't want to waste any time so most of those people are ones who would likely never have a baby otherwise. It's just sad to think that 70% of people who have already had a long road to get to IVF still fail :(. Especially when IVF is the light at the end of the tunnel for so many people while they're struggling.
Sarah - loving that you're sounding so positive about it all :thumbup:

I just took a plunge and booked a 4D scan :argh:
I subscribe to about 3 websites that offer really good deals on various things. Today's deal on the one site was a half price 4D scan! We weren't planning on having one at all, but i had started to kind of half reconsider, but wasn't really all that sure. Then the deal came along and we both decided to just go for it - so i bought it and should get the voucher in a day or two. Booked the scan for saturday 10 Sept - i'll be 29+2 then (voucher is valid for 3 months).

Very nervous buying that deal now though as i'm only 2.5 weeks away from when we lost Jarrod so pretty much full of nerves about things, but the deal was only on for one day and it was too good to pass up, so i decided to be brave and just go for it. Fx'd i get to use the voucher!
Well Saturday still counts Sarah - if you do get pg this cycle there will still be a chance it was from that and there were already swimmers waiting at ov :)

I also think sometimes people sleep better in separate beds lol -especially if one or both are restless sleepers. We don't sleep separately if the couch is the only option, but when we had a spare bed I would often go sleep there if I was having trouble sleeping. The sheets are always crisp and cool and it's quiet and helps my insomnia not to be sleeping next to a giant snoring heater who destroys the sheets and throws all the blankets on me and then accuses me of being a blanket hog :haha:. I've been awake many times and seen him shove the blankets on my side and then when he wakes up cold he blames it on me. Come to think of it - separate beds are sounding wonderful about now :rofl:

also, nice picture of you guys. I love Sydney at night :)

Is IVF really only a 30% success rate? Wow I never knew it was quite that low. It may be only slightly higher than normal BD chances, but people who have IVF have generally exhausted all other methods, or at least have tried longer than normal naturally and don't want to waste any time so most of those people are ones who would likely never have a baby otherwise. It's just sad to think that 70% of people who have already had a long road to get to IVF still fail :(. Especially when IVF is the light at the end of the tunnel for so many people while they're struggling.

haha I feel the same way....hubby is always boiling hot and sweaty!! although Im usually the blanket hogger. I slept in the spare room last night as I was feeling so happy the iui was over and content and wanted a nice fresh hotel room feel!!

I loved sydney at night too, our favourite thing was to just go on the ferry over to darling habour as it would run till almost midnight. we had a pass so it was free and so lovely. i want to go back so bad!

yes the IVF rates are not great, but like you said these people are often people who will never get pregnant. the nurse said to me intercouse is about a 15% success and IUI brings it up to 20%. The odds are against us every month, its amazing you girls did it!!
Sarah - loving that you're sounding so positive about it all :thumbup:

I just took a plunge and booked a 4D scan :argh:
I subscribe to about 3 websites that offer really good deals on various things. Today's deal on the one site was a half price 4D scan! We weren't planning on having one at all, but i had started to kind of half reconsider, but wasn't really all that sure. Then the deal came along and we both decided to just go for it - so i bought it and should get the voucher in a day or two. Booked the scan for saturday 10 Sept - i'll be 29+2 then (voucher is valid for 3 months).

Very nervous buying that deal now though as i'm only 2.5 weeks away from when we lost Jarrod so pretty much full of nerves about things, but the deal was only on for one day and it was too good to pass up, so i decided to be brave and just go for it. Fx'd i get to use the voucher!

thats great! it will be amazing to see, cant wait.

I didnt realize it was 2.5 weeks away :hugs: Im sure you will have so many emotions over the next few weeks but hopefully feel good that you took a preventative measure this time and you have your angel watching over you too :hugs:
sarah, glad that you have a good feeling about this cycles IUI, and i didnt know that IVF has such low success rates.. hopefully you wont have to get to that option even !

i have a snoring problem now more that im pregnant lol dh gets well mad at me, and has even recorded it on his mobile phone to play it back to me.. lol i still dont prefer separate beds.. id rather sleep on one end of the bed so as to not disturb him but still need him in the same bed, i dont like sleeping alone ..

lovely pic of you and dh.. xxx

huggles, glad you booked a nice 3d scan, but understand your concerns.. dont worrym youve had your C.clrge done now and you are going to have a nice healthy baby xxxx:hugs:

AFM, today was an awesome day with regards to baby. went to my mums and my aunt was there as well, had lunch and a glass of cold coke and then felt some kicks .. so i called mum over and pressed her hand over my bump and she felt two nice kicks ! and my aunt felt several.. then came home determined to get dh to feel the kicks, woke baby up by just rubbing my tummy, moving it around with my palm and then he felt 2 - 3 kicks himself.

i am so happy and so is he. i have a shitty placenta and finally felt kicks, but they are not as hard or obvious as other women describe it, because of my placenta, i have to concentrate and lay down still and push my fingers in a little hard to feel the kicks, but then i do !! :cloud9:
Hi everyone!

Thank you for the boobie dances and the well wishes for 3rd trimester. I am in shock, myself and can't grasp the 3rd tri title yet! Although, im big, and uncomfortable, want to cry, laugh and scream simultaneously, and feel like peeing my pants once in a while, so guess I fit right in!

Its so lovely to watch all the pregnant ladies in here just forge right on through these weeks. I cannot believe NDH is almost half, and Huggles, I am thinking of you in the next couple weeks as you approach your own milestone of making it past the week you lost your little boy. You are so far along so fast!
Flying is almost 30 weeks already! SheesH!

Sarah I am glad all went well and shocked at the low success rates also. That makes me sad that IVF is so low. BOOO. Hope one of those 29 million strong swimmers got to make it to the target! I also need lotsa sleep space but dont have another room to sleep in. Lol. I love when OH leaves at 5 am though and the first thing I do is roll over and SPRAWL! Sometimes if its the weekend, and he gets up for a second I am already rolling over and he says "no, dont sprawl in my spot yet, im just letting the dog out quick and coming back!" Oooops:)

Huggles- ya for your 3d! That will be fun. I have to schedule my second one yet, probably hopefully for the next week or 2 so im in the 28-29 range. The guy said for my size of body, anything past 29 weeks he will probably be too smushed to get good pics. Poor baby!

I can't recall what else is going on. We are up north and my brain is a little soft from not being at home thinking of working, cleaning, or doing home renovations! I am just laying in bed, looking at the waves on the lake. So nice! Talk soon!

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