Over 35 and Pregnant!

Pip~Great scan pics. Isn't it lovely how they are total little people already. :)

Yeah, Pip! Told you it would be good. :)

I'm going crazy on bed rest here myself. I has some red blood streaked cm yesterday and just went ahead and called the clinic. So bed rest, lots of fluids, and no sex for me. My regular appointment is Friday (in two days) so hopefully the Doctor will give me some time limits on that stuff. ;)

Other than that, I am feeling the baby move at times and we had a good heartbeat at the clinic. I am hoping it was just one of those things and we can get back to normal.
Hmmm... they don't usually LIFT the no sex restriction, but I wish you luck with that one. I am also on restriction. Lucky us.
Hi.. I am new to this site, I will be 40 in Sept and I just got my bfp at 9dpo, we got pregnant on our first month of ttc. I am so glad this is here as I worry about what ppl say about getting pregnant at this age. We are both healthy , I also have a 10 yr old son, it will be a first baby for my partner, he is 39 as well
hi pip glad your news is good is your lo called wringgle bum then, :) cute name , really pleased for you ,hi new addition and welcome, :flower: first month trying is fantastic i`m 43 and it took me 3 cycles but i thought it would take longer
Hi Ladies
Great thread, mind if I join? I am 40 and pregnant with my first! It has been quite the journey. I am sure many of you have had special and some challenging journeys of your own, and I look forward to hearing them and getting to know all of you!

I am excited about this pregnancy but tend to get nerves and worries sometimes. I have had scans due to a bleed and all is well, and I already love my lil bean.

My partner and I are raising his 10 year old son together and are excited for my first...

Saw my specialist yesterday had a fab scan...then met with him about planning the NT testing and hearing the "risks" that sucked but whatever any age has a risk. I have a feeling all will be well for me. I have had one earlier loss, it was in 2009 and lost very early. Since then have found I was low in progestrone which I take pills for now...so sorry to ramble.

Can't wait to hear the stories and watch the newcomers!!!!
Hi Ladies
Great thread, mind if I join? I am 40 and pregnant with my first! It has been quite the journey. I am sure many of you have had special and some challenging journeys of your own, and I look forward to hearing them and getting to know all of you!

I am excited about this pregnancy but tend to get nerves and worries sometimes. I have had scans due to a bleed and all is well, and I already love my lil bean.

My partner and I are raising his 10 year old son together and are excited for my first...

Saw my specialist yesterday had a fab scan...then met with him about planning the NT testing and hearing the "risks" that sucked but whatever any age has a risk. I have a feeling all will be well for me. I have had one earlier loss, it was in 2009 and lost very early. Since then have found I was low in progestrone which I take pills for now...so sorry to ramble.

Can't wait to hear the stories and watch the newcomers!!!!

Welcome and congrats on your first!

AFM~I feel a bit wobbly and useless today, lol. A middle school student (I'm a teacher) said to me today, "Hi Mrs. G... Whoa! That's a big belly!" Yes, yes it is... it contains a little person... lol.
Welcome creatingpeace. Congratulations on your pregnancy.

:hugs: sweetmama. Children are so cute (sometimes!).

Pip x
welcome creatingpeace :flower: pregnancy is such a scary journey but well worth it when we`re holding our little bundle at the end, hi sweet mama just realised how far along you are ,just over 4 weeks to go bet you are excited x
Had our regular appointment today and the 20 week scan is scheduled for next Wednesday! It will be good to see the little one but still planning on waiting for a surprise gender in September. I lost three pounds since Tuesday but on bed rest, I wasn't surprised. Didn't eat as often as it was too much trouble and I couldn't stay up to cook during the day.

I asked my doctor (as opposed to the one I saw on Tuesday) about the bed rest and stuff and she said just to take it easy so we are good to go!! ;)

So everything looks good at the moment.
Hellooooooo all

Just found this lovely 35+ thread woop woop! Where have I been?????

It's nice to read about all you other 'older' or should I say wiser/cooler/age superior yummy mummies (older mum is such a naff term :thumbup:.)

I am 39 (just :D), live in lovely East Yorkshire and am expecting baby no 2. My first baby is now 20...big age gap I know ;) and I am sooo excited.
This pregnancy has been the easiest so far as I don't have the stress and financial worries that I had when I was 19 but it has been harder on me morning sickness and fatigue wise.

I have my 20 week scan on Tuesday and can't wait to find out if bubs is a little boy or girl. I really don't mind which as long as I find out so I can get buying some cute outfits.

Hope you all have a fabulous bank holiday weekend (if your from the UK) if you're not...have a fabulous weekend too! :hugs:

Love Bams x
Hi there Bambers! I am almost 39 and my oldest is almost 18 (of course, I have two in the middle, lol). I can relate to the difference between pregnant at 20 and now. The financial aspect of it is an incredible difference: I can be picky and get just what I want, etc, lol. Congratulations on your new baby. Hugs.
Hi! :hi: Not sure if I'm able to join, but I'm almost 35, and will be throughout a lot of my pregnancy. I'm Anna, I'm 34 (35 in July) and expecting our 2nd in December. I am really pleased to see a group for "age-superior" moms (love that term - so much better than "older"!) and would love to get to know you better.

