ok so who wants to get pregnant in 2011? (closed group)

when i got pregnant with my son i was on the pill lol. but when we were ttc my daughter it took 3 months x

my ticker is right, af is due on monday. i was going to test today but have managed to resist! im trying to wait until af is late x

Good luck hun... Hope AF stays away and that BFP is yours!!! :flower:

thanks hun :flower: fingers crossed your bfp is just around the corner x
You fertile myrtle happygirl!!!!!
only a day of so left to wait!!!! You having symptoms????
How ya feeling?!

Hi hun. i had a few symptoms but they have all gone now :dohh: i had some cramps that started about a week ago. im feeling fine, but feel like af is on her way. i checked yesterday and i had stretchy clear cm and my cervix was only just reachable. ive managed not to test so far, im going to wait and see what tomorrow brings :flower:
thanks to everyone who has joined my thread, and good luck to those people who are getting close :af: to you all!

my ticker says 1 day to go till ovulation, thats because I put in a 30 day cycle in the ticker creation, as thats what I had last month. but my ov tests when I pull out the sticks theres barely a hint of a 2nd line so I cant believe Im that close. its so confusing!

Im also not sure whether to :sex: every other day or do the sperm meets egg plan that says every night for 3 nights when you get the positive ov test. I read so much about people saying every other day is best for the quality sperm, but it worries me as it seems far apart. also lots of the recent bfp's by 'friends' on here they did it everyday. what is everyone else doing?
Me - 32; Hubby - 39. On 10th cycle, so getting pg and giving birth this year is important on 2 counts: it being 'this' year, and also because it means we'll have done it within the 1 year of ttc mark. However, probably won't try too hard in march as not keen on the Christmas baby thing. Fingers crossed for us all for 2011.
They say every other day because sperm takes 36-48 hours to fully regenerate.
We're doing every other day! Though I'm not sure I've had my ovulation pains.. normally they're very strong! I did get the ov type CM... so I'm not sure if I've even ovulated? but who knows... time will tell!
WeLcOmE Trisha!!!!!!
10LATE and 2 BFN's Oh, girl that is a real heart tugger...I'm very emotional today, so I'm not happy about hearing about BFN's arrrrrgggg

Hope to hear that all changes and you get your BFP instead of AF>.Keep us posted!!!!!

and :dust: and regularity to you sweetie!!!
My birthday is on the 6th of February. I will only be 25 though. I am hoping this is my month. AF was due yesterday and I haven't had any spotting or anything.

Ahhh...well HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 6th... and i agree... how have you resisted?? :) You should definately test hun and let us know how you get on!!

I'm praying/believing/hoping this IS THE month!!!!!
I'm 29(soon to be 30~eeekkk) and been ttc for almost a year...Had my tubes UNtied last Feb 16th, started cycle the 20th and was pregnant in March!!!!! BUT, MC on Easter Sunday:( Then was prego AGAIN late May and MC'd AGAIN early July...*we were NOT ttc~YET)
I have 3 sons, one who would have just turned 8 but passed about at 17mo.
I'm 8DPO and SERIOUSLY believing there's a lil blessing growing!!!!! I seemed to have major symptoms VERY early after O, then seemed to go, but 2 a.m.'s ago I woke w/ cramps and yesterday was sooo nauseaus I can't believe I didn't ralph~lessened late evening...today felt pretty good AFTER I had some cereal, but it's opposite than yesterday..felt bad ALL day and better at night..today, i felt good ALL day and MISERABLE tonight..I LOVE to hate the sick belly...Bb's may be big, but have implants so hard to tell,,,was having insomnia up til tonight...am very tired..even had to take a nap around 5..
I'm praying for all of us as we TTC...
:dust: to all of us that choose LIFE!!!!!
OH, anyone relate or have advice? Haven't had CM...was really dry actually, but today have small streaks on my unders...but when I wipe..seems dry..??

Oh honey... I'm sorry for all your losses. :cry: It's horrible to lose a baby... however far along you are.. but at 17months? That I can't imagine as my little one is 21 months and I don't know what I'd do without her! You're a very strong woman!!

