kfs1-I was laughing at your story about taking the shot. Glad it's done and overwith and hopefully that'll be the last one you have to take. Woohoo!! Friday is almost here. I was planning to be away for our annual family reunion, and the family reunion turned into a funeral, but we still had family reunion. It's actually still going on, but I didn't have enough vacation (at the time) to stay the entire week, so I just used my bereavement instead, and can use my three days vacation at another time.

Mischief-OMG!! What a random dream/nightmare.

Radkat-Enjoy the time you spend with your parents, and if your mom's spidey sense is working, why not share? She'll be ok with knowing she's has another grandbaby on the way!

Sis-Glad all is well with your niece. I'm glad they were able to do it today too. Was she feeling bad, or just sad?

My day is over, so I'll write more from home. Oh, my ultrasound was fine. I am pretty sure my bloodwork was ok, but when I get out to the car, I will hear the message letting me know that it's ok to start injections on Sunday. My mom's bday. :cry: I miss her, but it would be awesome if this month is my month. A small tribute from my mom.
Mischief if we get BFPS we gotta meet for lunch so we can be each others ROCK!! ;)

And share our crazy dreams :haha:
She seems to be OK just a Lil loopy and it looks like we might be taken in her and her BF!! I have to talk to DH though we will see what he says!! :shrug:

The BF has been around for years and they where just "Friends" for the past year and that's why she had a different Baby Daddy (Yes my life is like A Springer episode)
Anywho he's been a part of the Family for awhile but lived w my mom and My BFF whom all said he was LAZY well that won't fly around here so we will see!! ;)

She has taken her meds and we r watching a movie w milkshakes in hand Only time will help brighten this Dark day!! :cry:
We are Both Mommies to Angels Now!!:angel:
Sis ~ I'm glad the surgery went well and your niece seems to be doing fine. :hugs:

Terri ~ Glad the u/s went fine. Hopefully this will be your month. :hugs:
Sis sending big hugs to your niece. It must be hard for you helping her through this. Xxx
I had the huge box of supplies waiting at my doorstep last night when I got home. I went through it, and I think I have some extra syringes and needles. I'm going to call the nurse this morning to make sure that they sent extra and that I can choose to either do a subcutaneous shot or an intramuscular shot if I want to. it seems that they supplied me with big needles and small needles for whichever I prefer. I definitely prefer the stomach shot (at least thinking about it I do, but if a thigh/butt shot prevents me from being bloated, maybe I should go with that. Hmmmm). So it is now official that I can start on Sunday evening. Yay!

Other than that, not too much going on. I'm happy it's already Friday after one day of work. HA!!HA!! Next week I'll be ready to get back to the grind for real. Today is going to be a socializing day for the most part. :happydance:
terri- good luck with the injectables!

We just got some good news- OH's SA has come back normal. He only talked to the GP's office on the phone, but she's going to send the results to him, so we'll know more about the actual numbers later. But we're both really really pleased! Combined with my normal Day 3 tests, I'm hoping this means we're either in with a chance now each month, or just need a bit of a boost like Clomid, to get things going! I haven't had an HSG yet, so they might do that as well. I still need to have my Day 21 test next week to see if I ovulated, and that should be everything we need for our referral now.
Well the scheduling got messed up between the Dr and specialist so we r waiting to see if it will be today or not probably NOT!!! :nope:

Mischief I would say those dreams are a sign!! :thumbup:

You don't think it's just a sign of the Novarel booster I had a few days ago? I know it's still in my system because I'm still getting a faint line on an IC. I'm afraid to get my hopes up!

I'll be thinking of your niece today. I hope everything works out! :hugs:

Mischief, it's hard not to get excited looking at your chart, but I guess you have a good point about the booster since your body basically does think it's pregnant. Have you done the booster before? I read up on it a bit and it seems to have good results for a lot of people! Are you using ICs to test it out every day? Maybe the line will start getting a little darker before it even tests out all the way!!!

AFM and more symptom watch: baby is low in pelvis. They didn't actually use the term engaged, but I presume that's what they mean. This has done wonders for my heartburn, and for making me waddle around like a duck! I feel pretty ridiculous, hehe! But it actually aches to walk now, there's so much pressure in my pelvis. I don't know if I'm dilated at all yet. I don't want to risk introducing any bacteria being checked since I want this baby to stay in as long as possible. So no sex either! Not that I've been enjoying it all that much lately - I feel about as sexy and nimble as a sumo wrestler!
TTC you are getting SOOOOOOOOOO close!!! How exciting - I cannot wait to see a pic of your little one!!! :hugs::dance:

Fezzle - that is such good news about your DH's SA results... Good idea to get the actually print out - sometimes they don't tell you everything and its just good to have the results for yourself!! You guys are getting so close!!! I really have a good feeling for you - that metformin is really doing the trick!!! YAY!!!:yipee:

Terri- YAY for your huge legal box of injectables!!!:haha: I remember when Erose had her box too!!! Wow you are really getting close to that BFP!! FX it won't be long now!!!
Your drive with the brother sounds really LONG!! but I am sure it was great seeing the family again! :hug: about missing your mom... my dad is gone but that just isn't the same as momma being gone... I hope you feel her presence this weekend as you get this process going for reals..
Happy Socializing Friday to ya!!!:flower:

Sis So sorry to hear about your niece and all she has been through lately:hugs:... and milkshakes are the perfect way to end a stressful day!! She is definately lucky to have you so close... I am always leary about having people move in with us - it is so hard to get them out sometimes!!! But I doubt the ragin cagin has that problem!!! :haha:

Mischief - those dreams are spooky lady!! FX they are a sign of the doubel lines to come!!!

Radkat - I hope you are enjoying your time with your mom too and I think it is toooooooo cool that your mom knows something is up!!! :hugs:

kfs - twinnie- i am glad you survived (and your DH) your first round of shots... don't discount those smaller eggies - they could pop too!! I am really FXing for you that this is YOUR month!!! :hugs:

:howdy: momof3girls, erose, vjean, blues, nessaw, future and any other ladies I forgot!!

AFM: at Charleston SC with my girls and my sister...spent the day at the beach yesterday and slept like a baby last night - obviously i need to move closer to the beach so I can sleep better:boat:
for some reason I had high hopes this cycle:shrug: but alas... not to be...been spotting off and on for 4 days now... temp drop this morning...so :witch: should be here any moment (which sucks for going back to the beach the next two days)
I am taking Soy again starting tomorrow - if nothing else it is really helping with my CM and DH is taking his one fertilaid a day - and that helps with his "want to" and that helps me be able to deal with this TTC.. which apparently I cannot give up until my uterus fall out :rofl:
Have a great weekend ladies!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::shipw::shipw::shipw::shipw::shipw:
Terri they usually give u the long needles for mixing and drawing and then u put the short needle on for injection!! GL

Mischief Im W u on the p making my temps climb WTH!! ;)
Sis, I'm glad you got to spend some comfort time with your niece! :hugs: How old is this BF? Lazy? Yikes! I hope it works out!

Terri, I felt like a mad scientist with my last med shipment. The Novarel had to be mixed with saline and the dose split so I was drawing and mixing and changing out all sorts of needles - stressful! So maybe you'll get some crazy directions with your assortment - whatever it takes, right?

Fezzle, :wohoo: Great news! Yea!!! My doc actually told me not to share my husband's numbers with him because he'd get cocky, and I wish I'd taken her advice! :dohh: How did your DH take it? ;) I hope this is your cycle, but if not, good luck with your HSG and your referral!

ttcinseattle, I've never done the booster before so I am trying really hard not to read anything into the "symptoms" I've felt. But it was really hard not to get excited today with that little temp jump! My temps are slightly higher, but following the exact same pattern as last month when I had the CP. I have been testing the booster out, and this morning I'm down to a very faint positive. I'm sorry you're feeling like a sumo wrestler, but I hope you still are able to enjoy your last few days!

Wish4another1, Sorry about AF, but glad you're enjoying the beach!

AFM - I've nearly tested out the booster and still no spotting!!! I feel like that's a major victory! Aside from the usual bloating and fatigue, I have no other symptoms.

My dreams last night were a mix. From time to time (usually when I'm feeling optimistic) I dream that I find rooms in my house that I didn't know were there. Usually they're really awesome rooms like a really great kitchen or a room with interesting architecture. Last night it was a big and luxurious bathroom that someone else had just cleaned. I went through drawers and cabinets and kept finding pretty clothes I didn't know I owned. I then had an upsetting dream that some people were trying to burn me alive because I had caught them trying to steal fundraiser money from my school's music room. :wacko:

My doc doesn't want me testing until the 31st - which seems like ages from now! So just waiting... and BnB, FB, Pinterest, and anything else I can think of to distract me!
He sounded very relieved- he's been worried since before we started TTC that he would have some sort of issue- not for any specific reason, but because he used to smoke a lot of pot, and he used to just use the pull out method and never had an accident. He said it's given him a boost- I think he feels more 'manly' now! He said he was going to text one of his friends- I'm not sure if he was joking or not!
Fezzle-So glad things are great with your hubs' SA. I'm cracking up about him texting his friend. Guys can be such doofs. HA!!HA!! Is it really that serious?? I forgot about smoking pot having an effect. hmmmm...

ttcinseattle-Sorry you feel like a duck, but soon your belly will be flat, and you'll be walking back to normal. 24 more days!! This is so great. I can't wait to see pictures. Do you have names picked out? I can't remember and have been self centered.

