One Tubers

hi puppymom.... i would def consider IUI.....seeing my fertility specialist on oct you think thats the next step for me? should i ask them then? I dont know if there is a waiting list so would rather go on it asap! Im really worried that my one tube is damaged because of the polycysts & then god knows what we will do! I have always been told that having 1 ovary doesnt effect fertility.....apparently it does the work just like if i had this not the case then? i always wondered do i ovulate every other doc said i should still ov every mth...its so confusing!!! women with no fretility problems really dont know how lucky they are hey!!!!!!

katy xxxxxxxxx
Kat – thinking of you and hoping things are looking better.

Puppymom – how are you going?

Blue – how are you doing? Twins would be a problem for me as I also have uterine didelphys (duplicated uterus) so each is smaller and twins would increase risk of preterm birth.

Dancingkaty- welcome and hugs, sorry you are going through a tough time at the moment. Hope your tube is okay. Its so tough seeing everyone else with the thing you want the most.

AFM - nothing to add here. Waiting to ovulate.... hoping its on the right side this month. Feeling positive about this month, but I've said that before...... xx
Hi guys :hi:

Well just an update for you all. Blue, poppymom and olive - Thank you for your thoughts and wishes. :hugs::flower:

Well i went and had a lovely day at alton towers on thursday (Theme park for those of you that do not live in the UK) Me and my partner went to de stress and had a lovely day. It was very warm and sunny too. I had to ask the hospital if i could go and they asked about my pain that seemed to be easing, so said yes.
Well after that i went and had my bloods taken. They were at 46 on thursday. Thats 29 drop in a week so they are happy with that. Its more thatn 15% and thats what they wanted to see. They did say that when it gets to less than 100 it does take longer to go down.
I can not beleive i have been going through this nearly 6 weeks now.

I have started bleeding today so this may mean that my hcg has dropped more and the lining and decided to shed. I hope so.

Hi to dancingkaty. I hope your tests go ok. Its something i have to face after christmas if this 2nd shot of methotrexate fully works. You will have to let us know how you get on. :hugs::flower:

Love you all baby :dust: and dreams for us all too xxx
hi puppymom.... i would def consider IUI.....seeing my fertility specialist on oct you think thats the next step for me? should i ask them then? I dont know if there is a waiting list so would rather go on it asap! Im really worried that my one tube is damaged because of the polycysts & then god knows what we will do! I have always been told that having 1 ovary doesnt effect fertility.....apparently it does the work just like if i had this not the case then? i always wondered do i ovulate every other doc said i should still ov every mth...its so confusing!!! women with no fretility problems really dont know how lucky they are hey!!!!!!

katy xxxxxxxxx

Your situation may be different because you only have the one ovary and it probably does go every month with me still having both mine still randomly alternates and seems more like the one with no tube has been working harder. I would bring IUI up to your dr but you may want to get that tube checked out first otherwise IUI probably wouldnt work. But definetly bring it up at your appt. Good Luck and keep us posted.
Kat – thinking of you and hoping things are looking better.

Puppymom – how are you going?

Blue – how are you doing? Twins would be a problem for me as I also have uterine didelphys (duplicated uterus) so each is smaller and twins would increase risk of preterm birth.

Dancingkaty- welcome and hugs, sorry you are going through a tough time at the moment. Hope your tube is okay. Its so tough seeing everyone else with the thing you want the most.

AFM - nothing to add here. Waiting to ovulate.... hoping its on the right side this month. Feeling positive about this month, but I've said that before...... xx

I am good having twinges on my good side and got a +OPk last night around 10 was so busy didnt get to test until later but Sat was - and Sun was + tried to jump DH but we both were exhausted but hopefully we will be rested for tonight gonna take another OPK this afternoon hope its still + and havent missed my window although we did BD Sun early AM like around 4 am so if so hope that will cover us. Still have no EWCM even with uping my EPO dose so pretty bummed about that gonna try with preseed tonight as we didnt use any on Sat/Sun. Temps havent risen yet so I still think there is a chance. Then begins the long wait. How is everyone else coming along?
that is great news the numbers going down and bleeding is always a good sign. Sorry it has taken this long seems like such as long drawn out process. So glad you and OH got to relax and have a little fun you definetly deserve a vacation after all of this.
Hi Girls,

How are you doing?
I'm going crazy in the TWW - step away from the POAS test!
My acupuncturist has got me temping, and its really making me obsess about each degree temp! Argh! Now I see why I haven't been temping up till now.
Hi ladies,

Thinking about you often - fingers crossed for you olive so near the testing time!!!

Puppymom - excited you will be ovulating from the better side

Katstar - sorry to hear you are having to go through this so long - better things must be on their way

Katy - welcome and best wishes.

As for me i have my surgery consultation on nov 26 - hoping for a cancellation so that I can go sooner - fxd fxd fxd. I am considering asking the surgeon if I should harvest embryos before surgery - in case of worst case scenario - I have this fear that when they take my tubes - the ovaries get damaged or removed by accident - it is terrifying me...............
Aww Blue I know what you mean about the fear. I was freaking out after both of my surgeries because you really dont know what they will find. My Dr told me when she took my R tube that if the L was damaged she was gonna take it too. I had no ideal when I woke up what the outcome was gonna be and too was worried about the ovaries. FXXX it will all be ok and they will go in and say they maid a mistake and everything is fine.

Olive- Looks like you will be testing soon too. I am 7dpo so gonna wait hopefully until this weekend my cycle lengths have been all crazy so we will see. Good Luck. We need more BFP in this group!!!

Blue - nice to hear from you. Surgery is scary, isn't it? Hope you can get in on a cancellation earlier. Good idea to ask about egg collection first - I'm not sure on the risk of ovarian damage with tube removal, but i think it is low. xx

Puppymom - good luck this month. Hope you get a BFP and that you can hold out till the weekend. I'm going to try and wait for early next week - 5-6dpo now.

Katstar - thinking of you love

Thanks Olive good luck to you too.

Kat thinking of you hope all it ok!!!
hey everyone got room4 another in the group been ttc activley 1.5 got 3 kids already had tube removed after ectopic between kids 2 and 3 had number3 quite quick but just found out got pcos have had the hsg to c if tube is clear get results 29th fxx:happydance:
Hello Winston we always have room for plenty more. Thats awesome you had a baby with one tube very insperational. I too have PCOS. Have you started any treatments for it yet? Hope you results come back good on the 29th. Let us know how they go. FXXX
Hi Puppymom

How have you found the metformin - I am supposed to start it soon too.

have you tested yet???
Welcome winston - i hope your stay is a short one
All the best for your results next week xx
I hated it at first it made me so sick couldnt get up to two pills so I just quite then I got serious and knew I had to take it or I would be out out of luck. Now I am up to 3 pills I take them all at the same time at night and sleep throught most of the side effects. Still make me sick every once in a while but much better than before.

I tested today at 10dpo with a Dollar store one and got a BFN gonna wait until Sat if stupid witch doesnt come.
Hi girls thought i would drop by to see how you are all doing?!
Hey Franiss, I'm well. How are you doing????

Caved and tested yesterday - BFN after about 6 cups of tea (11dpo)!
Still crampy and feeling yuk but think it is in my head. If she hasn't arrived by thursday morning, will waste another test!
hello franiss,
We are doing great. How are things for you?

I think stupid witch got me. spotting friday afternoon sat morning then got heavy sat night and then light all day sunday and nothihng today. Very different and unusual for me I hate figuring this stuff out.

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