Some of those symptoms sound promising... I hope this is the month for you!! :dust: and *fingers crossed*

Yes, definitely was NOT good...He would have turned 8 this past Sept22 which is why I'm really excited for THIS to be THE month...If I am prego, my due date would BE sept 22nd..how special would that be..
The Lord has definitely brought me through A LOT...I havent' done ANY of it on my own...
When I MC it's not quite as emotional for me as may be for others...there really isn't much comparison losing a 1 .5 year old or a 7wk old in the belly baby...I mean, YES, it was STILL a baby, and yes, it was part of me..but there wasn't that life bond, but I'm still disappointed and sad when I MC..just wanna sticky blessing bean...
Getting discouraged today:(
My birthday is on the 6th of February. I will only be 25 though. I am hoping this is my month. AF was due yesterday and I haven't had any spotting or anything.

Ahhh...well HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 6th... and i agree... how have you resisted?? :) You should definately test hun and let us know how you get on!!

I'm praying/believing/hoping this IS THE month!!!!!
I'm 29(soon to be 30~eeekkk) and been ttc for almost a year...Had my tubes UNtied last Feb 16th, started cycle the 20th and was pregnant in March!!!!! BUT, MC on Easter Sunday:( Then was prego AGAIN late May and MC'd AGAIN early July...*we were NOT ttc~YET)
I have 3 sons, one who would have just turned 8 but passed about at 17mo.
I'm 8DPO and SERIOUSLY believing there's a lil blessing growing!!!!! I seemed to have major symptoms VERY early after O, then seemed to go, but 2 a.m.'s ago I woke w/ cramps and yesterday was sooo nauseaus I can't believe I didn't ralph~lessened late evening...today felt pretty good AFTER I had some cereal, but it's opposite than yesterday..felt bad ALL day and better at night..today, i felt good ALL day and MISERABLE tonight..I LOVE to hate the sick belly...Bb's may be big, but have implants so hard to tell,,,was having insomnia up til tonight...am very tired..even had to take a nap around 5..
I'm praying for all of us as we TTC...
:dust: to all of us that choose LIFE!!!!!
OH, anyone relate or have advice? Haven't had CM...was really dry actually, but today have small streaks on my unders...but when I wipe..seems dry..??

Oh honey... I'm sorry for all your losses. :cry: It's horrible to lose a baby... however far along you are.. but at 17months? That I can't imagine as my little one is 21 months and I don't know what I'd do without her! You're a very strong woman!!

Some of those symptoms sound promising... I hope this is the month for you!! :dust: and *fingers crossed*

Yes, definitely was NOT good...He would have turned 8 this past Sept22 which is why I'm really excited for THIS to be THE month...If I am prego, my due date would BE sept 22nd..how special would that be..
The Lord has definitely brought me through A LOT...I havent' done ANY of it on my own...
When I MC it's not quite as emotional for me as may be for others...there really isn't much comparison losing a 1 .5 year old or a 7wk old in the belly baby...I mean, YES, it was STILL a baby, and yes, it was part of me..but there wasn't that life bond, but I'm still disappointed and sad when I MC..just wanna sticky blessing bean...
Getting discouraged today:(

i dont know how anyone could get over loosing a child, thats very sad and you deserve everything you desire so keeping my fingers crossed you are pregnant, or soon will be :hugs:
We're doing every other day! Though I'm not sure I've had my ovulation pains.. normally they're very strong! I did get the ov type CM... so I'm not sure if I've even ovulated? but who knows... time will tell!

ok I will do it every other day then as well!

how long is your cycle normally? we are O'ing very close. Ive been 29-32 days since Ive been tracking.

so you dont do any of the ov tests then? Mine are so faint I can barely see another line, so for CD16 that seems a little odd but hopefully its a strong one in the morning. I really hope I get a smiley face this month otherwise I will worry Im not ovulating or something. This month I am going to write on the tests and take a photo so I can remember the lines.

