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Older Ladies TTC - Please be my friends....

Welcome Arctic and Lissa! Hope your stay is here is short and sweet :hugs:
Well- after not talking about babies for almost over a month, I was beginning to wonder if my hubby had changed his mind about having one. I was absolutely relieved when he said "Of course we are going to keep trying!!!" I think we are going to wait a couple more months to see what is going to happen with my job and insurance and then start trying again!! WHOOO HOOOO.....Now- here is my dilemna. I had to switch insurance companies due to my employer dropping coverage. This new insurance does not cover ANYTHING for 365 days!! I am supposed to have some basic testing done in my Gyno's office to see if they can spot something simple as to why I have had 2 losses. Do I try and pay for these myself, not guaranteeing they will have any answers, or do we just proceed and if I lose another baby, then have the real genetic testing and such? Right now, my doctor says 2 losses are no sign of anything- once you get to 3 then you need to check on things. So.................?????????
Welcome Arctic and Lissa! Hope your stay is here is short and sweet :hugs:
Well- after not talking about babies for almost over a month, I was beginning to wonder if my hubby had changed his mind about having one. I was absolutely relieved when he said "Of course we are going to keep trying!!!" I think we are going to wait a couple more months to see what is going to happen with my job and insurance and then start trying again!! WHOOO HOOOO.....Now- here is my dilemna. I had to switch insurance companies due to my employer dropping coverage. This new insurance does not cover ANYTHING for 365 days!! I am supposed to have some basic testing done in my Gyno's office to see if they can spot something simple as to why I have had 2 losses. Do I try and pay for these myself, not guaranteeing they will have any answers, or do we just proceed and if I lose another baby, then have the real genetic testing and such? Right now, my doctor says 2 losses are no sign of anything- once you get to 3 then you need to check on things. So.................?????????

WOOO HOOO! Can't wait to see you ttc again and then over on the pg side of things as well! My Dr didn't do any test until after I had a 3rd loss, but we didn't get to those as I got my bfp prior to my appt for the tests :dohh: They were scheduled to do a cd3 fsh test which tests how many and the quality of my eggs and then we would do a cd21 test for progesterone. I am taking those suppositories now just to make sure my uterus is a lush environment. LOL I would say just go with the flow and maybe ask for progesterone test or suppositories. I also took a baby aspirin a day as well. The Gyno will usually give you scripts over the phone if you have a enough losses.

Hope to see you around here soon!
hiya thanks for having me ,,, sounds like you have a LOT TO THINK ABOUT YOURSELF !!oh sorry my com is shouting !!
hiya can i join i got some old eggies that im trying to make use of !!! :)

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Gold eggs Lissaloo not old eggs lol! Welcome to the thread and like the others I too hope your stay will be short and sweet.

Hey Amos, lovely to see you and I can't wait till your back with us full on. Don't know what to suggest re the tests and insurance, coz I'm in England and we don't work like that here - Are the tests really expensive?
I had to switch insurance companies due to my employer dropping coverage. This new insurance does not cover ANYTHING for 365 days!!

What the h*** kind of insurance is THAT? It should be illegal. My husband's company switches our coverage every year so it's a bit scary to wonder what their next move is going to be. But to have insurance that doesn't cover anything for a year is just plain nuts. I'm sorry I don't have any advice to offer.
Thanks Sunshine- I can't wait to see the pic of your little one!!! It will be here before you know it.

Nise- not sure how expensive it would be yet, guess I should try and ask, but knowing how things work over here, it will be more than I can pay!

TaeBo- isn't that a crock of shit? I have had the same insurance with the same company for 6 years and because they drop our "company" coverage and I have to sign up for individual, it changes everything! The kicker is it is all the same insurance company- BLUE CROSS!!! I can almost see the tests not being covered because that would be considered a "pre-exisiting" condition, but please, if I were to get pregnant they won't cover that?? NO way in hell that is a "pre-existing condition"!!!
Amos I would go back to your rep and get a letter of coverage as this will keep you from having any pre-existing conditions. I worked for Mutual of Omaha for 4yrs and have dealt with every sinerio possible. I'm not in the insurance field anymore but I can't see an insurance company saying you can't use it for a year. WTF? There has to an exception.
Hi ladies,

Thought I would pop in and see how everyone is doing :wave:

Csunshine - bet you are really excited about going for the first scan :)
Welcome articbaby & lissaloo - hope your stay here is short and sweet ;)

Well what has everyone got planned for New Years Eve? DH wants to stay in as he doesn't see the point in staying up after midnight just to say happy new year!! so will see what happens there!?!

Ooh I have to go to the doctors tomorrow to see if they can get me some tests to see if there are any reasons why I am not getting pregnant. I really should have gone over 12 months ago, but didnt think things would take this long??? so will see what he suggests. :thumbup:
Sunshine- read this part....see what you think:

Additional treatments may be excluded; please refer to the contract booklet for a complete list. All other covered medical services will be covered on and after the effective date of your coverage. Because this is not a group plan, periods of prior coverage will not reduce pre-existing and other waiting periods under this plan. However, if you enroll in this plan and then later cancel to enroll in a group plan, you may use the period of coverage under this plan to reduce any pre-existing waiting periods under the new group plan provided there is not a gap in coverage of more than 63 days.
Sunshine- read this part....see what you think:

Additional treatments may be excluded; please refer to the contract booklet for a complete list. All other covered medical services will be covered on and after the effective date of your coverage. Because this is not a group plan, periods of prior coverage will not reduce pre-existing and other waiting periods under this plan. However, if you enroll in this plan and then later cancel to enroll in a group plan, you may use the period of coverage under this plan to reduce any pre-existing waiting periods under the new group plan provided there is not a gap in coverage of more than 63 days.

