'Older Mums' buddies thread!

How exciting marleysgirl, how wonderful! enjoy and i;'m sure andrew will be delighted! keep us posted!
great news about the scan franny, we're still on team yellow too - OH never did want to know, it was me that was a bit impatient (!), so I asked at our 20 week scan :blush: but LO had legs crossed anyway and they couldnt tell. I'm glad now though, even though thinking of names is a nightmare and we've only got one girls name we agree on (no boys names at all yet!) i cant wait for the surprise! Good to hear the feedback from others who were on yellow too, it does sound like a magical moment when you find out ....

Well just got back from a little tour of our local birth centre (Caerphilly) - there was nobody there this evening! which made it even more peaceful! i think it's now our preferred place (rather than home, which was the original plan) - it was soooooo lovely, huge private ensuite rooms, a massive pool (and a massive bath which people have also used), really nice chilled decor and lovely lovely staff. OH admitted that he would feel more comfortable having a bit more support too, as he feels 'unqualified' to help at home :rofl: I want to go back there now!!! (well okay I can hang on another 7 weeks!)
Hello everyone!

I was trying to keep notes as I read the last page or two so I could write a lovely little something to each of you, but I managed to confuse myself more! Anyway, well done all of you and all the fabulous growing babies, in and out of the tums. Welcome to the new folks and congrats on all the great scans. Lots of good news, so that is great.

I was laughing a bit about the Team Yellow and the Surprise Factor. When my 4th was born she had the cord round her neck a couple of times and needed a bit of extra attention from the midwives, so they whisked her off to the side and left me yelling "What is it? What is it?". Not the beautiful "It's a boy/girl" you expect but it's a funny story now. I was a bit out of it, I think! I'm not sure if I'll find out this time. My practical side might get the better of me!

I'm feeling so much better today, and yesterday, too, so maybe this is the beginning of the end of ms. I'll be 11 weeks Thursday. As you know I'm supposed to go to Miami at 12 weeks for an OB appointment and scans, but it's turning into a total nightmare. We have great insurance, but I was given appointments with doctors and facilities who don't take it, which would end up costing me an arm and a leg, or two. $1000 for the scans alone! I've asked them to make me different appointments and they say they can't, so I've been trying to make my own appointments from over here, and having no luck. Doctors aren't taking new patients or they don't want me because I won't be delivering with them. It's crazy. Makes me miss my lovely Welsh midwives.

Sorry for the moan! I'm sure it will all work itself out. At least if the ms has subsided I'll enjoy the trip more!

Have a great week, folks!
Marleysgirl - that's fantastic news about Andrew - good luck with the bf tomorrow, let us know how it goes!

Suri mum - sorry you are having a difficult time arranging scans, hope you get something sorted out soon. Glad the m.s. is subsiding though, although don't be too surprised if it comes and goes a bit for another few weeks.

Well I am wide awake and not in a very good mood. I have a feeling that baby has moved back to the breech position after having been head down for the past four weeks or so. Have midwife appointment on Friday so I will find out for definite then I suppose. My belly just feels really different and movements feel different too. I know even if it is the case that baby still has time to move again but I just really don't want to end up having a c-section because baby is breech.
Well I am wide awake and not in a very good mood. I have a feeling that baby has moved back to the breech position after having been head down for the past four weeks or so. Have midwife appointment on Friday so I will find out for definite then I suppose. My belly just feels really different and movements feel different too. I know even if it is the case that baby still has time to move again but I just really don't want to end up having a c-section because baby is breech.

I hate to sound old-fashioned, but do they no longer try to turn breech babies? Both myself and my brother were breech, and my Mum has vivid memories of her doctor literally manhandling us from breech to head-down position on the due dates (we were both late).
I hate to sound old-fashioned, but do they no longer try to turn breech babies? Both myself and my brother were breech, and my Mum has vivid memories of her doctor literally manhandling us from breech to head-down position on the due dates (we were both late).

Yes, my midwife did mention this to me, but it sounds like they don't really try very hard in the hospital I'm going to. The way she put it was 'they MIGHT try to turn the baby, depending of whether they think it will be successful'. Fingers crossed the baby will end up in the right position some way or another.
Have a google - I did read somewhere about gentle exercises & massage that help baby to turn, but I can't remember where! Seem to recall it involved crawling on all fours for a while ...
Have a google - I did read somewhere about gentle exercises & massage that help baby to turn, but I can't remember where! Seem to recall it involved crawling on all fours for a while ...

Haha, yes crawling around on all fours, lying with your bum higher that your belly, standing on your head, OH is going to wonder what I am up to! LOL.
If there is a pregnant woman in the third tri who can stand on her head, I take my hat off to her ... can you imagine? I couldn't have done that with the help of a crane and a troupe of acrobats ....
i'd love to see that :rofl:

try not to worry polaris, hopefully your lo will dutifully turn and stay where they'[re supposed to ... there is a website someone on here recommended www.spinningbabies.com - quite interesting!
Hi everyone, apologies for my absence (again :blush:) I have been struggling with bf for a while so have been keeping a low profile, seems like everyone is doing well - only read the last couple of pages so hope i didn't miss anything vital?

Marleys good luck with the bf - bet you are so excited?
Hello all.

Surimum, We had a "what is it" moment too when Holly was born, not exactly what you hope for is it, but at least she was ok, thats the main thing. Id waited 9 months another 30 seconds was just about bearable, lol.

