Afternoon ladies.
Been a couple of days since I last updated, just been very busy. Obviously AF came in all it's glory, it's so painful. Been very heavy! Finally started slowing down now which is good because we have a BBQ tomorrow for the FA cup finals game. Looking forward to some food, friends and I can have a few bevvies too!
Set myself a 12 month plan now. So I am very excited as the next 12 months are going to be very busy.
June 2024 - FIFA World Cup, lots of parties, bbqs and sunshine. Also have a wedding to go too
July 2014: hubby's birthday on 19th July, also have another wedding to go to. This time it's the ceremony, meal and reception.
August 2014: ANOTHER wedding

my cousins, again very exciting!! We also have a water fun day at work so that's going to be loads of fun.
September 2014: no plans as of yet. Just working hard towards my nvq level 3 in childcare.
October 2014: weight loss dead line, fingers crossed!! Also have a girls holiday in Great Yarmouth and holiday I. Hayling island to look forward too.
November 2014: my birthday. Going to have a big one this year, 26 years old! Lots of money spent haha!
December 2014: friends wedding on the 18th December and of course CHRISTMAS!!
January 2015: new year new start, setting some new year resultions. Working hard.
February 2015: Harvey's 3rd birthday. Still deciding on what to do.
March 2015: still making plans...
April 2015: still making plans...
May 2015: 3 days cruise with my family and my little man. Love cruising!! Was so much fun last time
And there we have it... My 12 month plans. Setting some goals and going to achieve them. Haven't decided on when we are going on TTC yet, but more then likely next year.
Hope you are both doing well. Xxxx