hi guys :wave:
how's everyone doing ?
congrats again to polaris, hope you and thomas are settling in well!
and great to hear that andrew is home - hoping he's happy!
seity, happy thanksgiving and enjoy the ice hockey! i remember going to a game once when visiting california, I was a bit drunk

but I remember it being really exciting!
:wave: meldmac, congratulations, hope you're feeling okay, my symptoms were quite wierd in 1st tri, coming and going and changing every day! i didn't actually get sick but I did get very nauseous for a couple of weeks.
soon2b i hope holly keeps getting stronger
ava, finlay sounds like he's doing great, and till may is a lovely break to have with him

i'm already dreading going back next september!
wow tillly can't quite believe she's 3 months already - where does the time go .... have a fab time in ireland! hope the weather calms down a bit by then, are you flying or ferry-ing?
so sorry csunshine

hope you'll be back very soon.
ahh, the swine flu dilemma ... I got a letter last week (!) and put it in the bin, I had already decided not to have it but certainly at this stage I felt there was no point (read it takes about 3 weeks to get antibodies into you, so it wouldn't be of any use to baby by then! also have been around loads of people who've been believed to have it and I've been fine) but it's a very personal decision really ...
well, I am very very fed up at the moment

... edd was 3 days ago, although I've now decided that I don't agree with the date

by LMP it would've been yesterday, but my cycles before were a bit longer so I reckon my actual edd would be around this weekend! However - seems the medics don't listen to this

and I was very upset after seeing a midwife yesterday who started talking about transferring me to the hospital for induction, but they will try up to 3 sweeps first. I know getting my LO here is the main thing, but I so wanted to avoid any medical interference for us and really really didn't want to go to the hospital as it just terrifies me and it's horrible there

I'm trying everything I can to get things moving in the meantime .... pineapple, papaya, lots of curries and spicy stuff, walking, bouncing, yoga, acupressure, evening primrose oil, having reflexology tomorrow ... trying not to worry about it but it's stressing me now ... help

agreed to a sweep on sunday in desparation ...