Katie....I am 12 wks as of Friday.
Terri...I already warned him, if he lets anything skip he's in trouble. My fear is he'll say something by accident and ruin it or me. I'm reluctant to even tell him what appt they can tell him via the u/s because I'll be there looking at the screen not wanting to know and might see a little Vienna sausage or lack there of and then know. My girlfriend asked me today " how are we supposed to plan anything without knowing" my response...make it gender neutral or decorate in pink and blue. Then she said " how am I supposed to buy clothes if I don't know what you're having" my response " buy gender neutral or don't buy clothes" she was pissed! Lol. I got everyone pissed at me for not wanting to know. Lol
Terri...I already warned him, if he lets anything skip he's in trouble. My fear is he'll say something by accident and ruin it or me. I'm reluctant to even tell him what appt they can tell him via the u/s because I'll be there looking at the screen not wanting to know and might see a little Vienna sausage or lack there of and then know. My girlfriend asked me today " how are we supposed to plan anything without knowing" my response...make it gender neutral or decorate in pink and blue. Then she said " how am I supposed to buy clothes if I don't know what you're having" my response " buy gender neutral or don't buy clothes" she was pissed! Lol. I got everyone pissed at me for not wanting to know. Lol