I don't see how they can do that. I see what you mean but damn so other than your losses do you have any pre-existing conditions? Maybe your Gyno can put it under a different CPT code so they will pay. It's worth talking to your Dr. I have had my doctor change CPT code just so they would pay. It's not lying just mamipulating the system. Hope that helps a little. In most policies infertility issues are not a covered service so it may just need to not use those codes.
Thanks....I will definitely talk to her. Now- to figure out how I would pay for actually HAVING a baby if I get pregnant and carry to term. That is off limits too!!!! At this rate, I might as well cancel my insurance and try to get on medicaid or something, but knowing me, I make too much money (which is not alot I assure you!) Guess it pays to not work sometimes.

Anyway- sorry to bore everyone, but thanks for listening to me!!:hugs:
Hi ladies,

Thought I would pop in and see how everyone is doing :wave:

Csunshine - bet you are really excited about going for the first scan :)
Welcome articbaby & lissaloo - hope your stay here is short and sweet ;)

Well what has everyone got planned for New Years Eve? DH wants to stay in as he doesn't see the point in staying up after midnight just to say happy new year!! so will see what happens there!?!

Ooh I have to go to the doctors tomorrow to see if they can get me some tests to see if there are any reasons why I am not getting pregnant. I really should have gone over 12 months ago, but didnt think things would take this long??? so will see what he suggests. :thumbup:
i hope it all goes well at the docs ,, how long have you been trying for !!

good morning ladies how is everyone else today ??:)

i have period like pains today im guessing it's ov time :)
Wow, Amos. That insurance stuff sounds mega complicated - glad Sunshine was able to help. As if ttc wasn't stressful enough without having to worry about all that too. Hmmm Maybe England isn't that bad after all!

Yay for O Lisaloo let the bonkathon begin. Have fun catching that eggie :happydance:

Well, after yesterdays temping nightmare, temp was still up today at 37.05 so I am hoping yesterdays drop was down to not much sleep before taking temp to early! Just praying now that AF stays away. Got work complications to keep my mind busy today - but I can't be arsed to deal with them! So though test day is not technically till 1st Jan I am thinking that maybe if AF doesn't threaten today and tomorrows temp doesn't drop drastically I may do a little testing in the morning - Will be 14dpo tomorrow and I only want to be the designated driver on New Years Eve if there's good reason to be! Fingers crossed :hugs:
I haven't been around much, it is such a mad period of the year for me.

Nise, your chart looks very promising, so hard to take the decision to test on NYE, but what a celebration that would be if you got our bfp.

mrsbling, hope your appointment goes well. I hesitated to make an appt with my GP as I had only been trying for 6 months then, but almost 2 months down the line, I'm glad I did as I got my tests done and he referred me to FS. Our appt is beg Feb and it gives me something to hang on to each time AF shows her face.

Amos, how confusing. It does sound outrageous that they should have such a clause when you are paying the entire time. It's like your car insurance saying they won't fix your car if you have an accident for one year from the time you took cover, that's ridiculous. Hope it gets resolved. To your question, I would myself chose to continue ttc, but I've only had one m/c and can't say if I'd feel the same if I had another one.

Csunshine, only a few more days to go, how exciting. It is always so heartwarming to read about fellow strugglers reaching these milestones.

As for me, after a mad Christmas period with my two monsters, mum, sister, OH, his mum and sister, we are now starting the mad birthday period with my big girl turning 10 tomorrow and her cousin turning 13, OH's mum turning 79 on First January, and my baby boy turning 7 on the fourth! I normally start the new year totally broke and dead exhausted!

As for ttc, I took soy for the first time this cycle which had the effect I'd hope for, ovulated a bit later than usually, ie cd14 rather than cd10-12, had really strong ov pains, so feel good about it, well timed bd, so looked all set for a really big bfp, but all that was ruined with the worse thrush case I've ever had which started just as ovulation took place and a few hours after bding...poor swimmers must have collapsed the second they reached my uterus! So not much pma for this cycle, but we have one more before the appointment with FS, so hanging on to that.

Amos I was just thinking that they might have a maternity rider they can add. It might mean a higher premium but it can help you. If that doesn't work go to part time and get on Medicaid! Screw the insurance companies and the Dr's take a less amount too! You can also talk to your Dr about coming down on his price they do that sometimes as well. When I had knee surgery my Surgeon gave me a break, not a big enough of one but all in all a break. Hope that helps.

afm 6 sleeps until my scan! I can't wait! Hope your all doing well!

FBbaby hope your PMA returns! It only takes one little soldier to reach your little eggy!
good morning ladies :) hope your all fine looks like im in the 2ww !!
Hey Ladies. Well, just thought I'd let you know it was a BFN for me this morning - no witch yet but I don't think 14dpo was doing it to early. I'm fine with it and glad I've let it be the last bit of shit news in 2009 rather than the first bit in 2010 - if that makes any sense!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all, I shall be making a wish tonight at midnight for bfp's and sticky beans all round. Thank you all for your support and I hope 2010 turns out to be everything you want it to be. :hugs:
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. Lets hope that this one brings everyone what they want.

AF got me over night, early AGAIN. My monthly has always been so regular that you could set your watch by it. This month and last month it has arrived 3 days early, i just dont get what is going on. Still like Nise said im glad is was the end of a rubbish 2009 and not the start of 2010 which im hoping will be so much better.

Love to you all x
So sorry Nise and Spencerbear :hugs: good your looking forward to a better New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR my golden ladies!

5 sleeps unti my scan so if I can stay awake until midnight tonight it should go pretty fast. I have the next three days off work! :happydance:

Hope your all well!
Hi Ladies, I'm Amanda, I'm 33 looking for a place to hang out on this board, I am living near Cambridge, UK but stationed here with the USAF. DH is almost 30 and we just started TTC #1.

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