ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

NY -- I didn't feel like I had an abundance of milk because when I was pumping before I felt like I didn't have enough for K if she needed to eat again. But this morning I fed her on one side, pumped 3 oz from the other and then fed her on the same side as before with no issue an hour or so later. I have about 10 oz in the freezer but she eats about 1.5 oz at a time still so it's a non-issue.

We are going to have my mom watch K February 7th so that we can do a nice dinner and probably a movie to celebrate my birthday on the 6th. We haven't been to the movies in sooo long now.
Cant believe how big everyones babies are already!

We decided on the name Sara Rebekah. Totally not one of the names on our list but it suits her. She is such a good baby so far :cloud9:

awwww love it! Im Sarah and my sister is Rebecca, so close!!
Awww sweet name. :)

Sarah- I watched that Youtube video and was in awe and trying to memorize the 5 different cries and was going to be the best mommy ever and quite far into it she finally says "oh, and this is only for babies 0-3 months after that they develop a different language" and im like @#@*&$#*$#@!! Maybe she should tell me the language for 3-6 then, dammit! But that is amazing stuff there. I do recognize Kian does that for his hunger cry too.

hi! well here is my update from my meeting with my FS today, sorry its a bit long but I will post it incase anyone is interested!

..after having a month off it was really nice to be at the clinic and see her! so she reviewed my file and the first thing she was was 'well its good news and bad news...the good news is you responded great and bad news you didnt get pregnant'. but she said with having the 8 frozen she would be VERY surprised if I didnt get pregnant from the FETs. She said that to have 10 blasts was exceptional, even for someone much younger so she was really pleased. Even though we cant look at the quality she was saying to get that many blasts is very promising.

one thing I thought was interesting was I asked her, when it fails is it usually the egg/embryo or are implantation problems equally high. she said that when you look at fertility charts theres a drastic decrease in pregnancy rates as the person gets into their late 30s - 50. but when they look at pregnancy rates with people using younger donated eggs/embryos the pregnancy rates pretty much stay the same from 20-50...indicating that its usually the egg/embryo. I though that was very interesting, that a 48 yr old with donated embryos from young eggs have a similar pregnancy rate that a young person.

that bit of info makes me feel less like my body is a failure, as implantation is probably very possible right up until 50 so its just the matter of finding that golden egg/embryo.

I asked her about implanting 1 or 2 and I was thinking of 1, and she was shocked as she said its usually her trying to persuade people to implant less. (She said its totally up to us and I was glad that she didnt try to persuade us to do 2 to keep clinic stats up). She had the new stats from 2011 and for 39yo there was a 40% success rate, and twins is about 12-20%. I asked her the pregnancy rate for single embryo transfer and she said about 15-20%. I *think* I might do 1 to start off with as its only another month to try again and if it doesnt work I can do 2.

I also asked her if I had to do another fresh cycle would they consider pgd and she said yes they do sometimes offer it, so thats good as I didnt think it was available here. she also said they if Im not pregnant after a couple of FETs she might do a biopsy in my uterus, as there are some studies that show a disturbance like that can help implantation rates.

I came away really feeling good about my chances and now its just the decision about 1 or 2, I can tell them on friday after my ultrasound.
Sounds like your appointment went really well Sarah :) Evefything sounds quite promising. I'm so hopeful for a sticky bean from one of your frosties :flower::kiss:

We changed baby's name slightly - from Sara to Saranna. But she can still be called Sara.
natalie, congratulations again... she is lovely, been following you on facebook xx

sarah, glad you had a good appointment and that the FS is positive about it all.. !! im sure its going to happen, now just counting down the days to the transfer ! :)

nikki, sorry youve had a hell of a time with your dog.. sounds stressful, i dont know how you do it with 2 kids, and two dogs, and sometimes i think i have it hard with just gemma to look after ! hats off to you ! guess youre used to the dogs and taking care of them etc. well done..
Preethi; Have you got a photo of your tattoo!?? I'm designing one for my next one... lol

Sarah; yay for a good visit!! I'm so excited for you to get a sticky bean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i will take one soon as it looks a bit yucky now scabbing and all.. ive got the antiseptic cream on it, just had it done yesterday so want the scabbing to go to get a true pic of it.. its a simple one in italics and says Gemma and has got some soft underline tones and shades.. will put it up soon !
what are you getting|? i thought i remember seeing a phrase on facebook of what you were getting done.. have u confirmed it yet?
Sheryl wow. She doesn't eat much at a time! I also feared I would pump and him be hungry right away but now I know he can still get some after pumping. My body creates enough milk for 2 babies for some reason, so i need to pump before feeding him sometimes cuz if im too full, it chokes him and we have a terrible time. Be careful, I think i overproduce because of too much pumping!

