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Opinions please look!! UPDATED PG1

Aw hun I can totally understand why you want to avoid testing, its so disheartening when you see a bfn. I dont trust them IC's though. How long ago was it that you got your +ve opk babe?

You are meant to have another baby hun, Bodhi will send you a little brother or sister for him soon, i just know you will get pregnant babe. You deserve it! :hugs:
Hey donna sweetie...No ive not tested yet. The last opk i did was still positive. But hubby thinks i should wait and she what af does. He doesnt like me testing so much. 1. It costs a fortune and 2. I get upset,esp after this hpt test,i was really upset because i did the ic and it was negative. Bless him. So i am trying to be good and not test to see what happens with af. Im due around about the 7th August give or take a few days. Im going to go mad!Ive been really depressed after this test. I was so hoping for a positive after losing Bodhi.:cry:Maybe im just not ment to have another baby.:cry:

:hugs: You are meant to have another baby, and I hope it's not too much longer before you do. I'm not surprised you're feeling so down after all this testing - especially with the opks not making much sense. Keeping everything crossed that it'll happen for you soon though x x x
Don't give up yet! I'm a week late and I did an IC and still very faint, even though I got strong lines with superdrug and tesco tests. Tesco ones are half price at the moment, I think they are £1.58 for one or £3.29 for 2 pack.
Good luck, I hope you get your BFP
hun im sorry but thats a BIG FAT :bfp: no question, u say u used sainsburys right? welll there 10 times more sensitive than and IC thats a fact with my last preg i got :bfp: at 9dpo on superdrug nothing on IC, IC never showed till after af was due by then i knew from the frer i defo say get another sainsburys huns and if same thing happens u got ur :bfp: for sure, pls get one, im gonna stalk u now huns coz i know its ur bfp thats NO evap hunny iv had a thousand evaps and NONE are even close to what u have, if i was actually u right now id be jumping around my living room :kiss: xxxx
I don't know hun. I don't want to get your hopes up but that looks pink to me. When was the last time you tested?
Aw hun I can totally understand why you want to avoid testing, its so disheartening when you see a bfn. I dont trust them IC's though. How long ago was it that you got your +ve opk babe?

You are meant to have another baby hun, Bodhi will send you a little brother or sister for him soon, i just know you will get pregnant babe. You deserve it! :hugs:

Hi hun...i did my last opk about 3 days ago i think.I hate these hpts too now,as im always getting evaps. Altho this one has been the best by far!:cry:
hun im sorry but thats a BIG FAT :bfp: no question, u say u used sainsburys right? welll there 10 times more sensitive than and IC thats a fact with my last preg i got :bfp: at 9dpo on superdrug nothing on IC, IC never showed till after af was due by then i knew from the frer i defo say get another sainsburys huns and if same thing happens u got ur :bfp: for sure, pls get one, im gonna stalk u now huns coz i know its ur bfp thats NO evap hunny iv had a thousand evaps and NONE are even close to what u have, if i was actually u right now id be jumping around my living room :kiss: xxxx

Hi hun... it was a sainsburys double pack. I did one in the evening and the other in the morning. They both came up with the same line. The first came up at 30 min mark and the second bout 20 min mark. But they both took longer than 10 min to appear.I must have had two duds in one box.:growlmad: And ive read that alot of woman get evaps with the sainsburys tests.:cry:
hun im sorry but thats a BIG FAT :bfp: no question, u say u used sainsburys right? welll there 10 times more sensitive than and IC thats a fact with my last preg i got :bfp: at 9dpo on superdrug nothing on IC, IC never showed till after af was due by then i knew from the frer i defo say get another sainsburys huns and if same thing happens u got ur :bfp: for sure, pls get one, im gonna stalk u now huns coz i know its ur bfp thats NO evap hunny iv had a thousand evaps and NONE are even close to what u have, if i was actually u right now id be jumping around my living room :kiss: xxxx

Hi hun... it was a sainsburys double pack. I did one in the evening and the other in the morning. They both came up with the same line. The first came up at 30 min mark and the second bout 20 min mark. But they both took longer than 10 min to appear.I must have had two duds in one box.:growlmad: And ive read that alot of woman get evaps with the sainsburys tests.:cry:

Omg huns ur joking? i never knew sainsuburys were bad for evaps and i mean thats a bloody convincing evap (if it is evap :))

huns u know what to do go to superdrug and get there own brand there fab and i recommend them highly for early testing will beat and IC and sainburys any day huns. pls test again hunny as this is 90% ur pos and id hate to think of u :cry: when u should be :dance: pls :test: again hunny keep us updated as i have great feeling for u, its ment to happen for u hunnie :kiss::kiss:
Well it was definately an evap girls. Nasty buggers! I tested earlier with a superdrug and got a bfn!:growlmad: Thanks for all the positive replies girls.


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huns in that case id strongly recommended posting a thread about them damd sainsbury tests :hissy) i actually thought they were one of the best next to superdrug and frer but clearly not, im so sorry huns for this happening to you and u truly deserve that bfp and u will be getting it very soon :hugs for u huns and millions of :dust: fairys coming ur way :kiss:
hi hunny ...

look i know you probably dont want to hear this now but lets forget about that first positive opk i would say go with the darkest opk you ever got how many days have passed since that one ....

i am thinking you are stessing your self by testing too soon ...

i am just hoping you kept doing the deed :winkwink: ....

please remind me how many dpo you would be if the last positive opk was the true positive opk....

i think you've been testing way too early sweety so ......"smile" :hugs:
aw hunni. :hugs: I wonder why you were getting so many dark +ve's then?!

Youve still got 9days till af is due by looking at your siggy though so maybe its too early?! x x x
dont worry i went back and found your opk pictures .....i am such a stalker:haha:

you had the darkest opk on the 21st of july meaning you ovulated the same or the next day most likely ...

so girl that makes you 7 dpo today!!!!....who gets a positive at 7 dpo? maybe a 10miu test might show something at 8dpo but thats very rare ....the soonest you should test is 10dpo (with a 10miu)meaning saturday 1st of Auguest !!

oh man.... can you wait so many days? :wacko:

sorry hunny i know this is driving you crazy but i really believe that this is the case....

good luck .... i will be stalking you....if you dont mind! :hugs:
I'm silently stalking your thread lol I hope you get your BFP this month x
I've been keeping up to date with this thread too. I wish you all the luck in getting your BFP this month. xx

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