ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

her brain ? not too sure what you mean by that, but abdomen is understandable, although we wont be buying any more baby stuff until she is ready to come home, i can always pop out closer to her release date and get the stuff i need.. somehow now i dont feel comfortable buying anything, we want to know she is healthy and ok and safe to come home and then we may feel better buying her preemie clothes.. in NICU, theyre always bare chested and just wear nappies.. so she dosent need clothes then.. as for home, i can always buy some closer to time as mentioned xx
When I was reading about the eyes yesterday I saw someone posted at their 23 week scan the baby's eyes were open and blinking. That must have been awesome to see.

Here's a good one...

I am so mad now, AF didn't come yesterday and I doubt if it is coming today...all signs indicate it is lurking around, temps dropped today but not enough and I have been noticing brownish CM (once every evening) for past 3 days and some today morning too. I hate it when it's late....makes me lose my patience. Such a *itch!!
oh dew thats just the worst! you just want her to come if shes coming and get on with a new cycle. and then theres always that thought of people who have late breakthrough/implantation bleeding. have you been testing at all this cycle or dont you bother anymore?

preethi Im often thinking about you and hoping everything goes well :hugs:

I dropped off my family at a large amusement park this morning and picking them up tonight, so have time to catch up on work etc. So I didnt get an LH surge yesterday or today so will be going in tomorrow for the ultrasound and bloods...will see if my smaller follicle grew, if not I just have 1. then we will see if IUI is friday or saturday....if its friday we will have to skip or I was going to ask them can we just do the IUI tomorrow, surely thats ok as the sperm can live for days. but the trouble is they left a message about abstaining....she said they like to have 2-4 days of abstaining for the sample...so now Im annoyed as I didnt check the messages last night as we didnt get home till midnight and so now I have to get hubby to release or BD asap. But now I cant ask them to do the IUI tomorrow as thats not enough abstaining so at this point our only option is Saturday IUI :dohh: hope you followed that!

basically if Id gotten the message last night and BD'd we could have done the IUI on thursday (if they were ok with it). So I just hope tomorrow wont show an LH surge on my bloods and then I will take the trigger tomorrow and IUI on saturday.
Sarah: I can foresee myself fussing about the same in 1 or 2 months when we start IUI process. I won't say I am excited about 24th appointment but knowing where we are headed I want 24th to come sooner so we know what doctors have to say about our situation and if we are doing IUIs or IVF and if IUI then how many etc etc...

But today I am just annoyed as AF is delayed...I had some confusion about ovulation this cycle and now I think I might have ovulated later which means we didn't BD at the right time. It's just too much to handle...enough already, I want it to work!!!! And no I am not testing, I will know when it is right time to test...
so hubby and I just BD'd and I thought I would try another ov test....and got the smiley face :dohh: so what does that mean! what will they do? the annoying thing is when you phone to leave a message they usually get back in 24 hours, well Im going in tomorrow morning so its too late. Will I ovulate tonight? if so then I suppose the ultrasound will show Ive have already ovulated and at least I got a BD in. If I didnt ovulate then we could ask to do an IUI tomorrow, but his count will be much lower as we just BD'd today so they may not allow without the abstaining :dohh:

sorry dew, Im probably making you more anxious about this process! but the last 2 cycles were really smooth (had multiple follicles CD13 so they got me to do the trigger and then the timing is smooth) its just this one is harder as I didnt have many follicles (probably from the cyst) so they've had me wait, and now Im getting a natural LH surge and its all confusing.
I think you should save your money since you only have 1 and this month doesn't sound very good for IUI.
i think you should just go for your app tomorrow and mention the smiley then and see what the scan shows. I'm glad you got a bd in though!

If this cycle doesn't land in bfp, will you do clomid again next cycle? Is this your third cycle of clomid? I just ask becuase from what i've heard from other people on clomid they only normally do 3 cycles at a time and then you have to wait for a few months before repeating it. Not sure of the reasons though, but maybe worth asking at your app tomorrow.

