Oh dear, I had a bit of an embarrassing adventure last night...
I got home from work and was still worried about lack of movements from LO. I laid on the bed on my side, then my back, then the other side and still hardly a movement. DH could tell I was worried and insisted that I call NHS Direct to put my mind at rest. So I did and they told me to call the Labour Ward for advice. And as soon as the lovely MW starting speaking to me I burst into tears and couldn't stop. I was mortified!! Anyway, she told me to come in straight away and pack an overnight bag just in case!
So DH and I headed off to the maternity ward. When I got there they were so lovely and the MW I spoke to on the phone came over and I started crying again!
Anyway to cut a long story short she wired me up to a monitor which checked the amount of movement and another one which listened to the heartbeat. Typically, and to my relief, LO started kicking like mad more or less as soon as I was hooked up to the machine! I was so happy but also really embarrassed to be there. I hate the thought of wasting their time or them thinking I'm neurotic or paranoid.
Then a doc came to check me and the baby and reassured me that everything was fine. Me and DH were there for over an hour altogether. DH was starving bless him

They were very reassuring and the lovely MW said if she was me she would have done the same and I was right to go and check if I was worried.
So I've been in a labour ward! I haven't told a soul (apart from all of you!), and have sworn DH to secrecy as I'm still pretty embarrassed by the whole episode but I feel so relaxed today and

is having a lovely kicky day too!
One funny thing, I had packed my overnight bag in a haze of tears and when I came to unpack realised I had put in a pair of clean knickers, pyjama bottoms (no top), my toothbrush and my hair straighteners.

Think I need to rethink this choice when I go in for the real thing!!