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Older Ladies TTC - Please be my friends....

Good evening ladies - hope you are all well and are nearly ready for Christmas.....I have all presents :happydance: (except for one on its way for DH), just need to write cards and wrap presents - and I hate wrapping presents :(

Well, DH has had a really high temperature (102f) all of last week, so think we missed the vital :sex: days..... but at least he is better now - and luckily my temperature didn't reach his heights so I am grateful for that :)

Sending you all extra special Christmas baby dust
:dust: :dust: :dust:
I haven't bought any presents yet :dohh: I have writen my cards and sent most of them though which is very organised for me!!

I have a big smile on my face today as I have just got my FSH LH results and it says NOT menopausal FSH 6 LH 2.5 - I'm quite chuffed with that considering I am an old duffer at 42!!! Feel like doing a little happy dance!:happydance:

Hope everyone else is A-OK. XXXX
excellent result Zero i am 41 mine is 9.6 and i thought that was good!! well done you
Thank you honey :hugs: I was expecting the worst really so it has given me a shot of PMA!! 9 is still really good btw - normal range I believe?? xxx
its not too bad but doc said go for ivf sooner than later so i have just got an appointment for 5th Jan-cancellation so i am looking at it as a sign-cheap flights too so its meant to be !!
Evening Ladies, well I've had a really busy time of it the last few days and it won't be letting up till 23rd Dec! Oh God I've only got 2 days to finishing sorting Christmas Sunday and Christmas Eve!!!

FBbaby - Eastbourne is much better, used to go there coz it was the nearest shopping centre! (Showing my age now!) Well I will cross everything for you that you won't need the FS in Feb coz you'll have a BFP before then :winkwink:

truly-blessed. I'm so glad the bleeding is coming to an end, here's hoping all gets back to normal very quickly and you catch that eggie. :thumbup:

Zero7 - Fab news on your FSH results 6 is brilliant. Hurrah for re-newed PMA.

Glitterqueen - Good luck for the 5th Jan, that's great you got a cancellation, let's hope its a lucky date and you won't need it either. :happydance:

As for me well it's O week, my temps are low to the extreme, but probably because I have been taking them an hour earlier than normal due to work. I have also run out of opks and haven't had time to get anymore - so am flying solo this cycle with just a tiny bit of help from FF. I am hoping that the not having time to obsess route will be the lucky one. Oh and DP got his SA results back today and was told they are all normal so that was a little bit of good news for him. Hope everyone else is doing good and I'll catch up with all again soon. :happydance:
Morning Ladies!:hugs: Sorry Ive been slack!:wacko: Im glad to see you all are well!:hugs: Yah for the ripper FSH level! Loving that!:happydance: I just got the results of mine back and I didnt like it one bit! I just have to keep in mind it was done on day 3 of my miscarriage and that it could have thrown in off, otherwise a score of 34 ul, when the normal range of 3-20 ul, is not good!:wacko: I have a gyno appointment in Feb so I wll just have to sit tight and try to pull a miracle sticky bean out of my arse my myself! Ive now added few things to try and preserve the egg quality I have left. Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly and Wheatgrass, to help the buggers stay freasher for longer and to help them mature to a better quality when I O. Also raspberry leaf to help with blood flow to the old uterus. Quantity doesnt seem to be an issue, but I do worry the quality may have dropped, just a matter of finding the healthy one out of what I have left I suppose now! I would love to see some Chrismas BFP's out of you lot so my fingers are eternally crossed for you all!:hugs:
Hi wannabee
you sound like me with all the supplements i just got wheatgrass today - its disgusting!! also taking royal jelly and flaxseed oil as well as pregacare, folic acid and epo days 1-14 anything to keep the fsh level down for ivf and keep the eggies fresh xxx
hello my golden ladies! I hope your all well!

Not much for me just the sore @@'s and using the progesterone suppositories and to my amazement they aren't as bad as I thought they would be cause were going on a week of them now. :dohh:

Will check back later and see what's up with you all!
Hi wannabee
you sound like me with all the supplements i just got wheatgrass today - its disgusting!! also taking royal jelly and flaxseed oil as well as pregacare, folic acid and epo days 1-14 anything to keep the fsh level down for ivf and keep the eggies fresh xxx

I agree glitter the wheatgrass tastes aweful!:haha:

CSunshine how did I miss your fab news??!! Congrats!!:hugs: Hoping the progesterone does the trick for you this time and beanie stays well and truly put for you for another 8 months!:hugs:
Well ladies, its back to the drawing board for me ....no more baby....CD1 it is then...Im coping ok and tryin to keep my chin up...maybe next time...
Sure hope you are all having a good day and feelin good! Im gonna go try to find my Christmas spirit and hoist it back up!
hello my golden ladies! I hope your all well!

Not much for me just the sore @@'s and using the progesterone suppositories and to my amazement they aren't as bad as i thought they would be cause were going on a week of them now. :dohh:

Will check back later and see what's up with you all!

congrats!! What brill news xxxx
hello my golden ladies! I hope your all well!

Not much for me just the sore @@'s and using the progesterone suppositories and to my amazement they aren't as bad as i thought they would be cause were going on a week of them now. :dohh:

Will check back later and see what's up with you all!

congrats!! What brill news xxxx

Thanks hun getting pretty excited but the big feat is going to be making past my early scan date! I am freaking out about everything. I know I just need to relax and breath, LOL that's what I always tell my bestie when she gets all wound up. :dohh:
So sorry to hear that Mama :cry: :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sunshine---glad you are doing ok :hugs:
Well hello Golden ladies of knowledge!

Hope your all well today!

AFM just working today and then a nice relaxing weekend! Nothing planned just rest! I will probably do a little shopping but that's about it.

Do any of you have big plans?
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well?

Sorry to hear your news mama4 :hugs:

I have at last got an appointment at the doctors between christmas and new year, and hope that I can get Doctor to sort some tests out for me to check that all is ok, and that i just need to be patient :confused:

I bought some Bee pollen to try next cycle, but not sure whether I am supposed to take it everyday..... also have EOP capsules ....should I be taking these every day of the cycle (and both of them together???)???

Christmas spirit and baby dust to all x

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi Ladies,

MrsBling, I'm not sure about the bee pollen, WannaB's your girl for that. But the EPO should only be taken from CD1 up to ovulation - Don't take it after O coz it's not good. Is it the old CM you're trying to improve with EPO, coz Pink Grapefruit juice is really good for this too, and you can just have a glass each day.

Hope everyone is well, and almost ready for Christmas. I've been running around like a mad thing today, my one day off before I finish working on 23rd.

Looks like I O'd early again on CD10, but will keep up the good work in the bd department over the next week, just in case! Got to get the Follicular phase sorted - it's gonna be my new years resolution.

Catch you soon ladies :hugs:

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