kfs1, I'm really sorry about your DH's motility. There is still hope, even if it's not ideal. I really hate that she said that to you! Honestly, I think that if at that point they aren't going to cancel the IUI, they should just be huge rays of optimistic sunshine, because what good could a comment like that possibly do? Like having you fret about it is going to improve your odds?

Like Terri said, get that BFP and rub it in her face!!! :)
Fezzle ~ I'm glad the SA turned out normal for you guys. :thumbup:

Wish ~ Glad you've been having a good vaca. A couple years ago we decided to do a beach trip, and were debating between Charleston and Myrtle. Had never been to either. Everyone we talked to said to go to Myrtle with little kids, so we did. Last weekend, had a couple friends tell us they like Charleston better. So, next time I think we're going to try Charleston. Sorry about af's impending arrival though. Bummer.

Mischief ~ Still hoping this month will be it for you! :winkwink: The 31st does seem like far away. Hopefully the time passes quickly for you!

kfs ~ Yay, for complete IUI! :thumbup: Hopefully you'll be proving that nurse wrong.

Sis ~ I like your "what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay" comment/thought. Hopefully you get to use it. :winkwink:

TTC ~ Lillian is a nice name. :thumbup: I have a niece with that name.

So, had my follow up with my RE this morning. Next month, if I don't get pg this month on my own, I will take Femara (2.5 mg) CD 3-7, BD on CD 9, start OPK's on CD 11, ultrasound on CD 12 to check follies, then I have to do an hcg shot and have IUI sometime after CD 12 depending on how things fall. He said we'd go over the shot and when to do the IUI at the CD 12 u/s. RE said we will try IUI 2-3 cycles if DH's sperm are looking good enough after the spinning. If sperm aren't looking too good after the spinning, it may just be one cycle. He said if no success after 3 IUI cycles, then having more isn't going to increase the chance of success, so why bother trying. It doesn't usually work out on a fourth or fifth try with IUI according to him. So, if after all that, I'm still not pg, he said IVF with ICSI. He didn't even suggest the regular IVF with the petri dish.

If I move onto a 2nd IUI, and only had one egg release at the first IUI, he will increase the Femara dosage. He wants to see me produce at least two eggs for better chances. If we get to IVF, they will put in two embryos if we get two good ones.
momof3girls- I hope things work out before you get to the ICSI stage!

kfs- :hugs: I hope a sperm gets up there. Sounds very unhelpful of your nurse!

Sis- love the Vegas line! I hope you've brought something back with you!

ttcinseattle- love the name! I won't tell anyone...
Also- Mischief- holding out hope for you as your chart looks amazing! I always think that way too. I'm trying to tempt fate by taking on new responsibilities at work and buying new dresses.
Thanks, ladies. Terri - it was actually my doctor who said that, not a nurse. I mean, I don't want her to sugarcoat things or anything but she sometimes seems to forget how emotional this is for us women - I'm sure because she's so jaded by everything. I would rather be pleasantly surprised for sure but I think I'll take a PG test at home that morning so I can get my emotions out at home. Oh man, I HOPE I can rub a BFP in her face. :) if not, definitely fine with moving on to IVF.

edit: oh, and Terri, I'm totally bloated and I'm supposed to BD again tonight. I feel groooooosssss.
I bet if your husband was getting an IUI your doc would be all nice and caring. Sorry for having such a sucky experience so yeah, you better just BD and get it over with (so lame) just to give yourself the best chance. Tell hubs it's strictly for baby making so skip all the other stuff and get to business!! Hee hee. Then tomorrow you sit around watching tv/movies/real housewives!

Mischief-I haven't been ignoring you, but I'm totally on the excited train with everyone else! I wish my chart looked half as good. Even just once I would like to have a steady increase in temps. Fxfxfx.
Mischief-I haven't been ignoring you, but I'm totally on the excited train with everyone else! I wish my chart looked half as good. Even just once I would like to have a steady increase in temps. Fxfxfx.

I didn't want to get my hopes up this cycle, especially after his lower numbers, but I just can't help myself. I keep looking at the overlay of last month (the chemical) with this month. They're SO similar!


If this cycle doesn't work, we're going to go ahead with another IUI right away (before school starts!), regardless of his employment situation. I'm even thinking of getting a room at the Marriot next door to my RE's office the night before just to make things a little less stressful and a little more romantic. She's about 45 minutes to an hour from our house, and even though we'll also need a pet-sitter for the night, it will make things easier for him since he won't have to collect at the office like before.

