Over 30 and Fabulous!


Mom to 1
Nov 15, 2010
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Hi! :hi: This is the group formerly known as "Early 30s TTC #1" from the TTC forum. A few of us are ttc #1, a few have recently given birth to #1, a few are ttc #2 and one is newly preggo with #2! We decided to move our thread out of the TTC forums because we've become a pretty tight group of buddies over the past few years. :hugs:

Just in case anyone wants or needs to read our former thread, here's the link:

Just thought this was funny for all you SAHMs...


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:wave: yay! feels exciting but kinda sad too as 30s TTc has been my favourite place on BnB for 2 years, but totally the right thing to do :kiss:

Here's hoping all our dreams come true and we continue to share them with each other on this thread and in our journals :happydance:
:hi: everyone.

Glad we are keeping this going with everyone (hopefully other ladies who haven't posted in awhile cause of having their baby will join us as well). I agree with MrsMax - the Early 30's TTC #1 was my fav place on BnB and the only I have been managing to actually catch up on since Amelia was born (sorry crap journal stalker lately :dohh:)
Has anyone pm'd Jogu ,Soliel, Crumbs etc at all??
Super excited as Amelia is asleep and having a nap :happydance:. I swear I have the worst napper in the world. Fights sleep during the day like nothing else - insanely exhausting for me.
No more in the TTC#1 group...although I haven't yet DELIVERED #1!! :haha:

This makes good sense, though, especially given the kinds of questions I am throwing out at you all right now on parenting/baby stuff.

So I'm just popping in...actually doing a bit of work on the diss. So I'm trying to behave and not come online too much (trying!!).

Hakuna, woman! You go, girl! You get that belly big with another beautiful babe! We're rooting for a healthy pregnancy! :flower:

MrsPTTC - I just wanted to say that Penny is so darn cute! And her mouth is just adorably shaped! Like a little rose bud! :kiss:

I hope the other/old thread doesn't close down. I feel like I need to go back to it still - so much information! And I also think that I want to copy down my story over the years. Will try to find some time to do that before the summer comes and goes. If anyone catches wind of that thread about to get closed, let me know!!

Next appt. on Friday. Can't wait to see our Little One!! :happydance:
Has anyone pm'd Jogu ,Soliel, Crumbs etc at all??

Not yet. Anyone want to volunteer? Anyone talk to them on another thread? I see SB made it! :hi:

Super excited as Amelia is asleep and having a nap :happydance:. I swear I have the worst napper in the world. Fights sleep during the day like nothing else - insanely exhausting for me.

Have you tried feeding her a little before her nap? I give jack a little bottle before each nap and he sleeps great. Because of that, he doesn't do the "8 oz bottle" thing, but that's okay. He eats lots of 4 -6 oz bottles and I'm fine with it.

FYI, I posted a link to our former thread in the first post of this thread, since SB mentioned she wanted to check it.

SB, I think you can print threads or download them as a pdf or something. Might be worth checking out.

Jack: he's cutting a tooth! Dudes, teething SUCKS hard core. I have been giving him motrin in his first and last bottle of the day, so hopefully that's helping the poor little guy. I actually felt the tooth! He likes to use my fingers as teethers :wacko: and it was so sharp! Then, I looked (and after I pried his tongue out of the way), I saw it! A little white nubbin poppin' through! :happydance: Hopefully it'll come in quickly so his pain and crankiness will subside.
Wow a tooth. How exciting. Hope it comes through quickly.

Yeah I have tried swaddle/not swaddle, feeding her, walking the house with her, rocking her in her cradle. If she doesn't want to go to sleep she won't even if she is tired. Yesterday she ended up sleeping for about 2.5hours across the day which was huge for her. She has also started waking from her naps screaming. I don't think it reflux as it doesn't matter whether she is asleep in her cradle, cot, our bed or semi upright on us. Also she doesn't wake screaming at night or in the morning. Weird :shrug:

I don't think threads get closed exactly. I think newer threads just move then further and further down the list. I have searched for stuff and been directed to threads from 2009 etc that obviously haven't been active in years.
teething does suck! Eva's are just coming through - little white nubs and yep, they hurt when she chows down on your finger!!!! Hope Jack's pop out fully soon.

