Glad u are feeling better Erose and so glad u caught the cyst B4 it ruptured or twisted Ur ovary!!! :)

As far as the O mine was the same but only had my cyst drained not removed they just did US and used I GIANT needle poked thru the VJ wall and went into the cyst to suck all the fluid out!!
So I'm not sure w a removal if it would be the same or not hope it doesn't mess w things but I really think they need to be scanning u while on meds so it doesn't happen again!!

Oh I guess I wrote that wrong... They drained mine too. Although, I had no idea they sucked it out thru my vag until you just mentioned that! No wonder I had some bleeding for a day. I forgot, that's obviously why they put a pad in there, duh. I was all drugged up, so I forgot about that. So hopefully my O will be normal. Thanks Sis! And yes, I'm seeing an RE for the first time next Wed. :) I'll suggest Femara from now on, and an RE will monitor me for sure. Thanks again dear. :flower:
Er - glad it all went well Hun omg the gas:blush: my cyst was many years ago at least over 13 - I fell pregnant pretty quickly after having mine out Hun but I know they also scraped away some endo at the same time so possible that helped to:wacko:

I would just keep on testing if you are not temp taking it may be possible your body will try but not o - I would expect your hormones to be a bit out :flower:

A soft ball is that the same size as a grapefruit (mine sadly ruptured) and ouchie the pain and the gas :blush::blush:



I think a grapefruit is a bit bigger than a softball. Bless your heart!! I heard that rupturing causes even more pain, so I can't imagine!! And yes, that gas messes you up for a a few days. I def felt it in my shoulders and moving throughout my body, ugh. I'm temping still, so I'm watching it. The temps are still pre-O temps, so hoping if I do O, that it'll be in a week or so when it won't be painful to BD. Thanks Hun!!
Good deal Erose It might delay O a few days but hopefully not wipe it out Completely I think mine was drained in june or July I'll look at my charts and see!!

It was July I think CD2 and I still took Femara Cd3-7 that month!!
Well girls, it's not official yet but I'm pretty sure a b[%]€!|^ with a broom is on her way. I'm not feeling good about things tonight. :cry: I'm sure tomorrow is doomsday and I'll get my bloodwork done on Saturday or Monday. *sigh*
Boo for AF Terri hope she keeps away but at least u will get Ur Blood work done and have more info for next Cycle!!! :hugs:

I'm not having a good nite DH talked to a Coworker and got all freaked out cuz his wife had 7 MCs and now has a ton of health issues so he told me no more trying :( WHAT
Just like that we've been fighting all nite and now I'm just even more lost than I was after the MC :cry:

My tooth still hurts so I'm afraid to go to the dentist but I know I need to oh and Bday party Sat yea should be Interesting!! :(
Oh no, Sis!! I can't believe he's pulling that right now! That's the last thing you want/need to hear. :( I know he has your health in mind and is just concerned, but he must understand how badly you want to keep going with this. I'm sure he'll change his mind after some time passes. It was probably just from his initial shock of hearing about this other girl's health issues, and it scared him. Give him a few days. He'll come around, don't you think?

Terri, sooo sorry you're feeling the b!t$& on the broom coming. :( Urg. I'll hold out hope anyway though since she hasn't arrived just yet. I'll be here willing her to stay the hell away!
:hugs::hugs::hugs: for Sis. OH is always telling me not to read stuff on the internet about other people's sad losses cuz he doesn't want me to be sad. Hopefully your DH will stop talking to others who make him sad and you can get back to the BD-ing soon.

ERose - I'm glad that the cyst thing went well. Here's hoping for a quick recovery and BFP asap! :thumbup:

Terri - sorry about the witch. BFP in May sounds good. :happydance:

AFM, sorry for TMI, but I'm still bleeding - almost two weeks since I started spotting before the MC. Does anyone know if that's normal? It's slowing down now but I'm still super tired. I really want to get back to normal so I can have a normal AF and then back to :sex: - hoping for BFP in May! I'm going to my doctor on Saturday morning - maybe she'll know if this is normal. :shrug:

Hope everyone else is doing great! :flower:
AFM didn't get my beta done my BIG forgot something had to bring it to him after dropping off the LO and got stuck at the school for a bit so by the time I got to the Lab they were packed and I Dont have time to sit all day I'll go TOM!!

Took a 88€ test and I still have a shadow so maybe Im not going to O just yet Vjean did your beta have to be Zero B4 U Od after the D&C??

Hope everyone is well its almost FRI!!!

Sis, my HCG was not zero before I ovulated. It was really low, but I still had a shadow of a line on ICs. Hope your O is on it's way!
Sorry- I haven't been able to catch up in awhile! I always feel like I need to spend more time catching up with this thread.

