Old School POAS addicts - chat thread!

Emily it sounds like you had a good night too! And a good night's sleep does beat a party sometimes! Well done to your sister too for getting out 2 weeks after giving birth! Hopefully all the rest will make you pop out a good egg this month!

Kay my plan B was to go out and buy a cake too, my mil tried to sabotage my cake in every way but here it is in all it's glory! I'm so proud :blush:


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Oh and I have more good news! I weighed myself and I have lost 2 lbs! I've started walking to daycare to drop off Sophia, and I'm still waiting on my treadmill to start running! I feel so much better though, my clothes are already fitting better (or maybe I just managed to stretch them out!).

And also my sister forwarded me an opportunity for a job at the uni. It has really good pay, flexible part time hours, and all I have to do is tutor some medical students. Sounds as bit too good to be true, but I'll send in my cv and hope!
Wow that looks fab, boo to your mil trying to sabotage your efforts and yay for the job opportunity, and weight loss. Sounds like everything is going really well ATM
I think I was most disappointed because I couldn't get a fun kids cake. But Nate covered it in every candle we have and Seth enjoyed it so I suppose that's the main thing.


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Awww Seth is the cutest! He's got so much hair! Both my girls have had very little hair so far, maybe if I get a boy next he will have hair!
Its funny it seems more common for girls to get their hair later. Of course everyone is different, but most people I talk to all say that their daughter or niece hardly had any hair until they were about 2 lol
It's true, my girls and my sister's dd have all had very little hair whereas her son has always had loads of luscious curls. I get big time hair envy!

Oh and I forgot to say I am over my pregnancy envy with my friend, she came to the party and now I can say I am genuinely happy for her!
OMG, Seth is so adorable, happy belated birthday to him! I think his cake looks lovely Kay. He does have gorgeous hair. Isla has quite a bit too thankfully, really cute curls at the back. I was thankful for that bc I was as bald as a cue ball until I was almost 2 :haha:

And the cake looks awesome Steph, very well done! Also, great job on the weight loss; must be encouraging that you are already seeing results. Glad that you're feeling better about your friend too, you'll be joining her in no time :thumbup:

The rest was amazing! My poor sister was a bit traumatized to be leaving Norah, even for a few hours but she did really well and enjoyed a few glasses of wine; I think it was a nice break for her. My Mom just left her place recently so she just did her first day alone with the baby yesterday, it went really well!

AFM, not much to report. Sick with a stupid cold and work has been very busy lately. Haven't oved yet, so waiting for that to happen now. Should try and get a couple more BDs in this week I suppose.
Oh, and I also meant to say that job sounds perfect Steph, good luck!
So glad you are feeling happy for your friend now Steph.

We all have colds here too. Not fun. I'm thinking I must have O'd now just because it was CD21 but I didn't do anything to check. I think I'm 4/5 dpo going by the bloating and pains I had. I don't think we dtd around the right time either. It must be more than a week where we have both felt so ill and before that Seth was so he wasn't sleeping great. Although theres a slim chance there was 1 little swimmer hanging on in there waiting for the egg to drop lol I'm going to try no to even think about it for another week....
Yeah Kay, I'm too tired and gross feeling to really think about BDing right at this moment :haha:. DH is also under the weather too so not sure how many times we'll actually be able to do it this week, (if at all).
I think I've accepted I wont be pregnant by christmas like I wanted to be. Knowing me I will fall pregnant in January and have 3 October birthdays :haha:
A few years ago (like late 2010) I had a psychic tell me I would have a boy at the end of 2013, and a girl in the summer of 2016. As I was already TTC I thought it was utter rubbish, there's no way it would take me THAT long to fall pregnant. But what do you know? It did! If the next bits going to come true I still have another year to wait to fall pregnant. The only part making me doubt that she's right (I can see it taking another year thats for sure) is that she said I'd have a girl I think those odds are extremely slim. I'm ok with that though. I already have my next boy name picked out. It would be a lot easier if I knew WHEN I'd be pregnant though LOL
That's kind of my thinking as well Kay. I feel like I'm not going to get pregnant until 2015 at some point so I've almost given up for the rest of this year, which really isn't much longer anyway. I just don't feel like it's going to happen or my body is ready yet for whatever reason :shrug:

My DH would also be happier if I fell pregnant next year too; more time for me to be back at work advancing my career, more time to save for the next maternity leave, less time with two in day care, etc. Truthfully, he would be happy to wait until next June/July before going full on TTC. I will never go back on BC though and he doesn't like condoms and is bad at pulling out :haha: so we will most likely still be NTNP until we decide to full on TTC, (April-July 2015).
Yeah I think our bodies know what it can handle and possibly make a few natural changes that would reduce the chances while it healed. Even just different ph inside your body could be destructive to the sperm, and all the science and technology we have now our bodies are still the same as they were as far back as the human race goes, when natural changes were the only way to prevent another baby coming too quickly and compromising the safety of the child before it.
That's freaky that the psychic got that right! It would be even freakier if she gets the next one right too. I would love to see a psychic but it's hard to know which ones are for real and I'm scared of wasting money. My dh doesn't believe in any of that stuff but I do think that some people have a gift. Btw your odds of having a girl are as good as anyone else's, there's a lady on here who had 7(!!) boys and then a girl.

I still haven't given up on being pregnant by the end of the year but I'm really trying to put my focus on something else and let it happen when it's meant to. I agree that our bodies know best, and after an emcs it's safer to wait at least a year before getting pregnant again (so please body it's been a year now...). My dh had said he wanted roughly 2 years between each kid so hopefully that's what we'll get.

I also found out about another job opportunity today. I was at gymboree with Sienna and at the end of the class the teacher said they are recruiting. I would work only on mondays from 9-3.45 and fill in whenever there is someone sick/on holidays. When I said I was interested she looked very keen so I think I would get it but the pay is kind of crap, but maybe it would be good to do something different. The tutoring job would be better though as it pays 4x as much!
wow its funny when you are not really looking the job opportunities just find you! I had a few internet readings that all said I'd have a girl in 2011 and then that one. I also saw one in person as a group thing where you go one at a time in a separate room with her. she was really quite accurate but all I wanted to hear was that I'd be pregnant soon and she didn't say anything about a baby. that was the october and I got my bfp the beginning of Feb! My mums seen a few that were scarily accurate. So I do believe but its so hard to find someone who isnt a con, I mean I could become an internet psychic with no 'powers' at all and just make stuff up lol
I also had a really good psychic reading, she basically told me that I would meet my DH and the kind of setting I would meet him in, that we would see each other and be drawn to each other immediately, etc. It was kind of crazy. She also knew details about him that are true. I think she said I would have two or three children so hopefully she was right about that and that I'd be loaded by the time I was 40 (only 7 more years to go :haha:) I've gone to a few psychics, I think it's quite fun actually, even if most of what they say is garbage :haha:

Kay, that's really interesting re our bodies, I couldn't agree with you more! I think it would be totally awesome for you to have a little girl; she'd have a little army of protectors with all of her big brothers looking after her.

Steph, I really hope you get your BFP soon, I'm sure you will! And wow that's awesome re all of these job opportunities. Glad you will get to do something that will be more enjoyable!
Yeah thats what I always imagined, I just assumed I'd have a mix because I wanted a big family but I hoped I'd get a couple of boys first. I did think I only wanted boys, but now I have 4 I would like to experience parenting both genders. Poor girl though, it would take one brave boy to ask her out lmao
Definitely would have to be a brave boy :haha: I'm guessing she would be pretty tough as well; having to keep up with a bunch of older brothers!
I always thought it would have been cool to have an older brother! I think it would be awesome for her to have 4 older brothers. Although having an army of boys is kind of cool too! I go back and forth whether I would prefer a girl or a boy, but I think I 'm still leaning more towards another girl so that they can all be one big trio whereas if I have a boy I think he may be left out or be completely dominated by his sisters. Emily, do you have a preference at all?
I think I'm just greedy and want both lol I always wished I had had a big brother rather than little ones. One old enough to look after me. If it happens with in the next year then ds1 will be 9/10 by the time the next one is born.
I see so many positives to another boy though, like bedroom space, sticking with what I know, passing things down. Seth and the baby having similar interests. Although, saying that I was much more comfortable with boys and preferred boys toys and that growing up so I spent a lot of time with my brothers. And because there was 13 months between us and they were twins anyway we looked more like triplets. So I'm sure it won't matter too much.

Last night I dreamed that I took several pregnancy tests and all were positive. Then again I dreamed my eldest was right at the top of a huge tree and I was at the bott shouting "get down before you fall down" lmao

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