Wish-Sorry for the spotting, but enjoy your time at the beach. You should move to the coast! It would be so pretty and such a change from the 'nois. HA!!HA!! Isn't Charleston great? Go to Ft. Sumter if you have a chance. It's worth it, I'm telling you. But, you have to remember, I'm a super nerd, so maybe you wouldn't really like it there. :shrug:

Sis-Yeah, the nurse said the big one is for mixing, and the small one is for my stomach injections. Phew! I figured that was the case, but just wanted to make sure. She was nice on the phone, as usual.

Mischief-These dreams are just super bizarre, but I love reading about them. I like the one where you kept finding pretty clothes. How cool would that be if it happened in real life? Keep testing out the trigger, and as someone said (argghh..my memory), maybe it will start getting darker. Boop boop!

kfs1-Is today the day? Give us the scoop, sunshine.

:wave: to everyone else. Hey there ladies!
Terri - I'm so sorry about your mom. Hope you're doing OK. But I AM happy to hear that you're able to move forward on Sunday. Yay! I see a baby in the near future for you!

Fezzle -Such great news about your DH. :)

Wish - So happy to hear that you're having a great time in Charleston twinnie. Such a great city. Like Terri said, I thought Ft. Sumter was great .Also, I agree with you about the beach. I really need to live closer myself. I'm sorry that that witch is coming though. Huge bummer every time. :(

My first IUI is complete. BUT my DHs sperm wasn't looking so hot (not too motile) so she said "not to hold out much hope." G R E A T. Really uplifting. I'm so emotional and mushy. Looks like IVF is right around the corner for us.

She also got back my DHs bloods and she thinks the issue with his sperm is hormonal but said that of course his urologist needs to look at it.
Oh no, kfs1-I hate those stupid nurses. They are not there to say whether things are going to work or not. They are there to assist the doctor and make sure the paperwork matches the sample on the counter. That's about it.

I'm sorry you're feeling so emotional and sad. Are you taking progesterone starting tonight? Now just remember that you will probably feel bloated for a day or two, so that is nothing to be alarmed about, it is what it is. You HAVE to prove this nurse wrong. Then you can rub your bump in her face. HA!!HA!! Uh, that's kind of weird. :rofl: :hugs: <3 Have a fun weekend anyway. You've been through a lot.
Sorry his numbers weren't what u were hoping for but it only takes one!!

Did your Dr suggest Clomid for him or Maca sounds like his T might be low hope the Uroligist gives u answers Sux not knowing!!! :hugs:

Me personally I would rather be surprised then have high hopes only to be let down I hate that but miracles happen every day just remember that!!! FX

It just might take hem a Lil longer but u have small follies catching up just BD if u can Tom and Sat!! ;)
Well my temp is pretty high but my therm was giving me issues last month so idk what to think !!! :shrug:

Would be cool to tell people "What happens in Vegas doesn't Always stay" :haha:
Don't worry about me, ladies, I'll take sumo/duck walk over heartburn any day! Lol

We do have a name. It's been her name since before she was conceived since we didn't find out the sex with our son and had one of each ready to go. We were keeping it a secret (so I respected that even on BnB and avoided the question) but as we've gotten closer I've started sharing because she's just so real to me now I want to shout it from the rooftops! Anyway, I know Sis will like it - Lillian :)

KFS, sorry about the low motility and pessimism. But, as I said a little while ago, I'm a big fan of the power of negative thinking, haha. I always find the more certain I am that something won't work out the more I seem to be proved wrong. And it's just like Sis said, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than sorely disappointed. So, maybe it's not your month... (wink wink) And with that in mind, nothing to see here Mischief! I am definitely not excitedly stalking your chart every day, because it's prob just the booster ;)

Terri, do NOT stab yourself with those big mixing needles! I'm pretty sure Erin said she made that mistake, and I cringe just thinking about it! I remember those things from the donor days. Also, I don't know if it will help with the bloat, but I rotated shot location between thighs and belly so I didn't get too bruised.

Happy Friday to everyone!
But, as I said a little while ago, I'm a big fan of the power of negative thinking, haha. I always find the more certain I am that something won't work out the more I seem to be proved wrong. And it's just like Sis said, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than sorely disappointed. So, maybe it's not your month... (wink wink) And with that in mind, nothing to see here Mischief! I am definitely not excitedly stalking your chart every day, because it's prob just the booster ;)

It's funny that you say that. In my heart I think I feel that way, but I'm always telling people that worrying is like praying for what you don't want.

What we think is going to do it for us is Murphy's Law. The company my husband works for is closing, and we think next week might be the end. I also test next week. So he'll be unemployed... and we'll have to switch to my crappy school district health insurance... which is such bad timing, right??? Isn't that when it always happens??? Bring it, Murphy! ;)

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