Ladies - take your seats you are not going to believe this - I have my Ob/GYN appointment!!!!!!! March 10th!!!!
Hi all! Thanks for the invite, Terri!
I am so overwhelmed right now, I just want to lay in bed and watch Netflix.
After that temp drop yesterday I really did expect AF this morning... But then this morning another temp rise?
Trouble is DF and myself opened a good bottle of wine last night, and I drank 3 glasses while cooking the dinner, thinking I was out??? Ooopppss!
My genetic counseling and ultrasound was yesterday. That fluid they look for in the back of the neck-I forget what it's called but being over a certain size they said it could be an indication of a chromosomal disorder likes Down's Syndrome or something. In any ever mine showed it was well within normal range so I was thankful for that. I also had them take blood to do the MaterniT21 test and should have the results for that along with all the other stuff they are checking for my mid next week. Oh and the baby has grown so much since it's first scan. He or she looks like a baby now and not a bean. Lol. Dr said everything looks good and in one of the pics it looks like the baby is hold up the #4 so the the tech wrote " I have 4 siblings" on the picture for me to take home. Lol. The worse part was having to hold my pee for them to do the scan! When I finally got to go I swore I was gonna pass out from pleasure sitting there on the toilet! Lol. I think they may have heard me moaning and groaning as they passed the bathroom. Lol. I'll post the sono pic as well.
Well I really don't know what to think this morning, Temp went up slightly this morning but had wine last night. I took a test yesterday and it was stark white and this morning when I took one I see a faint line, but I'm spotting pink now and cramping really bad
Can red wine cause faint lines?? IDK
Thanks Atty I really appreciate that![]()
I suppose like one of the other ladies said...I'm grateful I can still try at my age and AF comes every month within 2 or 3 days but like you I never quite know what my body is doing from month to
Thank you too Neesaw