The clinic couldn't tell me the count - just that there was plenty there. Terri - back to back means 2 days in a row - so 2 IUIs for the same cycle, usually 24 hrs and 48 hrs after the ovidril shot.
Wanted to show U guys what's kept me sane the past week!!!

Yes mommy did the inside of the drawers Too!!! :haha:

Totally Awesome!!!! I want one of those!!

Sorry about your teeth! Things are always so much worse when you are in pain!

AFM: I decided to pull my paperwork from my August bloodwork :nope: shouldn't have done that... funny how our mind/memory plays tricks on us... I looked at my numbers verses the numbers Sis put up (thank you for real because I didn't know what they really meant)
my LH was 9.2 so in the "needs IVF" category - in my mind I thought I was a bit high but ok... in reality that's way too high for day 2/3 bloods:cry: and of course AMH was .34 (we know how "great" that number is) and when I relooked DH's SA it says 100% of the heads misshaped hence 0% morph...

makes me question even doing the HSG... with the issues we have... it may not matter if that dye flows like a river through those tubes...

I did call the doctor's office 1st thing this morning... its an hour later and no call for scheduling yet... :shrug:

I would still do it, especially if your insurance covers it. But definitely get that SA!

Work is so annoying, too. We have to write annual goals and I found out that my supervisor basically copied and pasted the goals that I wrote and used them as her own. So, when I got feedback from HER supervisor, it said "Your goals are very closely aligned with your managers." Anyway, I decided to go and speak with her supervisor directly. WTF?

Can you tell I'm cranky today? Gosh - I'm even annoying myself. :)

Your boss copied you?!? You have every right to be pissed- congrats on going to her boss!

The clinic couldn't tell me the count - just that there was plenty there. Terri - back to back means 2 days in a row - so 2 IUIs for the same cycle, usually 24 hrs and 48 hrs after the ovidril shot.

I love it when doc's will do 2 IUI's, it is so much more reassuring. GL!!
Thanks for the love ladies.

Wish-I'm so sorry that your doc didn't call. What the heck is wrong with this place?

Happy your trip was cancelled!

Sis-that's way too many root canals for one person to deal with. You poor thing. Are you able to start everything soon so you can get on/off antibiotics? I'm sure it'll be worth it though down the road.
Started antibiotics Today even doubled up to try and dull the pain I just want sleep at this point!!! :nope:

Going Fri as long as my jaw is better to start on some of the fillings I need and go next week for the RC!! :nope:
Hate the dentist I brush and floss but I've been nonstop at the dentist since I was 5 :(
My mouth is too small for all my teeth they had to pull teeth to make room for my BIg teeth when I was Lil so all my teeth are super close to each other that's why I get Lil cavities in between them and
My dentist says my cavities get big really fast and ever Pregnancy has made them worse even w them being short!! :shrug:

I go to the Thyriod Dr Tom she wants to see me and talk to me about the MC :( hoping she has a plan she usually does!!
Then lunch w my Bestie and shopping for my Boys Bdays !!

Hope the meds work By the AM!!! :thumbup: I got a lot to do!!
Wish-I agree with Oldermom..schedule the HSG and SA anyway. It can't hurt, and if your hubs' SA comes out better than last time, you'll be disappointed if you didn't do the HSG, so I think you should just go on and do it. And SO happy you don't have to go to Kentucky. Ye-haw! hee hee. Here's a smiley for you. :telephone: hee hee. It made me laugh.

kfs1-Sorry you're in such a funky mood. If this cycle isn't it for us, at least we have another chance at the end of the month. I know, grasping at straws here for a silver lining, but that's as good as anything, right?

Sis-Sorry you have so many dental problems, but at least you're moving forward with everything. Good for you...Have a great lunch and shopping tomorrow with your bestie! I'm going to dinner tomorrow night with my best college girlfriend. This is the one that also used Shady Grove, so I'm eager to pick her brain on everything!

moni-Thanks for the answer on back to back IUI. A few more days now and you'll be back to waiting.

Hi to everyone else. :dance: :flower: :flow:
Well, I woke up this morning nauseous and felt a glimmer of hope ... until I took my temp. Huge drop below cover so it seems that AF is on her way and we can add nausea to my list of PMS symptoms. That was my last shot for a 2014 baby. Calling my doc today to try and schedule some bloods and to see if she can recommend and FE. :(
Sorry for the temp drop Kfs1 :hugs:!!!!

