Hi everyone, I just read the first 8 pages of posts and decided to give a little of my story since it might be a while before I finish reading the first 60 pages of post.

Everyone thank you so much for the warm welcome. This is only my third thread and never received such a welcome like yours.

I'm 37 ( until next month lol) my hubby is 48. We got married on November 20,2004. We decided to start trying in 2006. After 6 months I was diagnosed with pcos. We did clomid for 6 months which didn't help my cycles, it just made me really really witchy. We went to FS and I had he did a hsg which came out normal. My hubby's semen analysis showed a high percentage of abnormal morphology. However, his count at the time was so high that the FS said it wasn't a factor. We did Follistim and a double iui. At the time I was on metformin for the pcos. It worked the first time and we were pregnant with twins. We were over the moon. I started getting a lot of pressure and asked if I needed to be on bed rest because I was on my feet as a teacher all day. I went to my doctors visit on Monday, went to school on Tuesday and had to do lunch duty and break up two fights. Tuesday evening I was cramping. That morning I went to the doctor and she immediately admitted me to the hospital. I was in labor at 22 weeks with an incompetent cervix. The magnesium sulfate was able to hold it off for a week. My sweet boys came on Nov 21,22, 2007 , they were 1lb4oz and 1lb5oz which was big for there age.They were born on different days. My first born lived a week and my second born twin lived two days. I ache for them everyday. I still remember the first time I saw their heartbeats. I loved them from the moment I found out about them. Three months later I got pregnant on my own for the first time but the week I find out I mc the same week. In June of 2008 after an follistim and a double iui I got pregnant again. My little boy made me smile again when I thought it was impossible for me to be happy again. He was born on April 7,2009 and 9 lbs 10 oz. We decided to try again in 2010 we thought we had the cure with follistim and iuis. Well out first round of follistim we did timed intercourse which resulted Ina bfn. We did another round immediately after and I had 6 mature follicles. We were between a rock and a hard place. We continued with one iui insteD of a double but I got a bfn. I know it was a big risk but I was afraid that I would miss my chance. Each time I reacted different to follistim. We tried one last time with follistim and a double iui and we conceived twin boys. I cried because I knew I could bring home one baby after my son went full term but when I found out I had twins again all the fears from my first pregnancy came flooding back. My little ones arrived on March 22, 2007. I thought it would be risky to have anymore children because I had to get cerclages with my twins and my soon. I was hospitalized for a month because of preclampsia. My husband got a vasectomy and my in-laws where very supportive. However, I had a change of heart in the office. They told my husband they were going to show him a video first so I figured he would come back out before the procedure. When he came out I was devastated. I acted like I was ok. Later after my in laws left I expressed my feelings to my hubby. He understood. To add insult yo injury when I went that same week for my 6 week check up my doctor said I was cleared to have as many babies as I wanted. We had acted prematurely because of our fears.
We knew we could never afford a reversal but we found a dr in Oklahoma and he did reversals under a local in his office for $1700. He got it reversed in May of 2013. In December we did an analysis with my FS and his numbers were great. We started femara the beginning of February at 5mg and we did a double iui. Tomorrow morning I'll find out if it worked. Sorry for the long synopsis.
Vent away, Katie!!!!

Thanks everyone for the chart support this morning.

Thanks for sharing your story Argyle. :hugs:

Terri - I'm a bad TTC'er, too. I still drink alcohol when I feel like it. :headspin:
Terri - I bought my fertilaid online - a couple different companies but the price seems the same... amazon has it for sure!! and I am not the best TTC er either... I still have some caffeine... not alot but some days it is a must... :wacko:

Hoping - what a story!!! so you have three boys? or am I messing that up... the second set of twins made it right? wow... FX you will get a little lady this time... you know if that's what you want... :thumbup:

felicity and sis - great stories about your loved ones... :hugs: a friend of mine has the same kinda story with her son but with white butterflies - he passed a couple years ago!
Felicity I forgot to answer u If it was Carrots I would say Pottasium or Fiber hmmm idk but the Water Bottles is a new one my Sis wanted to smell fresh dirt w one of hers I can't remember which one but I thought that was cray cray!!! :haha:

Even sounds are bothering me w this one which is strange squeaky noise make me Cringe really bad!!! :shrug:

Hoping what a story :hugs: Glad to have u and I hope u get that Baby U R looking for!!
Ladies I am fuming ... Called dr again no record that I even asked for referral to OB ?????????
Let us know how the dish turns out terri :) . I loooooved my slow cooker before it died on me :cry: . There's tons of delicious recipes out there :thumbup: . What kinds of flavors do you and hubs like? Maybe I can suggest some things.

Those were such beautiful stories about your loved ones Sis and felicity :cloud9: . We absolutely know when they're talking to us when we're tuned into just the right frequency <3 .

