Other Peoples Opinions

other people will always have their opinions, I got the 'let's see how long it lasts' look a number of times.
Now family are really impressed that i'm still using them. (as well as still bfdg)

I don't know what gets said out and about but my MIL always raves on about how i bf and use cloth nappies.
today my nan offered to buy me 2 years worth of disposables if i promised not to use real nappies lol!!! i don't think she understand how different it is nowadays to how it used to be for her lol xx
oh ask for her to buy you some of them instead :D money much better well spent :D

Forgot to say the reason my mum doesnt get on with them is that shes had some leaks lol
My mum was okay but dubious I'd actually get them washed very often (knows me well, my ma!) My sister and brother and MIL had a knowing 'wait and see how you get on' look about them (and in the early days they were right, I could barely find time to sit down for a wee, let alone wash nappies!!)

My dad however was brilliant - his first words on the subject? 'Good for you, not enough people do nowadays...'
she said she wont 'advocate' it as she doesn't want me to have to 'go through it' when i could just use disposables lol bless her she's really behind with the times but i do love her she keeps talking about buckets of soaking nappies full of poo stinking out her back room :s lol xx
Nobody has Molly, but if I were to let somebody it would be on my terms or not at all.

How rude to dictate how you will care for someone else's child to them. It's a privilege, not a right!
Hi Hun,

Sorry you had reactions like that :(

We have had them and i do tend to leave disposables for MIL who babysits for us mainly but i would have no problems leaving cloth for my mum.

If you only leave cloth they will have no choice but to use it or go and buy sposies themselves lol!

Everyone was a bit shocked at my thoughts on it too, i had a homebirth, breastfeed, use cloth and babywear, did none of this with my DD so i think everyone was a bit suprised but all family have been wonderful and are so used to it now :) So they may come round when baby is here and they see it in action!

my mum and dad were happy but they wanted me to use terrys
my OH and brother hate it lol
my SIL didnt like the idea but is now thinking of using them when she has her baby :rofl: (my brother hates that lamo)
ive had a lot of good reactions of people when ive changed her in mother care lots of questions too :)
ive had many comments off my friend saying they love them and ive think ive converted some lol (they arnt as addicted as me tho)
It seems people think of wet pailing terries when they think of cloth nappies. I've had a mix of comments, some of my family think I'm better using terry squares over more modern styles! I reckon they think I won't stick with it but daren't tell me!
I had problems with my Mum, she made it sound like it was a 'phase' I was going through, like I felt guilty for not continuing BFing, so I was doing this to make up for it! Don't ask me the rationale, i have no idea! My Dad was fab. DH is still sceptical. One friend is hoping to use them when she has a baby (incidently, her Mum still uses some of the terries she never used as dishtowels!). I've had a whole range of responses, no two the same.
My OH shows them off to allllllll our visitors!! Especially George's very boyish camo prints!!
My mum is totally converted & tells people all about them (as does my sister), but my mum does always add that 'you need a degree to work them out!!'
My MIL usually makes random comments, but I have adapted an amazing ability to block out the sound of her voice when she's moaning about my parenting skills....!!(this is the same woman who used to hit my hubby with a wooden spoon as punishment....)
Needless to say G man won't be going to that Nana's to stay!!xxxx
My mom actually encouraged it because she used cloth with my brother and I. My MIL and that side of the family were just curious more than anything and asked a million questions. I have a friend who was a bit against the idea and went on and on about how hard it'd be to wash the diapers on top of everything else but she never keeps a clean house to begin with so I really can see where she is coming from. :rofl::rofl: I'm pretty sure that was just laziness on her part because she really didn't have any other reason not to use cloth.
I posted my first cloth nappy pic on facebook all proud. I dont live near my family so they didnt know i was thinking about it so the pic was the first they knew. My sister (who is 20 wks pregnant and when i asked if she will breastfeed said "yeah why not at least try"... real commitment!?) commented "let me know how that works for you, i have had friends try cloth diapers and said it was a BAD idea" than said "he looks so cute btw" lol... first off, it is a great IDEA but maybe some just didnt get on with it. Second i did let her know we were getting on fantastically and that it is a fantastic decision.

When i told my mom, she asked why and i explained about all the leaks (she knows first hand how bad disposables are at containing hunters nappy contents as she visited for 3 weeks) and also told her that nappies these days were nothing like the old folds and pins and rubber when she did it with my bro and sis and she was well supportive especially seeing how excited i was (i was telling her as i got nappies in the post... what fun!) And she is pretty cool about it especially seeing the pics

I havent seen any family members that we live near (hubbys family) since we started in cloth but no doubt they will have comments but the thing is, if they were to ever watch him and if they put him in disposables... they can clean up the mess from the leaks!! The thing that pushed me into my final decision was that my LO was on hubbys lap in just a nappy and poo'd and he may as well have not had on a nappy at all. It was running down hubbys leg. Not a leak since and i wouldnt go back :)

Wait til my amber teething necklace shows up :rofl: I dont care if i get called a hippy! They just wish they would have done a lot of this secretly as it all makes life so much better! They are just jealous their LOs dont have cute fluffy bums :)
Thanks for your replies everyone!! It is always interesting to see how people react to things that aren't seen as "normal".

I think they are surprised as A) It is me and I really believe everyone thought I'd be shouting for all the drugs going from the comfort of a hospital bed for delivering her, formula feeding (which in fairness I used to think about me too) and becoming Pampers or Huggies biggest customer but I just don't fancy any of those things now that it is all actually happening and thankfully, Boyo is right on board with everything too.

I'm just not mentioning it again, they asked, we told them, they commented, end of! We will do the same as we do with everything, do what we know is right, sit back and let everyone finally agree!! :haha:

Personally, I think it's nice to see "unlikely" types converting. It shows that cloth etc. are slowly starting to become less weird and better understood.
Yep, me too.

My stepmum (who will be the main babysitter) said she wouldn't be using real nappies when she has him! I had a big chat with her though and actually showed her them (simple ones, like ittis) and explained it's all as simple as disposies really... once she'd seen that and had a play she came around to the idea. I think she thought it'd be much more complicated than it actually is.
I had bad responses from my family, when I said I was going to put her into cloth. My mum said it was very expensive and a waste of money (compared to disposables? :saywhat:), and then once I'd bought them, made comments, AND I QUOTE saying;

"Well, if you don't have anything better to do with your time than wash nappies."

(This is the guilt trip one that a) p*ssed ne me off beyond all reckoning, and b) made me go on the internet and double my stash)
"Shouldn't you be spending the time with your daughter instead of washing nappies"...


NOW none of my family say anything. Peace at last.

OH is massivly supportive of it, and has been from day 1. He shows off a lot about her cloth, and my BFing. Bless 'im. :winkwink:
^ OMG!!!!! How do you reply to a madness comment like that!!!!!!
I just went with :roll:, followed by :dohh:. Or, on more than a few occasions, :grr:, followed by ](*,).
We mostly got smiles and nods or comments about terry nappies and wet paling from people. Once people got to see our stash they almost all said they thought we was crazy but did not want to say but admitted to being impressed once they found out how much they have changed. My Mum was not sure about the modern nappies as opposed to the terry ones she used but once she saw him in them she said they were cute and that the photos of him in them were like a nappy advert. My in-laws even bought us some cloth nappies in the end, so most people came round to the idea! Unfortunately, we are still using a mix of cloth and disposables until the cloth ones fit better and even resorting to using disposables with a wrap over them on a night at the moment.

I think people will always give opinions about natural parenting idea's, we get people saying how unsafe baby-wearing is (despite all the accidents with prams/pushchairs). I got a lot of hassle about wanting a homebirth and it seemed like everyone was happy that I had to have a planned c-section because of problems in pregnancy and a breech baby!

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