U aren't the only One :dohh: I had all my test in a Box after My BFP was saving them until my U/S I sooooo hope yours is darker In the AM!!!
I had my cbfm sticks all lined up til just the other day! And the pg ones-only 3 so quite restrained this time! Good luck.
terri glad you had a good time at the other party.
erose am sorry about the ivf. Good luck with the frosties. Hugs.x
hi all.x
Terri - I would be soooo annoyed too. Wtf??? Anyway, I also think you did the right thing by sending a gift and just moving on. Not worth even thinking about anymore. I'm totally the same way about showers btw - they're the worst! :) And I'm actually hosting a baby shower at my house next weekend for my SIL. It's for her second, though, so just a few women. She got pregnant right before me actually. Kind of weird to think I would have been due in a little over a month if I hadn't miscarried.

Mischief - glad you survived the party. What were the MILs fighting over? My mom only comes up once a year so there isn't much interaction between her and my MIL. They seem to have a blast together when they see each other though. :) Getting excited for you! I hope those lines get darker and darker!! I actually only took 2 pg tests when I got my bfp but I did save them. :)

Erose - so happy to hear from you. I can't imagine how you're feeling with those rollercoaster emotions. Glad to hear that you're hanging in there.

Ttcinseattle - I love the name Lillian!! It's actually one of the names my DH and I had discussed. And I loooove hearing those stories. Thanks for sharing.

Momof3 - happy to hear that you have a plan in place. How are you feeling about everything?

Hi Sis, Nessaw, Fezzle, Wish, Rad and everyone else!

The party was fine yesterday. Quite calm considering my DH comes from a HUGE irish family who can be pretty rowdy. :) No one bothered me about babies and the subject of babies actually came up multiple times. I honestly think it's because of the last party when my DHs cousin wanted to discuss my "fertility issues" in front of the entire world and I ended up bawling. Hey, if it did the trick, totally fine by me. :)

But speaking of that, question for you ladies. I asked this on another board, too. Do you discuss fertility stuff with family/friends? No one knows that I just got an iui except for 1 close friend. I don't feel comfortable telling people, especially since it involves my DHs low count - not really my place to be talking about that, ya know? Just curious is all. :)

Starting P today. Question - do I have to lie there for a bit after? Love all of this gross stuff that we have to do as women. :)
U aren't the only One :dohh: I had all my test in a Box after My BFP was saving them until my U/S I sooooo hope yours is darker In the AM!!!

I just tested again. There is still a very faint shadow of a line if I squint and look at it in just the right light. So definitely NOT darker!

Last night I had the tiniest tiniest bit of pinkish red discharge. Could that have been IB? Am I crazy for hoping?

I didn't get my BFP until 13 dpo last time, and I'm only 11 dpo today. So I feel like there's still hope, right?

I'm a wreck over here!
Mischief-There's still hope!! It's early now. You'll know in two days and then we'll all know. Eek!! hee hee.

kfs1-I answered you on the other board, but I took P pessaries, and I just put on a pantiliner and kept it moving. It was kind of gross though because a lot of it came out throughout the day. HA!!HA!!
TTCSeatllle - Lillian is a gorgeous name! We actually had girls names all chosen (it was going to be either Emilia/Emilie or Laura) but with a boy, who knows... Hubby will want to push for his first name again but as I said last time, if he gets your first name, he gets my last name! (Our son has my last name as his middle name and we'll do the same with the new one probably).

Mischief, FX!! I know it is tough... 11 DPO is still very early.

Kfs, I have discussed fertility issues with family and friends. I think everyone knows about my miscarriages - I almost feel like I need to tell because suddenly you realize that you are not alone. Hubby's 95 y.o. grandmother was so moved when she heard about my miscarriage that she told us that she had two of them herself - and none of her children had even known about that until then! And then she followed our journey, it was so sweet. Otherwise, it depends, I have a friend who was going through ivf (and is now pregnant at 41 after a failed and a canceled cycle!) and we talked about everything. Others, I have just told that we are trying but have had to deal with miscarriages... And as we have a son, the topic does not often come up (I think some of my family back in Europe was surprised that I was expecting... they just assumed we were one and done). I am only really careful around my SIL as she tried unsuccessfully to get pregnant after 39 and did IVF and everything else under the sun (she did have a child at 36), but failed :( and is still devastated (she is 45 now and in pre-menopause). I just did not want to bring up the topic with her because we were getting pregnant every few months, it just was not sticking (until now, FX!).

