Over 30, expecting #1


I'm 35 and we got pregnant in our 3rd month of NTNP.

I'm having a brilliant pregnancy! I've been in good health throughout and with no sickness other than feeling a little queasy between 6-10 weeks.
We haven't found out the sex of our baby and are looking forward to meeting our little surprise on 30th December :)

Kelly we have the same due date!
I have pcos and endometriosis, and our consultant advised us to avoid dtd until about 16 weeks.

Yikes- I have PCOS and my Doc didn't say anything about holding off...hm, maybe I should ask, but I'll be nervous whatever the Doc says. I am definitly a TP checker.
The nice thing about being married for 11 years is that my hubby won't give me any guff if I say I am too nervous- we have both learned to pick our battles:laugh2:

Thanks for all of the great replies- looks like the article I read was wrong; there are several of you keeping the gender a surprise!

Can I just say how awesome it is to be on a thread with women from all around the world, who are around my age and about to have baby#1 :hugs: And I love that we are in all different stages of pregnancy, so 2nd and 3rd tris can advise us newbies- and the first to birth can come back and give us even more guidance!
I'll join you guys! I'm 34 and preg with my first! I'm so excited! Got preg naturally within 4 months of trying! I turn 35 just 2 weeks after my due date. My Dr. told me if I was due 2 weeks later I'd be considered "Advanced Maternal Age". Not sure I like that label!
Forgot to say, my due date is feb 15th x
Hi guys, can I join you? I am 31 will be 32 when our 1st baby arrives! We got pregnant on the 6th month of trying (first month of taking AC, EPO and B6 - went all out). Due March 12th!:thumbup:
I'll join you guys! I'm 34 and preg with my first! I'm so excited! Got preg naturally within 4 months of trying! I turn 35 just 2 weeks after my due date. My Dr. told me if I was due 2 weeks later I'd be considered "Advanced Maternal Age". Not sure I like that label!

Maybe it differs by jurisdiction, I am just over two years older than you and my Dr. specifically told me that I am not considered high risk just because I am 36.
Forgot to add too :blush:

EDD April 12th (our lil easter egg) and got preggers naturally after 7 LONG mths. :winkwink:
I want in! I’ve been a regular visitor to these boards for over a year now but have never really posted much. Now that I’m pregnant and getting excited I feel more compelled to post but it’s tough being a newbie. Glad I can catch this group as it gets started.

I’ll be 34 next week and hubby will be 35 next month. We’ve been married just over a year and were TTC for ten months before getting lucky with this little one after an early MC in January. I’m 13 weeks and my EDD is March 21, 2012.

So far I’ve had a pretty good pregnancy. I didn’t suffer from much morning sickness but had general all-day queasiness through weeks 5-11. It seems to have passed, now I just struggle with constant exhaustion!

We are not planning on finding out what we’re having as we want the surprise in that moment. As for sex, I was a little nervous at first because of our early loss before, but we persevered anyway! I haven’t been feeling too “in the mood” during my queasiness and tiredness, but we still manage to be intimate 2-3 times per week so hubby isn’t complaining (at least he better not be!)

Most of our friends have children already, so it will be nice to connect with some people in a similar situation. I’ll work on getting one of those cute countdown tickers going soon!
My Dr. told me if I was due 2 weeks later I'd be considered "Advanced Maternal Age". Not sure I like that label!

Yeah, the USA docs are nutty about ‘advanced maternal age’.:growlmad:
I have a topic/ question:
Anyone considering taking a break or completely walking away from a career to stay with the baby?
I like my job and I'm good at it, but I would stay home for the first couple of years, if we had enough money, which we don’t. Childcare and insurance will take half of my paycheck, but we need the insurance and the other half of my pay check. We have a mortgage and student loans but no car payments, and we still need my income to meet our basic needs. So, I have about 4 months of leave saved up and I will use that and then it’s back to work for me.