Preethi- hope you are having fun! Where is your tat? I was thinking of doing something with my kids' names too but afraid if I have another, I would not be able to add it in so may wait til we decide if we want more or not.
yea- the dog, I am not a fan of him. We have had a war since he came. I never wanted any of the animals we have yet im the only one who spends all my time vaccuming in crevices and on couches and cleaning floors because of them. Im really actually not a fan of animals at all. I am excited to one day have none. But non of the 3 we have are old....so it will be way too long.

Sarah- whats pgd? I think its good she didn't pressure you into 2 being put in. I think you should start with 1, but if no go, then do 2 the next one. So weird that doing a biopsy would help implantation. i always thought anything that could cause scarring makes implantation harder actually. Least thats what I read while TTC and had a MMC. Hope you dont need the biopsy. I had one on my cervix once and kinna pinched, but can't imagine way up in there. Wonder if they put you out! So, whats your next step?

Natalie love that name. I saw on FB announcement that it was a diff name and was confused! Lol. Its so unique never heard it before!

Cat I hope your last week on vacation goes well. Been seeing some neat pictures you've got on FB. Hope you are loving it!
Sarah- whats pgd? I think its good she didn't pressure you into 2 being put in. I think you should start with 1, but if no go, then do 2 the next one. So weird that doing a biopsy would help implantation. i always thought anything that could cause scarring makes implantation harder actually. Least thats what I read while TTC and had a MMC. Hope you dont need the biopsy. I had one on my cervix once and kinna pinched, but can't imagine way up in there. Wonder if they put you out! So, whats your next step?

its "Preimplantation genetic diagnosis" where they take a sample of the embryo and test it for abnormalities. they do it a lot in the states but not in Canada, but she did say it is available but expensive and even if an embryo passes the test its not guaranteed. LL did that for her last IVF (she even knew the gender), out of many embryos only 1 passed, but she eventually MC. I wish I could do that on my 8 so it cuts down the implanting and waiting part as it would tell you which are the most likely to succeed.
but at least if I ever have to do another fresh cycle its a possibilty, I was thinking Id have to go to the states for it.

NDH Saranna is sooooo cute!
Hope you dont hafta go that far but sounds pretty neat. Amazing they can know the sex of the embryo before implanting.
Yeah Preethi, I am still working on the design for my tattoo (I tweak a bit, then leave it a few days and go back to look and tweak anything else; I have to be 200% sure I love it before I book in to get it done! It is Calebs name as well as the phrase that in engraved inside our wedding rings, but it's all been transcribed into an 'elvish' text from lord of the rings! :)

I am purposely designing it with room to add another name for #2 (and for it to be balanced and still look good with another name added!), but at the same time it works as it is! You could do that too ny...
Nikki, it is on my right leg, just a bit above my ankle.. i never thought about creating space for the second, but im sure ill find space to do so ! i cant believe i was talking to dh about babies last night.. im feeling broody already and she is only 4 months old ( and after all ive been through) im sure the doc said because of a c section ive gotta wait one year etc, and dh is saying weve got out hands full already, but im feeling broody., dont know if it is because of me missing being pregnant ? (WEIRD) i know.. but that feeling of ( something great about to happen 9 months on , and anticipation) maybe im wanting that.. i know i sound crazy and maybe selfish even, i hope i dont sound that way.. but i dont think its going to happen soon, im just worried that it took a year to conceive her and i dont want time to carry on for long.. x

p.s i hope you get along with the dogs or find a solution to your problem..

flying, thats awesome,, the tat is painful as i forgot the pain of my previous three tats.. it was about 2 years ago so well good luck with a whole phrase and name And all.. i was swearing in my mind with just getting the "gemma" done.. lol..

