'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Good morning/afternoon ladies! Hope you are all feeling well today.

Had a bit of a scare yesterday. Didn't feel peanut move since Sunday morn and when I called my OB the nurse said to go to hosp right away. Of course that scared me as I was alone. Got to birthing unit and got hooked up to monitors and heartbeat was in the 140's! Thank god!!!!!! :happydance: I didn't have to stay for more than 20 minutes but the dr. did do a quick ultrasound just to "say hello" to peanut. :rofl:

Turns out it was just in a weird position and that's why I couldn't feel anything. This kiddo is giving me grey hairs and isn't even here yet!!! :rofl:
Meerkat, Im wingin' it (so to speak) with the rat costume, I dont know how to do it yet!?!?! but they (the children) have had me make all sorts over the years and kind of expect it now, its my own fault really :dohh:
Re the HIP grant forms, send them off within the time allocated too (31 days I think) or bureaucracy will strike again!!
Bubbness, glad babys OK, I hate it when they have quiet days, it does worry you.
Thanks everyone for all your advice regarding the forms. What a palava!!

Bubbness, glad to hear everything was ok with LO, it must have been really worrying. :hugs:

I can't wait to feel mine move. Is it about 18 weeks when you first feel it?

I'm having my 20 week scan at 18 and a half weeks (not sure why) but it would be great to feel it and see it on screen at the same time!!

PS My morning sickness went away at about 12 weeks but came back yesterday with a vengeance. Is that normal? :sick:
Hi ladies.

Bubness - glad everything turned out OK with your scare. For me, baby has changed to a funny position too I think. I was feeling lots of kicks in the left side of my abdomen, but now I'm not feeling anything there but I'm feeling lots of internal kicks kind of at the top of my vagina! It's a bit of a shame because I was really enjoying seeing my belly move and letting OH feel the kicks, whereas now they can't be seen or felt from the outside. But at least I can still feel them internally, so I know baby is OK.

Meerkat - wow I can't believe you are 15 weeks now! I got a week of very bad m.s. at 14 weeks just before it disappeared for good. Before that it had eased up a lot. So I would say it's pretty normal, hopefully it's just a short-term thing and you'll be back to feeling good again soon. I felt baby move at 16 weeks but only once and I wasn't sure at the time that it was baby. Started feeling more definite movements at about 18 weeks although they were still quite faint and not regular. Started feeling proper kicks sometime after 20 weeks. Everyone's different though, some women don't feel kicks till after 24 weeks, so don't worry if you don't feel anything for a while. Just keep a look out and hopefully you'll start to feel baby soon. It's the most magical feeling when it happens!

Well we are off on our holidays for two weeks on Saturday, going to Croatia, can't wait!! :happydance::happydance:
Can I get a hug please?

I'm just feeling a little fragile. First scan at the Placenta Clinic today, and Beanie is still measuring on the small side, especially on femur length. Plus my placental blood flow has "notches" and needs monitoring, especially closer to EDD.

They can't be too worried as they don't want to see me for another 4 weeks. I'm just kinda worried, because of my age, because of my super-high Downs stats, because it's cloudy out there, because there's a Y in the month ..........

OH still doesn't think anything is wrong, he's ever the optimist, he says that the Bean is completely healthy and will be fine. So he's not hugging me :cry:
Marlysgirl, :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Its hard not to worry when someone plants a seed of doubt in your mind. Even with your stats you are still more likely to not have these issues than to have them. I think babies quite often have little spurts of growth here and there and as you are being monitored so closely you see it all in minute detail.
The notches are something to do with placenta function I assume? and if they are keeping a close eye on you thats good cause if anthing develops it will be spotted asap.
You OH is right to be positive I think, but being a fellow pregnant lady I understand the need for a hug just now.
Thanks Soonie.

You're right about the scans - Beanie was absolutely fine at both the 12wk & 20wk scan and, if it wasn't for my research scan at 21wks (and Manchester being a research hospital), we wouldn't know that he's measuring small at the moment or that I have an odd placental flow. Perhaps it's better not to know too much!!!!!
I think soon2be6 has given you some very good advice, it must be very worrying but the most likely outcome is still that everything will be fine. Especially since baby was measuring fine at the 12 and 20 week scans, I think growth rates are quite variable, but most of the time we are not aware of it because these are the only two scans that a lot of people get. I don't know anything about 'notches' in blood flow, but it's good that they have picked up on this and can monitor it, again could it be something that might resolve itself naturally as your due date comes closer? Even if the worst came to the worst and there was a problem with baby like Downs, I know that you would cope fantastically and be a brilliant mummy to your little one no matter what. It sounds like your OH has a different coping style to you, which can be difficult because you don't always feel supported when the other person deals with things differently, but really I would say that he is just coping with the situation in his own way. I know how hard it must be not to worry, but there is nothing that you can do at the moment and as you say, they can't be too worried if they don't want to see you for another 4 weeks. I hope you feel a bit better tomorrow after a good night's sleep. Big hugs!!
:hugs::hugs: Marleysgirl, I hope you're ok hon I just read your post. I'm sorry to hear you had a bad day at the hospital today. I'm sure that soon2b and Polaris are right though, that the doctors would want to see you sooner than 4 weeks if they were overly worried for your LO. I know it must be hard not to be concerned. Being pregnant is just one big worry on the best of days, let alone being monitored as much as you are. But on the positive side, it's good that they're watching you closely.