What a journey you guys have had thus far Hoping4 :hugs: . My heart just hurt for you at the loss of your first set of twins then cheered once I saw you indeed had a single rainbow baby as well as rainbow twins afterward; beautiful :flower: . Your first boys will always be with you <3 . GL this cycle! :dust:
Ladies I am fuming ... Called dr again no record that I even asked for referral to OB ?????????
What?! Wow! They're horrible! So awful that they can get away with being just as flippant as they want to be about your care over and over again :growlmad: . Get the referral in writing and give those jokers the :finger: once you're able to ride out. Ugh, wtf?
Welcome, Argyle! Thanks for sharing your journey. :flower:

Katie - Sorry it's been a tough day. Vent away, that's why we're here!

Oldermom - That's great that you like your dr. That's so important.

Wish - I'm fuming for you!!! WTF! :grr: I'm not kidding when I say that you should call every day until they do the referral. And tell them that's what you're going to do. That's just ridiculous. Oh and the dry cleaner story was pretty great. Thanks for a laugh at work.

SPP - OK, so the honey situation was an easy solution. :haha: And to Terri and probably the rest, I know, I know, just be happy with the BFP and shut it! :blush:

So good news on my numbers - They're going up even faster than before, so I'm happy. I was feeling more content this weekend so I'm wondering if that's all connected.
:gun: Wish :gun: I know u have a license I'm just saying!!!

Radkat that's great so glad U can rest easy now!!! :happydance:

I ordered my Doppler today so I'll be waiting for it and I received DS2s Vintage Comic books so that should keep me busy until my Scan!! ;)
Hoping......welcome to the group, these ladies are sooooo wonderful. Big big :hugs: to you, so sorry or your losses. FX you get your BFP.

Sis and SPP....you two can have my morning sickness!!!! I'll be happy to give it to you. Lol. Also, I think I may order that Doppler. Now to Google to see where I can find it the cheapest.

Felicity.....ummmmmm.....I think I've heard it all now! Lol. Pregnancy does strange things to a woman. Lol. I've heard if women eating dirt that they called red clay or eating corn starch right out of the box. Thank goodness I have normal cravings. Burger King was my go to for a while....whopper with cheese hold the onions please! Lol
Wish you were right I wouldn't mind a little girl. I'm so outnumbered lol. I'll be happy either way.
I would be fuming too. I've went to the office in person before after leaving a message for a referral it's amazing how fast they can get things done when you are standing in front of them. Don't get me wrong I wasn't rude but I was....how do you say very convincing. Give the date you asked for the referral and the lapse of time which is so crucial in our situations. Wish you the best.
Thank you ladies for the kind words! You are truly so supportive and I love being a part of this thread for the ups and downs!

Okay, now that my pity party is over let me see if I can recap a few of my thoughts on earlier posts...

Smiles--Hooray on the test results! That must be such a huge relief!!!

Garfie--I can't remember if it was on this thread, but loved your pictures at the brit awards. Hot Mama! How exciting to be able to say you've done a step and repeat at an awards show. Lucky ducky!!

Sis--I craved Jack in the Box tacos with my daughter... Didn't allow myself to EAT many of them since they are mostly grease...but the craving was definitely there! Maybe there's a correlation between tacos and "tacos" if you get my drift. Sorry, I'm being gross! Beer equals boys?? All I know, is I drank a bunch of wine around the time I conceived my daughter so maybe beer has the opposite effect?

Felcity & Sis--And about the signs from your loved ones, I truly believe in signs like that. That is very special. :)

Terri--I'm glad to hear you are no longer depriving yourself a glass of wine when you want one, and I am starting to follow the same methodology again. Had hubby's homebrew tonight. In fact, it was probably the beer that has helped me get over my pity party! And you are right about living life in two week intervals. It's definitely a strange way to live! By the way, I love Lockup. You don't need to alert me about which episode you will be on because I record all of them so I will catch you eventually! :)

VJean--Wahoo on your beta! Oh such good news for you! Sticky bean, sticky bean!!

Atty--FX you land that job! That would be wonderful!!

Wish--I was just thinking that it seems so soon for you to already be back in the game again, but I guess you Od early, and I've not heard that being a bad thing? I'd only heard that the LP being short could be a bad thing, however I conceived my daughter on a nine day LP so I think that's not 100% true! (Oh and...that doctors office is terrible!!!!!!!!! I'd be furious, too!!)

Radkat---Another YAY for happy numbers!!! So glad you can also find a little peace now!!

Hope--Oh my goodness, your story is wrought with tragedy and also happy endings. I'm so very sorry for your losses and the vasectomy debacle/reversal. Wow girl. But glad to hear that you are back in TTC mode and moving forward. Best wishes!

General question for you ladies… Maybe I don't understand enough about egg development, but I thought we were born with all of our eggs. So I can understand your eggs running low or your eggs getting older, but how can you do things to help make a healthy egg? Like, aren't the eggs already fully developed since the time we are born?

Also, to the Ladies who have, or are getting, Dopplers, I think that is a fantastic idea. My sister invested in one after she had had a pregnancy that ended at 14 weeks and it devastated her. But her future pregnancies, she used the Doppler and it put her soooo much more at ease to be able to check for the baby's heartbeat anytime she wanted. Absolutely great investment!
Well I Just Puked for the 1st time it was shortly after I took my Vitamins so I'm sure that's the culprit !!! :nope:

Either way it wasn't nice hope I can go to sleep soon!!!!!