I'm also planning all the yard work and heavy lifting I'll do if I get AF again this summer. So much needs to be done around here!

See? I'm trying hard to be pessimistic. It's just not quite working!

Mischief, not that I want to contribute to you getting your hopes up....but when I overlaid my pg charts they were very close, just like yours. It was a little obsession of mine, and I think spot on every time! So I'm going to secretly have my hopes up for you!!
Looking good mischief did u test again is it darker or lighter?? ;)

FYI my boobs are killing me!! :rofl:

I have a cousin my age that has a DS about my Lil ones age and theyve been trying for a long time also ell she got a BFP a few weeks ago but the ultrasound didn't go so well please Prey for her that the dates are off!! :help:
I did test again, and it's much lighter but still there. I'm really thankful for the hcg booster because I haven't had one bit of spotting (which is unheard of for me!) but I am so afraid of a false positive!

Last cycle I had negative tests at 10 and 11 dpo, but it was positive 13 dpo.

Y'all pray for me - leaving for my husband's niece's birthday party. I'm predicting lots of, "So when are YOU going to have a baby?" and "See? Isn't family life wonderful?" comments. It takes all my willpower to hold back nasty replies at the moment, and then even more not to cry in the car on the way home. Ugh!

Sorry about your boobs, Sis! LOL!
It only take one Bitch Fest and they will learn to keep there comments to themselves ;)
Praying for a BFP and a day free of stupid comments Mischief! Ugh. People are so clueless.

Sis - I say yay for sore boobs! :)

I have to go to a family reunion for my DHs side of the family today and I'm soooooo dreading it. I feel soooo bloated like a fat whale. When does it go away???
kfs1-It'll go away probably tomorrow evening. I can't remember exactly, and I didn't record anything on Ffoe. Just wear comfy pants. hee hee. Sorry you're feeling yucky, but at least I warned you, right? I looked like I was 3 months prego the last time I did my IUI.

Mischief-Yeah! I always look at past charts people have, and although yours always looks pretty good, this one is eerily like your last, so let's look for a small difference because this one will be a long term success!

Sis-Oh, sorry for your boobs hurting, but I will say a little prayer for your cousin, and I'll send some :dust: her way as well.

I forgot to tell you guys! When I was at my family reunion, I was so happy that my sister was there. Everyone was focused/surprised at her being pregnant for the 4th time that they totally ignored me. Well, not totally, but I think I only heard a few people say something about "having fun practicing, gaining another cousin, or following in my sister's footsteps." It was such a relief! So for Mischief and kfs1-You can do this...just remain calm, or make some snarky comment about getting started as soon as the party is over or starting tomorrow.

Get your :coffee: ladies because it's vent time. I am not the one to go to baby showers/bridal showers/birthday parties for kids etc...I kind of hate them. HA!!HA!! It seems that they are always in the spring or summer and I'd rather be riding, so I just say I'm busy and can't make it. It's not a lie. Well, my husband's best friend wife (we'll call her Jodi) has a best friend (we'll call her Tara) who is pregnant. I found out at the 1 yo party for Jodi's kid a few months back. Now, for some reason, I really like Tara. She's cool, fun, and nice enough. I almost thought of inviting her to OUR wedding (hubs went to college with all of them), but I don't really know her that well, and $ was tight, so we did not. After the bday party, I asked Jodi if Tara was having a baby shower and if it wasn't weird, I would like to be invited. Maybe that's weird, but that's how I felt. Jodi said that she was hosting it at Tara's house and sure, she'd let me know when the date was.