PS- let’s not let dissolve into an argument about stay at home moms vs. work moms. To each her own!
I'll be taking a break from my career when LO comes. Not an easy decision at all since I put so much time and money into my education and career (and will still be paying on my student loans). But I've decided that since we can afford to make it work on DH's income (just barely!) I'd like to stay home for at least the first year or so...we'll just see what happens after that.

And I'll add that I have the utmost respect for both moms who work outside the home and those who are home full time - we are all moms, afterall - so no arguments from me!
Hi all, I'm 31 and expecting our first on 27th March.

We have been very lucky in that we've had absolutely no problems with conceiving. I came off BCP in Jan this year with the intention that we would start trying after our last big holiday to America in May.

Due to AF, we started trying on 10th June and then i got BFP on 22nd July! Amazing! We had our dating scan yesterday putting us at 12 +1, measuring 56mm. :D
you may think we're nuts but our plan is 3mths (if we can swing it) off work then bubs is coming in. :wacko: We own our business (MIL works the phones in the mornings and 1 other employee) so there is alittle more room to work it but it's gonna be crazy! We have a plan to make a small nursery in a corner of my showroom but a baby carrier will be my best friend for sure:haha: Since we are owner/operators and i run ALL sales right now we can't afford for me to be out too long :nope: We both wish i could stay home a couple years though.
Hi all, I'm 31 and expecting our first on 27th March.

We have been very lucky in that we've had absolutely no problems with conceiving. I came off BCP in Jan this year with the intention that we would start trying after our last big holiday to America in May.

Due to AF, we started trying on 10th June and then i got BFP on 22nd July! Amazing! We had our dating scan yesterday putting us at 12 +1, measuring 56mm. :D

congrats & georgous avitar!
Yay, Animalcracker! So glad you stopped by.
I went the natural route, too, but it took 5 years, so we are very excited and very, very nervous in this early stage.
My main problem right now is just trying to let go of the anxiety, but I am working on it.

Hi Lizzy!

I completely understand how you feel. When I first found out I was pg at first I was :wohoo::yipee: and then I couldn't stop wondering if something was going to go wrong again. Honestly I was on pins and needles and I'm still on pins and needles LOL

I can't speak for anyone else but my little fetal doppler has been a godsend to me. It is the best $50 I have ever spent and really helps set my mind at ease, especially after my loss last year.

Try to be positive Liz, I know it is hard but as my Dr. told me - the majority of pregnancies go without a hitch and the majority of babies are born without any issues!:hugs:
Mind if a hopeful-father-to-be lurks around this thread too? :flower:

I'm 31, she's 32... Almost 5 weeks in, HCG tested good earlier this week. Blood tests every two days and the first scan in about 2 weeks... (It's fairly high risk, despite getting lucky with a BFP pretty quickly.)

Told the parents on both sides last night. Everyone is very happy...as this wasn't really expected given the chances. But also means I'll be worrying even more over the next few weeks/months...it being so early right now. So far so good though. :happydance:

Welcome! I know it is just as stressful for fathers as well as mothers! Feel free to ask any questions and congratulations to you!:happydance:
Hi all, I'm 31 and expecting our first on 27th March.

We have been very lucky in that we've had absolutely no problems with conceiving. I came off BCP in Jan this year with the intention that we would start trying after our last big holiday to America in May.

Due to AF, we started trying on 10th June and then i got BFP on 22nd July! Amazing! We had our dating scan yesterday putting us at 12 +1, measuring 56mm. :D

No way, we decided to stop being careful after a trip to America. We drove from LA to new York in May :) and in July *boom* it happened. There must be something in the American water. Teehee, everyone I know who came back from America got pregnant. :o
This thread moves so quickly....I love it! :)
I have pcos and endometriosis, and our consultant advised us to avoid dtd until about 16 weeks.

"Yikes- I have PCOS and my Doc didn't say anything about holding off...hm, maybe I should ask, but I'll be nervous whatever the Doc says. I am definitly a TP checker."

Liz I think the dr advised us this as more of a psychological thing than a physical thing. Its hard not to worry, but ive kept myself busy with work and decorating. Also i had scans at 4/8/12/20 weeks which is great and looking forward to the next milestone really helps.

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