Your hubby sounds like just the person to be around. I hope you feel better soon. Sending big hugs your way xxx :hugs:
Thanks girlies, I knew you'd understand.

I'm feeling much better today, I woke after a lovely dream where we were bringing Beanie home from the hospital, and he was wearing a stripey-blue hat ... I'm off to knit that hat right now :D
I'm so glad you're feeling better today hon. Enjoy your knitting! x
Sometimes I think too much knowledge is evil! I mean on one hand it's great they can find out so much but on the other hand it's terrible! Lots and lots of worrying. :cry:

Thanks everyone! Peanut's been moving and kicking and punching ever since we got back from the hosptial. Guess he/she just wants to put mommy's mind to rest. :rofl:

As far as feeling baby move I think I was around 22-23 weeks. Maybe more before I felt proper kicks and could tell the different between that and gas. :dohh:

I did have a nervous breakdown this morning though. I was sitting at home before leaving for work and realized that in 12 weeks (or less!!) this baby is going to be here and nothing is done in the house! I mean nothing!!! No paint, no furniture NOTHING!!!!! My goodness, now I need some :cake:
Tell me about it - we have nothing done. We have ordered new windows for the upstairs so there's no point doing anything until after they are put in. After that I will really have to get to work - so much to do!!
Thank you! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. It's funny because otherwise I am very on the ball. I am signed up for childbirth classes and breastfeeding classes. I have appt to have car seat installed and to meet with pediatrician. But as far as my house? Not a thing!
We have a massive list of things to do in the house before the big day. I just can't see us getting it all done somehow. My friend at work says that when I'm on my 'baby holiday' I'll have nothing to do all day and that me and LO can decorate the house then!!! :rofl:

PS Had my relexology sesh last night. It was lovely. The therapist did say that she'd go easy on me as I'm pregnant so it was more of a light foot massage than a deep kneading one. Anyway, it was just lovely and I felt totally relaxed and slept like a log last night. :sleep:
Marleysgirl - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I think soon2b6 is right, not only are these things coming to light because of the extra scans but those extra scans mean that they are going to be right on top of even the slightest thing. I must admit I thought I knew what it felt like to worry, then I got pregnant, and it opened up a whole new world! It's such a scary time. Sending you lots and lots of hugs :hug: And I love the dream about the hat ... so cute!!

Bubbness - don't worry, we only finished the nursery yesterday :blush: Must be something about the looming deadline! It all comes together one way or another, but time really seems to rattle by, the closer you get!!

Meerkat - that massage sounds lovely ... how relaxing! If I ever win the lottery I'm going to have a massage every single day :rofl:

Saw the MW again today, baby still breech, BP still high (but not enough to admit me again thank goodness!) otherwise all fine. Seeing her again on Tuesday, then ANC and scan on Thurs when hopefully they'll make a plan for me ... eek!

My work are doing their bit for my BP (not) ... got a letter today saying that they were starting my ML early but I'm pretty sure they aren't entitled to because (a) I'm actually on holiday, not off sick and (b) when I was off sick it was 8 weeks before my EWC, and they can't do that till I'm off 4 weeks before (says in their policy and by law) ... :dohh: They wouldn't be convinced on the phone so they are double checking and calling me on Monday :hissy: What is it we were saying about bureaucracy the other day?!!

Anyway I'm off to do my hospital bag ... can't believe I'm still doing it LOL.
Hi everybody, don't know where to start so I will keep this brief. I have never been a fan of posting bad news on the forum. Anyway, I had my scan this morning and the baby has died had both external and internal scans but there was no heart beat. He (we called him Joe) stopped growing at approx 9 wks. We are both devastated and now just have to wait for nature.

Don't know what to do . So I guess this is goodbye. Good luck with all your pregnancies I wish you all well for the future. Take care. XxX
Truman, so very sorry to hear your news. I'm truly gutted for you and your husband as it is such a devastating experience. Give yourself time to work through everything. Thinking of you both and your little angel Joe. Big hugs:hug:

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