That was the end of that. My coworker invited me to a party for her 1 yo, and the party is today. I told her that hubs and I would be there. She doesn't have a lot of family/friend support, so I am trying to be a good friend. Well, two weeks ago hubs asked if he could back out of the party because he's going golfing with Tara's husband, Jodi's husband and Tara's dad. I didn't think anything of it, and was like 'You already made a commitment on that day, so you need to tell them you can't go.' Then I remembered how I will back out of a party in a heartbeat, so I changed my mind the next day. Last night we were talking and I said 'Who is going golfing again, and why?' Hubs said he wasn't sure. Then, I had a freakout moment that I got invited to Tara's shower and didn't get a gift, and completely forgot about it, had another party scheduled to go to etc...If I get invited somewhere, I always write it down and do what I'm supposed to do, so I was really freaking out at this point. I figured that since I had to go to the baby store for my coworker's baby, I can pick something up for Tara, REGARDLESS of when the shower is or whatever is going on. If hubs is going to see Tara's husband, he can give him the gift. I immediately wrote to Jodi asking what gender the baby was. I also noticed our last text correspondence was me being a freak and inviting myself to a party. :haha: Well, Jodi writes back saying that 'Tara wants it to be a surprise, and the shower is tomorrow at 2pm if you want to come.' Wait, what?! The party is tomorrow? Oh, no ma'am. You don't invite me the night before the party after you forgot to invite me to begin with, and expect me to just show up like some loser without any plans. I told her that I already have other plans for the day, but have fun. Hubs was like 'That is messed up.' I said 'I didn't want to say anything because Jodi is your friend.' How would you guys feel? I feel like my being nice about actually wanting to go to someone's shower has kind of backfired. I usually HATE getting invited, but this one I was looking forward to and didn't get invited. HA!!HA!! My emotions are all over the place. I'm kind of mad at Jodi for being such a flake, but then I have to remember that not everyone is as responsible/dependable as I am, but on the other hand, I still sent a gift, so that was my "nice thing to do." It's just weird. /end rant.

So...when I go to the 1 yo party today, I'm just going to eat a lot of pizza, and play games with the kids that are there. It's only 1.5 hours, and it's near my house. I'll make the best of it.
Hi girls, sorry I haven't checked in. I had company for a week, then out of town, then company again right when we got back. I did read, but today is the 1st day that I actually have time to write! You already know the outcome of my IVF. Mentally and emotionally, I have good days and bad days. I was testing at home, so the neg blood test wasn't a surprise. But IVF is a lot to go through, expecting a huge reward at the end, only to find out it didn't work. Some days I still cry and can hardly believe it, but honestly, for the most part, I'm just looking toward the future and feeling optimistic about the next one. I've read a lot about FET having slightly higher success rates. We knew that beforehand, but we did the fresh transfer anyway because the % wasn't THAT much different to make us hold off. But I'm just hanging onto little stats like that to stay positive.

AF arrived the very next day after quitting the P. I'm SO glad, because I'm ready to get this cycle over and move on to FET. Not sure why they wait a full cycle, but the nurse said it gives your hormones time to get normal again, and gives the body more time to recover from the ER. I'm hoping this cycle will be short (mine usually are when I'm unmedicated). I'll have my follow-up with my RE soon, so we can discuss next steps. It will be a LOT easier than the IVF, since we already have the embies. They'll just need to get my lining prepped for transfer. Not sure what else. I'll find all that out at my appt. We have 6 frozen embies waiting. Out of the 20 eggs they got, 2 crumbled, but the rest of them did fertilize, but 4 of them weren't viable. So we had 14 embies after that first 24 hours. In the end, we lost 2 before they could make it to the day5 blastocyst stage, and 2 must not have survived freezing process, so we had 8 left. Which is all pretty normal and common.

As heartbreaking as it was for this not to work, I know I have a lot to be thankful for... I have insurance that pays a large portion, I got plenty of embies, and they have high success rates for FET. So I am grateful for all that, and I'm looking at the positives, and just getting myself pumped up and excited for the FET.:thumbup: In the meantime, we'll try naturally this cycle and just see what happens.

Anyway, just wanted to update. DH just walked in the door, and we have lots to do today, so unfortunately I don't have anymore time to chat. Wish I did though, because it sure feels good to talk about it. I'll check in again later or tomorrow, so that I can respond to everyone's latest posts. Lots of interesting stuff going on.
Great to hear from you, Erin! You sound like you're doing a great job of looking forward to what will come. And that's the thing about IVF. It might not work the first time, or even the second, but I'm sure it WILL end up working out one way or another soon. The waiting sucks, but you know you're on the right path.

To all of you doing IVF, I have a friend with a 1 year old from something like her 5th IVF attempt. Know what happened after all those years of infertility and finally having her little one? She got knocked up accidentally with her second! I'm sure we've all heard the stories, but sometimes having a baby really does teach your body how to work properly. Of course, I'm still secretly hoping you get twins Erin ;)

Mischief, WOW on those similar charts. That is crazy! If it really is a sign of what's happening in your body, I bet that booster is doing wonders to stop what happened last time. I'm glad you're testing testing testing (and will have no doubt about the booster) because I can't wait for your updates each day.

