SPP-You're scaring me, but I want to remain positive and calm. I think it was fandabby who had bleeding for like the first couple weeks and everything turned out fine. If you have to go in to see the doctor, do it. Sis could be right about needing some progesterone.

Please report back.
Vjean-I love Dudley as well, and Hayley-also as adorable with her little chubby legs. Love it!
Atty-Stop messing with your chart! hee hee. Sorry for the BFN, but I say wait a few more days and see what happens.
Felcity-I also thought I saw something on the first picture, but now I'm not so sure. It's still early for you too.
Sis-Hope you're feeling better today. Your temps are open circles, so the lower value may just be because your timing was off. Don't stress.
Blues-Welcome back!! I was only gone from last night until now, and I had to catch up. hee hee. It happens.
Wish- I see crosshairs! hee hee. Your chart still makes me wonder...
Fezzle-Finally that witch is heading west. Phew! It's about time. Did you stop taking those herbs?
Smiles-Beautiful baby. Four is my favorite number, so I'm happy he/she is holding up 4 fingers. I hope the doctor's office can't call your hubs directly. I'm telling you, he's going to name HIM and then start calling the baby Kevin, and you're going to find out. hee hee. It's risky. My sister and her husband didn't find out any of their babies' gender. They have two girls and a boy.
I'm pleased with my temperatures, but I'm not getting excited. One more week to wait...and wait I shall. I did get a pimple today-some of you may know, that that's my sign! HA!!HA!!

to everyone else! Hope all is well.