As to me, hubby and DS are in California, camping in the mountains with family. I am working, bleh. But, now I have so much free time, I have a totally great plan for today: eat a slooow and nice breakfast while surfing the web, read the newspapers, go get a pedicure, have lunch with two girlfriends, go shopping, come home and read a book. And, I guess I should try to go work out because I am gaining weight too fast. And because I was technically overweight before (BMI 25.2!! argh, that is overweight now, I was a size 6 before DS), dr says I should not gain more than 25 lbs.
I know the feeling Driving w each loss I have gained a ton I'm now at my max w DS1 or close to it I didn't gain much w DS2 :nope:
It crazy how are bodies act even w a loss !!

Sounds like u have a great relaxing day lined up I think I'm gonna lay by the pool and get some sun we had people over yesterday for a BarBQ but everyone showed up when The sun was about to go down :(

I did make a great strawberry cake for my Neice she's been wanting cake since her surgery that is staring at me for breakfast :haha:

Hope everyone is having a Great Weekend!!! :)
Hi everyone! :flower:

Just a quick reply to a few and an update - more tomorrow hopefully...

ERose - So glad to welcome you back! I'm sorry it didn't take, but sounds promising for next time. We missed you here! :hugs:

Mischief - GL!!! We can get our BFP together this month! :thumbup:

AFM - CD 31 and still no witch...I'm gonna buy a test today and do it tomorrow morning, so wish me luck!!!
But speaking of that, question for you ladies. I asked this on another board, too. Do you discuss fertility stuff with family/friends? No one knows that I just got an iui except for 1 close friend. I don't feel comfortable telling people, especially since it involves my DHs low count - not really my place to be talking about that, ya know? Just curious is all. :)

Starting P today. Question - do I have to lie there for a bit after? Love all of this gross stuff that we have to do as women. :)

After so many years of dealing with this I feel like most people know. I work at an elementary school where everyone knows everyone's business, and we'd told our mothers that we were struggling when we first went to a specialist. Our parents and my grade level team know about my chemical last cycle, but we're not sharing much info about this cycle with anyone. I hate getting people's hopes up. So thank goodness for you ladies! :hugs:
FX Future Mom!!!

Hope the spotting is a Goodsign Mischief!!!
Fx Mischief and Futuremom!

I am way too open about our TTC efforts so far! I'm sure I'm way more open about it than OH would like.

edit- I should add that we haven't got to any assistance so far which might change what I tell people. So far the most 'help' we've had is for me to take Metformin and iron pills.
Good luck tomorrow Futuremom!!

Sis-I see you're back in the flatlands, but at least they are high flatlands!!
Yea Terri my temp yesterday was 98.34 but I think it was cuz I got up at 4 am and went back to bed so I changed it to my normal Flatlands :haha:

U r right it's higher than most except my BFP chart so FX!!! ;)
I am sorry Ive been MIA - I got a message asking how I was and I saw a few weeks ago where someone asked if I'd been heard from.

I am doing great. Little guy is growing, I'm all done buying baby items, nursery is done. Just waiting for his arrival!
I have my anatomy scan in 2 weeks.

I read a little back, but not much. Terri, I am so happy to see you're finally stimming for IVF!

Sorry, I suck but time is short so I cant go back further but will try to keep up from here.
Hi ladies....I'm all caught up and an now reply to everyone ( that's if I don't forget what I read. Lol)

Nessaw..., wonderful wonderful news! Truly happy for you. :hugs:

Wish...glad you're having fun on your trip despite the witch showing up to try and ruin the fun. She's such an ass!

Terri...whoo-hoo for the big box of goodies. And I commend you and all the ladies on being able to give yourselves needles. I'm such a freakin' chicken about needles. Oh as for the baby shower, kudos on sending the gift and not letting it annoy you. It might have been on oversight on her part but glad you really did have other plans for that day. Lol

Sis...glad everything went well with your niece's procedure and prayers going up for your cousin :hugs:

TTC.....had to laugh at the sumo wrestler comment, I know how you feel. I have people ask me if I'm having twins because they are shocked to learn that I am this big with only one. Some of the comments are rude and I've given a couple snarky comments on return. I already feel huge so their comments don't make it better. Buy you're in the home stretch and before you know it Lillian will be here and no more duck walk for you. Lol

Erose...glad to see you popped back on and that you are keeping a positive attitude. You have a lot of embryos left and I believe that even though it didn't happen this cycle, God has something major planned for you on your next IVF round. I'm going with multiples :winkwink:

Kfs...glad you survived the party. These days I can't really lift up my leg to kick anyone but my arms are still functioning properly so I can still dole out throat punches if need be for you :haha:

Rad...hope your visit with your parents is going well. Did your mom guess anything?

Kayotic...hiya, glad to hear all is going well with you

VJean...love the pic of your daughter and her little outfit is just the cutest!