Oh Sis, sorry with all you've gone through that now you have to worry about DH's attitude toward it all too! I know with mine, he just doesn't want to see me unhappy, so thinks that just completely removing the thing making me unhappy with solve the problem. I hope you O soon! :hugs:

terri- it looks like the end of your cycle might be good to get it over with and start a new one- but that's coming from someone who has had long anovulatory cycles and been stuck in limbo! Good luck to your DH for his SA!

future mom- sorry you're still bleeding :hugs: I have no idea what is normal, but glad you're seeing your Dr soon!

ERose- A softball sounds massive! Glad you've got it taken care of now! i hope your recovery is quick.

Radkat- sorry about the boy news. It must have been hard for your DH, but I hope he still feels like he can use the name.

Hope everyone else is doing well! :hi:

I've been on the Metformin for a week now. I'm happy to report the side effects of bathroom issue were only on the first day- though I'm having the opposite issue from the iron pills so that might be the reason! But, my chart has gone from looking like a weird happy face to looking like a proper chart, so I'm hopeful that I actually ovulated and my temps will stay up. I'm going to wait for a few more temps before I get excited and join the testing thread though.
Terri - Sorry that AF is on her way :nope: but glad you'll be getting your bloods done. We'll be "blood testing" buddies now.

Sis - Sorry that your husband is feeling this way but as someone said earlier, it's similar to googling horror stories. Just because that happened to someone else, that doesn't mean it's going to happen to you. Look at how different all of our stories are?? Just give it a few days - I'm sure he'll come around. :hugs:

Erose - I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that with your cyst but I'm glad you're on the mend and feeling somewhat better.

Future - I only had a very early loss so I'm no help - just sending :hugs: and I hope the bleeding stops soon.

Hi everyone else. Happy weekend!

Headed to get my bloods at 9:45 today. Nervous to see the results but at least I'm moving forward.
kfs1-Yeah! I'm glad someone is in the same place I am.

Wish-Good luck today. I'm praying everything goes well this morning with your HSG. And have a safe trip to Chicago.

Fezzle-I've never been so happy to see crosshairs on your chart. Woohoo..

Sis-What?! Your husband cannot listen to other people's horror stories. That husband probably doesn't even know if she really did have 7 MCs. It is a little odd that he was talking to another guy about that at work, though. They love us! hee hee. You really do need to go get your teeth taken care of though. I'm sure you'll still have a fun time at the party on Saturday.

Vjean-Hey there!

Erose-Thanks for the positivity. I need it today. Big time. :friends:

Futuremom-Not sure, babe..I'm glad you have an appointment set up though.

I'm in denial of AF. I had a quarter size clotty drop this morning, and I just feel really crampy. I don't want to call the specialist yet to set up bloods, but I'm thinking that when I do call, I'll set it up for tomorrow at some point or Monday. It'll be CD4 if today turns into a full day. They said I can do the bloodwork on CD2-4.

I'm going out tonight on a double date with my coworker. I don't know how great I'll be feeling, but I'm going to put on a good face. I also sent out invitations for my 40th birthday party last night. I'm going to have a crab feast in Annapolis. My bday is mid May. I hope we can sit outside. That would be perfect. And...I love gifts, but I told everyone-no gifts, just a funny card. I think I'm getting old. :jo: NO GIFTS??!! hee hee.

Atty? Yoohoo....

SPP-If you're stalking, we're still thinking about you, and miss you!
kfs and Terri - good luck today on those blood draws and FX all your numbers are good :flower::hugs:

Sis - I am sorry your hubs wants to nix the trying... I agree with the others my guess is he doesn't like seeing you sad and upset and its the only logical way he can "fix" it - guy so want to fix everything... I hope you can tell him that that solution doesn't fix it - in fact makes you more sad - maybe then he will understand...:hugs:
and tell him to walk away from the horror stories!!

futuremom - I hope your appointment gives you some answers and some peace on when you can get back to trying! :flower:

fezzle - I thought the same thing as Terri - LOOK CROSSHAIRS for Fezzle!!! :happydance: I think the meds are working and a BFP is just around the corner!!!

Terri - I am hoping that wasn't AF but I guess I can look at the silver lining if it is - yay you can get blood work done - not an impressive Yay... but it will do for now :juggle: and I would so come to your party - it sounds like a ton of fun... and I would get you a gift because you said not too... I am a rebel:haha: (and I know you LOVE gifts)

:howdy: to all you other lovelies out there!!:hugs:

AFM: HSG at 2 today... have to be at the hospital at 1 for my preg test.. uhm not preg... but I know they have to get the "official" test done... I am nervous... about 5 years ago I tried to get Mirena - and two different doctors couldn't get it in :nope: and that is all I can think of - the what if's? and coming face to face with the facts of my tubes are clogged or whatever... and no babies... UGH I will be glad when its done and over...

tomorrow I am walking a 1/2 marathon with my friend who is about 16 weeks prego... they caught on her first month of trying... this is their second - just found out its a boy... I am happy for her - her husband is deployed and this is how they planned it... what a cool idea - planning a pregnancy - :haha: sometimes I just have to make jokes...

