hi everyone!!
Im 35 weeks today

I feel so unorganized though. Just had family here for 2 weeks and a rush work job that we had to take on as it was good money which will take another week to finish. I havent packed my hospital bag or read much of my baby books. Im sure it will all go ok I just want to feel more organized.
went for a scan yesterday as MW wasnt sure if bubs head was down. she thought it was but then she heard the heartbeat stronger in a different area that made her think he could be in a weird spot. I was so happy as Ive only had 3 official scans. Anyway he IS head down, and I saw him drinking the amnotic fluid, his lil chin was going up and down

the measurements predict he is 6 lbs 4

LOL but I think its probably as he will be a tall baby (Im 5'10 and hubby 6') and so that throws it off as its just based on an average from measurements. or perhaps thats correct and I will be giving birth to a 9 pounder
did a maternity shoot last week, it was only a $150 add on to the newborn shoot we have booked. Before we got started she was showing how she photoshops the images, she showed someone with stretchmarks before and a baby with some redness and how she fixes it. later I was standing in a sheer sheet practically naked and husband says 'you wont need any photoshopping'. he was deadly serious and it was such a sweet thing to say, that just sums him up!
getting uncomfortable now, cant sit for long as my bump gets scrunched and sore. had some cramps here and there but nothing crazy. I wonder if the scan report will show my cervix shortening at all? I get another scan at 38 weeks ...because of my age they dont want me going to far over...for them to check the placenta is working ok. I think its called a biophysical profile?
hope you are all doing well, hey for fun you should all add a photo of your bubs when they were just born
so exciting!!