Can I join? I'm Patti, 36 and newly pregnant with #2 who will be born 3 months after I turn 37. I currently have a 5 1/2 year old and I suspect this pregnancy is going to be a little more challenging given that I am older than when I was pregnant with dd, I'm 30 pounds heavier than when I was 1st pregnant with her, aaaaand my husband is gone until a month before I am due.

Thanks for creating the thread! :)
Hi everyone and what a lovely thread!!! :flower:

I'm 38 (39 in July) - my OH is 47 - and this is our first baby (none from previous relationships either). It took us 14 months to conceive, although I did get pregnant on the 5th month of TTC and had a m/c around 5.5 weeks.

I'm just about at the stage where I'm relaxing a bit into this pregnancy now (she whispers) - given I had the m/c last year I was worrying quite a lot near the beginning - and had pretty bad tiredness and nausea - but fingers crossed I'm into the nice 2nd tri bit now!!

I had a quick read of the other pages and I agree this is a pretty inspirational thread to give hope and encouragement to the over 35s that are TTC. Ideally my OH and I would like to have 2 children, so you've also give me hope that it can be done in the over 40s too - because that's where I'll be when TTC number 2!!!

Pip - those are really cute scan pics, btw

Ciarhwyfar and Bamber - how exciting to have your 20 week scans next week!!

Looking forward to getting to know you all and great to have a place to share with older/wiser (?!!) Mum's to be xx :hugs:
:wave: new mums! I'm on my phone so will post properly later!


Pip x
Hi - I've not been on here since I lost my last at 8 weeks after only finding out at my 12 week scan - I was devastated and it has taken both me and my OH a long time to get over it - it was good to read other peoples stories and realize that I was not the only one in the world that was going through the same pain. That was in September 2009. I have just found out I am pregnant again - 6 weeks - I'm 37 (38 in July) - this will be our first child. I want this more than anything else in the world but I am terrified. Its the running out of time aspect that worries me the most - it has taken us over one and a half years to get pregnant again - I just fear I don't have this much time left again if I loose this one. I'm dreading going for my first scan but I am trying my hardest to keep positive!!
Hi - I've not been on here since I lost my last at 8 weeks after only finding out at my 12 week scan - I was devastated and it has taken both me and my OH a long time to get over it - it was good to read other peoples stories and realize that I was not the only one in the world that was going through the same pain. That was in September 2009. I have just found out I am pregnant again - 6 weeks - I'm 37 (38 in July) - this will be our first child. I want this more than anything else in the world but I am terrified. Its the running out of time aspect that worries me the most - it has taken us over one and a half years to get pregnant again - I just fear I don't have this much time left again if I loose this one. I'm dreading going for my first scan but I am trying my hardest to keep positive!!

Congratulations Sydney :flower: - sounds like a tough and remarkable journey - and I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. Are you going to be able to have an early scan this time round? I had a scan at about 6.5 weeks this time and it really helped to reassure me. Also, I've read that most women who have a m/c the first time will go full-term the next time - it's only if you have 3 m/cs in a row that you've got a higher chance of having another one. Fingers crossed for you :hugs:
Hi everyone

I was just wondering what your experiences of telling people have been?

We haven't told many people about this baby yet as just days after letting everyone know last time I miscarried. A few of my close friends 'unofficially' know, along with some work colleagues who need to know.

I took part in a St Georges Day parade for Scouts today and I mentioned to one of the other mums that I needed to be close to a loo as I was pregnant. She asked me if it was planned! What a question! Does she think I'm too old?!!!

So, I just wondered if you'd had any unexpected/rude/strange reactions.

Pip x
We didn't really tell anyone until after the 12 week scan. From my Mum I got "Congratulations, I guess." and my baby sister said "12 weeks isn't very far along." Guess I could have waited to call her until the baby was born....:rofl:
Hi everyone

I was just wondering what your experiences of telling people have been?

We haven't told many people about this baby yet as just days after letting everyone know last time I miscarried. A few of my close friends 'unofficially' know, along with some work colleagues who need to know.

I took part in a St Georges Day parade for Scouts today and I mentioned to one of the other mums that I needed to be close to a loo as I was pregnant. She asked me if it was planned! What a question! Does she think I'm too old?!!!

So, I just wondered if you'd had any unexpected/rude/strange reactions.

Pip x
I wasn't going to tell anyone at work until after 12 weeks and having the scan then, but my students called me out (I'm a teacher-14 year olds). They caught me so off guard when they asked me straight out that I had to admit it. I told my boss the next day. I was around 10-11 weeks along. My boss (the principal) was only concerned with if I would be around for CST testing (state testing)... I have to make it 12 more days (out of the 4 weeks I have left) to get past that mark.
What the heck, I'll post this here, too. I'm so excited to share. We have a small place and this is my last baby.

My baby things are all ready. Here it is. Please excuse the picture quality. They are taken with a cell phone.

Everything is set up in my room. I love this wall decoration.

Pink Squirrel at the bottom of the tree and baby's bed waiting for her.

The changing pad has already been put in the big space there. It has a pretty, soft pink cover.
What a beautiful nursery, Sweet_Mama! It's lovely.

We've told close family, and some work colleagues know as I've been feeling so sick. Everyone has been delighted for us, so thankfully I've not had any of the negativity some of you are experiencing.

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