Moni, hope you made it to Vegas and you're having a blast.

Hiya....to all the other lovelies and I know I've forgotten some of you. :dohh:

AFM...I am now 33 wks 2 days and just counting down the days. My "surprise" baby shower was last Saturday and I say "surprise" because I figured it out beforehand. :haha: but it was still great and we pretty much got everything we needed with the exception of a few things that we can just pick up ourselves. We truly are blessed with great family and friends. July is a hot birthday month for my family but it's also the anniversary of my niece's death which was on the 25th ( this year marks 2 years) which also happens to be my nephew's birthday so it's a bitter sweet day. I really do miss her and whenever we have family gatherings or there is a milestone in the family I miss her even more. I would loved for her to be here to meet the new addition but I know she's watching over him or her. :hugs:. In more upbeat news we has our 3D/4D ultrasound redo on Thursday and the baby was quite active. Eyes were open and was smiling a lot and this time the hand and the finger stayed out of the picture. :haha:
Kayotic-I was thinking about you the other day, so I guess in addition to your messages, your ears were ringing. Glad to hear that things are going well and you have purchased all of your items. Are you still babysitting those two kids?

Smiles-Yay for checking in. I'm so glad the baby was active for the ultrasound this time around. Woohooo! Did you have a big group this time? Sorry to hear about your niece's passing too. That makes me sad that you're sad when you have your family around. :hugs:

AFM-I did my first injections tonight with hubs' assistance. He stood there gulping and taking deep breaths. HA!!HA!! I was like 'You act like you're getting a shot.' :rofl: He did put the gauze on my stomach when I was finished, so that was nice. He didn't hang around when I did my IUI shots, so this was his first time. He will be giving me the trigger shot in my back/butt, so it's good that he's attentive. Two more days of these and then I go back for bloodwork and u/s and then they will change the medicine accordingly. I went back to temping too. I like it.
Terri ~ I think you did the right thing. Just sending the gift. I also hate showers for reasons I won't get into. Have one to go to next month for a chick at church. Remember how I said "everyone" at church is pg or just had a baby, it seems? Well, everyone of age. The grandmas aren't. :haha: And teens, thank goodness.

Erin ~ Great to hear from you! :hugs: I hope the FET is it for you when the time comes. FX!

Mischief ~ Glad there were no comments at the birthday party. :thumbup: LOL at MIL vs MIL. I think I'd also be jealous of women who produce more eggs too. Don't know what will happen with me yet. Not expecting much for multiples since I was given the lowest dose. I'll also probably only get one as well, but I'd love, love, love to have twins. The RE seems to WANT me to produce two follies, so why the lowest dose? :shrug: He's only going to increase the dose if the first IUI fails, and I only had one produced for it. It's my dream to get two follies at the first one anyway, both of them fertilize and implant, and get twins. :haha: Yeah, that's me laughing at that dream. Like that'll happen!

Posting what I've got so far, and will come back to finish. Don't want the computer to crash on me and lose what I've written so far. :wacko:
kfs ~ I've discussed our fertility issues with two people that are close, and I felt like I could trust them. One of them also went through fertility issues, and the other has a daughter having a hard time conceiving. Had to tell the 2nd one b/c she wants us to come over when she's out of town (flight attendant) to feed her cats and deal with the litter box, and to let the girls play with the cats.. Wanted her to know that when I get pg, I won't be able to do the box any more. I also don't like telling people too much either. DH has told a friend of ours, but I think that's it. Family doesn't really know. We wanted to surprise family with the news when it happens without anyone really knowing we were trying. I think most people think we are done. :haha: We have told two of DH's sisters, but that's it for family. They know we have been trying, but do not know of our new fertility issues. As far as how I'm feeling about everything. . . .glad to have a plan in place that'll hopefully get us results since what used to work before isn't working anymore. I'm hoping one of my 3 IUI cycles will do the trick because I'm not sure how I feel about IVF yet. I asked DH about what he thinks about IVF in case we end up there, and he's not wanting to think about it yet. Not until it looks like we're for sure going there. And about the P, I like to put in my P suppositories right before bed so they don't drip out too much.

Mischief ~ I sure hope the spotting is IB, and not af! FX!

Future mom ~ Good luck!

Kayotic ~ Glad you are doing well. :flower:

Smiles ~ Glad you got better pictures this time! :thumbup:

Terri ~ Yay, for first injections! :thumbup: So excited for you. Getting closer and further through the process. LOL at your DH though!

Hello to everyone else!

Nothing new for me. Just waiting for OPK to become positive. Trying naturally this month, but not holding my breath. Actually looking more forward to getting to next cycle when I'll hopefully have a greater shot at getting pg.

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