Hey there ladies!
I'm sneeking some time on the computer while Chloe sleeps! Though my ass is firmly planted on this chair and I won't be moving for a while as I hurt my back lifting the pram out of the car on tuesday and now have awful sciatica pains in my back and leg and moving/walking is soooo painful!! DH is telling me I'm now not 'allowed' now to lift the pram ...not sure how that is going to work and we're not buying a new pram! However it does get me off nappy duty so every cloud...

!! luckily DH works upstairs from home so he's our slave right now heh heh!!
Marley - Hope Andrew has more success BF next time and works out how to latch on! I'm so impressed with your dedicated approach to expressing for him. Staying in bed all day with baby would be just lovely .... except Chloe can't wait to get up and keep me awake
Ellie - just seen you're in Caerphilly - I'm in Cardiff ... just down the road!
Welcome Nickip - I hear ya on the 11pm thing ... this lack of sleep is sooo hard, I'm sure I would have coped better younger!! but hey if I looked wrecked that is the least of my worries right now!
Meerkat - hope you feel better soon, I worried alot about swine flu when I was pregnant and had a 'quarantine zone' around my desk .... not that anyone paid attention to it ... made me feel better!
Franny - yay for team yellow and sounds like an amazing scan, I'm glad we stayed on team yellow too as it was such a lovely surprise to hear we had a girl when we were convinced she was a boy all along, so much so DH still referred to her as he for the first few hours!
Just on the older mum thing .... when I was in hospital being induced, the girl in the bed next to me was 17 and her mum and I got chatting - she was 34 and about to become a gran .... I'm 37 having my 1st and felt flippin ancient beside her! though wouldn't change it for the world!