'Older Mums' buddies thread!

Hi ladies,

It's been a while since I looked at this thread ~ sorry! Hope you are all well. I am good, have my 28 week appointment (at nearly 29 weeks!) on Monday so I am hoping everything is ok. It feels like a long time since my last appointment and although I can feel her (ALL the time) it's hard not to worry! I have a bit of a 'thing' about medical issues and my midwife said that I have white coates syndrome, my blood pressure goes sky high when I have it taken. I am hoping that over the next 10 weeks I will get on top of this becuase otherwise I think it will be difficult to tell if anything is wrong...

I have a 3d/4d scan on Easter Monday which was amazing! Although, she said that the umbilical cord was in the way and although she 'thought' it was a little girl she couldn't be certain! So, it seems that we just have to wait and see, but if it is a little boy I will have to repaint the nursery (we decorated it last week) and get to the shops to buy boy clothes sharpish!!!

Csunshine, congratulations on team blue! That's great news... you must be excited to get prepared now!

Maybebaby3, I hope your LO turns around soon for you. xx

Welcome Catters, this is a lovely thread and everyone is really nice!

Pollypop, sorry to hear you were in hospital for your 40th but at least you got the news that your LO is OK. Must have been pretty scary though!

Truman ~ it must have been lovely when your DS felt your bubs move! I bet he was secretly over the moon!

Seity, I hope you are enjoying being a mummy! I can't wait!

Anyway, hope you are all keeping well.

Would like to join this thread, I am 5+1 with my 2nd. I am 39yrs young!!! I think my due date is 16th Dec, the day after I will hit the big 4 0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been reading some of the posts on here and its reassuring to see some people around my age.
I am a bit nervous this time around as when I had my daughter the care I got then was far from good, was kind of left to get on with it. I dont want it that way this time.
I have my 1st midwife appt 26th April, would like to get an early scan but not sure if I will get the chance.
Thanks for reading my post.
Hi Sarah

First congratulations !!!!
Second ...Welcome :) What age is your first baby?
I know what you mean about first time around and the feeling of being left to get on with it but this time im just loving being pregnant (take away the insomnia and siatica) but the care i get from my m/w is first class an anytime ive been to the epas clinic or hospital they have been extremly friendly :) so try not to worry too much .
26th April is not that long away but i bet your desperate to get your first app i know i was lol .
Anyway just popped into to say welcome and the ladies in here are really nice and look forward to sharing all your news along the way :) .

Polly xxx

Ps Maybe your LO will come early and you can celebrate your big 40 a little better than i did lol x
Hi Polly,

Thanks for the message my daugthers 3 going to be 4 in October.
I really hope this time the care is better really do not need the extra worry.

hi all! have not been on this thread in ages. well at 35wks baby was breech so i was referred 2 consultant. went on tuesday and miraculously he is now head down :happydance: :yipee: :wohoo:

am now 37+1. just started packing my hospital bag 2day and have realised that i still need a few things :blush:

still have 2 more wks at work so am hoping that LO does not put in an early appearance! plus my friend who is a midwife and is hopefully going 2 deliver me is going away from 22-27th april so i am keeping fingers crossed nothing happens then!!!!!

hope u r all ok :hugs:
Hi everyone and welcome Pumpkin. Maybebaby, not long now are you nervous? I am glad baby Aaron turned for you, can't believe you are working so close to your due date. I am finishing 2/3 weeks before!

Anyway, if I didn't know better I would think Tallulabella was a footballer non stop kicks and oh boy does she hate sharing her space with anything, including my internal organs, bladder and bowel lol! It's the kicks to the pubic bone that are this worst a bit like catching your funny bone!

On a different note my son is now stuck in Portugal with no way of getting home, planes are cancelled indefinately and all the trains and ferries are fully booked. He travelled two hours by train to Faro only to be told the next over night train was full and they weren't taking bookings. He is with his friend and his parents but even he has had enough now. I never thought I would hear him say it but he wants to come home, I think he misses him me oooorrrrr (not)! But I do no one think he has course work due in this week towards his GCSE exams so I am hoping the school/teachers cut him some slack and give him an extension after all its not his fault as the insurance company told me "it's an act of god!"
truman i'm sorry 2 hear that your son is stuck in portugal and i hope he manages 2 get home soon!

i am getting nervous about the birth (and everything after that). when i joined this thread i had ages 2 go and now all of a sudden D day is looming! i still havent finished packing my hospital bag tho :blush: i am convinced that i am going 2 go overdue! time will tell i guess!
Thanks, still no news unfortunately. Apparently they have been rebooked on flights for Wednesday but the airline are not confirming whether the flight will depart yet. I don't want him to fly if it's too risky but really want him home.

Anyway, I have started my hospital bag (a bit early I know) I was two weeks over due with my last two but I'm not taking any chances this time.

I have also started the baby's bag too.

What are you putting in yours? So far in mine ive got...