I really hope that this cycle works for you though - even if you don't get the iui. :dust:
thanks ladies! Im a bit blah about this cycle anyway, because of the august birthdate being my SIL wedding month, so Im not too stressed just confused.

huggles I will definitely be going in tomorrow, and this is my 3rd month of clomid. I know what you mean and have heard of people only taking it for 3 months, but also seen many that have taken it for 6 months. My lining this month is great, so perhaps I can stay on it? or they might suggest injectables as I need to keep going, not have a break. we will see!!

sheryl my hubby said the same thing, but my thinking is with only 1 follicle Id prefer every chance I get and would like to do the IUI. but who knows, I may ovulate tonight and then decision will be made for me! I doubt my 1 BD session will result in anything but who knows. Its just with 4 follicles and 29 million washed sperm directly in my uterus last month nothing happened, so I cant believe 1 follicle and a BD would result in anything (anythings possible but my realistic mind thinks not)
Sarah, under present circumstances I would also suggest to skip IUI this cycle, I think you got BD right on time and if you BD again tomorrow night, his sperms will get about 30 hours time to replenish (36 is considered ideal).

Sarah, it's a chance event, as they say only one sperm is required so 29 million may not have worked but 1 may work. I have been reading on lots of IUI and IVF threads and recently a woman got her BFP on natural cycle after failed IUIs and clomid treatments, another lady also got her BFP on natural cycle after failed IVFs and clomid treatments. So, miracles do happen.

Huggles, clomid is known to thin uterine lining so higher dose and too many rounds of clomid are not recommended.
If DH agrees then I do not want to temp, OPK or plan BD in next cycle. I just want to start BDing from CD7 every other day until CD15 (after CD15 I think DH has to travel). Anyhow, things are very uncertain as we'll be meeting with FS on 24th and who knows they may start to monitor me from this cycle itself. My TTC part of brain is dead and need a break to revive itself.
Sarah, glad your'e back, nice to see you again.. xxxx really glad you got that bd session in and then got the smiley face, so your definetely spot on, maybe you can get another round of BDing tonight and just try it this cycle with clomid and BD'ing and then go for IUI your next cycle? unless you want IUI this cycle.. looks like youre not fussed about having your IUI this session ? xxx FX'D for you xxx

Dew, so sorry AF is messing you about like this.. how frustrating.. xx maybe you can mention this at your FS appointment on the 24th,. and they may be able to offer some better advice.. xx FX'D for you , sending babydust to you and sarah xxxx

AFM, i have my complimentary ctg and scan check up in two hours after rushing to hospital the other night for monitoring.. and this is with the doctor who told me we should draw a line at 32 weeks and get baby out... xx little worried but hoping to get some more answers today, will update soon when im back from the appointment x
Good luck at your appointment babyhopes! :hugs:

26 weeks for me today! My biggest main milestone that i've been desparate to get to. Soooo happy to have made it this far!
Long time no see! And whew, lots of pages to read through!!!

Preethi, I'm so sorry for sorta blowing you off this morning on gmail-chat, I'd literally *just* put down the phone from my good friend, so was in tears and not a very good place... :hugs: I've read how you might be having your girl soon! Wow! I too have a friend who her lil guy is 5 months old now and doing well; having been born at 31 weeks. It's scary as hell, but the chances are that she will do fine, especially with such close monitoring! And having the steroids to mature her lungs etc so she has the best chance possible if she does have to come out so early. :hugs: for all the stress and worry though....

Sarah, I can't really offer any advice, I'm not sure what should be done or not! I hope the appointment can give some answers regardless, if you've already ovulated and they say no to IUI then at least you did BD too! haha, I dunno, but I can't help but think that perhaps you're not supposed to have IUI this month, but that despite your assurances of it being the least favoured month due to the due date, that fate says something else and perhaps this was the month it IS supposed to work; naturally! (ok, well, with clomid yes, but with only one, or perhaps 2 follicles and only BD? I'd hardly call that assisted.... lol) In any case, good luck!!!!!!!

Dew; :hugs: omg I HATE when AF is late, unless it's for a BFP! I'm so sorry it's all stuffing around....

Huggles; YAY for 26 weeks!!! And the 100 day mark that I missed too... YAY!

I loved the scan pics NY! Soooo cute!