Nitey Nite! N
Happy Hump day Ladies

SPP - It would be so nice to tune in from time to time for a chat :telephone:

Radkat - Yay for those numbers :happydance:

Sis - Dopplers are great idea, so wish I could have had one with my two. My daughter used hers and it gave her such peace of mind.

Argyle - Your story made me cry :cry: Thank you for sharing and sorry for your loss.

Kfs - Wish 4 - I here you with the alcohol, I still enjoy a glass or two and caffiene. I figure it didn't stop the last two pregnancy's so it shouldn't effect my chances now...just age :haha: lol

Terri - I used to get elastic bands and wrap them into a ball so I could carry it round in my pocket to sniff at will :blush: hee hee

Smiles - Ha Ha, I think I must be strange :winkwink:

My temp has rocketed this morning, I hope I'm not coming down with anything :shrug:
Great news, Radkat! And glad all is going well for VJean, Sis, SPP and Smiles too! (Did I forget anyone?)

Argyle- welcome and thanks for sharing your story! My heart broke for you when I read about your twins so was happy to read about your rainbow babies. I can't believe this thread is that long already- it's not that old of a thread!

terri- how was the crock pot meal? I made a pot roast in mine yesterday. I usually just use it for beef pot roasts or pulled pork, so want to get more adventurous with it.

wish- ](*,) I can't believe you don't have your referral! Your dry cleaners story made me laugh though! :haha:

Katie- :hugs: I know how you feel. I feel like I've already made so much effort and I don't even know if I've ovulated! Glad you're feeling a bit better now.

Atty- good luck with the job! OH said his interview went well, so Fx you'll both get a new one!

I'm sure I forgot someone on this thread, so if I did- here's some baby dust! :dust:

ATM- I think my bleeding is finally slowing down. I'm hoping AF will be gone by the weekend! Hopefully I'll get some fresh new lining building up for ovulation next week! Has anyone taken dong quai? Until this last period, I'd been having bleeding at the right time, but really light, so I was worried about lining not building up enough and started taking it. Now I've been bleeding for over a week, I'm not sure that was my problem! But I'm still taking it as I've read good things about it and vitex and maca didn't seem to do much for me.

My appointment to find out the results of my Day 21 test are tomorrow so I'll have more of an update then.
Fezzle I've heard of it and know people that took it but I've never tried it VITEX did what I needed done so I stuck w it and got my BFP!!! :happydance:

I tried Licorice root and Royal Jelly also but they caused me issues!!

I also took Ubuquinol !!!!! GL
Sis-You are cracking me up with your puking update at midnight. I'm happy for you though. yay for vomit!

Katie-I totally forgot that I wrote about lockup. :haha: You tape them?! You are funny. I just catch them when they're on, but like I said previously, my go to channels are ID, Bravo and Chopped/Cutthroat Kitchen. Notice a murderous theme? Glad you're feeling better-beer or no beer. Oh, and BWAAHAA on the "tacos." Every time you post, you have me cracking up.

Radkat-Glad your numbers are looking good. So happy for you.

SPP-I will eat anything (except liver and I'm allergic to shrimp). Hubs is a tad more particular, but he is scared to try a lot of stuff so he just says he doesn't like it. If you have a good site for crock pot recipes, let me know. My chicken nacho thing is cooking now. I can't wait to get home! I forgot the green chiles and that's my favorite part.

Wish-I am SOOo sorry about your OB. I forgot about your appointment, or I would've asked if you had heard from her. Whoever said that you need to call every day was right. I remember someone else saying that last month too. I hope you can find someone soon. Are you that far out in the boonies, or is it because of your military insurance that you don't have many options? I think you need Sis' Cajun side to come out. HA!!HA!! And your temperature-wowsers! How high is it going to go? Do you feel any different? Maybe this is still a good thing. It's interesting to watch, though, that's for sure.

Argyle-I think I'll call you this instead of hoping. There are a lot of hopes/hopings on this site, and I want to differentiate you. I was so sad/happy reading your story. It's been tough for you, and I just want to give you a big squeeze. You are a stronger woman than I. I hope you get that argyle you're looking for. :hugs:

felcity-Rubberband balls?! That cracks me up. I can't stop laughing, imagining you smelling that ball when you have to. I can.not. stop laughing every time I think of it. Pregnancy does weird things to people. I think your jump is a good thing, so hope you don't feel badly. I don't want you to have a cold, just a little bean. hee hee.

Smiles-eating dirt? Woo, Lord. I hope I only crave food. Forget lockup:maternity, I'm going to end up on my strange addiction if I start eating dirt or cornstarch. Yikes.

Fezzle-Hope your results come back great tomorrow, although with the issues, maybe a smidge of something won't be too bad. Is that bad to say? I hope you understand what I mean. I'm glad AF is getting out of dodge, though. It's about freaking time.

AFM-Crosshairs. Boop!

To everyone else, hugs and kisses!
Good morning, all. Another temp jump for me this morning so I believe I'm now officially in the TWW.

Wish - I seriously CANNOT stand doctors! wtf???

Radkat - great news about your numbers!!

Sis - sad to say but vomit's a good thing, right?? :)

:wave: to everyone else!

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