I got a call friday from the nurse at the fertility specialist, she wanted to know when I had my ultrasound and when hubbys sperm donation was, and she will look into it and call with results, so excited to find out.
Hey Ladies!
I also want a :bfp: and baby in 2011. I'm staying hopeful this month...only 3-4dpo but symptom spotting like crazy. Very bloated today, hoping its not AF. Got off BCP back in October, periods have been a little irregular but I got my positive OPK night of January 5th. I haven't started temping yet and have been checking CM off and on.
A little about me, DH is 25 I'm 23, we did suffer one chemical at 5.5 weeks back in Sep 2007 and decided to hold off on trying. We've been married over 5 years now and I have wanted a baby since day 1! So, now the fun begins....:dust: to everyone. Let's get those :bfp:'s SOON
sarah, I just found this thread yesterday:thumbup: Looks like a great group of gals! Anyway, I recently found this article on Fertility Friend regarding "how often to BD" this really helped me as I had the same questions you are having... best wishes for a BFP for you:happydance:

What are the best days to get pregnant? How often should I have intercourse when I am trying to get pregnant?

There are many factors which affect your probability of pregnancy. Your age, medical conditions, health, lifestyle and other factors all affect your likelihood of conceiving each cycle. You have varying degrees of control over many of these factors. The number one most important factor affecting your chances of conceiving, however, is something that you and your partner can control: the timing and frequency of intercourse in your fertile window.

What is the fertile window?

Your fertile window is made up of the days in your menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The length of this fertile phase is determined by the maximum life span of your partner's sperm and your egg. Sperm can survive a maximum of five days in fertile cervical fluid and your ovum can survive for up to one day. Your theoretical fertile window is thus six days long, comprised of the five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. You only have a chance to conceive when you have intercourse on these days. This means that pregnancy is technically possible from intercourse on any of these six days. The likelihood of actually becoming pregnant, however, is dramatically increased when you have intercourse in the three days immediately leading up to and including ovulation. This makes a practical fertile window of just three days.

In a recent analysis of 119,398 charts from women charting with Fertility Friend, we found that 94% of women who became pregnant had intercourse on at least one of these three days. For conception purposes, it is thus ideal to have intercourse during a three day fertile window which includes your ovulation day and the two previous days.

Intercourse Frequency

There has been some speculation that couples who are trying to conceive should reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse during the fertile window to increase sperm supply. This is not true for most couples. While couples with known male factor issues should consult their doctor for the best intercourse strategy, couples with normal fertility and no known sperm issues should not reduce the frequency of intercourse in the fertile window. Your probability of conception is increased when you have intercourse multiple times in your fertile window. While it is true that sperm concentrations decrease slightly with increasing intercourse frequency, frequent intercourse is still more likely to result in conception than infrequent intercourse for couples with no male factor fertility issues. Each additional act of intercourse within your fertile window increases your probability of conception for that cycle.

Identifying the Fertile Window Prospectively

Frequent intercourse within a narrow fertile window increases your chances of conception and can ultimately reduce the time it takes to conceive. Identifying your fertile window in advance, however, can be something of a challenge since the only certain indicator of ovulation (your temperature rise) occurs after your fertile window has passed.

To find your fertile window in advance, examining your pre-ovulation fertility signs (such as cervical fluid) and cycle statistics (such as when you have ovulated in previous cycles) can be of great benefit. Ovulation prediction kits (OPKs) which detect the surge of LH (luteinizing hormone) that precedes ovulation can also help. The Fertility Analyzer on Fertility Friend will display a Green Light when you enter signs that indicate that you may be entering or in your fertile window.

I'm 27 and hubby is 25. We have been married for a year and a few months and TTC for just over 2 years.

We found out in October that hubby has a very low sperm count and we are doing IVF (ICSI). Egg retrieval is estimated to be this coming wednesday (I have blood work tomorrow to confirm) and hopefully will have my :bfp: by the end of January/beginning of February :happydance:

Good luck and :dust: to everyone!
grrrreat read FaithHOPElove...I gotta check out that fertility friend site...
thanks for all of that!!!
:wave: Hey Sarah... I found ya... :lol:

I'm hopin & prayin this is my year as well... That would be my prayers come true since I was a lil girl. Here's to everyone trying this year.. Keep the faith and be strong, our time will come soon :)

Loads and Loads of Baby dust to ALL... :flower:
:dust: :crib: to Everyone soon!!

They have some really cute images here.
sarah, I just found this thread yesterday:thumbup: Looks like a great group of gals! Anyway, I recently found this article on Fertility Friend regarding "how often to BD" this really helped me as I had the same questions you are having... best wishes for a BFP for you:happydance:

What are the best days to get pregnant? How often should I have intercourse when I am trying to get pregnant?

There are many factors which affect your probability of pregnancy. Your age, medical conditions, health, lifestyle and other factors all affect your likelihood of conceiving each cycle. You have varying degrees of control over many of these factors. The number one most important factor affecting your chances of conceiving, however, is something that you and your partner can control: the timing and frequency of intercourse in your fertile window.

What is the fertile window?

Your fertile window is made up of the days in your menstrual cycle when pregnancy is possible. The length of this fertile phase is determined by the maximum life span of your partner's sperm and your egg. Sperm can survive a maximum of five days in fertile cervical fluid and your ovum can survive for up to one day. Your theoretical fertile window is thus six days long, comprised of the five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. You only have a chance to conceive when you have intercourse on these days. This means that pregnancy is technically possible from intercourse on any of these six days. The likelihood of actually becoming pregnant, however, is dramatically increased when you have intercourse in the three days immediately leading up to and including ovulation. This makes a practical fertile window of just three days.

In a recent analysis of 119,398 charts from women charting with Fertility Friend, we found that 94% of women who became pregnant had intercourse on at least one of these three days. For conception purposes, it is thus ideal to have intercourse during a three day fertile window which includes your ovulation day and the two previous days.

Intercourse Frequency

There has been some speculation that couples who are trying to conceive should reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse during the fertile window to increase sperm supply. This is not true for most couples. While couples with known male factor issues should consult their doctor for the best intercourse strategy, couples with normal fertility and no known sperm issues should not reduce the frequency of intercourse in the fertile window. Your probability of conception is increased when you have intercourse multiple times in your fertile window. While it is true that sperm concentrations decrease slightly with increasing intercourse frequency, frequent intercourse is still more likely to result in conception than infrequent intercourse for couples with no male factor fertility issues. Each additional act of intercourse within your fertile window increases your probability of conception for that cycle.

Identifying the Fertile Window Prospectively

Frequent intercourse within a narrow fertile window increases your chances of conception and can ultimately reduce the time it takes to conceive. Identifying your fertile window in advance, however, can be something of a challenge since the only certain indicator of ovulation (your temperature rise) occurs after your fertile window has passed.

To find your fertile window in advance, examining your pre-ovulation fertility signs (such as cervical fluid) and cycle statistics (such as when you have ovulated in previous cycles) can be of great benefit. Ovulation prediction kits (OPKs) which detect the surge of LH (luteinizing hormone) that precedes ovulation can also help. The Fertility Analyzer on Fertility Friend will display a Green Light when you enter signs that indicate that you may be entering or in your fertile window.

that is very interesting thank you! so I wonder what they mean by 'frequent intercourse'. once a day, twice, three times LOL. we bd'd this morning, and the thought of leaving it till tuesday makes me nervous. Im not sure when exactly I am going to ovulate but ideally I would BD the day before my LH surge, the day of my LH surge, and the day after (as I think I ovulate about 24 hours after my LH surge, Ive noticed cramps then). the trouble is not knowing exactly when I will get my positive ov test/lh surge. I feel like BDing every day around the time Im expecting my LH surge just incase. Its so hard! every month I say Im going to do the every other night thing then never do :dohh:
I wondered same thing...they talking like every few hours each day or 1x a day be suffice!! LOL
i have no more symptoms...so sad...
I haven't been tracking your posts equal..but I'm also soo soo :( b/c this morning I woke w/ no more symptoms either:sad2:
I've had my TR so I'm on a thread for ladies strictly going through that..and one posted that I shouldn't be so sad about it b/c it's better to NOT have the sympt's than to have them??? IDK y, but gave me hope anyway...What were you going through? How many DPO are you??? I'm 9 today and waiting anxiously for my IC to come!!!
truckloads of :dust: and fx'd that those symptoms return!!
Oh how we yearn to be sick!!!!! LOL

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