Hi ladies,
Sorry I've been MIA and I only have a couple of minutes, so can't be nearly as thorough as I'd like.
Cary- sorry to hear you've been having a hard time around the one year anniversary. It's so hard. I'm glad that DH is on board and I hope you're feeling better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!
Skye- so glad you're in a good place.
Red- congrats! Don't worry about the lack of bonding. I didn't bond with Brady AT ALL during my pregnancy (whereas I was obsessed with Lauren during my pregnancy with her) and actually cried when I found out he was a boy. But as soon as he was born, I feel head over heels in love with him, in a way I didn't with Lauren.
Left- I know, life IS crazy with two! DH and I are really struggling to keep up with our relationship too. We've made it a priority recently and that's helped, but it's definitely different. We're still trying to find the right balance, with kids, house, work, and each other. So just know you're not alone and I'm kind of glad to hear it's not just me and DH either!
Afm, everyone is doing pretty well. Work is busier than ever (didn't know that was possible). Brady has had surgeries in both eyes now and seems to be doing very well. He's tracking objects (even moving his head back and forth to follow them). We're so happy about that!!! He's 6.5 months old now and a BIG BOY!!! About a month ago he was weighing in between 15-16 lbs.
Daycare has been worried about his core strength because he's not sitting on his own yet and seems to tire easily when in a jumper. I noticed it, but wasn't too worried, since Lauren was late w/all of her gross motor skills too, and Brady has had extra challenges to overcome. I called his pediatrician, who isn't worried at all. He has an apt in a couple of weeks, so pedi will take a look. If pedi is fine with how things are progressing, then we'll just wait and give him some more time to work those muscles. If pedi is concerned, then we will get an evaluation and may start some physical therapy.
It's really stressful to have the medical stuff going on on top of everything else. But he is still the HAPPIEST boy I have ever seen. He just smiles, laughs, and plays non-stop. I don't think this kid has cried for more than an hour put together in his entire life!
Here are some recent pics:
Ewww, kisses!
Here's both kids on the 4th of July: