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Older Ladies TTC - Please be my friends....

Hello strangers!!! Just popping in to say hello and read all the updates. Congrats Groovygirl! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!
Even though I don't post as often as I used to, I have not forgotten about all my lovely golden oldies :hugs:
I am taking time to just enjoy life right now, although today is the first day of my first period since the D&C and it is kicking my butt right now! Hopefully the next few months will pass quickly and I can get back to TTC and get back in the groove with all you ladies. Of course by then, you will all have moved over to FIRST TRI!!! :hugs:
Hi Amy - so good to hear from you! I am glad to hear you are enjoying life and doing well. This seems to be the time of year that time flies by so fast (for me) - so maybe these next few months will be a flash and you will be TTC again in no time. Take care of yourself and dont stress about where any of us gals may be in a few months time :hugs: Im your buddy no matter what forum we hang out in! :flower:

Glad you popped in on us Amos and you too Mama4! It's good to see you both around every now and then! I've just been having a pity party so eyes are all red and face all blotchy but feel better now. LOL :dohh: Guess we have to do that every now and then.

Hope your all doing great still just putzn along in the 2ww!

Amos hope your af doesn't stay long and is nicer tomorrow!:hugs:
Whatchu having a pity party about?? Can I join?? :flower:
Whatchu having a pity party about?? Can I join?? :flower:

Just feeling pretty low today and DH has been such an ass lately. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to when I didn't care so much and when we first started dating and he treated DD with love and respect now days he's turning into a dictator. Don't think you want to jump on that wagon. LOL

I like flowers so that made my day thanks! Now if I can just get through dinner without a fight between DD and DH that would make it great!
Sorry you are having a rough day :( I will try waving my magic wand to make dinner go smoothly. :dust::dust:
Thanksgiving was the last time we all had dinner together without an argument at the table so it does get really old!

Off to make dinner now have a lovely evening and come back and visit when you can!:hugs:
Hiya ladies, hope you are all well :flower:

groovygrl - Congratulations :happydance: :happydance:

Spencerbear - glad you enjoyed it - will be watching out for his tour date :)

Nise - glad the little :spermy:'s arrived safely - did he deliver them in the envelope, or go for the warmer under arm approach lol x

Looking forward to getting the tree (not for another week or so though), and really getting in to the christmas spirit - only a few final pressies to get for DH and then all done :happydance:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hey girls I have such a busy today with meetings and stuff I've only just managed to get on and do my rounds.

AMOS - YAY how lovely to see you here again, Were your ears burning, coz I was only just asking if anyone had heard from you. Sorry you've got the old hag with you at the mo. Hopefully she'll piss off quick and you can get back to being busy. :winkwink:

Awe, Sunshine, we all need a good :cry: every now and again, but I think you've had your fair share recently and I hope things get easier for you my love. Big hugs :hugs:

MrsBling - DP went for the underarm approach for the S/A delivery under pressure I have to add, he felt an envelope would be much more hygenic for the poor nurses. Turns out he was right!!! - I got my ear chewed off all the way home, apparently the container should have been handed in, in a plastic wallet which doctors suregery should have given us. So he was a little embarrassed. Oh well! 'bout time he suffered if you ask me :rofl:

So I am fending off crampy feelings of impending AF (I never usually get any warning - so am quite bemused by this) Also getting creamy CM - I usually just remain dry till AF comes. It is only 11dpo though so I am trying very hard not to read anything into all this. It could just be the effects of the new herbs I have for the Luteal phase. Can't help doing a little pleading with the big guy though!

Well, hugs to all and hope you all have great weekends :hugs:
Hey Nise, Lets keep our fingers crossed that Santa brings you your December BFP x :hugs:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hey girls I have such a busy today with meetings and stuff I've only just managed to get on and do my rounds.

AMOS - YAY how lovely to see you here again, Were your ears burning, coz I was only just asking if anyone had heard from you. Sorry you've got the old hag with you at the mo. Hopefully she'll piss off quick and you can get back to being busy. :winkwink:

Awe, Sunshine, we all need a good :cry: every now and again, but I think you've had your fair share recently and I hope things get easier for you my love. Big hugs :hugs:

MrsBling - DP went for the underarm approach for the S/A delivery under pressure I have to add, he felt an envelope would be much more hygenic for the poor nurses. Turns out he was right!!! - I got my ear chewed off all the way home, apparently the container should have been handed in, in a plastic wallet which doctors suregery should have given us. So he was a little embarrassed. Oh well! 'bout time he suffered if you ask me :rofl:

So I am fending off crampy feelings of impending AF (I never usually get any warning - so am quite bemused by this) Also getting creamy CM - I usually just remain dry till AF comes. It is only 11dpo though so I am trying very hard not to read anything into all this. It could just be the effects of the new herbs I have for the Luteal phase. Can't help doing a little pleading with the big guy though!

Well, hugs to all and hope you all have great weekends :hugs:

Thanks Hun yes I could use some smiles but most generally I'm a happy person and feel that BNB is about the only place I can have a good moan and you all will understand. :thumbup:

My smiles are on there way as well as your too! Creamy cm sound good so does af pains! Thats what I had last cycle so fxd! Glad DH got his sample delivered without any problems. LOL He could have had to carry it in his hand and that would have been a huge mess with the 19 minute car ride and all. LMAO

Hope everybody is doing well! I'll be back to check on you all hopefully before I leave work here in about 1hr. :hugs:
Fingers and toes crossed Nise!!!! :hugs:

Sunshine---how you feeling today?
Better but thinking about changing my middle name to Biotch. LOL

DH is still a pill but I have extra kids tonight so he will be happy as he loves kids just not mine :cry: no he loves her and wants her to be just like him and truly she is just like me mouth and all :dohh:

How are you doing????? When do you think you'll start ttc again?
Thanks Sunshine and Amos. I'm just trying to chill and not read to much into it all. FF has changed my AF due date from tomorrow (Sun) to Tuesday wtf - Just hoping she is completely wrong and will have to change it to sometime late next year!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. It is fine and sunny albeit cold in London today. :happydance:
Fingers crossed for you Nise.

Well th e old witch got me yesterday, 3 days early. wish she would go away for a bit, couldnt help myself but cried for half the day. Was really hoping this would be our month. Oh well back to the start again, one more month doing this naturally, then im going to monitor every little bit there is lol

Hope your all ok ?
Well, she :)witch:) got me today!! Day 27 - thats a new one for me! Days 26, 28, 29, 30, 31 - yes I've had all of these before but I can now add 27 to my repetoire :thumbup: Happy days!!!!!!!

Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well, and have enjoyed your weekend :)

Spencebear I know its hard to keep hold of the emotions when the :witch: makes her unwelcomed appearance - but try and keep a PMA, your BFP won't be far away :hugs: x
Oh spencerbear and Zero7 I am so sorry the old hag bag has flown in on you. I've felt like she is coming since Thursday - Today these feelings have mostly gone just odd niggles every now and again - but Thursday and Friday especially I felt so heavy and full of her, I even wore a pantie liner! I am trying to be embracing this cycle and happy that my LP length is getting longer and I've fully stocked up with liners and tampax in an effort to thawt sods law!

Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend - Only three more days and I finally go back to work, nice short 2 day week to ease myself back in. I work freelance and was beginning to think I would never work again and should cancel Christmas when wham I got 4 jobs so will be busy till March. :happydance:
:witch: flew in this morning so I am back to CD1 - At least I am in good company and can take heart in the fact that my LP is almost at 14 days now! So on for a shot at a New Year BFP - FF predicts O somewhere between CD9 - 12 and AF from the 30th December.

Come on Santa - BFP's for the big girls please :dust::dust::dust:
WannaB - I was so sorry to see your posting on "As if Mondays aren't bad enough". Not sure where to reach you but I wanted to send you a huge hug and much strength. My heart goes out to you at this time. xxx

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