AFM was hoping for a temp drop but got a temp rise :shrug:
kfs - so sorry about the temp drop! totally sucks...and I totally get the no 2014 baby. me too. I think that every March - no pg no baby this year... just SUCKS. :flower::hugs:

AFM: dr office never called... I even called them around 3 - the nurse that does the scheduling is in clinic... awesome... I go to my first accupuncture appointment today at 130... lady from China - so we will see what she says! :shrug:

Have a great Wednesday Ladies!:hugs:
Wish I would be calling again ASAP so glad u found a person to do Accupuncture!! :)
Agreed. That's great about the acupuncture. Let us know how it goes.

Left a message for my doc. The last time I was in, she told me to wait 6 months before coming back in since I had gotten pregnant but I don't care. I've been TTC since January 2013 and only have 1 loss to show for it. It doesn't hurt to at least get bloods taken!!
Agreed KFS1 I think at our age we ALL need to know what we r working w and a Loss can cause your hormones to mess up!!!
My first loss really Messed up my Thyriod I'm hoping this time since I'm on meds it won't mess w it to much!!
still no HSG appointment - I've called and I got a call back from a random nurse saying "we will call you back"
losing hope for this month :cry:
I'm so sorry Wish. Who exactly needs to call you back? Why can't they just set up the damn appointment already?

Sis - how did your first loss affect your thyroid exactly?

I had a great conversation with my doctor. She basically talked through what she could do for me and then said she could of course recommend an FE once I get a list from my insurance company. So, I decided to just have the basic tests done at her office first. I'm going to have the basic day 3 test first and then move on to an ultrasound and my husband will have his sperm checked after my O later in the month (that should be a fun conversation tonight). And then we'll move forward based on those results. SUCKS that I'm out this month but feels good to be proactive in the meantime.
Sorry I can't respond to everyone better. I only have a few minutes until my next meeting and I need to get this out.

I finally had my post op appointment. Dr said it was OK to TTC now. Initially said wait until the first AF, but then said she has to say that and since I was so early, she doesn't anticipate any problems if we go ahead and TTC now. So yay to that, but I think I already ovulated this month (haven't been tracking), so it may not really matter. But something really sucky happened at the appointment... Background... DH has a family name, like he is a IV (blah blah blah IV - the fourth), so he really wants to pass that name on hoping that we have a boy. And he really wants a boy. He told me if they told me what the sex of the baby was he didn't want to know. Well, the doctor showed us the paperwork to show us how the Trisomy works, etc and it said XY - male, right at the top. :nope: He told me that he wonders if that was actually his first son and he shouldn't pass on the name now. I just feel so bad bc I had no idea that would happen. I know he's just upset and will get over it, but he's an anxious, kinda morose guy so this is hitting him hard.
Oh Wish...there is still time to get your HSG scheduled. I just don't understand how your doctors can push you and other women around the way they are. It's so unfair, and it's not right.

kfs1-If you're feeling nauseous, I'm still feeling hopeful even though you did get a temperature drop. I'm not counting you out yet. I'm glad you talked to your doctor and you're moving forward. You have to! It's like a final hurrah before it's WAY too late. We still have chances at this point, so we have to make every cycle count.

Arrghhh..back to training..more tonight!
Hi all. Have been reading but feeling a bit blah/hormonal recently so sos for not much posting. Had a call today cancelling my follow up cons appt which was meant to be 6 wks after the mc. They mucked that up by making it with the wrong person and now they've made it when the cons is on hols! So now it's going to well over 2 months and after what I thought was af last wk I now have bleeding/spotting/cramping which I wanted to ask the cons about. Sorry about the ramble but so frustrated.
Nessaw - sorry about the messed up appointment - so frustrating especially when you reallly want to see the doc:hugs::flower: here's hoping that tomorrow is better!!

Radkat - I am sorry about finding out the sex when the hubs didn't want too... I think you could still name your first born son the same name... maybe just wait awhile to talk again - let him heal... he might change his mind...:hug:

well they finally scheduled my HSG - on day 9 when I am supposed to leave for Chicago. I just started tearing up on the phone... so now the guy that works for me has to wait for me and we are not getting to Chicago until 7-8 pm... and Lord help me if I am miserable afterwards... I have to teach Casualty training for two days following...

and for the record I ovulated on Day 8 last cycle... I tried to explain this but no one listens to me... I guess it doesn' t matter... I am so freaking bummed...:cry: if I get O signs before this test I am really going to be down in the dumps... I am about to be 41 - I don't feel like I have cycles to waste...

I did go to accupuncture - it was.... interesting... she wants to see me again on Saturday once AF is gone... something about a cleanse (eek!) and she gave me a sample of sinus medicine - 6 pills a day for that... I am going to stop my supplements while I see her and this HSG business ... she said since I have already had a baby I should be able to conceive again just my hormones are out of whack... and I don't need doctors...apparently my doctors feel the same way...
Wish that's Unacceptable :nope: they need to get off their A55!!!!
We posted same time u need to insist they do it sooner that u will ovulate that day just tell them man I'm so mad for U!! :gun:
The acupuncture lady is prob right u don't need Drs and their BS hope she helps U!!

Radkat I'm so sorry Ur DH is having a hard time I was kinda afraid to find out this was my Girl but I was having Boy dreams so I guess I'll never Know at least u do know and now u know u can have a boy it just wasn't the right time !!! :hugs:

Neesaw sorry U R having a time w the Dr Too :nope: I would call in and ask the nurse about the spotting it just may still be your hormones trying to regulate !!
I had spotting today too after nothing for days :shrug:

AFM went to my Thyriod Holistic Dr and she wrote down everything that happend right before my loss and she's determined to get some answers !! :thumbup:
She wants to do the MTHFR cuz they didn't do it at the fertility Dr and she wants to do a whole Micronutrient Deficiency Panel :) she Also said we will do lots when I get PG again to stay on top of any issues
So I'm Glad someone wants to help me figure this out
Wish-I agree with Sis that you should call again now AND tomorrow and tell them that CD9 is too late. You're probably going to ovulate, and you REALLY want to go in prior to O date, AND tell them you're going out of town that evening for work and want to get a head start on your plans. True, the test only takes about 15 minutes, but you have plans!! I hope they listen to you this time. You know your body, and you don't have cycles to waste. Call again in the morning, or now...it's 4:45 here, so it's 3:45 where you are and they aren't closed yet. Hurry!!

Radkat-Oh, a boy...so sad...I think your husband shouldn't give up just yet, keep trying and maybe you'll have another boy. When the time comes, both of you can figure out what to name him. :hugs: to you too. :flower:

nessaw-Sorry you're feeling down in the dumps today. Maybe you can get in to see the consultant as well. Is there any possibility of you going to see someone else? Do they have your records and such? Maybe they share information, and it'll be ok to talk to someone now, and then talk to your consultant again when they get back from the holiday. :hugs:

Sis-Yeah for your thyroid doctor getting to the bottom of things. I'm happy she's going to try to help you. I hope she can find some answers.

No exciting update for me to report. I'm not feeling a thing...just biding my time. Kindara, the other app that I use to track my cycles, has me listed for AF being here starting on Monday. FFoe has me listed for AF this Friday, so I'm torn as to when to really expect her. My temperatures are back to being fairly steady, but is it too little too late? I'm happy AF's not here yet. I'm going out with my gf tonight for dinner, and we have a lot of catching up to do. She has two babies with donor sperm, and used Shady Grove, so this time I'll be listening! hee hee. :wine:

Yesterday when I got to work I suggested to hubs that he needed to go on and schedule the SA for Friday because we DTD yesterday morning. That would be a 3 day wait. I'm trying not to badger him just yet because he may have made his appointment and just didn't tell me, although I think that's unlikely. If AF gets here and he hasn't scheduled his test I'm really going to be mad because I'll have to go in for 3 day bloods, and I was hoping we'd know all the information by the time I go for my u/s and bloodwork. I think he's pretty nervous, but still. SO, the freak WHAT?! I was really pouty with him this morning, so maybe he'll wonder. He probably thinks I just woke up in a bad mood because I was running a little bit late and we had to share the bathroom. I have one full and two half bathrooms. His alarm goes off at 5a, and he doesn't wake up until 6 or so. I asked him to stop that alarm. My temping time is 5:30/5:45, and his alarm ruins my morning because he doesn't get up. :growlmad: HA!!HA!!

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