Have a wonderful Friday ladies!!! and of course a wonderful weekend!!! :hugs:
Wish - HA - a planned pregnancy? So many of my friends planned their timing perfectly. "I don't want to have a baby too close to Christmas!" or "Well, I'm a teacher, so I'll only have a baby if it's over the summer." Seriously? Anytime, anywhere for us girls!!

I'm sorry you're nervous Wish. I'm sure everything will be fine. Good luck - treat yourself later.
Wish-I hope the results come out fine. I thought your appointment was at 9:45 for some reason, but still 2pm is fine too. Congrats to your friend, and have fun at the 1/2 marathon. What a healthy friend you have. C'mon to the party. All are invited.

I scheduled my bloods for Monday morning prior to going to work. I think there is a test where I can't eat or drink anything after 10, so I didn't want to schedule it for tomorrow morning because a) I want to pretend to sleep in for once (appointments are between 7-8:30a) and b) I want to pretend I'll still be out and about at 10pm. HA!!HA!!
Sis - So here's my thought re: DH's coworker's wife... I'm guessing the health problems caused the MC, not the other way around. I'm not a doctor, but how could MC literally cause health problems. I don't get it.:shrug: Most guys respond to logic, try that one on him. And the fact that it would make you super sad if you couldn't keep TTC.

Terri - That witch can suck it. At the least the bloods will give you some more info. Have fun tonight. Your bday sounds super fun!

Kfs - Cool that you and Terri will be blood testing buddies. I think it's great to get more info about what's going on.

Future Mom - I'm not sure if bleeding for that long is normal, but you might have your doctor check you for anemia, especially if you're feeling tired. Take care of yourself, sweetie.

Hi Vjean! :hi:

Fezzle - Hooray for crosshairs! Sorry about the meds induced tummy troubles.

Wish - Good luck with your HSG. I'm sure things will be fine. That's great that you're doing a 1/2 marathon! It's a great length of race. Long enough to feel like a badass but not so long you have a long recovery. Good luck with dealing with the lucky preggo. I have a friend who has done the same thing - with 3 pregnancies. OK she started at 21 but still!

SPP - As Terri said, we're thinking of you. Come back when you're ready. :hugs:

AFM - Nothing much going on. Since I missed my O, I'm just waiting for AF to get back to TTC for real!
:hi: Ladies!

I'm here...still reading and following y'all.

I can't believe everyone getting blood work, HSGs, etc lately. I'm really hoping for some good news. It's been a while since this thread has had some of that! Paitiently waiting to see who is next!:coffee:

Terri, your birthday sounds fantastic! My birthday is coming up in May as well, and so is my DD1 (she'll be 19). I think she and I are planning an overnight trip to a little town in Texas (Fredericksburg). We'll just grab dinner and spend the night, then spend the next day shopping in the cute little shops. Should be fun!

Radkat, so sorry for your hubby! What a tough position to be in. I hope you get another :bfp: soon.

Erin, your cyst sounds so scary! I'm glad they were able to drain it and hope you are feeling better!

:hi: to everyone else!
Well Ladies quick update as I should really do some work today :haha:

HSG was quick - not really painful just weird... left tube completely block - right tube flowed like a river... one more thing - my uterus is flipped - it partially lays on my bladder but dr said it doesn't matter :shrug:
I don't know how I feel yet...
I have two thoughts - one it could've been like that my entire life since this is the first HSG I've ever had...:coffee::shrug:
two - the FE said I had a 5% chance of conceiving naturally - now is that 2.5% ??? :nope: :cry:

It truly seems like a miracle is what we will need... next up DH's SA on 14th... I pray we see some improvement or this whole thing might be done...:shrug:
Wish Big :hugs: sometimes they can unblock the tube I think but I'm not sure if u want to go thru All that!!
Did they give it a lot of pressure to try and open it usually if it's blocked it hurts like H3ll when they try it seems like they didn't :shrug:
Also there are a ton of ladies on here W one tube it might take Scans to know when u r ovulating from the good tube but it possible :)
Afm went to the dentist 4fillings down :) haven't talked to DH All day he went and played Golf !!
But he didn't turn down :sex: last night but what guys do???! :haha:

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