Disposable slippers, 1 nightie (need another!), toothbrush and paste, shampoo and soap. Hairbrush and spare hair bobble. Wet wipes, towel and a flannel. Disposable pants and pads (I have got the "Always nightime" ones but I have heard that they aren't good enough and to get proper maternity ones, what do you think??) I am sure there is something else but I can't think.

Tallulabels bag I'm still working on got nappies, cotton wool, a towel, baby grow (or two) vests, a little padded cardigan type jacket and a fleece (just in case lol). Not sure what else to take. Do you know I can't remember I know she will need to have a wash but I can't remember whether it is just in warm water or if I need baby bath and talc etc.....?
Hiya all,
I'm an older Mum too. I will hit the big 4-0 in August and I am due on Dec 19th! I already have two boys (age 13 and 9) and a little girl (3)
This pregnancy is very much a surprise, but we're looking forward to the new addition. Nice to know there are people on here as old as me, lol :happydance:
Hi Rosebud and congratulations how far along are you??

Daniel is home now safe and sound thank goodness and very loving!!! (must really have missed us) he has sat in the living room with us for the last few nights, albeit staring at his lap top! I'm glad he's home but I have to say the shopping bill rocketed yesterday can't believe how much that boy eats where does he put it all? certainly doesn't take after me lol!!

Maybebaby..... not long now, how you finished work and that hospital bag yet??

The cot arrived on friday well, the ends of it and mattress did. Stupid couriers missed placed the 3rd box!! Will have to post a pic of the nursery when it's done you wouldn't believe the state it was in before we started, plaster falling off everywhere. Glad it was the last room in the house we decorated because when we started this project 5 years ago I don't think we had a baby in mind. Have to say though I am really looking forward to it, I was never really broody but now, I just love her to bits and can't wait to see her. Not too keen on the bit in between now and then particularly the "giving birth" bit lol. But I know it will be worth it!.

Anyway, hope everyone is ok.
truman - about the pads, u r supposed 2 use maternity ones at least at the start as ordinary sanitary towels can apparently mask signs of infection.

my bag is almost packed! need 2 sort out some old pants 2 take! lol!

spent the whole morning cleaning and telling the kids off 4 not letting me clean and making mess as i cleaned. so stressed. didnt help that OH just watched me from the sofa and proceeded 2 fall asleep! grrr!!!
Men, they do make you laugh (not)! My OH cooks dinner every night and will try to do most other things round the house, (except I do all the washing and ironing and we have a cleaner until I finish work to help me keep on top of the cleaning) but then he reminds me constantly of how much he does do which winds me up something terrible. What does he want a medal??

Anyway, the rest of the cot arrived today so we put it up tonight and I rang to tell OH's parents everything was ok and that I would send them a picture. At which point his dad said Oh, did Grant tell you the pram was out of off stock and will be 6 to 8 weeks delivery (it was supposed to be on order 6-8 weeks ago for goodness sake).

No I didn't know ...... turns out OH found out last week and has ordered it direct from Silvercross and paid a £100 more for it just so that I wouldn't stress, and told his parents not to say anything....... no chance of that. If it doesn't come guess I will have to look at another. OH was very angry that his dad had told me he said he wanted to source it without me worrying god love him! Now his parents think I'm wittling more than ever when I never said a word.

Sorry to waffle just had to get that off my chest. Now I will get back to sourcing cot bedding. I can't believe how expensive cot bumpers and quilts are these days lol.

Just dropping by to wish everyone the best of luck on their up-coming arrivals !! I wish I had seen this forum when I was pregnant, as I was also an "older expectant mum"...:thumbup:
Thanks future_numan Emily is gorgeous.

Welcome Sammy_jane just logged on to see you are due today!! Keep us updated I love hearing about the new arrivals.
truman - hope the pram gets sorted out!!!

i finished work yesterday, which should've been great but things have been really rocky with oh so that has put a damper on things. i am hoping i dont go in2 labour until things r on a more even keel. was sooooo stressed yesterday that i had contractions. luckily they subsided at about 2am. didnt help that oh was out either.
Hey, Maybe hope you are ok and things are better today, do you think they were actual contractions or just strong braxtons? I got really stressed at work the other week and had a major nose bleed, stress has a funny way of manifesting itself. You take care of yourself this is a happy time I hope it was just a tiff. i've still got 4 weeks left at work and whilst I am feeling fine I am sick the pressure they are putting on me to get stuff sorted before I leave.

Anyway, the pram sorted now it was delivered and it being stored by a friend.

Bought more wipes, shampoo & other toiletries yesterday getting stocked up whilst they are on offer although bit wary about buying anymore nappies till I know how big she will be "newborn" seem to come in a few sizes dependant on which brand you buy!!!!

glad u got the pram sorted!!! i still have a few bits 2 get 4 my hospital bag:blush: i keep thinking that it's not happening! have ha braxton hick on and off. going 2 c the midwife tonight.
Hi Maybe how did you get on with the midwife only 2 days left I see...... are you nervous anymore contractions?

How are things at home?


PS. Have you changed your mind about baby's name?

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