sarah, two more days till the ultrasound !!! :headspin:
babyhopes - re the broodiness - i had a moment of broodiness about a week and a half ago (we will most likely only ttc when logan turns 2), and one of my bnb buddies wrote the following which made total sense to me:

When you're pregnant you're all excited about being pregnant. When you're TTC you're all excited about that and when you're talking about TTC you're all excited about that. (General you) I think that after you have a baby, there's a bit of a let down. You have a baby and that's great, fabulous, whatever, but now what? What is there to be excited about now? Developmental things, sure, but what about everyday excitement and planning? Babies don't do new stuff everyday. At least not new big stuff. When you're TTC there's the constant poas, sex to be had, symptom spotting. When you're pregnant, there's stuff to buy, a nursery to plan...once the baby's here, then what? You settle into being a mom.
Thanks for that huggles, that made total sense to me... in know exactly what your friend is talking about.. it actually hits home that maybe it is the excitement that is not there anymore..or the feeling of a life growing inside of you, the kicks, etc.. i guess that makes sense xxx
Preethi it is a pretty good idea to wait the year after a c section. I have been told 12-18 months. My big problem is that another c section for me means a vertical, high incision. If you can imagine how ugly that would be. It terrifies me. I want another, and want to feel the life inside me once more, but how can i cope with that?
I just wish I knew all this while pregnant with Kian, i may have made sure to enjoy it a bit more, as those feelings may be something I can't ever feel again. I think every woman should have the choice to go through her last pregnancy KNOWING its her last. So i feel kind of cheated. I was excited for another before I even had Kian! But now, idk anymore....

Anyways, no need to think of that yet. Kian has reversed his sleeping through the night, and is now up every couple hours again! Couldn't imagine another one right now. Lol. Or being up 14 times a night pregnant and with a baby. Can you just imaginE?
ny I think you could cope with the scar, if you decide on another. I dont think you are done yet :hugs:

preethi Ive heard thats very common, to feel like you do. I havent experienced it but its the same way Ive felt getting a new pet. once you have them you get into day to day life and i missed that feeling of finding and rescuing a new one! thats why I have 3 cats and 3 dogs :haha: (ny sorry you are having a hard time with yours, if you really dont like the animals can you rehome them? I love mine so much, they can misbehave at times but they are not that bad)

I spent last night researching single embryo transfer. I found that in europe some countries have a law that you can only transfer 1 per ivf. I found a study thats says the overall pregnancy rates for transferring 1 vs 2 are basically the same. so that means that doing 2 might fasten things up and that month I have a 35% chance of pregnant which sounds better, but if I take 2 months I still have 17.5% one month and 17.5% another, so its the same....just takes longer.

If I get a bfn then its only 2 weeks till I get to try again so not that bad. If I can get the patience I will do single transfers, but I may break down one month and do 2. but then again if I have a couple of months of bfns I will be thinking that Ive gone through some bad embryos and so the stats would show the good ones are left, so maybe I shouldnt do 2!

its good for me to get some patience as I will need it for the 9 months anyway and if I think to myself I WILL get pregnant from these 8 blasts then Im not too bothered if it takes 1-8 months. Plus if I get impatient I will think about the health risks with multiples and perhaps get the patience back!! when I think of what huggles and preethi went through I really only want to get pregnant with one.

I said to hubby yes its going to cost $1200 per month, but the cost of twins will be a lot more at once! he is fine with whatever.

ultrasound is monday, if everything looks good then next week gets exciting :happydance:
LOL, I found this page which is the government of canada trying to tell clinics to recommend single embryo transfer (SET) to patients


There may be a lack of knowledge as to the main benefit of SET, which is to minimize the risk of a multiple pregnancy. Patients may be unaware that rates of successful pregnancy achieved through SET are comparable to those following double embryo transfer or DET for certain patients. In fact, recent studies indicate no difference in pregnancy rates to those achieved with DET when either a single blastocyst is transferred, or when a subsequent frozen embryo transfer is performedi. Patients may be resistant to SET initially, especially those who have concerns about the impact on success rates and the financial implications of having SET (i.e. blastocyst culture, frozen embryo transfer cycles, storage of unused embryos, etc).

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