Wish - I'm so glad you finally got the HSG scheduled. I would definitely call and see if you can get it earlier. Maybe get on their cancelation list? Sucks all the work you had to do for it. Your acupuncture lady sounds great. I'm so intrigued by acupuncture.

Sis - How great that your holistic dr is going to help you out. BTW, at my appointment today I asked if there were any supplements that I could be taking to help and my doctor said 4mg of folic acid in case I did have MTHFR and a baby aspirin in case there were any clotting issues. She said there were no side effects to either so no harm in taking them even if I haven't been diagnosed with those issues.

Nessaw - I'm sorry about the mess up in scheduling with you doctor. What is the deal with doctors? Hope you can get the answers you need.

Kfs - Glad you're feeling positive about scheduling some testing with your doctor. Sounds like a really good plan.

Hi to everyone else!
Ok ladies I called back and asked the nurse to ask the other hospital and now my HSG is on Friday at 2pm...


thank you for encouraging me to call back - I love you ladies!!! :hugs:
glad it worked out wish.

terri - I thought I was bad with the snooze button....but wow.
That A Girl Wish I knew u could get it done!!! :happydance:

Radkat yes I take baby Asprin daily and 2400mcgm of Folic acid!! ;)
Just worried cuz when my PRrimary Dr gave me the antibiotics he said to stop the Asprin another reason I want the test ... baby stopped growing around then!
It was prob something Genetic like yours w the low doubling and all but I'll never know and it Sux! :(

Terri have fun at Dinner!!!
Interesting thing she gave me today!!!
Thought u guys might like it crazy how much leads to infertility!!

HA!!HA!! I don't even know what I'm reading! Thanks...my stomach is a grumbling.

Wish-Yeah, happy dance is right!! :happydance: So glad you called back and told them how urgent it is/was that you get it done prior to CD9. Now it's on CD5, right? Let's just hope AF is out of town by then, although, I'm sure it doesn't matter that much. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! It's about time you get what you want.

Moni-I know, right? He's the worst! I feel bad always complaining about the minor things, but they are only minor things, so it's ok, right? hee hee. He has these grandiose plans about getting up early and going to work early, but he's a primper, and no matter what time he wakes up, everything has to be PERFECT before he leaves the house, so I know his dreams of getting up early are simply dreams. HA! If I think about it, I'll spray perfume as I'm running out the door, and call it a day whether it hits my neck or not! :haha:
I know it's kinda hard from the pic but it basically tells u that Low this can lead to MC or this can lead to fetus abnormalities !!!
Oldermom is that kinda some stuff u were tested for??

Oh also forgot I go 4/8 for my Consult after MC so I'll be making sure he has my concerns written down!!
Are antibiotics not safe to take while ttc? I'm due to ovulate in a few days, I'm on amoxicillin, and having my rc done around the time I ovulate. My RE clinic had no answers for me when I asked if taking antibiotics and having a rc is safe. They told me to ask my dentist! You'd think that my RE would be responsible for that. The nurse at my clinic is rude and not helpful at all.
USUK - Amoxicillin is a category B antibiotic which is supposedly safe for pregnant women to use. That being said, some women on this board have had negative experiences while on antibiotics. I think that's crazy that your RE doesn't have an answer for you! I would ask again. I'm sorry - I know that's not much of an answer.

Wish - glad you finally got that HSG scheduled and that it won't interfere with your O. :)

Terri - you stay on that hubby of yours!!

Nessaw - I'm sorry about your appointment. What is it with doctors??? I hope you're able to straighten everything out. :(

Radkat - Aw, I'm so sorry hun. I would say to just give yourselves some time to heal and see how you feel about the name situation down the road. I don't see any reason why you couldn't still use that name but just wait and see how you feel about it when you get that next BFP. I hope you and your husband are doing OK. :hugs:

Erose - hope all is well with you!

Morning/afternoon Sis, Older, Atty, Moni, and everyone else!

AF came in full force this morning - no surprise though. My husband and I were so sick this month, and while we BDd through it all, I'm not sure that I'd trust the quality of those eggs & sperm - not to mention that we were both on antibiotics. Still - sigh - another month down the tubes.

Anyway, I talked to my husband about his SA and he simply said - "Sure - OK." Like it was nothing. I'll be scheduling my bloods for tomorrow since day 3 of my period falls on Saturday. I'm kinda nervous that it's going to reveal something terrible. :wacko:
I know it's kinda hard from the pic but it basically tells u that Low this can lead to MC or this can lead to fetus abnormalities !!!
Oldermom is that kinda some stuff u were tested for??

Oh also forgot I go 4/8 for my Consult after MC so I'll be making sure he has my concerns written down!!

Many of these things encompass the supplements my doc suggested I take:
CoQ10, an antioxidant (resveratrol, pycnogenol), vit D3, lowered carbs/refined carbs/sugar, lower or eliminate caffeine (which I will start after the surgery). He also has me taking a probiotic (as my intestines have been temporarily damaged by gluten), and a fish oil supplement.
Welcome USUK all I can say is I had to get a RC in my TWW 7dpo actually no Antbiotics though and I got my BFP 2 days later!!
Sadly it ended in MC when I got Strep at 6wks!!! :(

I would say it's better to get it done as soon as possible if u are afraid it will interfere W O wait until AF shows if it does but if it doesn't then u will be having to wait until 2nd TRi!!
I had another one pop up after I got PG and I don't think I could have dealt w that pain for 3Mos :nope: GL
Yes Oldermom I already take a lot of that stuff
Cq10 probiotic VitD3 B12 B6 added VitC at low dose and I need to start my fish oil again!!
I too need to watch what I eat and cut out the soda :nope:

Check out my temp drop looks like O is upon us :) going to get my Beta this AM and then hangin out at the house getting stuff done B4 Sat!!!
Hi girls! Wow, I'm going to need some serious time to get caught up on this thread, lol! I'll do that later on my lunch break. In the meantime, I thought I'd update.

Surgery went fine. The cyst was the size of a softball. WTF. Seriously, I have no idea where that thing was even fitting in my body. My Dr said he was glad that I even made it through the weekend. Anyway, it's out now, and I'm recovering this week, which really isn't too bad... I'm sore and bloated (yes, that gas they put in there, omg). I get tired from my meds sometimes too. But it's really not that bad compared to when I had the full-blown myomectomy to have a fibroid removed. This recovery is cake compared to that. But I am looking forward to feeling 100% again.

Question: for those of you with experience with cysts... after you've had one removed, did it affect your ovulation at all? I'm only cd7 today, but I've been getting these super dark opks since cd5 (they're so close to being positive, that some might even consider them positive). I dont have any of my CB digitals right now, so not sure what the would say. But I was wondering if the cyst could've just altered my hormones so much that I have an abundance of LH right now. And also wondering if I could O early, or late, or what. Anyone's experiences would be appreciated!

Ok, now I need to set aside a good hour or so to catch up on the thread, LOL!
Glad u are feeling better Erose and so glad u caught the cyst B4 it ruptured or twisted Ur ovary!!! :)

As far as the O mine was the same but only had my cyst drained not removed they just did US and used I GIANT needle poked thru the VJ wall and went into the cyst to suck all the fluid out!!
So I'm not sure w a removal if it would be the same or not hope it doesn't mess w things but I really think they need to be scanning u while on meds so it doesn't happen again!!
AFM didn't get my beta done my BIG forgot something had to bring it to him after dropping off the LO and got stuck at the school for a bit so by the time I got to the Lab they were packed and I Dont have time to sit all day I'll go TOM!!

Took a 88€ test and I still have a shadow so maybe Im not going to O just yet Vjean did your beta have to be Zero B4 U Od after the D&C??

Hope everyone is well its almost FRI!!!
Er - glad it all went well Hun omg the gas:blush: my cyst was many years ago at least over 13 - I fell pregnant pretty quickly after having mine out Hun but I know they also scraped away some endo at the same time so possible that helped to:wacko:

I would just keep on testing if you are not temp taking it may be possible your body will try but not o - I would expect your hormones to be a bit out :flower:

A soft ball is that the same size as a grapefruit (mine sadly ruptured) and ouchie the pain and the gas :blush::blush:


Sis - I would say even if it's a shadow there is still some
Hcg there - hoping is goes blank soon - that's a bitter sweet moment:hugs:


Terri - How's DH doing with the SA? Hope he follows through. How'd dinner and talk with your friend go?