Ellie, Im glad you like the birth center, Ive never seen one but they sound fantastic.

Polaris, babies eh!! They can change position any time so try not to worry (yeah right!!) I had a transverse up to the last few hours of labour, I had a breech who was turned by ECV (External Cephalic Version) which is where the consultant prods and pushes your tummy to get the baby into the right position, and I had a breechie who I got to turn by laying on the sofa the wrong way up, so my back was on the seat and my legs up the wall, I nearly suffocated though, LOL. Ive read a lot of people do the all fours thing and its supposed to be very effective. There are loads of whacky ideas out there one of the best I heard was to put an ice pack on the top of your bump and play nice music via headphones at the bottom, might work who knows, LOL.

Gol, good to see you, how is the BF now, I have very sore nipples just now (TMI sorry!) she has taken to chewing at the end of her feeds, little darling, so we are in the process of learning to go to sleep on her own, ie not on the breast.
First attempt at BF didn't turn into anything - he kinda stared at my boob and didn't seem to associate it with food, despite my having expressed so there were drops of milk on it. Perhaps with two-hourly tube feeds, he's simply not hungry enough. Dunno, try again tomorrow.
Ellie - I like the sound of this birth centre. Is it a private maternity hospital?

Surimum - Hope the ms stays away now hon, it seems like its never going to stop doesn't it. And then one day you wake up and wonder why you're not feeling sick. Hooray!!

Saw the MW today (another different one, that's 4 now). She was really lovely and told me LO seems very happy and calm. I have no idea how she knows this, something to do with listening to the heartbeat. Anyway she had a feel around and said the baby is currently breech. So I log on here and lo and behold the topic today is breech babies!!

Spooky! :witch:

PS Almost forgot, some woman at work today has been confirmed as having swine flu. Am I supposed to do anything?
Meerkat, you must be worried, I dont think there is any specific advice if you dont actually have it yourself, just keep an eye and see the doc if you get any symptoms, hope you stay well. Your L/O is very likely to move around quite a lot yet, I remember Holly (who was big by that stage) was cephalic then breech then transverse, little so and so, it was only later on that she settled.

Marleys, sorry the BF didnt go to plan, it will Im sure, he just needs time to learn that milk does not just appear in the tummy at intervals, lol, like you say if he wasnt very hungry there would be no motivation for him to try anyway, good luck for next time.
hiya :winkwink:

im new is this older mummies part, didnt even know it was here :blush:

im nikki, ive got 3 girls, 13, 3 and 10 weeks old (on friday)

im 34 and didnt really think i was an older mum until my HV asked a few weeks ago what it feels like to be a mature mum!!! :wacko:

i told her its great but eden is deffo my last, the older i get the more tired i am :haha: although OH has other ideas, he can get lost!!!

since i had eden 2 of my best friends are now pregnant, one is 35 and the other is 37, i think i must have made them all broody :haha:
aww marleys I'm sure he will be happy to try again, I guess he'[s been a few weeks learning that milk just appears as soonie said, he might take a bit of time to learn where it does come from, keep perservering :hugs:

not sure about swine flu, you could ask your doc/mw/occ health I guess, although a few people I worked with had swine flu and I didnt do anything, just carried on going to work (I hadn't seen any of them for at least two weeks before they came down with it, and no one else then got it, and i was fine) - if you've been in contact with her recently though might be worth mentioning it? You might get a couple of free days off ;)

meerkat amazingly no, its an NHS birth centre! but it did have the feel of a private place! Just keeping everything crossed that all stays well so we can go there.
I am supposd to be going for a glucose tolerance test next week - they don't think I have GD, it was supposed to be a 'precaution' as my dad has type 2 diabetes, i should have been offered it at around 28 weeks but wasn't and it got picked up when I went in to get checked at the hospital for reduced movement last week/the week before. Bit nervous about it, as I've read that it can be inaccurate and can sometimes cause GD-like symptoms to appear even if you didnt have them before, because of the way they do it! Am still considering not going for it, as no one actually thinks I have it anyway, still deciding .....

Oh and Gol great to see you :hugs:
:wave: hi nikki! welcome! we've had that debate on here about whether we are 'older' or not and decided that we dont mind being older :)
:wave: hi nikki! welcome! we've had that debate on here about whether we are 'older' or not and decided that we dont mind being older :)

Well said Ellie! He he what the hell, we can't do much about it can we!! :rofl:

Hi Nikki and welcome to the gannies thread. Hope you're well.

Thanks ladies, I called the surgery this morning to see what the protocol was re the swine flu/pregnancy thing. And the lady said its pretty much up to me what I do. so I took that as meaning it's not a big deal. I feel a bit rough with this bronchial infection which I think is making me feel feeble. Usually I am brave and bold and laugh in the face of colds and flu! And so that's the plan for now anyway! :haha:
Sorry to hear it didn't go as planned Marleys - I found it was all about timing. If it was too close to feed time, Finlay was frantic and couldn't focus enough to do it, and if it was too soon after a feed, he was too full. I bet with Andrew's progress so far, when you do get to give it a proper go, he'll be fab. :hugs:
well i can tell ya, its a completely different experience being an "older" mum!

i was 20 when i had my first and could still manage to have LATE nights out and wake up rearing to go with a 1 year old jumping on my head, now if im not in bed by 11pm everynight im a blubbering wreck the next day :haha:

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