Hi Ladies hope you are all keeping well.
I am in washing mode right now washing all the baby's clothes sheets etc....I wonder if that means I'm starting to nest!!
I feel huge right now, def getting all the uncomfortable preg symptoms of sore back, generally uncomfortable all the time, heartburn, and exhaustion! But hey when baby kicks and moves I know it's all worth it. Only 6 wks to go and I can't wait, for some reason i'm convinced I'll go early too. though I did read about the birth process this morning ..... sticking my head back in the ground as it's all a bit scary! I don't have my anti natal class till 3 wks before baby is due, as i'm too laid back for my own good sometimes!
Have a great holiday Polaris and enjoy the relaxation.
Avabear - can't believe you might be having the baby so soon - how exciting and scary, but more exciting!
Marley - try not to worry about the growth issue, if they were concerned they would have you back sooner. Babies have growth spurts and so long as it's in a 2 wk window of your due date they are generally not worried.
Meerkat - I felt movements at 17 wks as I have a posterior placenta - I was just lucky I guess. I also had my '20wk' scan at 18.5wks due to internal auditing and an issue with my real date and offical date. They did call me back again 2 wks later as they couldn't see the heart chambers clearly as 18wks can be too small to see some items, if this does happen don't worry it's normal!
Ellie happy birthday for monday - You'll be joining me at 37!
Have a good weekend