AFM, well! I did the 2-hour glucose test on friday morning, it was fine really, the drink they gave me this time was lime flavored, and not as nice as the lemonade one last time, but still drinkable. It sure made baby kick a lot on an empty stomach though!!! lol. 2 hours in the waiting room with a good book and got my blood drawn (they took a sample before I had the drink as a baseline test too) and then I was off for the 5 hour drive north to the national grooming competition! Had a ton of fun, I wasn't competing at all, just watching, but it was a lot of fun. Bought back a lot of memories too, as at the last competition I actually won the entire thing! It did suck not competing, but then when I remembered the months of prep work on the dogs, and the 4am start on the days of the competition I'm sooooooooooo glad I didn't even try! lol!!!
My midwife sent me a txt on friday night to say that my bloods came back clear; absolutely no sign of gestational diabetes at all; yay!
The competition ended on sunday evening, and I was staying that night and planning to take my time and drive home on monday, stopping to see some friends along the way etc. Well, sunday night it started to snow in the surrounding areas. I had a terrible sleep that night, so every time I was up to go to the toilet I checked out the window, it wasn't until about 5am that the snow started settling where I was staying, and by the time I was out of bed again at 7am, we had a couple of inches and it was still falling... Remember this is in NZ that shuts down with an inch of snow cos we only GET an inch or two maybe once a year!

So I stayed where I was until lunch time; it wasn't showing signs of stopping, and the forecast was for it to get worse over the next few days. So I made a break for it, and headed home. I got as far as my mums place; 1.5 hours from home before I decided to stop and stay there the night. The roads weren't bad at all, but the road between my mums and our city are all mountainous and they had been closed earlier in the day so I didn't want to risk trying to get over them in the dusk/dark.

So I ended up having to cancel all my tuesday clients and stay the night with mum, then headed home after lunch the next day.

Since then I've been hectic at work trying to get all my tuesday clients fitted in around the rest of my clients, as well as other clients deciding to cancel at the last minute cos they're scared to drive on the (now clear) roads. *sigh* Add to that I started getting a ticklish throat on saturday, and by monday it'd become a cough, and today (thursday) I'm now feeling like utter crap with a ponding head, burning throat, cough, slight fever at times and general crappy-ness. Ugh.

And *then* to top it all off, this morning I get a phone call from a very very close friend who was getting a biopsy done on a lump she found in her breast.... turns out the sore shoulder she has is a grape-fruit sized tumor, there's another in her armpit, and another in her lung as well as the breast one. And not a single one of them is the primary one. She's getting more scans and everything this week and next to find just how far it's all spread, but it's really not looking good at all.... She's been sick for about a month now, but doctors thought it was just a bad virus that hit her hard. Ugh. I've been in tears all day long. This is the friend that gave me the tiny bracelet for bub.

Sorry for the novel! I'm just feeling all up and down. I had an amazing weekend away soaking up my passion in life (dog grooming) and now I'm as sick as a dog and feeling sorry for myself when I get the news of my friend. And tomorrow I am down to 8 weeks to go. It's all so surreal. Like, can life just pause for a week or so and let my mind catch up please!? I'm not coping so great, I need a wee break to try and figure out where I am and what is happening!!!
Welcome back flying! Good to have you back.
so sorry to hear about your friend - that's never nice news to get. I really hope they find the primary soon and that there's a good prognosis :hugs:

Also sorry to hear that you're sick and feeling like crap - that alwasy just makes everything so much worse. Hope you manage to have a break soon and just have a day or two to recover and rest :hugs:

really glad to hear your GTT came back all clear though! :thumbup:
Hey flying, glad your GTT came back fine.. really sorry about your friend.. its totally understandable how youve not been in a position for anything.;. and wow i do know that NZ gets really cold, but sorry youve been stranded because of the snow !!

Huggles, HAPPY 26 WEEKS !!! can completely understand how happy you must be feeling :hugs:

AFM, didnt have the scan, just the ctg. it was all fine, will be having two appointments every week now, monday scans and thursday ctg's.. x
is the ctg where they check movement?
Glad it came back good.
Welcome back Flying! Glad you had good time and reached back home safe after all. I hope you feel better soon :hugs: So sorry to hear about your friend's cancer, unfortunately it is not sounding good as the tumor is now metastatic having spread to bones, lymph nodes (arm pit), lungs. How old is she? I hope you can be strong for her :hugs:

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