As for naps - Eva wakes from them screaming too - but not at night or in the morning! Weird that A does that too - maybe it is a nap thing! I can now get E down for her morning nap in 10-15 minutes, but I have to catch the first yawn or she gets really grouchy. I put her down and she cries non-stop for about 5 minutes - i stay with her and ssh her and hold her hands down against her chest. I talk soothingly to her so its not CIO. She then starts to slow down and whimper, then a few more strokes of her hair and she drifts off. I slowly release her hands and keep my hand on her chest for an hour minute or so and then we are usually done. She stays down from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Her afternoon nap is way more of a struggle though and I often fail at that one and resort to going out in the pram (which makes her sleep) or we skip it altogether...

Off to try a baby sensory class today - should be fun!
teething does suck! Eva's are just coming through - little white nubs and yep, they hurt when she chows down on your finger!!!! Hope Jack's pop out fully soon.

As for naps - Eva wakes from them screaming too - but not at night or in the morning! Weird that A does that too - maybe it is a nap thing! I can now get E down for her morning nap in 10-15 minutes, but I have to catch the first yawn or she gets really grouchy. I put her down and she cries non-stop for about 5 minutes - i stay with her and ssh her and hold her hands down against her chest. I talk soothingly to her so its not CIO. She then starts to slow down and whimper, then a few more strokes of her hair and she drifts off. I slowly release her hands and keep my hand on her chest for an hour minute or so and then we are usually done. She stays down from 45 minutes to 2 hours. Her afternoon nap is way more of a struggle though and I often fail at that one and resort to going out in the pram (which makes her sleep) or we skip it altogether...

Off to try a baby sensory class today - should be fun!

Hmm haven't tried that exactly. Might have to give that a go. Catching that first sign of tiredness is a struggle to as she gets her second wind so quick. This week has been better than last week - less whingey and overtired - I am thinking maybe she was late with her growth spurt?? Plus I think the emotio/ adrenal of having my MRI and seeing the doc the previous weeks ran out so I was more tired and emotional last week.

What is a baby sensory class?
How quickly did AF reappear for those with bubs??

I thought it was on its way last week as I was zit city :growlmad: but nothing so far which I am happy about. Not looking forward to cramps returning.
Fumf has 7 teeth now! 4 on top, 3 on the bottom. No new ones have broken through recently. When she's having a bad teething night she screams, drools, and mouths things. I give her orajel and sometimes baby tylenol and it helps.
msj, I got my af pretty quickly after jack was born, but I wasn't exclusively bf. I wasn't expecting it so fast though, and it was a bummer. I did not miss the cramps! :dohh:

hakuna, is the pain, crankiness, etc. just as terrible when each tooth comes in?? Man alive, not sure we can do this 19 more times. :nope:

Jack's runny nose is back. It was better yesterday and today it's bad. Poor thing. It's so gross too! I try to suck it out with the sucker, but he won't hold his face still. :haha: I took his temp because he felt warm and it's 99.4...I'm hoping that's the "low grade fever" that comes with teething??? I hope he's not getting sick. My poor little baby.
Unfortunately it's bad each time... but it passes fairly quickly. We've had a bit of a respite since the 7th one cut several weeks ago :flower:
:shock: not looking forward to teeth. Angelo has zero teeth so far but I'm convinced he's got one coming.

I've been exclusively BF and my AF came back when Angelo was about 5 months old but it's been all over the place. Long cycles, short cycles, short luteal phase - but I guess the main upside of my post-baby AF is that I've had no painful cramping! And my AF used to be a hazy, vomity nightmare every month, and I even had prescription painkillers and anti-sickness meds but I haven't had to use any pain relief or renewed my prescriptions, so that's saying something.
MsJ - its funny you asked about AF - I was googling that earlier this week. I read that if you are exclusively bfing and frequently feeding (eg every 2-3 hours) it is very unlikely (I think it was on Kellysmom website where I got the info. I was actaully looking as I would like to get my body back into its rythm sooner rather than later so we can start NTNP in the summer :blush: :wacko: there is a lady on on eof my mom and baby groups who had help to have her baby (not sure whether it was IUI or IVF) and then got a surprise BFP when first baby was 7 months and I just thought that sounded amazing!!!

I havent had any sign of AF yet, even though I am doing combined feeding. I expect for me it wont show up until I stop or just do one or two feed. the website said that it woudl sometimes return if you suddenly stop for a few days - I wonder if you stpping for the MRI might mean that will happen to you...?

I found out a year ago today that i was preggo with E - how awesome is that!!??? x

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