One clueless GAL looking for TTC buddies


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2013
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I'm 29 and TTC my first. I read all the pages here and realize that I'm not quite up to scratch with all the proactive things people are doing though I am trying to google and learn a few things.

Due to my past I may have damaged my tubes. Bad mistakes.:cry: So I am not expecting a quick BFP. I haven't check or anything because I am a little scared. I thought I would give it a few months before I worry. I am looking for a few TTC buddies so that we can help each other through the journey.

I've just stopped taking my pills and I downloaded a fertility app, oh and have taken prenatal stuff. That’s it.

Any takers? :help:
Me!! I'm only on cycle #2, trying for my first. I know some of the tips and tricks from researching over the years but I'm still learning and only now putting it to use! There's sooooo much out there!
Me!! I'm only on cycle #2, trying for my first. I know some of the tips and tricks from researching over the years but I'm still learning and only now putting it to use! There's sooooo much out there!

Sweet! Good luck... how long are you expecting it to take? Ok whats the first thing you think I need to research on?
I'm not really sure, I'm hoping only a few cycles but I know sometimes its not that easy.

Well it's really up to you, there are different ways to go about it. There's the NTNP way (not trying, not preventing), so just going with the flow and maybe it happens or you can chart your cycles with Not sure what you've already done, I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" which taught me a lot about my cycles by charting my bbt, cervical mucus and cervical position (I don't really chart the position though).

Our first month we took it easy and just BD'd once around ovulation but it didn't really workout cause turns out I had a shorter cycle. Oops!

So tell me more about yourself and your OH. :)
I'm not really sure, I'm hoping only a few cycles but I know sometimes its not that easy.

Well it's really up to you, there are different ways to go about it. There's the NTNP way (not trying, not preventing), so just going with the flow and maybe it happens or you can chart your cycles with Not sure what you've already done, I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" which taught me a lot about my cycles by charting my bbt, cervical mucus and cervical position (I don't really chart the position though).

Our first month we took it easy and just BD'd once around ovulation but it didn't really workout cause turns out I had a shorter cycle. Oops!

So tell me more about yourself and your OH. :)

Oh wow! I have heard great things about that book. Maybe that's a good start. I do want to be proactive, I know people say to me 29 isn't old but I feel like I haven't really left myself much time in case things don't quite work out.

Im being a little negative huh? I don't mean to it's just that sometimes if you have the mind set that it'll be difficult and reality sets in and you were right, it might not hurt as much. :)

My DH is perfect. He's a little messy but a heart of gold so that's fine. It wouldn't be such a problem if I wasn't a clean freak.

He is younger than me, 3 years and has a son from a previous relationship. So I guess that does add more pressure. He has his heart set on having more kids but says if it's not in the cards its OK.

It'll break my heart. :(

So how old are you? How long have you been with your OH? Any preference to a B or G first?
I know exactly what you mean, I don't think you're being negative. TTC is a roller coaster of emotions and you just can't know what to expect. Better to prepare yourself to be at it for awhile!

I'm 31, I've been with DH (32) for 9 years, married for 4. He's amazing, super excited about having children. Neither of us have any but we have 3 cats and a dog that are our babies so we have lots of practice! Lol

I definitely suggest starting with the book TCOYF. You'll learn sooooo much and that's a great jumping off point.

Also you can learn a bit of it from but I got more from the book. It's a good place to keep your temps though because they have the graphs for free.

Are your cycles pretty regular?
Oh ya and I'm hoping for a boy first. I'll be happy with either but we have 3 nieces so it will be nice to have a boy to carry on the name. How about you?
Thats so nice! You sound like you're in a great position.

Ideally I wish I had a bit more $$$. Properties in Sydney are so expensive We think we'd need to save for at least 2 years to even get a decent deposit. If you want anything decent you're looking at about 600K.

Ahhh.... anyways we budgeted out and having a child now is fine but might push the saving of money for another year.

Hm... Before I was on the pill super regular. 28 days even could guess what time. Now... I don't know. Im just about to say goodbye to AF the "fake" one and hope a real AF doesn't take too long. I am going to start taking Vitex I think its recommended for anyone who has stopped the pill. I'll try anything...

I hope we both get BFP soon. Wouldn't it be great if we could jump forum to forum together!?

What did you use before TTC? The pill was a poor choice on my part. But I was so young and listened to the doctor without research.

Im too hoping for a boy. I like the idea of a big brother. I was the oldest, I'd love my little future daughter to have a big brother to look after her and keep her in line. LOL
You know what else... we are close on CDs. I am on CD6 :)

This might be too much info but are you BD everyday close to your O day? I'm not sure if we should everyday or every other day?
Oh I hear you about money! Our finances aren't good at all but that's one reason I've put off trying every year but turns out every year I just have different money problems than the year before. So if I wait until I have loads of money saved or everything paid off... I'll never have children! :rofl:

Oh we are close in cycles and it would be so fun to get our BFPs together!! It might take your cycle awhile to get normal though, so be prepared for that. I used BC when I was younger but now I use the method of tracking my cycles that I learned in TCOYF. So if it's around ovulation time we use some protection but otherwise it's safe.

I love the big brother idea also! I always wanted a big brother! I was the oldest of my full siblings too but I did get some older sisters later on when my dad re-married. :)

Actually, we're not BDing everyday, we're using the Shettles method (well the timing part at least) to sway for a boy. So that means BDing on the day of ovulation and day after. So it may take me a few cycles at least but it ups the chances a bit. But if it is taking too many cycles I'll throw that to the wind and BD everyday if I have to! Lol
Hi ladies! I'm in a bit of a different situation but could use as much support as possible!

I stopped bc this month so not sure how cycles are yet and this will be #3. We have two boys- like my ticker says- 20 months and 6 months old.
:hi: thanks! :dust: to you too!

I have a doctors appt to check out some pain I've been having in lower pelvic region hope its nothing bad :nope:
Not sure whats from really? :blush: Every time we :sex: it hurts during then I ache afterward. Sometimes not long other times a few days. We :sex: two days ago and Im still hurting. Not vagina wise just lower pelvic region.

After #1 I had some ovarian cysts and it feels like that but just lasting longer. I went to doctor this morning and was referred to see an ob/gyn in town (we live on a military base) and tomorrow I go for an ultrasound to look at ovaries ect. I never really had this problem at all till after I had kids so :shrug:
Well, Fx for you! Let us know how it goes! Hope it's just too vigorous :sex:ing!! ;) :thumbup:
:rofl: When I told my OH..well Ive told him before but told him this time I need to go to doctor and get it checked out he said "why? I can diagnose it right now!" "oh and whats that?" "Your just with a guy with a big $*&%" :rofl: he wishes :winkwink: men and their egos!
Hiya Ladies, my name is Shaneeka my OH and I are currently ttc #1. Currently on cd9 and hoping this will be my month after 12cycles of BFN.

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