oh my lovely this is such a crap, hard time and other peoples babynews just rubs salt into the wound, i dont know why but life does seem to be a bit like that.
You will stop crying but not for a little while and although its hard its better to be feeling this that keeping it inside of you. Your little toffee crisps were here they just didnt make it and that is the saddest thing. I know its hard to look at hubby and think that somehow you should have been able to make things different for them but what happened wasnt down to you, its just one of those horribly sad and cruel things.
people will say the wrong and the right things to you about your babies and some of it will make you cry and some of it will piss you off beyond belief, give yourself as much time as you need,its important and please try and be kind to yourself, you deserve all the love in the world(((((((((((())))))))))))