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Older Ladies TTC - Please be my friends....

Oh Spencerbear and Zero and Nise so sorry that nasty bag doesn't know her place yet! :growlmad: Hope she isn't treating you too badly!

I don't know what you talking about Nise with Wannab but I'm headed to check it out as soon as I'm done here!

:hugs: Wannb cause everybody deserves them!

afm nothing new to report except FF moved my O date from Friday to Saturday which means the last time DH and I dtd was Thursday morning WTF????? I just don't understand! The only symptom I'm noticing is that my @@'s are tender and sore but that has happened before. :shrug:

Hope all my golden ladies are well will check back later. :hugs:
Awe, Sunshine I don't know why FF would do that - she is one crazy bitch programmed by a bloody man probably! But Thursday morning is still good timing hun so good chance still. :hugs:
Wow looks like this week has been a complete and utter bitch to alot of us!:growlmad: I spent a delightful 7 hours at the hospital yesterday bleeding my arse off, I woke in the morning at about 4.30am with not wiff of a problem till I went to the loo and then my heart just dropped out from under me! Not a cramp or a pain or a clot, just bright red blood. So I drags myself off to the hospital knowing nothing can be done, but you go anyway!:haha: They were really good and very supporting so I was lucky, Ive read heaps of other threads where women get treated like trash, so I was so thankful I didnt get that! They took my bloods and organised an u/s, which made me laugh because I knew they would see zip!:haha: Beta hcg came back at 13 which I told them was crap and I was m/c, but doc said it was too early to tell and put it down as threatened m/c and I have to go back for another beta on Thursday, I will just to humour them, I know I should be way more than 13 by now! Still no pain or cramping just lots of bright red blood! I let myself have a cry and now will just get on with it!:thumbup: Starting temping this morning and taking my bee pollen, least its not going to waste now! :rofl: Will do the soy again this cycle starting from tomorrow to see if I can bring O forward by a couple of days again, Im a woman on a mission and I will take two days here and there to make the journey shorter!:haha: The bright side is I can still hang with you lovley ladies that I just found and continue ttcing together, although I hope you all piss off really soon in a good way!:haha::hugs: Lets teach the bitch a lesson!:happydance:
WannaB - so sorry hon :hugs:
You sound like one very positive lady though! I am so glad that you were treated well at the hospital- it makes all the difference.

You take care hon and I am with you on the honey and cinnamon and soy (first time for me this month).

Love and hugs. xxxxx
Nise- sorry the witch got you hon. :hugs: xx
Wannab you are such a strong person! Glad you have found your PMA!

AFM I had a nice temp rise today so only 3 days to go for testing. LOL Like I'll wait that long :dohh: Hope your all doing well!
Good luck sunshine!! FX'd for you..:hugs: xx
Wannab - sorry to hear your news :hugs: I am sure that with your PMA, your TTC journey will be over real soon :) x
Just a short phrase


Hope all my ladies are doing well! :hugs:
Thanks Bellamamma I am running on my lunch hour to grab a test well two so I can do one over my lunch hour and then one tomorrow am FMU! fxd for a lovely sticky LO!
I bought the test! and the test says at 12dpo ........ :bfp:

I am scared to death atm! I pray everyday for a healthy and sticky Little one!

Hope your all doing well!
Sorry to hear your news wannab...........well done on the PMA though.

Fx'd for you sunshine, praying for a really sticky one x

afm - well the old hag has just left, so only 1 week to go until its fun time. Other than that, the hospital has said my foot is finally on the mend and i just need therapy on it. Still on the stupid crutches though, as until ive had a couple of weeks therapy it wont take my weight. Really glad that i will be able to drive and get about better though.
WHAT Sunshine! Oh thats fantastic news!!! Im doing a "pleeeeease be a sticky bean" dance for us both as I type! haha! :happydance:
Also, where is your picture???? Have you got one yet???
WHAT Sunshine! Oh thats fantastic news!!! Im doing a "pleeeeease be a sticky bean" dance for us both as I type! haha! :happydance:

What? You got a :bfp:? Awesome! Congratulations! :wohoo:

Well, I got a super faint one this morning, but it came up straight away and I can see it plainly even tho it is light. So Im hoping and praying it sticks and maybe tomorrow I might have an even better line! Woooo Hoooo! Keeping everything crossed!:happydance:
WHAT Sunshine! Oh thats fantastic news!!! Im doing a "pleeeeease be a sticky bean" dance for us both as I type! haha! :happydance:

What? You got a :bfp:? Awesome! Congratulations! :wohoo:

Well, I got a super faint one this morning, but it came up straight away and I can see it plainly even tho it is light. So Im hoping and praying it sticks and maybe tomorrow I might have an even better line! Woooo Hoooo! Keeping everything crossed!:happydance:

A faint line is still a positive...just harder to believe. I see your temp is still up at 14dpo. Looking like a positive to me!!!:thumbup:
Thanks so much! Im trying to stay encouraged, I posted some pics in my journal and also in a thread in the preg test gallery called 14DPO - Very Faint Positive. Take a look if you like and tell me what you think!
Thanks so much! Im trying to stay encouraged, I posted some pics in my journal and also in a thread in the preg test gallery called 14DPO - Very Faint Positive. Take a look if you like and tell me what you think!

I see 2 lines!!!:happydance:

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