Wish - Soooo happy you got your HSG date changed! That's so much better. Persistence pays off! :thumbup:

Kfs - Sorry about AF. Sounds like DH is on board for the SA though, right? That's good news.

ERose - A softball?! (and Garfie with a grapefruit?!) No wonder it hurt. Crazy. Glad you're OK.

Sis and Oldermom - Sounds like you both are doing the supplement thing. They make me feel like I'm doing something to help this whole situation. Do you both feel like the CoQ10 is a good thing? I was looking into that too. I have to take 10 400mg pill to get the 4g of folic acid. Crazy, but they're small.

Welcome, USUK!:flower:

Thanks for everyone's support on the DH/MC/boy thing. It just sucks. I really think he'll come around and want to pass the name one if we do have a boy, it's just hard now. Seeing the sex made the whole thing more "real" somehow. I took a OPK since we got the go ahead yesterday and it was negative. I'm pretty sure I o'd last weekend, so we're out for this cycle, but at least we don't have to prevent anymore. Here's hoping for a May BFP. :coffee:
ERose-Glad you're back and everything went well. I'll keep my fingers crossed that your hormones are NOT out of wack and things get to back to normal quickly. Sorry you have bad gas and bloating too.

kfs1-Sorry again. :hugs: I'm glad your hubs is so on board with the SA. He's probably been waiting for you to ask. My hubs mentioned it to me yesterday that he is going this Friday. I didn't even have to bring it up. He also said that he's taking the whole day off. Not sure why other than his boss said to take Friday off, but that's fine by me. I hope the results come out fine. It is nerve wracking though, but in this case, it's better to know than not know.

Radkat-Yeah, just take it easy for now and see what the future holds. I have a feeling, when the boy comes, he will be blah blah blah V. How impressive a name is 'the fifth?' So regal. hee hee.

garfie-How are you doing?

Sis-Sorry you're still getting positive HPTs. I think your temp drop today is definitely gearing up for O. Your charts are so consistent. Lucky...

Wish-Don't forget to take an aspirin before your procedure tomorrow. You'll need it!

My gf told me last night that she tried 8 IUIs with her donor sperm. That, I definitely don't remember her telling me, but I'm sure it was really frustrating to talk about so she chose not to. I didn't ask how many times she tried IVF, but I think it was two the first time and maybe only one the second time. We closed the restaurant down with all of our blabber. Dinner was good too. We went to this place called www.delmarvasoutherncafe.com. Their chicken and waffles were good. I didn't like their mac and cheese though. I'll admit, I'm a mac and cheese snob. They only had tortellini listed and I'm like 'if a place says MAC and cheese, it needs to have macaroni.' So then I asked if they actually had macaroni, and the lady said they did, so I got it, and it wasn't that good. I should've just not ordered it. I like my grandma's mac and cheese, and mine (she taught me). I don't even try others' very often. Will I ever stop talking about food? Probably not. :rofl: And in other news, our wedding album came in the mail last night. It is so beautiful. I'll change my avatar to one of my wedding pics tomorrow.
I've heard only good things about about Coq10 so I take it I figured w my past MC and Thyriod issues it can't hurt to have stronger eggs I've even been making DH take them it's suppose to help sperm also!!

Just make sure u get a Ubiquinol and a good brand mine are the Natural Factors if u are vegan u might shop at a whole foods kinda place they usually have the better brands or a All natural Vitamin shop that's where I go!!

:hi: Terri we posted at the same time AGAIN :rofl: that's what I thought about my temp this Am but my OPKs was blank and still getting a shadow on IC HPT so maybe next week like I thought B4! :shrug:

I'm not sure if I'll make it to the dentist Tom I have so much to do for the party and my Jaw is still hurting so I'm not sure what I should do!! :nope:

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