Terri, what the heck?! I would be seriously annoyed. Especially since she probably knew your hubs was invited golfing during this event while the ladies were busy, and she still didn't "remember" to invite you! I'm glad you have something else going on so you could say no, I'm busy when she finally got around to saying something. I hope she apologizes via your husband later.
Well... no ugly comments during the birthday party because it was Mother-in-Law Vs. Mother-in-Law! Thanks for taking the pressure off, and for the entertainment, ladies! Looking forward to the next party! :haha:

ERosePW, I'm so sorry for your loss. I am thankful you have some embies waiting, a good plan for moving forward, financial help, and such a great attitude! :hugs:

MomOf3Girls, Sounds like you've got your plan together! That always makes me feel better. On both of my IUI's I've only had one follicle - and that one fertilized last time! Even still, I'm so jealous of women who produce more!

Fezzle, How's your shopping going? ;) I bought a super tight skirt the other day and that's exactly what I was thinking! ;)

kfs1, I hope your bloating subsides and that you enjoy your reunion!

VJean, Yours were similar? Now I'm even more hopeful! :) My test day is still years away!!!

Sis4Us, Praying for your cousin!!!! (I don't know I missed that line of your post earlier, but I did! Sorry! There I was all concerned/excited about your boobs! :wacko:)

ttcinseattle, That happened to a teacher on my campus this year! I have never in my life seen a more beautiful pregnant woman - she was so blessed and thankful it just radiated off of her!

terripeachy, Did you call it Fertility Foe? :haha: Yeah... It can be! I think you should give "Jodi" the benefit of the doubt (it very well could have been a mistake) and do exactly what you did - send a gift and your well wishes. There is a book I love to read to my students - Zen Shorts. In it, some kids befriend a Panda who tells them this story...

A Heavy Load

Two traveling monks reached a town where there was a young woman waiting to step out of her sedan chair. The rains had made deep puddles and she couldn’t step across without spoiling her silken robes. She stood there, looking very cross and impatient. She was scolding her attendants. They had nowhere to place the packages they held for her, so they couldn’t help her across the puddle.

The younger monk noticed the woman, said nothing, and walked by. The older monk quickly picked her up and put her on his back, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other side. She didn’t thank the older monk, she just shoved him out of the way and departed.

As they continued on their way, the young monk was brooding and preoccupied. After several hours, unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. “That woman back there was very selfish and rude, but you picked her up on your back and carried her! Then she didn’t even thank you!”

“I set the woman down hours ago,” the older monk replied. “Why are you still carrying her?”

So... don't carry her! :) Enjoy your pizza! (That's what we had too... and I ate it even though it's on my PCOS "No" list! Yum!)
ERose, I am glad you checked in. I am sorry it did not work... But you did get a lot of eggs and have frozen embies, and you are right, the rate for those is actually significantly higher than in a fresh cycle. When I was looking into IVF, the RE said that it is because in the fresh cycle you are so awash in hormones that it might actually hurt implantation slightly... FX!!

Terri, that is sort of... wtf! Sorry! You don't need this type of stuff right now, especially linked to baby showers.
Mischief-Whoa...MIL vs MIL? That's pretty funny, but I'm glad you made it through another family event. We've all been there. Yes, for me, it's pretty much always been Ffoe, except maybe my first month when I didnt know what to look for. It was still my friend at that point. As far as Jodi goes, I'm not carrying her, it was just a weird situation. I'm not even upset about it, just kind of like 'humph.' My husband is over at their house now after their golf game. hee hee. I had fun at the other bday party. I was worried that I was going to be the only one that showed up, but the rest of my coworker's family/friends showed up 1/2 hour late, but it was a great turnout, nonetheless.

ttcinseattle-That's a great success story, and I totally believe that would happen. I just need one for now! hee hee. How are you feeling? Any contractions yet? Oh, and I do love your baby's name. I have a good moto. friend named Lillian. Actually, now that I think of it, I have two, although one we call Lil. Such a beautiful name.
I took another test just now and there is only just this very, very, very faint line. I guess the booster must be just about out of my system. I hope hope hope hope it did it's job!!!

I have all my strips lined up in sequential order on a folded tissue in the bathroom. I compare them obsessively. Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this!

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